Chapter 837: Apartheid

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Du Tinghan shuddered at the artificial isolation. To be honest, in all her years in the Presbyterian Church, no one had ever thought of doing this. Besides, could this approach work? Du Tinghan became confused.

"Master Du, if you look at the current spiritual world, everyone can understand that the isolation has actually started a long time ago, but it is still a spontaneous act. Therefore, as long as there is a force to take the initiative to promote this process, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Sima You's voice was full of temptation.

When Sima You started chatting with Du Tinghan, Shishi flying in the air also approached them. When she heard this, she couldn't help but retort: ​​"Whether it's a cultivator or a monster,

The demons, even the mortals in the West Wind Continent, are not without the ability to resist at all. Spontaneous behavior is okay, but if people do such things, they will inevitably form resistance. At that time, the entire spiritual world will become a big battlefield.

A large number of innocent people will die. Is this the result you want to pursue?"

"Haha, Miss Shishi's heart is really kind. However, if you analyze it carefully, you will understand that sooner or later there will be a war in the spiritual world. It is just a matter of time. Therefore, since the process will take place sooner or later,

happens, in order to have a good ending, people with insight are needed to guide and speed up this process, so that this process will not cause qualitative harm to the spiritual world, and finally a good ending can be obtained

." Sima You seemed confident and responded immediately.

"But the good ending you said is to isolate everyone, and there will be no freedom from now on." Shishi expressed strong dissatisfaction.

"Ahem, Miss Shishi is still too naive. There is no absolute freedom in life. Just like now, do you think that demons and monsters can appear in Lingdu Continent casually? Also, Lingdu Continent

If cultivators want to go to West Wind Continent, don't they also need to report, and cultivators at the Tribulation Stage and above are not allowed to go at all. Is this what you think of as freedom?" Sima You asked in return.

"This, this!" Shishi was speechless.

At this time, Du Tinghan suddenly said: "Since you are planning to carry out artificial segregation, what does this have to do with your ideals? Can it be said that by segregating, the world will be unified? There should be a voice, no

Will there still be some?"

Sima You laughed after listening to Du Tinghan's words, shaking his head while laughing: "Haha, Mr. Du is joking on purpose, isolation is just a means, not an end. In fact, there are ready-made examples now, such as the demon clan, although

, your Lingdu Continent did not completely annihilate the demon clan back then, but the policies and means adopted over the years have forced the demon clan’s living space to be limited to the outer sea. Over the years, the situation of the demon clan has become more and more severe, and its strength

It's not as good as before. The new generation of demon clan has lost its spirit of the past, and even caused divisions within the demon clan. Even if we don't care about them, I think in another hundred years, maybe the demon clan will disappear completely.

The stage of history is on."

"In that case, why do you need to speed up this process? Wouldn't it be better to just let these things happen naturally?" Shishi asked from the side.

"Of course it's not good. Things will always change dynamically. Monsters are not all fools. Anyone who faces death will rise up to resist. What's more, the monsters are still a race! That's why we need to strictly control the direction and ensure that

The process will not be changed. It is best if the process develops as quickly as possible. The longer it takes, the more variables there will be." Sima You retorted.

Du Tinghan was heartbroken. She had never thought that she was a good person. As a member of the Presbyterian Church, she had seen too much ugliness, but she had never seen a villain like Sima You.

In other words, Sima You is a pure evil person, because he not only has evil thoughts, but also through his words, he has planted seeds in the hearts of many people, and soon he will be able to develop truly evil thoughts.

of flowers.

Du Tinghan is very clear about the impact Sima You's thoughts and remarks have on people. She believes that there will be quite a few cultivators who agree with these thoughts. What Sima You lacks now is a big stage, which is why he wants to

Finding his own reasons, if he could spread his thoughts through the stage of the Presbyterian Church, the world would be completely over.

"What benefit will this do to you?" Shishi asked.

"Huh, what Miss said, really chilled my heart. We just want to save the world. Do we need benefits to benefit everyone?" Sima You's face finally changed a little, and it could be seen that he was a little unhappy.


But the more Sima You behaved like this, the more frightened Du Tinghan felt, because she knew that the really scary people were not those who were greedy for profit. These people all had obvious weaknesses, but people like Sima You

, the more selfless an attitude he shows, the greater the harm he will do, because he really believes that the idea he has chosen is a bright road.

Du Tinghan looked at Taoist Spirit Snake and the elderly couple, and found that they had always maintained a very determined expression on their faces. It was obvious that they were the staunchest supporters of Sima You's idea.

"Now that I understand your thoughts, can you let me think about it more? After all, this is a big deal." Du Tinghan decided to adopt delaying tactics.

"Ahem, it seems that Mr. Du still has a big misunderstanding of us. Originally, it was a normal request to let Mr. Du take more time to think about it. Unfortunately, this secret realm is about to collapse, and there is not much time left for us.

I hope you can be more straightforward and give us an answer!" Sima You sighed and said.

"Even if I promise you, how can you trust me?" Du Tinghan felt that the situation was slipping into the abyss.

"After signing this agreement, Ten Thousand Islands Alliance, I offer it with both hands, and this spiritual snake is also yours." Sima You took out an agreement. Du Tinghan took a look at it, okay, what are you going to do?

