Chapter 701: The Monster Race That Cannot Be Transformed

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Everyone in the world admits that the human heart is the most complicated thing. However, everyone knows that the human heart is the most complicated, and no one dares to change it. The reason is very simple, unless you don’t deal with anyone in your life, if you don’t want to be

If you want to cheat, you must think more than others. To put it bluntly, people's hearts have become complicated in this way. The reason is that everyone is thinking and everyone wants to be smarter than others.

Fairy Qiulong discovered that the reason for the failure of the demon clan is that most of the demon clan have only one tendon in their heads. Compared with humans, they often lack an overall view of things when considering things. They are used to treating headaches and treating feet.

They always dealt with the problems they encountered in a very passive way. During the battle with the cultivators, the demon clan itself was not united enough. Until they were on the verge of death, they finally became a rope and barely survived.

Fairy Prisoner Dragon is a new generation born after the war. She has not personally participated in past history. After her mother gave birth to her, she devoted herself to the battle without hesitation. In the end, her parents died in the cultivator


Later, after the demon clan escaped to the open sea, they found Hailong City, and the Prisoner Dragon Fairy had the opportunity to hatch from a dragon egg. The hatching process of the Prisoner Dragon Fairy is also legendary. Normally, other dragon eggs would only hatch at most.

It had only been a few years, but it happened that when Fairy Prisoner Dragon came here, she stayed in the incubation pool for decades. At that time, others thought that the dragon egg might be a waste egg and asked to take it out of the incubation pool.

Abandoned. However, Long Qi, as the commander-in-chief at the time, gave correct instructions and did not allow others to discard the dragon egg, but continued to incubate it, so that the Dragon Prisoner Fairy could be born.

It stands to reason that the first person to thank Long Qi for being able to hatch Fairy Prisoner Dragon is Long Qi. However, Fairy Prisoner Dragon is the kind of genius who is born with precocious wisdom. Soon, she figured out Long Qi's plan. As a dragon from the Dark Dragon Clan,

Strangely, he found that there were very few people in his tribe, and there were not even any female dragons suitable for childbearing. If this continues, the Dark Dragon Clan is destined to perish. The dragon egg that hatched the Prisoner Dragon Fairy was the result of Long Qi's considerable manpower.

Material resources were found after a lot of time searching. For Long Qi, as long as it is a dragon egg from the Dark Dragon Clan, as long as it does not show that it is definitely bad, there is no reason to discard it. After all, it represents the Dark Dragon Clan’s


Fairy Prisoner Long Qi didn’t know how much effort Long Qi put into this dragon egg, but she didn’t want to know either. Long Qi’s behavior can be interpreted from different angles. As the person involved, Fairy Prisoner Dragon, she

No matter how you think, you can't affect Long Qi's plan at all. Fairy Prisoner Long understands that if she wants to change her life destined by Long Qi, she must become stronger.

As a demon clan, Fairy Qilong feels more like a human being, because she feels that her thoughts are much more complicated than those of a single-minded demon clan. Therefore, she is very obsessed with human history. In addition to practicing

After that, she put a lot of energy into learning human history and culture. Finally, she concluded that the reason why a monster clan failed is that the monster clan does not have a correct world view, has serious racial thoughts, and is very narrow-minded.

When they were at the base under the sea, Hao Yun was very dissatisfied with Fairy Qiulong's ideals. He felt that the ideals were too beautiful and divorced from reality. They were completely castles in the air. But even so, Hao Yun could never say that her ideals were bad or bad.

Wrong. The most we can say is that this beautiful ideal is really difficult to realize. The possibility is extremely low.

The human heart is complex, and Hao Yun felt that humans should be more realistic, but he ignored that there are always some people with lofty ideas. For example, in the barbaric era of the spiritual world, there was always no shortage of kind-hearted cultivators.

, it is precisely because of their coming forward that the current spirit world has emerged, of which the Spirit Emperor is the most important representative. The alliance established by Fairy Prisoner Dragon not only successfully attracted some demon clans to join it, but also other races

Many knowledgeable people also joined in, including cultivators from Lingdu Continent.

