Five hundred and ninetieth chapters endless fighting

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The strange phenomena brought about by the bases that floated up every once in a while were quickly discovered by interested people. As a result, the Bailiwu Kingdom spread in the spiritual world, which naturally attracted batches of outsiders. But what can really happen?

There have not been many outsiders intruding into the base from outside in recent years. Because the Sea Beast swims on the seabed completely irregularly, the time of each rise and fall is also unpredictable, and the outer sea area cannot fly, so there are gradually many

People retreated despite the difficulties, but there are still a group of people who are very dedicated to this base.

The teleportation array connected to the Hailong in the base had been silent for a long time. Suddenly one day, the teleportation array burst into light again. A powerful outsider came to the base. It was his arrival that made the originally impregnable base truly

It has withstood a huge test, and since that point in time, the base has suffered more and more attacks, which has given the chief a great headache. The chief has been fighting with Zero, and every time outsiders come to the base, they have to

After trying so hard to kill outsiders, they often lose sight of the other, giving Number Zero a lot of opportunities, and their penetration into the system is greatly enhanced.

Without the No. 0 interference control system, unless the outsider is particularly powerful, it would be difficult to cause serious damage to the base. Unfortunately, although No. 0 is trapped in the circular room on the ninth floor, it

After all, it is the original control system, so there is still a trace of connection between it and the current system. Although it cannot directly control this system, there is still no problem in achieving some interference. In fact, the chief is also doing the same thing, so the two

The struggle between individuals is mainly reflected in the control of the system. The chief is desperately trying to reduce the interference of No. 0, and No. 0 is to interfere with the operation of the system, so that outsiders can better destroy the base.

Hao Yun interrupted at the right time and asked: "Now that Zero is out of trouble, you should know this."

"I know, now that the base is in trouble, I can't do anything to stop it from getting out of trouble." The chief responded.

"So is the system now completely controlled by No. 0?" Hao Yun asked.

"No, it was really good luck. Because it was delayed for some time, it didn't have time to control the system, so I took control of it again. The guard who helped him get out of trouble had your aura on him, so he should probably follow

Do you have something to do with it?" the chief said.

After listening to the chief's careful explanation, Hao Yun realized that if Huo Baba had taken the escaped Zero directly to the tenth floor, it would have been too late. However, in order to prevent the guards from suffering a large number of casualties, Huo Baba ran away

He went to the third floor for processing, which delayed a lot of time. In order to prevent the Chief from blocking his escape, No. 0 deliberately let the system control the factory and produced a large number of guards. The purpose was to make the base consume a lot of energy, so that the Chief could only hope

And Xing sighed. Unfortunately, No. 0 did not expect that Huo Baba would pay special attention to the lives of those guards, thus giving the chief breathing time. When Huo Baba took No. 0 to the tenth floor, due to the number of guards produced by the factory,

The upper limit of what the base can accommodate has long been reached, so production has been stopped. Just when Zero was about to control Huo BaBa to fix the system, the Chief successfully mobilized the energy in the base's energy system and sent Huo BaBa to the eighth floor.

Here, that is, the environment where Hao Yun is now.

Hao Yun looked around carefully and saw no other people. However, the place was too big now. It was indeed difficult to find other people with just sight. The chief went on to say that although

Teleport Huo Baba to the eighth floor and control it, but this is not a long-term solution. We still have to find a way to get rid of No. Zero, but No. Zero is now hiding in Huo Baba's space, and he has no way to contact him.

It has reached No. 0, so now it needs Hao Yun to solve it, and it can only be solved by Hao Yun.

Hao Yun thought to himself that although Huo Ba Ba was his summoned beast, it would still be very difficult to defeat him. He would definitely not be able to defeat him. Even if he forcibly recalled Huo Ba Ba back to the world of Huo Kuang, Huo Ba Ba would still be defeated by Huo Ba Ba.

With his strength and his fire attribute, the fire-crazy world cannot trap him at all. Since Huo Baba is a product of the fire-crazy world, he can call upon the fire-based spiritual power of the fire-crazy world. If he really

If he goes crazy, he will cause huge harm to the world of Huo Kuang. Moreover, if he wants to get out of trouble, he has only one way, which is to take the world of Huo Kuang as his own. After all, he is a product of the world of Huo Kuang. There is nothing he can do about it.

Like others, you can get out of trouble by simply breaking the constraints of space.

Just when Hao Yun was trying to figure out how to deal with Huo Ba Ba, the chief's next words directly interrupted Hao Yun's train of thought. It turns out that the most serious issue now is not the problem of No. 0, but the explosion just now. Because of this

The location of the explosion is crucial. Just as You Cheng speculated, the explosion directly exposed the energy system to the demon clan. Although the energy system still has certain protective measures, it is only a matter of time. Sooner or later the demon clan will come.

At the core of the energy system, once the energy system is shut down, the entire base will fall into a real crisis.

Hao Yun asked strangely: "Why, isn't No. 0 already under control? Can it still take over the system?"

"It's not just a problem with Zero. Have you forgotten that there is a powerful outsider imprisoned on the seventh floor of the base. Once he escapes, the impact on the base may be greater. The teleportation array connected to the Hailong

Many outsiders have been teleported. If the teleportation array continues to operate, once the base falls into the hands of outsiders, everyone will be doomed." The chief explained.

"You are exaggerating too much. You should be dead," Hao Yun said.

"I'm not exaggerating. This base has a self-destruct mode. Once the base is controlled by outsiders, it will self-destruct. I will definitely not be able to escape, but none of you will be able to escape either." The chief became excited.

