Return to the Division Chapter 47: Auction

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Finally, the day of the auction arrived. Hao Yun and Fang Lao came to Heqi Building together. There was a waiter waiting downstairs, who took them to the floor where the auction house was located and then left.

Feifei was already waiting for the arrival of Hao Yun and Mr. Fang at the gate of the auction. After seeing them, she was very happy and politely saluted Mr. Fang. Feifei took them to the VIP room, which was

Specifically provided for them, there are a total of three chairs arranged in a row. A long nanmu table is placed in front of it. There is a jade tea table on the table. A set of tea sets and some refreshments are placed on the tea table. People sit on it.

The chair faces a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass window, which faces the center of the auction stage. A silent magic circle and a shielding magic circle are arranged in the room. When turned on, the outside world cannot inquire through spiritual consciousness. Although the room is not big,

It is already the best VIP room. After all, there are many people coming to the auction, and the room takes up too much area, which is not in line with the purpose of the auction.

After entering the room, Mr. Xing had already sat down in the room, waiting for their arrival. Mr. Fang and Mr. Xing were obviously no strangers. Mr. Fang gave Mr. Xing a junior salute. Mr. Xing motioned to Feifei to take Hao Yun out for a walk first.

Leaving the room to them was in line with Hao Yun and Feifei's wishes. There were not enough chairs, so the two of them closed the door and ran away.

There is still some time before the auction starts, and most people haven't come, so Hao Yun and Feifei are going to go to the shopping mall downstairs. Mr. Fang gives Hao Yun a spiritual crystal card, which contains 20,000 low-grade spiritual crystals, which can be used for shopping.

He spent it casually. Hao Yun had also seen people with a lot of money. When he heard that it was only 20,000 low-grade spiritual crystals, he felt that the master was too stingy. Mr. Fang said: If you want it, I will take it back! Hao Yun hurriedly stepped forward.

Taking away the Spirit Crystal Card, I thought that no matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat. Besides, I have never spent more than 20,000 yuan casually.

The shopping mall downstairs is divided into ten floors, and each floor has a theme. Hao Yun decided to try his luck on the floor selling magic formulas, but Feifei was not very happy, saying that he knew how to practice all day long, and it was not easy for him to come shopping.

If you want to go shopping in the center, you should put aside your cultivation matters and go around casually. Hao Yun understands that shopping for men is completely different from shopping for women. Men go shopping for the sake of shopping, while women shop for the sake of shopping.

Hao Yun himself didn't bring so much money, so he thought, hey, he might as well just accompany Feifei for a walk. She can go wherever she wants. Anyway, she has to attend the auction later, so she probably wants to buy something in the shopping street.

It's not easy to find a magic formula that suits you. Besides, twenty thousand low-grade spiritual crystals probably won't be enough.

Hao Yun found that it was not a good job to go shopping with Feifei, going from one store to that store, from the upper floor to the lower floor. Hao Yun could only follow her around. Feifei especially liked shopping in the clothing area, Hao Yun

When she was trying on clothes, she had to be careful to give her a few compliments, so as not to say you were not serious or absent-minded, which would cause her to roll her eyes. Feifei walked slowly while shopping, and Hao Yun didn't know what she wanted to buy. She looked around in the shopping street, and she really liked it.

When trying on clothes, Hao Yun thought they were pretty good and wanted to help Feifei pay for them. However, Feifei always felt dissatisfied and ran to another store to try them on. After finally choosing and being 100% satisfied, Hao Yun wanted to pay.

, Feifei bargained with the shop owner again, and the negotiation almost broke down. Hao Yun thought to himself, he took the conveyor plate with three million low-grade spiritual crystals, 900,000 spiritual crystals, and took a long time to buy clothes worth several hundred yuan. In the end, Hao Yun was really

I couldn't help it, so I told Feifei that the auction was about to start, so don't waste time and buy it quickly.

