Chapter 518: Hao Yun's Guard Huo Baba

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Huo Kuang's answer was completely beyond Hao Yun's expectations and full of surprises, but it also made Hao Yun a little confused. He felt that Huo Kuang's thinking was too jumping and had no boundaries. The kind of production line.

Once opened, public servants can start to be produced continuously, but the public servants produced are all other people's soldiers and have nothing to do with them, unless these public servants are controlled. Hao Yun had this idea at the earliest

, but these public servants are not creatures with complex intelligence in the first place, so Hao Yun cannot hypnotize them through hypnotic techniques at all. No matter what subconscious mind is added, it has no effect, and Hao Yun has no clue at all. Fortunately,

Hao Yun has only conducted hypnosis experiments on maintenance servants. If it is a combat servant, Hao Yun's reckless behavior may expose his whereabouts and attract a large number of guards to kill him. If so,

Hao Yun and the others are miserable.

Hao Yun looked at the production line and asked in disbelief: "How do you plan to produce our own public servants? Can you also make the produced public servants your own creatures?"

Huo Kuang laughed and replied: "How is that possible? This is not my little world. As long as it is produced here, it must be other people's things."

"Then why are you bringing this up? It makes me so excited." Hao Yun felt particularly disappointed.

"Oh, why are you so stupid? My little world cannot cover here, but the production line can be moved." Huo Kuang reminded Hao Yundao.

"Even if the production line can be moved, how to solve the energy system, and the servants produced in your small world, the intelligence will be destroyed if summoned, what's the use? Do you still let me control it? Besides, this is too laborious.

Why don't I ask Xiaohong to scan the guards and follow the previous method, which might be faster." Hao Yun immediately retorted, his brain was spinning very quickly and he could easily find the problem.

"This is different. For me, Xiaohong's method is only suitable for fire energy bodies, and there is no method for other systems. However, I just checked these production lines, and the actual energy system they use is water spiritual power.

After all, the base is at the bottom of the sea, where water spiritual power is the richest. If you use other spiritual powers, the gain will definitely outweigh the losses. However, you have also seen that the production line driven by water spiritual power can produce servants of various types.

Therefore, I guess that these production lines can convert energy of various attributes. This is a very big progress. Back then, the life-making device could only create fire-type life. It seems that the technology of goblins is also developing very fast.

"Huo Kuang talked eloquently, talking about his new discovery. As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the door. Hao Yun is just a layman. Although he also investigated the production line, in fact, his important

Not only could I not see the place, I couldn't understand it even if I looked carefully.

After Huo Kuang's suggestion, Hao Yun decided to start transferring these production lines to Huo Kuang's world, but this was a big job for them. First of all, the volume of the production lines was still too large, and the overall transfer was not feasible.

The space of Huo Kuang cannot open such a large opening, so we can only think of ways to split the production lines; also, the space of Huo Kuang is not that big, and it is impossible to move all the production lines. It is just a factory like this.

Hao Yun estimated that the area was larger than that of Huo Kuang. Therefore, they could only choose one of them, or at most two production lines. Finally, Hao Yun and Huo Kuang decided to choose the maintenance servant and fire element combat

These two production lines are public servants.

Originally, Hao Yun was somewhat critical of Huo Kuang's decision to choose the fire-type combat servant production line, but after Huo Kuang's persuasion, Hao Yun understood what he meant. For Huo Kuang, the main purpose of moving these production lines is to

To learn these new technologies, as long as you understand the principles and know everything about them, you can produce any system in the future. The fire system production line was chosen because Huo Kuang is the most familiar with the fire system, so compared to the line that repairs public servants

, the fire-type servant is the most likely to be able to solve it. Now is an important moment, and it is not suitable to spend a lot of time on research. They need to produce a qualified servant as soon as possible, and this servant is Hao Yun who can successfully

A useful weapon for reconnaissance in the base.

In order to split the production line, Hao Yun called everyone in the Huo Kuang World. At this time, it was definitely too late to go back to find Yuan Hong, not to mention that they did not have the ability to successfully reach the factory. Therefore, Hao Yun could only

All their trump cards were revealed, but fortunately there was no one here. Zhang Yinfan and Li Feng both had in-depth knowledge about the creation of spiritual weapons. When they saw the production line, they immediately showed expressions of extreme shock.

One person is responsible for a production line and splits it up, while the others help them. Shengzi is also a person who knows the goods. He looked at the production line carefully and whispered in a low voice: "This is an improved life-making device.

It’s a bit interesting, it looks a bit incomplete, but it’s more advanced.”

At this time, Hao Yun didn't care what the Holy Son thought. Now he had to race against time to complete the dismantling as soon as possible and transfer to the world of fire madness. Hao Yun was also afraid that the guards suddenly appeared. This would be too bad.

What's more, this might be a small world of monsters and fairies. Thinking of this, the hairs all over Hao Yun's body stood up, and he felt like there was a sinister wind around him.

Quartz Sword had had enough of staying in the crazy world of Huo. He finally came out to take a breath and came out to work. He didn't complain at all, but when he saw the production line, he began to feel dazed and pointed at the production line.

For a long time, he couldn't say a complete sentence. Later, because he was busy with work, he didn't bother to talk. Hao Yun didn't take Quartz Sword's behavior seriously either. He probably spent a lot of time in West Wind Continent.

For a long time, the goblin's technological products may have been regarded as those of the West Wind Continent.