"Damn it, why doesn't your Hailong have such a setting?" Hao Yun swore directly.

"Back then, we had never encountered a guard rebellion. I guess Zero made such a setup just to prevent trouble before it happened." The chief explained.

It turns out that this setting was not made by the chief, but by Zero. On the one hand, it wanted outsiders to invade the base and give it a chance to escape. At the same time, it was afraid that outsiders would take advantage of it, so it also

After setting up the system like this, in other words, the road ahead of Hao Yun now, in addition to dealing with No. 0, the demon clan and even Xu Dachun are all targets that he needs to deal with. Hao Yun has a severe headache, but he is not that

The great persuasive power can persuade the demon clan to let them stop. Even if Xu Dachun is there, it is probably useless to just talk. Hao Yun understands very well that even if they believe him, these people will definitely think of other ways, such as

In short, it is basically impossible for the chief who controls this fusion with the base to make them give up the fight for this base.

In fact, for Hao Yun, it doesn't matter who hands the base originally. However, with this self-destruction setting, Hao Yun feels that his trip to the base is really a big mistake. If not, he

After getting the information about the Tianshen, this journey to death is simply something that only an extremely stupid person can do. However, in the current situation, if the demon clan is not stopped, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

"Hurry up and let the system control guards stop them!" Hao Yun said.

"No, the leader of the guards now is Huo Ba Ba. Without the leader's orders, these guards will not take the initiative to stop those outsiders." The chief was also very helpless.

Hao Yun discovered that when all the things were mixed together and formed an interrelated chain, they were not given a chance to choose at all. Now they can only find a way to stop the demon clan on their own. Hao Yun said anxiously: "

You can integrate with such a large base, so you must be very powerful, and it should be easy for you to stop the demon clan."

"If I could do it, I wouldn't come here to discuss it with you." The chief was very frustrated.

In fact, Hao Yun can understand the chief's helplessness. After choosing to integrate with the base, the base is equivalent to the chief's body. However, when foreign viruses appear inside the body, big trouble will occur. What's more, the chief's own immune system also has problems.

Therefore, with no other choice, he had to choose Hao Yun, an outsider, to get help from Hao Yun. Hao Yun thought to himself, when I first came here, I pretended to be deaf and mute, but now it’s better, I’m in a hurry.

I started to seek medical treatment randomly. Fortunately, I was kind-hearted and willing to help, but the problem was that I was too weak and powerless!

Hao Yun was silent and used his brain, hoping to find a way. The powerful outsider teleported in the chief's mouth was obviously the leader of the demon clan. This guy was indeed very powerful and could only be trapped, not

After being eliminated, if this guy gets out of trouble, Xu Dachun alone will definitely not be able to stop them. What's more, the demon clan can also continuously send reinforcements over.

Hao Yun thought to himself that unless Fairy Prisoner Dragon could stand on his side, this situation would definitely not be broken. Hao Yun looked at the big cylinder in front of him, suddenly thought of a question, and asked quickly: "By the way, can you teleport me?"

Being here, does it mean that you can teleport everyone in the base?"

"It can be done at that time, but it will require a lot of energy consumption. Moreover, this is the core area of ​​my world. If these outsiders are sent here, if they destroy this place, I will definitely be finished." The chief replied pitifully.


Hao Yunji came to his senses and said: "You are worrying too much. There is strange energy everywhere here. Our spiritual consciousness cannot be used at all. If these people come here without spiritual consciousness, their abilities will be greatly reduced."

Most of the time, I thought, they couldn't figure out the situation."

"Even if we teleport them here, what's the use?" the chief asked, obviously he didn't understand very much.

"Haha, you don't know this. In fact, these outsiders don't deal with each other. Although they seem to be acting in the same way now, they are very different in their thinking. Sometimes, it is more effective to let them internally fight than us to take action.

Hao Yun laughed.

"Really?" The chief couldn't believe it.

Hao Yun explained to the chief in detail that the reason for all this was that the current situation was caused by the imprisoned commander in order to rescue him. Since he could no longer be imprisoned, he might as well release him and then

These monsters are all teleported here, and if they come face to face, maybe something wonderful will happen.

The chief was silent for a while and said cautiously: "In that case, I might as well just teleport that guy directly in front of them. Why do I need to teleport him here?"

"It's okay. As long as you put them together, wonderful things will definitely happen." Hao Yun said confidently, "But you have to teleport me there too. Without me, I guess it would still be difficult. I'll help.

They add fuel to the fire."

To be honest, the chief was dubious about Hao Yun's words, but at this point, he had no other choice, so he could only follow what Hao Yun said and prepare to transport the demon clan leader who was imprisoned on the seventh floor to the third floor.

On the second floor.

After the explosion, Fairy Prisoner Dragon and the other three demon clans quickly arrived at the entrance of the cave. At this time, the entrance of the cave had been completely blown open, and the situation on the lower level could be directly seen visually. The facilities on the lower level were also damaged by the explosion.

It's out of shape, and of course the security has lost its effect.

Looking at the big black hole with black smoke rising out of it, Fairy Prisoner Dragon felt very happy, and the other three demon clans were also very excited. The four of them waited for a while, but did not find Hao Yun coming, and Fairy Prisoner Dragon frowned again.

When she got up, she thought about what was going on, whether Hao Yun had escaped or had gone down to investigate. Just when they were getting a little impatient, Hao Yun appeared and said to them: "I'm on the second floor.

, I saw a strange person who looked very powerful, so I didn’t dare to continue investigating and ran up quickly.”
This chapter has been completed!
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