On the way back to the auction, Feifei told Hao Yun that in addition to studying and studying, she often followed her parents to learn business. There was also a shop at home, but she was just a salesperson and had no chance to be a customer. So today she just wanted to

Being a customer is a great experience. It doesn’t matter whether you buy something or not. What’s important is the process. And this time I bought my favorite clothes. Hao Yun gave this dress as a gift to Feifei. Feifei felt that she was really happy today.


It always takes too much time to go shopping with a woman. It was still some time before the auction, but the shopping time came quickly. Hao Yun and Feifei returned to the VIP room of the auction, and only Fang Lao was left in the room.


There were many people coming to the auction, and soon the venue was filled with people. Hao Yun found an extra jade slip on the tea table. After asking, he found out that the jade slip contained an introduction to the auction items. Hao Yun was a little excited.

Quickly browse through it with your spiritual consciousness to see if the method you want appears.

The browsing speed of spiritual consciousness was very fast, and Hao Yun felt very unhappy after reading it, because he found that there were not many magic formulas in the auction. Hao Yun was very puzzled, so he asked Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang explained that it turns out that most practitioners in the spiritual world are

It can mobilize non-attributed spiritual power. The biggest feature of non-attributed spiritual power is that it can be used to cast almost any magic formula, but the effects are different. For example, Hao Yun's three-line healing technique is used by cultivators at the Golden Elixir stage.

It can be used, but the effect will not be as magical as Hao Yun's. In the same way, the light and shadow technique can also be used, but because there are too many impurities in the non-attributed spiritual power, the formed spiritual power film is problematic, and the invisibility effect cannot be achieved.

Therefore, it is useless at all. Such magic formulas are basically abandoned in the spirit world. The magic formulas that can be auctioned at auctions have been selected by generations of people in the spiritual world and are effective and powerful. Such magic techniques

Techniques are also rare in the spiritual world, so of course there won't be many in each auction, and they will be very expensive. Compared with the skills, they are not valuable, especially most of them are decapitation skills. It is a bit of a waste to bring your own magic techniques.

Use it, otherwise it's garbage.

Hao Yun felt that he had missed something. If this was the case, the auction might not be a good channel. He should look for abandoned magic formulas, but he might find a magic formula that suits him.

While Hao Yun was muttering in his heart, the auction officially started. A solemn old man appeared in the center of the stage, wearing a gray formal suit, short silver hair and a very neatly trimmed beard. Feifei introduced Hao Yun in a low voice that this old man was from the Chamber of Commerce.

The leading appraiser, he is usually the auctioneer for important auctions. In fact, Hao Yun no longer cares about the auction. The things in it are almost useless to him. When the auction is over, he plans to go to the shopping street downstairs.

Pick up a leak.

But now that he is here, Hao Yun still wants to see it. After the silver-haired old man finished his opening remarks, he immediately started to enter the auction. The first item was a pile of jade slips of martial arts. There were 28 in total, and they were basically at the golden elixir stage.

The circuit is broken. There are only 6 exercises that come with one method. The starting price is only 50,000 low-grade spiritual crystals, and the price increases by 2,000 low-grade spiritual crystals each time. Hao Yun feels that these prices are too low. He thinks that his family-inherited exercises were still available back then.

He mortgaged 200,000 yuan. Hao Yun thought he could consider buying it. If one of the six exercises can be used, it would be worth it. After Hao Yun told Mr. Fang his idea, Mr. Fang laughed:

We don’t need to buy this thing. This technique is sold to the academy. When we return to the academy, we can just go to the library and read it. Why spend money ourselves.

Hao Yun was surprised and asked Mr. Fang what was going on. Mr. Fang explained patiently that now only the institute is collecting the exercises. Other forces in the spiritual world used to collect them, but now they have basically stopped.

It is very likely that a certain force collected them before. They may have talked to the research institute and wanted to sell them at a high price. The institute is no longer willing to be taken advantage of, so the talks must have collapsed. I guess they have also talked to the chamber of commerce, which must be very smart.

, will definitely not buy it, so it will be auctioned at the auction.

