Chapter 541: A Room Without a Door

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I don’t know why, but the protection on the ninth floor is obviously tight on the outside, and the internal security measures are not even turned on. This allows Huang Li and Yuan Hong to reach the center of the ninth floor smoothly. They are now

As long as you turn this corner, you can come to the center of the ninth floor. If their map is correct, that place should be the location of the central system, but because there is a problem with the map, what exactly is the center of the ninth floor? Yuan Hong

It’s not clear now, but Huang Li already knows that that place has become the location of a trap.

Huang Li discovered through the little devil snake that there was a circular room in the center of the ninth floor, but there was no door in the room. At first glance, it might be mistaken for a large cylinder, but the diameter of the large cylinder was too large.

It was said that it was a circular room, which Huang Li was more accepting of. The little devil snake flew all the way and circled the large cylinder one step earlier. Of course, inevitably, he saw a man in black armor also circled.

room to investigate. When the little devil snake found the black-armored man, although Huang Li had been mentally prepared for it, she was still shocked. Huang Li quickly let the little devil snake sit on the head of the black-armored man and attack him.

Carry out comprehensive surveillance.

Huang Li was now very grateful for her wise choice. Under the supervision of the little devil snake, the black-armored man turned around and found that he could not enter. Then he took out the parts from the storage space and started to assemble them.

Under the gaze of the little devil snake, a cannon-like object quickly stood up. This cannon was placed by the black-armored man at the end of the passage they entered after turning a corner. Huang Li did not see it in the Fire Cloud Cave back then.

Although she had experienced the super-nuclear magnetic cannon, she heard Feifei and the others talking about this cannon more than once and knew that the power of this cannon was very powerful. Huang Li knew very well that the only people who could produce such an item were the Tongmenghui mentioned by Yuan Hong, that is,

The person who was the instigator of two big explosions in the base had to spend time assembling such a weapon at this critical juncture. It is conceivable that the power of this weapon must be extremely amazing.

The speed of the little devil snake is much faster than that of Huang Li and the others. After all, it is impossible to be discovered. However, Huang Li and Yuan Hong followed them all the way and were always cautious. Fortunately, the little devil snake is fast enough.

, otherwise Huang Li would not have been able to discover the man in black armor earlier, and his every move was seen by Huang Li. Huang Li's call to stop did allow them to escape in some respects, at least

Now is the chance to strike first.

After the black-armored man arranged the super-nuclear magnetic cannon, he personally stood up and manually operated the cannon. He pointed the barrel at the circular wall, came up and blasted it. After the red energy bomb hit the wall,

, bursting out thousands of red energy rays, it felt like a big red flower blooming on the wall. After the big red flower disappeared, the wall felt unchanged. The man in black armor used his spiritual consciousness to scan it and knew,

This cannon is very effective against energy-based creatures, but it is not very effective against entities made of this material. He shook his head and whispered to himself: "This room is very strange, how can I open it?"

If you use an atomic bomb directly, why would I feel so frightened?"

With the existence of the little devil snake, Huang Li was able to share the senses of the little devil snake and have a panoramic view of every move of the black-armored man. Even his soliloquy could not escape her ears. Yuan Hong released his magical power

After taking a look at the scene at the end of the passage from a distance, he was also frightened. It was obvious that Yuan Hong knew more about the super-nuclear magnetic cannon. He quickly sent a message to Huang Li and asked her what she planned to do now. This guy must not be allowed to be lawless here.

Yuan Hong also has his own worries about the circular room in the center of the ninth floor. Although the ninth floor is not the location of the central system, it should be very close to the central system, either the eighth floor below, or the third floor further below.

On the seventh floor, if the black-armored people use atomic bombs here, once the central system is destroyed, not to mention saving the commander, everyone will be dead, and the entire base will not be saved.

The intuition of the man in black armor not only saved his own life, but also saved the lives of everyone in the base in a certain way. If he insisted on using an atomic bomb, a catastrophe that would be difficult to end might really happen. If Hao Yun were here

, he would definitely be thinking, how could such a heavily defended base have such a big loophole, allowing the black-armored men to reach the center of the ninth floor so easily, and a bomb can paralyze the entire base, which is simply child's play.


Based on the terrain of the ninth floor reflected by the little devil snake, Huang Li discovered that since they opened the door to the inward passage, it was like a maze. There was only one way to reach the central room, that is to say,

If they want to attack the black-armored people, they can only attack the passage they turned around now, and no other roads will work. Huang Li told Yuan Hong about this discovery, and Yuan Hong looked very ugly. The design of this ninth floor is really

It's so strange. It feels like a maze has been built to protect this room, but the security measures have not been turned on in the maze. It is also very strange, especially since the black-armored men have already attacked the walls of the room, and the security has not responded at all.


Just when Huang Li and Yuan Hong were thinking about how to kill the black-armored man, Hao Yun successfully arrived at his target on the seventh floor. As expected, there was a room here, just below the captain's room. This shows that

, Hao Yun's conjecture was correct. The furnishings in the captain's room matched the actual situation of the base. There was no door in this room, which meant that this room was designed with a hidden door. This made Hao Yun dumbfounded.

It’s too difficult to be a human being. We’ve already reached this point. You can’t get in even though you’re trying to do it for me? Hao Yun’s time skills are limited and he can’t go back too long. It’s obvious that this place has at least been

It has not been opened for many years, and he cannot enter this room through the past time nodes.