The disassembly work was relatively smooth. Fortunately, they were all modular in design, which not only facilitated manufacturing, but also facilitated assembly and disassembly. Soon everyone discovered that although there were two production lines, some modules actually had almost the same functions. Even if there were

The difference is not big. However, at this time, no one has time to distinguish it carefully. The most important thing is to dismantle and move it quickly. Soon, in the factory that Hao Yun faced, there were originally two production lines.

The place became empty. Everyone else has returned to Huo Kuang's world, and they have to reassemble the production line. As long as Huo Kuang solves the energy problem, production can begin.

Huo Kuang's idea is also simple. The energy system is definitely not easy to solve at once, but he can directly use the line guarded by the fire system. Originally, the energy module of the production line requires energy conversion, but Huo Kuang can not pass it.

This energy module directly uses the energy of its own fire space to input into this production line. This is why Huo Kuang chose the fire guard production line.

Hao Yun's consciousness was also projected into the world of Huo Kuang. When he saw a fire guard appearing in front of him, he felt very weird, as if a creature that did not belong to the world of Huo Kuang had magically appeared.

Hao Yun thought for a long time before he suddenly realized. He pointed at the guard and said to Huo Kuang: "You definitely can't make this thing by yourself. The most you can make is about the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, and this production line can

There is a huge gap between mass-produced public servants at the Tribulation Stage level!"

"Isn't this nonsense? Otherwise, why would I need this production line? In fact, I should be very strong, but I just can't show it. I just want to understand the principle of this production line. Why can I produce as long as the input energy is enough?

To produce powerful servants, however, producing just one servant will cost me my life, and it requires too much energy. I will have to rest for at least a year and a half to replenish it." The voice coming from Huo Kuang seemed weak.

Yes, but you could tell that he was very excited.

After having the guard, Hao Yun began to summon him, and the summoning went very smoothly. What was even more surprising was that the guard summoned this time still had his own soul and was not an idiot like before. If Hao Yun hadn't

To control it, it was just a statue. Hao Yun was a little strange at first, but later he figured it out. After all, the creatures in the previous fire mad world were too weak, and this guard was at least at the early stage of the Tribulation. Compared with Wanwan,

Said to be even better.

As Hao Yun's summoned beast, this guard must obey Hao Yun's orders, so Hao Yun ordered him to find other guards first to see if he could find out some military information. Hao Yun traveled through the river of time on the third floor

After walking around, they couldn't find the stairs or entrances to other floors. Hao Yun guessed that it was probably a hidden design. Therefore, without this guard, they would have to find another way to find the hidden passage. This is not easy. Even Wanwan

They also come to find them through possession, but the actions of these public servants are not under their control. Who knows where they will go. It depends entirely on luck. This is not what Hao Yun and the others expected.

After the guard walked out of the factory gate, Hao Yun used the light and shadow technique to follow the guard at a distance. The only thing he was worried about now was whether the guards could communicate with each other normally. If not, how to solve the problem. When Hao Yun's guard encountered

While other guards were guarding, Hao Yun, who had been on tenterhooks, finally felt relieved.

"Huo Baba, did you just give birth?" One of the guards asked Hao Yun's guard.

Of course, these guards do not communicate through language. As energy-body creatures, they communicate through spiritual consciousness. Hao Yun's guard, No. 88, is a product coming off the production line, and it has a label directly on it.

When it was first produced, Hao Yun still couldn't figure out whether the number eighty-eight meant the model number or something else. Now through visual sharing, Hao Yun saw that other guards also had various numbers on them, and now Hao Yun understood

, this number should be the production batch number.

"Tu Liuwu, I just logged off, and now I'm requesting to join the team." Huo Baba replied.

"It's really strange. Just now a maintenance 519 went offline, and now there's another Huobaba. It seems that the enemies invading this time are quite powerful. They can actually reduce our number." Tu Liuwu said to himself.

He said, after looking at Huo Baba, he pointed to the right, "You go to the command room over there to report, and then you can go online to take over the mission."

Huo Baba followed the direction of Tu Liuwu's finger and arrived at the command room smoothly. Hao Yun originally thought there might be a commander here, but in the end there was no one in the command room, not even guards. Command room

There is a round platform in the middle, which looks like it should be possible to stand on it. Hao Yungang wanted Huo Baba to stand on it and try it, but Huo Kuang suddenly shouted to him to stop.

Hao Yun didn't know what problem Huo Kuang had discovered. Just when he was about to ask, Huo Kuang spoke first: "Didn't you realize that these guards are not the simple wisdom we imagined? From the conversation just now, it was obvious that they

They have their own thinking."

Hao Yun thought about it and realized something was wrong. He felt that Tu Liuwu's self-talk was no different from that of normal people. Moreover, they also knew that there was an enemy invasion, but they didn't seem to do anything. Hao Yun thought for a moment.

, asked: "Are the guards different from the maintenance servants? Are they much smarter?"

"No, it should be the same. In fact, when Huo Baba first went offline, when I gave him life, I found that this Huo Baba was very different from the previous creatures. His consciousness should be divided into two parts. One part is estimated to be

It is used to control his behavior, but it is not activated; the other part is his normal consciousness. Normally, the creatures in my world do not need extra control, but the guards here are different. They are under

Strict control, that is to say, once this place goes online, Huo Baba will probably be controlled by the system here." Huo Kuang said.
This chapter has been completed!
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