Sure enough, as Mr. Fang said, no one raised a sign to raise a price for a long time. Finally, when Hao Yun thought that the auction was going to pass, someone raised a sign and pocketed 52,000 low-grade spiritual crystals. Mr. Fang smiled and said to Hao Yun, that person was the research institute.

From the Logistics Department.

The subsequent process of the auction began to accelerate. Various materials for alchemy or weapon refining appeared in piles. There were not many bidders, and it was over after a few rounds. These things are for professionals, and for most

For cultivators who are not involved in this aspect, it is not very attractive, so the process is very fast.

Hao Yun felt a little bored, and there was no big scene at all, but Mr. Fang was still drinking tea slowly. Hao Yun directly told Mr. Fang that the magic formula at this auction might not be suitable for him, and if it was too expensive, it would not be worth it.

, it’s better to go downstairs to pick up the leaks. Mr. Fang nodded to express his understanding, but had no intention of leaving. Feifei sent a message to remind Hao Yun that there should be something at the auction that Mr. Fang or the Fang family needs. Hao Yun suddenly realized, and thought to himself

I always feel that you are the most important, and the Fang family also has its own needs.

The auction items have turned into various elixirs for healing, breakthrough, and recovery. The atmosphere in the venue has obviously become heated. Some high-end elixirs even sold for a sky-high price of 1.2 million low-grade spiritual crystals, which made Hao Yun

I exclaimed again and again. Even though I was just a viewer, I still felt that this was a battlefield without smoke. It was so exciting!

So far, Mr. Fang is still sitting on the fish-tuning platform and has no intention of participating. After the elixir is over, the auction of spiritual weapons begins. Most of the attacking spiritual weapons are flying swords, made of various materials, such as meteorite, purple gold,

Ice jade, iron nanmu, etc. Some flying swords are complete sets of spiritual weapons. You can practice sword formation by buying them back. Hao Yun and Feifei's focus is no longer on the flying swords. They are not interested at all. They sit aside and watch the tiger fight. This

After one round, the atmosphere has become tense, and the auction prices have hit new highs. Among them, a set of nine mithril fine iron flying swords, the auction price actually reached 6.85 million low-grade spiritual crystals, which is more than twice as expensive as the teleportation disk.

After the auction of the offensive spiritual weapons was completed, the auction of the defensive spiritual weapons began. At this time, Mr. Fang obviously started to get a little nervous. Hao Yun thought to himself, is there any difference in this defensive spiritual weapon? The first defensive spiritual weapon, the Tribulation Umbrella, was auctioned.

7.4 million low-grade spiritual crystals. Hao Yun discovered that this auction was completely based on price. The higher the price, the more expensive it was, and it was surprisingly expensive. When Hao Yun heard the name, he knew that this tribulation-transmitting spiritual umbrella was for

It is a one-time defensive weapon used to overcome the tribulation, to resist the disaster during the tribulation. To put it bluntly, it is used to save life. Once it passes, it will be the Mahayana period. If it cannot survive, this life will be over.

Mr. Fang has been stuck in the late stage of the tribulation for a long time. It seems that he wanted to make a defensive weapon for himself to withstand the catastrophe. It is impossible not to be nervous when it is a matter of life and death. In the end, Mr. Fang was in the penultimate place.

During the auction of a defensive spiritual weapon - the Tribulation Array Equipment, a low-grade spiritual crystal was bid at a sky-high price of 15.8 million, which frightened many opponents and successfully won it. Soon the staff knocked on the door and gave away the Tribulation Equipment.

Coming over, Hao Yunte was curious as to why this thing was so expensive. Mr. Fang took out a jade slip from the storage ring containing the equipment and asked him to see for himself and understand.

Hao Yun and Feifei both browsed it with their spiritual senses and realized that this thing was too complicated. It was not a spiritual weapon at all, but a large piece of equipment composed of multiple parts. Moreover, what they bought at this price was just this tribulation method.

The core controller of the array equipment and some other components have to be solved by themselves at a cost, and the overall price is not enough for 20 million. Only then did Hao Yun understand what luxury means, and this 20 million is also a one-time use.
This chapter has been completed!
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