Chapter 723 Fengyun Mountain and Huang Li

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During Hao Yun's experiment, Shen Zao also monitored and watched the entire process. Therefore, Hao Yun and Shen Zao had an in-depth discussion about this. Hao Yun felt very weird about the experimental results, but Shen Zao thought it was As it should be. Just when Hao Yun was very puzzled, Shen Zao gave Hao Yun a pile of information. After Hao Yun browsed it carefully, he found that it was full of detailed reports on the demonization experiments that Shen Zao had done.

After Hao Yun browsed, he slumped down on the chair, looking very decadent. After seeing Hao Yun's appearance, Shen Zao chuckled and asked, "What's wrong? Is your self-confidence shaken?"

Hao Yun struggled to sit up from the chair and responded: "Why didn't you give me these information before the experiment?"

"Nonsense, if you read this information, you probably won't be able to complete the demonization test at all. However, you are still quite powerful, and you actually succeeded. Although the demonization product is not very good, at least you have achieved the demonization test. Transformation." Behind Shen Zao's smile, there was some admiration for Hao Yun.

"However, the result of this demonization was not what I expected at all. Logically speaking, his obsession should be to stand up instead of killing his companions. Besides, all his companions died in the accident that year. Damn it, where did his obsession come from, and he wants to kill him again." Hao Yun has always been worried about the result of demonization.

"Human subconsciousness and memory system are vast and profound. I don't think you cultivators can see through a person casually. Your attempts are based on how you think it will unfold. In fact, you don't Really realize the terribleness of the human heart." Shen Zao shook his head and said, "For example, you thought that the test subject just now was derelict in his duties and caused the accident. However, this may not be an accident at all. It is very possible that he was He did this deliberately with the intention of killing his teammates."

Hao Yun was speechless. In fact, even if he searched for the souls of the test subjects, it would be impossible for him to read all the memories in a short period of time. Besides, a person's memory data is really huge and huge. Some of them are very boring things, so under normal circumstances, he can only take a quick look at them and select some important memories to look at. Just like Shen Zao said, the human heart is terrifying. Who knows, this guy What exactly are you thinking? How much darkness is hidden in your subconscious mind?

"In a word, it is too difficult to artificially intervene in demonization. It is easier to do it in the spiritual space. You can adjust the illusion at any time. But in the real world, if there is a problem with the scene you give, It will inevitably lead to serious mistakes. When I realized this, I completely gave up the idea of ​​controlling the demon. Unexpectedly, you came full circle and took this bad job back to me again. What now? Do you think you have a chance to do it?" When Shen Zao said this, his face remained livid.

In fact, Hao Yun is still very confident in the demonization of Huang Li's mother. After all, she was once a demon. Even if her temperament has changed over the years, her obsession has not changed much, right? But Shen Zao continued. What he said made Hao Yun's heart freeze.

"Do you know how I became a demon back then?" Shen Zao asked.

"It must have something to do with your desires or obsessions." Hao Yun replied matter-of-factly.

"That's for sure, but aren't you surprised? Since I used that obsession to become a demon before, if I want to become a demon again, can I just follow the same path again? It should be special Simple, right?" Shen Zao's words made Hao Yun realize that something was wrong.

"Isn't it possible?" Hao Yun couldn't stand it anymore.

"Of course not. The transformation of a person into a demon is entirely due to the sudden maximization of one's obsession at that time, and then a change occurred by chance. However, when I became a demon, I also became a demon. I was a little excited at first, but then, as I got to know more about the demons, I started to feel more and more terrifying. So, when I became a mortal again, not only did the obsession I had before disappear, my entire psyche also changed. It's like being reshaped. To be honest, my understanding of myself is now blocked. At least, I don't understand what I need." Shen Zao's words directly gave Hao Yun a big slap in the face. Now Hao Yun finally understood what it means to have a fickle heart.

Hao Yun finally felt panic. According to Shen Zao, even if Huang Li's mother was a demon before, if she still followed the original path when she became demon again, it would be very slim. What if something went wrong? Even if Huang Li could forgive herself after she died, Fengyun Shan would definitely not let Shen Zao go. Could it be that he could still kill Fengyun Shan? Hao Yun was very confused. Fengyun Shan was Huang Li's brother. I just don’t know who is older between the two. Is Fengyunshan the elder brother or the younger brother?

Hao Yun suddenly fell into wild thoughts. At this moment, Xiao Wei appeared at the gate of the base. It seemed that she had already negotiated with Fengyun Mountain, but she just didn't know what their plans were.

After Hao Yun opened the door, Xiao Wei came to the laboratory soon. Xiao Wei stared at Hao Yun intently. When she saw that Hao Yun was a little hairy, she suddenly said: "The handsome man is very fond of you." Confidence, so he recognized your ability and hopes that you will not let down the commander's trust. You can only succeed and cannot fail."

Hao Yun now has no confidence at all. Although he has passed Fengyun Mountain, according to the experimental results just now, the success rate of demonizing Huang Li's mother will definitely not be high.

"Haha, the commander-in-chief praises me too much. I still need some time to rethink the plan." Hao Yun smiled dryly.

"No, there's no time. I'm just here to inform you. The commander will come down later. You should hurry up and prepare!" Xiaowei directly denied Hao Yun's request and asked him to prepare quickly.