Fairy Prisoner Long is able to walk normally in the Lingdu Continent because of the contributions of these people. Sometimes, when she thinks of this matter, she feels very interesting. Long Qi is more powerful than her, but it is a pity that his narrow thinking makes him just

She can be excited about Lingdu Continent, but she can easily walk in Lingdu Continent. It can be seen that the world can be as big as the heart is. This sentence is definitely not an empty talk.

The next day, Hao Yun, Huang Li and Wanwan came to the teleportation array at the foot of Cyanwood Mountain, waiting for the arrival of Fairy Prisoner Dragon. Not long after waiting, Fairy Prisoner Dragon walked out of the teleportation hall with a smile.

After seeing Hao Yun, his eyes lit up and he raised his little hand towards them.

Hao Yun took three steps at a time and rushed over. When he saw Fairy Qiulong, his first words were: "You don't want your life. Why don't you even put on a disguise and you dare to appear openly in Lingdu Continent?"

Hao Yun originally thought that Fairy Prisoner Dragon might have a spiritual weapon similar to Wanwan's soul frequency mask, which could hide her own soul frequency, or transform into a human soul frequency. Unexpectedly, when Hao Yun saw Fairy Prisoner Dragon's

In an instant, he suddenly realized that this guy had not made any changes at all. As long as people were not stupid, they would definitely be able to tell that she was a demon.

Fairy Prisoner Dragon pointed to the small token on her chest and said, "I have this, so there is nothing else to worry about."

"What is this?" Hao Yun asked immediately as he had never seen this token before.

Huang Li was still well-informed and quick-tongued, so she immediately informed Hao Yun. After hearing this, Hao Yun slapped his thigh and said: "This token is indeed powerful, but it can only be known to people with a certain identity.

, there must be more people like me who are unclear, so this thing is not safe."

Fairy Prisoner Dragon smiled and said: "Haha, it's okay. If I encounter someone who doesn't have eyes, I still have an insurance policy." After saying this, Fairy Prisoner Dragon's body rose with a powerful aura.

"No, no, I know. Hurry up and take away your magical powers!" Hao Yun was so anxious that he grabbed Fairy Qiulong's arm and tried to drag her away from the public.

This momentum rose quickly and dissipated even faster. It disappeared in a flash, making everyone around them feel that there was something wrong with their perception. In this way, Hao Yun led Fairy Prisoner Dragon and followed Wanwan there.

Doctors Association, finally, four people came to Wanwan's research room.

"Tsk, tsk, Miss Wanwan's laboratory is so big! It seems that Miss Wanwan is not an ordinary person in the Medical Association!" When Fairy Qiulong learned that this laboratory belonged to Wanwan, her eyes were full of

A look of surprise.

"Of course, Wanwan is the vice-president of the Medical Association." Huang Li's tone was full of pride. To be honest, when Huang Li found out that Wanwan had become the vice-president, she was not only surprised, but also happy and happy.

Proud. Ever since Huang Li dated Hao Yun and the others, Huang Li hoped that one day they could both stand at the top of the spiritual world, and Wanwan's performance showed that her vision back then was extremely correct.

"Oh, it's really amazing! I really didn't notice it when I was at the bottom of the sea." Fairy Prisoner Dragon said in surprise.

"At that time, I was just an ordinary person. I was promoted only after I came back." Wanwan said with a blushing face.

"Oh! That's it. So, does it mean that your strength has also changed by leaps and bounds?" Fairy Prisoner Dragon became curious. She had already observed Wanwan and found no change in her strength.

"You monsters are really narrow-minded. The Medical Association is not divided according to combat strength. Wanwan is very strong in the field of doctors. For doctors, saving lives and healing the wounded is their field of battle. It's a pity that you bastards

The wooden head can't understand this at all." Hao Yun said sarcastically from the side.

Hao Yun's sarcastic words not only did not anger Fairy Dragon Prisoner, but also made her fall into deep thought. After a long time, she nodded and responded: "That's right, we demon clan just ignored these, and in the end, the rest were all

They are a group of people who only know how to fight and kill. Otherwise, we would not be lagging behind in other important aspects. It seems that I should really go out more and stay outside. Sooner or later, my thinking will be like theirs.