"What the hell is this? This captain must be playing tricks on us on purpose. Now I have no choice but to continue digging holes here." Hao Yun complained to Huo Kuang.

"No, the captain will definitely not let us take such a stupid move. There must be something we didn't expect." Huo Kuang rejected Hao Yun's plan to drill holes, thinking that there should be an explanation.

Hao Yun also thought for a moment and said: "Logically speaking, the hidden door is only designed to target intruders like us. If they are guards or maintenance servants, they should not be able to stop them."

"Yes, that's what I thought just now. If we have a maintenance servant now, we can ask him to open this hidden door." Huo Kuang responded.

"Isn't there a production line for repairing public servants in your world? Just produce one." Hao Yun suddenly became happy.

"Ahem, I think so too, but I still don't understand the problem of energy attribute conversion. Besides, I just spent a lot of energy to create a fire. Now if I force the production and maintenance of public servants, it will definitely fail." Huo Kuang.

His tone was low and he felt a little depressed.

"Is energy conversion that complicated? Doesn't the production line already have this function?" Hao Yun felt a little strange.

"The energy conversion on the production line is to convert water energy into metal energy. I only have fire energy here. If I want to use it directly, I must first convert my fire energy into water energy." Huo Kuang explained.


"Ah! This is wrong. Normally, fire energy cannot be directly converted into water energy. According to the conversion of the five elements, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood, and wood generates fire. This is the way

In comparison, it should be more convenient to convert your fire energy into metal energy, and it takes one less step than converting into water energy." Hao Yun frowned and counted with Huo Kuang on their fingers.


"That one of yours is the Five Element Transformation of the cultivation system. It's not the same thing as what I told you. Okay, just leave it alone. I will study it myself. Now you should think about how to enter this room." Huo Kuang said to Hao Yun.

After saying this, he felt very impatient and made Hao Yun lose his temper. Just like what Huo Kuang said, the fairy system and the cultivation system are very different and cannot be confused.

In a daze, Hao Yun came to Xiao Hong's room and saw Xiao Hong's little face full of smile, her eyes narrowed into a line, looking at Hao Yun. As soon as Hao Yun saw Xiao Hong's appearance, he knew something was going on and hurriedly

Asked her if there was anything she could do. Xiaohong smiled and responded: "Hao Yun, you are so blessed that you don't know how to be blessed. It turns out that the son of time in your body is indeed a great god. As long as you get his help, you can open this door."

For you, it is too easy. To be honest, if he is willing, he can chat face to face with the captain of this base."

Hao Yun was shocked. He didn't know why Xiao Hong said such words. Xiao Hong described to Hao Yun the scene of Hao Yun using the Five Elements Nascent Soul to open the door in vivid language. Only then did Hao Yun know what happened at that time.

What weird thing happened? All the actions of the Son of Time could easily be hidden from Hao Yun's Five Elements Nascent Soul. Unfortunately, he met Xiao Hong, a mysterious woman who was not on the same time and space line at all. All the actions of the Son of Time fell into her hands.

's eyes.

Xiaohong picked up the book on the desk that recorded all Hao Yun's actions and threw it to Hao Yun. Hao Yun took it and found that it was so heavy. It turned out that so many things had happened to Hao unknowingly when he came to the spirit world.

Yun quickly turned to the back position and saw the text recording the actions of the Son of Time. Xiaohong continued: "It is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. You should communicate more with the Son of Time. I think his time ability should not be greater than that of the demon clan.

Elder Chai, with his presence, we can go back to the long past."

After Hao Yun returned to reality, he immediately calmed down and used the Five Elements Nascent Soul to communicate with the Son of Time. Hao Yun used the power of his sharp tongue and kept chattering next to the Son of Time. The Son of Time was originally insufferable.

, finally opened his eyes under Hao Yun's unremitting efforts. Hao Yun was overjoyed and quickly told the Son of Time his purpose. The Son of Time was stunned for a while, then shook his head and expressed one meaning very clearly, that is


The Son of Time pointed at himself and then at the Five Elements Nascent Soul, meaning I am me and you are you. Although he can go back to a long time node and enter the room, Hao Yun still has no reason for his own time ability.

How to enter the room. Hao Yun was stunned for a moment. It seemed to be the truth. In the final analysis, if he didn't go in, everything would be back to the original point. Just when Hao Yun was frowning, Xiaohong couldn't help but give Hao Yun

He pulled him into her study and scolded him, saying that he was really stupid. As long as the Son of Time entered the room, found the artifact recording the code, recorded it with his spiritual consciousness, and passed it on to Hao Yun.

, she can copy it. For Huo Kuang, all he needs is the code, not the artifact itself. In this case, Hao Yun does not need to enter the room at all, as long as he knows what is in the room.

Hao Yun suddenly realized that his thinking was indeed flawed. He always lacked coordination and could not make good use of all his resources. It would be much simpler if he followed Xiao Hong's idea. Hao Yun, who returned to reality again, was easily convinced.

The Son of Time. The Son of Time asked Hao Yun to close his eyes and turn off his consciousness. Do not observe him. Hao Yun was a little confused at first, but soon understood what was going on. In fact, it was the same as Wanwan, because

Wanwan is too weak. If you observe Hao Yun's actions in the long river of time, she will also consume her own time spiritual power. The consequences of this will cause her to consume too much and easily cause her body to collapse. It is the same now.

Logically speaking, Hao Yun's strength is simply not enough to observe the actions of the Son of Time in the long river of time.
This chapter has been completed!
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