Not long after, the spacecraft landed in the desert above the base. First, a combat team got off the spacecraft. Then, the members of this team rode an excavator and came to the base. Soon, the security of the base was taken over by this team. Received and left.

As the leader of the Eagle Faction and the supreme commander of the West Wind Army, Fengyunshan must not be careless about its own safety. At this time, Hao Yun discovered that the strength of the combatants who came to the base was quite impressive. Not only did the members have cultivators, Or, there are demons.

These combatants have done the best to protect themselves. They should be wearing soft armor made of high technology. Not only does it not hinder their movements, but it also gives people the feeling that they have strong protective capabilities. This set of soft armor covers people from head to toe.

It was wrapped up without even a single gap. If it hadn't been for the richer colors and thicker material, Hao Yun would have almost thought it was a tights made of vampire vines.

It is because of the existence of this set of soft armor that Hao Yun did not immediately perceive the true identities of these people. For example, those few may be members of the demon clan, because normally, there are

There was induction, but Hao Yun did not sense the existence of other magic pills immediately. It was probably because the existence of soft armor blocked the induction between magic pills.

The reason why Hao Yun felt that these people were demons was dark energy, because the soft armor of these people had dark energy adsorbed on them, and it was floating around their bodies. Hao Yun immediately felt that something was wrong. If he was protecting Fengyun Mountain,

There are demons in the team, so Huang Li must be in a very dangerous state now. It makes no sense, these people can't sense Huang Li's existence. Weird, really weird, Hao Yun muttered in his heart.

Just when Hao Yun felt very anxious, Fengyunshan finally arrived at the base, and of course the freezing cabin was accompanied by him. In the past, Hao Yun and Fengyunshan had only talked in the video, but this time they actually met.

Arriving at the old soldier, Hao Yun first made a judgment at a glance. Marshal Feng was not a demon, nor did he feel very much like a cultivator. This made Hao Yun very surprised. Could a mortal be able to control him?

Could such a huge Zephyr army live?

After Fengyunshan said hello to Hao Yun, he signaled that he could start. If there was no need to say anything more to Hao Yun, Hao Yun saw that after Fengyunshan sat down, there were always three combatants around him.

It was for protection. Hao Yun didn't know what the strength of these three combatants was, and two of them seemed to be demons. The demons' magical powers were quite miraculous. Without knowing what kind of magical powers they were,

, Hao Yun doesn't dare to attack Fengyun Mountain at will. What's more, we haven't reached the point of exhaustion yet.

Hao Yun came to the freezing cabin. When he saw the woman in the cabin, Hao Yun almost screamed in surprise. Although Huang Li had said before that her mother was very similar to her, Hao Yun did not expect that she would be so similar.

At first glance, Hao Yun thought that the person lying inside was Huang Li. After a closer look, he found that there were some faint fine lines at the corners of the woman's eyes and on her forehead, making her look older than Huang Li.

Just when Hao Yun was in a daze, he heard Fengyunshan say: "After seeing my mother, does it feel very familiar?"

Hao Yun was a little confused by Fengyunshan's words. He was stunned for a moment and said, "It's a bit familiar. I've seen it before, haven't I?"

"Haha, when was it before?" Feng Yunshan said with a smile.

"This..." Hao Yun was stopped by the question. Originally, he wanted to say, hadn't he done an experiment before? However, he suddenly thought, no, Fengyunshan would not use his mother for experiments easily. He should follow

It was the same this time. The test product was used to test it first, but the result was not good, so the real test was not done at all.

"It's impossible for you to have seen her, but I believe that you should have seen a woman similar to her, am I right?" Fengyunshan said to himself.

Hao Yun wanted to give himself a slap. Yes, Sima Qiuzhen had met Huang Li. How could he have forgotten this incident? So, Hao Yun quickly said: "Yes, I remember, it was the last time I came here."

One of the people from the West Wind Continent seems to be named..."

"My name is Huang Li, right?" Feng Yunshan said.

"That's right, it's Huang Li, haha, I didn't expect that there are two people with such imagination in this world." Hao Yun started to laugh.

"It's nothing unexpected. That Huang Li is my sister and my mother's daughter. Of course they look alike." Feng Yunshan said coldly.

Hao Yun originally wanted to make a haha ​​and make a few random remarks, but was surprised when Fengyunshan revealed the answer to the mystery so directly. He swallowed the words again.

"Actually, my sister is also here now. Unfortunately, she has too many doubts, so she has been reluctant to show up. Now, my mother will wake up soon. If I don't say some things, it may be too late."

Fengyunshan ignored Hao Yun at all and continued talking on his own.

No matter how stupid he is, Hao Yun understands that Fengyunshan's words were not told to him at all. It seems that, as expected, Fengyunshan has long known that Huang Li is nearby.

In Hao Yun's perception, Huang Li was actually above the freezing cabin. Hao Yun knew that if he could sense the dark energy on Huang Li's body, it made no sense that the demon guards guarding Fengyun Mountain couldn't sense it.

, Therefore, Fengyun Mountain should have known about it for a long time. However, Hao Yun didn't understand how he determined that this person was Huang Li. Judging from his tone, he was very sure.
This chapter has been completed!
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