The same has become solidified. Thank you for reminding me, Prisoner Dragon is here to salute you."

Fairy Prisoner Dragon's salute made Wanwan very frightened, and she quickly tried to move aside, but was caught by Huang Li, and then, the three of them accepted Fairy Prisoner Dragon's gift without hesitation.

After Fairy Prisoner Dragon finished, she immediately asked: "The demon pill you need is for Miss Wanwan, right?"

Smart people are very powerful and can relate to many things, so Wanwan immediately explained her experimental process on the demon pill and wanted to ask Fairy Qiulong if there was anything wrong with her approach.

Fairy Prisoner Dragon waved her hand and said: "It's not that there is a problem with the method, but that this method has a premise, that is, your consciousness and spiritual power must be able to stimulate the dormant remnant soul. Think about it, as a cultivator

With your spiritual consciousness, that remnant soul has not had time to hide, so how could it still be seduced by you?"

"What you said is correct, but I have seen my master and junior brother successfully lure out the remnant soul. This is what I witnessed with my own eyes, and there is absolutely no lie." Wanwan said to Fairy Qilong,

I don't believe it, I always feel that she is hiding her clumsiness on purpose.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Even if the spiritual consciousness of our demon race enters the demon elixir, it will never trigger the remnant soul." Fairy Prisoner Dragon shook her head.

Hao Yun and Huang Li were standing aside, and they saw Fairy Prisoner Dragon and Wanwan arguing over the authenticity of the matter. After a long time, Hao Kuan finally understood that Fairy Prisoner Dragon believed that there was indeed a remnant soul in the demon pill, but

There is almost no way to induce it.

"Please stop for a moment. Since you said you can't induce it, then how come you have a demon elixir in your hand that doesn't have a remnant soul?" Hao Yun quickly interrupted their quarrel and asked Fairy Dragon Prisoner the question in his mind.


"It's very simple. The demon elixir in my hand is different from the one in your hands. You all have demon elixirs left over after the death of our demon tribe after hunting them down. The source of mine is quite different.

"Fairy Prisoner Dragon replied.

"Even so, doesn't your demon elixir belong to the demon clan?" Hao Yun was a little unhappy. Fairy Qilong's words were too vague.

"To be honest, they are also from the demon tribe, but these demon tribes have not opened their spiritual intelligence. Therefore, after the death of these demon tribes, there will be no residual souls in the demon elixir that can be preserved." The words of Fairy Qilong made

They were shocked. What do you mean by a demon race that has not opened its spiritual intelligence?

Seeing the puzzled expressions on their faces, Fairy Prisoner Dragon sighed and told the truth. It turned out that the spiritual energy of the outer sea where the demon clan was located was declining year by year, so they had a very embarrassing situation, that is, their descendants

Not all of them can transform into humans through rapid evolution. In the past, the proportion of demon clans that could not transform into humans was not large, but over the years, there have been more and more such clansmen, and now they account for nearly half.

After all, these demons who cannot transform are also their clan members. No one is willing to kill them, so they can only be raised in captivity. In some ways, these demons are the same as demon beasts, but they are easier to raise. As long as they are given enough food, they can be kept in captivity.

Living is considered nourishing, and apart from the lack of freedom, there are no big problems. In fact, these monsters have not opened their spiritual intelligence, so freedom may not be that important to them.

These monsters have nothing to do except eat. They all look fat and strong. Apart from being unable to transform into humans, their individual strength is really not too bad. However, it is also because they cannot transform into human beings that they cannot truly

Because of their cultivation, their lifespan is relatively short. However, there is also an advantage, that is, their fertility is much stronger than that of the transformed monsters.

In this way, these monsters have been kept in captivity, generation after generation. Compared with the real monsters, their number is much larger. Unfortunately, the life span of these monsters is too short. Once they reach the tribulation period, they will soon die.

They will die soon. Of course, not every individual can reach the stage of transcending tribulation, but no matter what, after the death of these monsters, there will be no residual souls in the demon pills left behind.
This chapter has been completed!
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