It is quite sufficient. It is actually an agreement of the highest level. If you sign this agreement, you will be sold to the Ten Thousand Islands Alliance.

Du Tinghan understood that he had no chance to take any chances anymore. He had already made all the preparations. So, Du Tinghan's face turned cold and he scolded: "You have gone too far. You actually forced me like this. What's the big deal? I

If I fight with you, I can't survive, and you can't even think of leaving this secret realm."

Sima You shook his head and sighed as he said: "Hey, Master Du, why don't you understand our painstaking efforts? If that's the case, then we have no choice but to offend you."

After Sima You finished talking, Du Tinghan realized something was wrong. For some reason, her head felt very dizzy and her eyes suddenly became blurry. Then, she felt Sima You's picture flashing in her mind.

As Sima You's handsome face became clearer and clearer, Du Tinghan felt a strange feeling rising in his heart. This feeling made Du Tinghan feel that Sima You was very kind to him.

, I feel as if I am very familiar with him, like a family member.

Just when Du Tinghan was about to sink, Shishi at the side felt extremely panicked. She didn't know what happened to Du Tinghan, and suddenly her eyes froze and a strange smile appeared on her face.

Shishi glanced at Sima You and found that his body was also in a still state. Then, a terrible thought came to Shishi's mind. If this guy doesn't know any weird skills, he can control other people's minds.

, could it be said that his grandfather, Taoist Spirit Snake, was only controlled by this guy, and did not become his partner as he said...

When Shishi thought of this, she began to get excited. She thought, no, I can't let my grandfather become his puppet. I must rescue my grandfather from the clutches of the devil. Shishi saw Sima You who was motionless, and then looked at

Xiang, Ling She Taoist and the two couples who were on alert, found that they were all paying attention to Du Tinghan, so Shishi became happy. No one happened to notice her, and the opportunity finally came.

Shishi quickly came to Sima You, and just when she was about to take action, she felt a feeling of being imprisoned in her body. After all, Shishi's strength was low. Although no one was watching her, as soon as she started to act, she was beaten by the old man in brown clothes.

He realized that for a cultivator in the early stage of Mahayana, he could influence Shishi's actions without taking any direct action. When Shishi saw this, she knew that she had been discovered, but she had already been mentally prepared to act on her own.

Before, she had quietly released her spiritual snake. Shishi's spiritual snake turned into a particle the size of dust and floated towards Sima You. Just when everyone's attention was focused on Shishi, the situation suddenly changed.

I saw a spiritual snake suddenly burst out, swallowed Sima You in one gulp, and then immediately turned into a piece of dust and floated away in the wind.

"Oops, the alliance leader is missing." The old man in brown clothes became anxious.

"It's Shishi's spirit snake that is causing trouble." Taoist Spirit Snake was very clear about Shishi's ability, so he hurriedly shouted to Shishi, "Hurry up and let the leader go, you girl, you are really inconsiderate, you can't

Big mistake made."

Shishi looked at her grandfather and cried: "Grandpa, please wake up quickly, and nothing will happen to you!"

"You girl, what are you talking about? Release the leader quickly, otherwise your spirit snake will not be saved." Spirit Snake Taoist felt very anxious.

Before she finished speaking, Shishi opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. As soon as Shishi turned around, she saw Sima You appearing in front of her with a livid face. After Sima You was swallowed by the spirit snake, it was also because of the sudden incident.

, which made him a little confused, and the spell casting was interrupted immediately. Fortunately, the strength of the spirit snake was not high, so Sima You spent a lot of effort to break through the inner space of the spirit snake, and not only successfully killed it

This spiritual snake was still unscathed.

Sima You ignored Shishi. He immediately focused on Du Tinghan, but at this time, the opportunity was gone. Although Du Tinghan still maintained the cross-legged posture of meditating, she had returned to her normal state.

Her sluggish eyes are now tightly closed. The most important thing is that her momentum is growing rapidly.

"Oops, prepare to fight." Sima You immediately noticed something was wrong, "This guy is absorbing the core energy in the secret realm."

Wanwan, who was hiding in the woods, found that the secret realm was becoming more and more unstable. A large number of trees in the originally airtight woods around her had begun to fall. When Wanwan looked carefully, she discovered that the land in the secret realm suddenly began to collapse.

With the desertification, the roots of the trees could no longer be fixed, so the trees began to fall to the ground one after another. Not only that, the water in the large lake not far away also began to drop, as if a bottomless pit appeared at the bottom of the lake. A large number of collapsed nodes appeared in the space in the secret realm

, it feels like the secret realm may collapse at any time.

"Escape quickly, this secret realm is about to end." Bauhinia Electric Dragon said to Wanwan.

"What's going on?" Wanwan asked.

"This bitch is really ruthless. She has absorbed a lot of earth energy in the secret realm, causing the secret realm to lose the balance of the five elements. You go and break the space point, and we have to escape quickly." After explaining, the Bauhinia Electric Dragon passed through the gods.

Nian sent Wanwan the location of the weak point in the space.

"Don't worry, I'll contact Fairy Prisoner Dragon first and see where she is now!" Wanwan was careful and remembered Fairy Prisoner Dragon.

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