Chapter 881: Sarcophagus with space power

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The style of the sarcophagus is relatively old. The man can tell at a glance that it is an antique. However, for the man, it is actually quite disappointing. After all, it is normal to find a coffin in an old tomb. Although

The material of this coffin is a bit special, but the sarcophagus is also a coffin, not something else. Now that the sarcophagus has been dug out, the man should not waste it and open it to see what good things are inside!

With the man's physical strength, let alone opening the sarcophagus, he might be able to smash the sarcophagus with his bare hands. But something strange happened. The man tried his best, but he couldn't open the sarcophagus. He didn't believe in evil and even deliberately opened it.

After punching the sarcophagus a few times, he found that the material of the sarcophagus was extraordinary. Even with his bare hands, it might not be possible to damage the sarcophagus even with weapons. Only then did the man determine that the sarcophagus was extraordinary and must be a treasure. So, the man thought of a way to remove the old grave.

Everything that could be found inside was packed and transported back to his residence, and detailed research began.

After carefully cleaning the appearance of the sarcophagus, the man found some pictures on the surface of the sarcophagus. After his interpretation, he believed that the sarcophagus should contain the corpse of a monster from another world. Moreover, among the pictures on the sarcophagus, there were

The warning basically means that this sarcophagus must not be opened, otherwise it will cause huge disasters.

The man thought to himself that this warning was meaningless. This sarcophagus was so magical that it was impossible for anyone to open it. After the man obtained the sarcophagus, he naturally used many methods, including some violent methods. In the end, not only did he not let anyone

There was a slight crack in the sarcophagus, and even the surface of the sarcophagus did not cause any damage. It gave the man the feeling that the sarcophagus was just like a fake. Although he could see and touch it, in fact, the sarcophagus was not there at all.

In this world.

"Space artifact?" Du Tinghan suddenly interrupted Sima You's story.

"Haha, you are indeed worthy of being a member of the Presbyterian Church. You are well-informed!" Sima You praised Du Tinghan, indirectly recognizing Du Tinghan's conjecture.

The so-called space artifact is actually an artifact that contains the power of space. Since this kind of artifact is very rare in the spiritual world, it is a common convention that this kind of artifact is called a space artifact. This kind of artifact can be natural or made like a sarcophagus.

It is obvious that the created artifacts with space power are rarer than natural objects. Therefore, Du Tinghan is well-deserved for calling this sarcophagus an artifact.

"Back then, trying to figure out what was wrong with this sarcophagus almost made me a psychopath," Sima You said.

"So, is that man who keeps having adventures really you?" Although Du Tinghan was prepared, she was still surprised when Sima You really said that.

Sima You ignored Du Tinghan's question and just continued to tell the story. After unremitting efforts, the man finally understood where his feelings came from. It turned out that this sarcophagus had a mysterious power protecting it. Unless

Only by destroying this power could he open the sarcophagus. To this end, he read countless historical books and finally confirmed that this power was the legendary space power.

At the beginning, the man did not dare to think in this direction, because there is no spiritual power in the West Wind Continent. After the cultivators come to the West Wind Continent, their strength will suddenly drop a lot, and only the demons can maintain their power in the West Wind Continent.

This magical ability is also because there is no shortage of dark energy that the demons can use in the West Wind Continent. Obviously, space power is not dark energy. Therefore, the man has always thought that space power may be a kind of spiritual power, which makes the man's thinking

A misunderstanding occurred and he wasted a lot of time.

When the man confirmed that this power was the power of space, he realized that it was not that there was no spiritual power in the West Wind Continent. As long as the West Wind Continent still existed, the power of time and space must exist, otherwise the West Wind Continent would not be able to support the spiritual power.

within the realm.

Now that he found the root cause, the man knew what he should do. If he wanted to destroy the power of space, the best way was to master this power, so the man began to learn about the power of space. Regardless of that era,

There are very few cultivators on the West Wind Continent, but there are still a lot of cultivation classics preserved in the West Wind Continent. After all, many years ago, the West Wind Continent was also a world of cultivation, but as the spiritual energy dried up, many cultivators ran to the Lingdu.

Mainland China. However, not all cultivators are so lucky, so there are many cultivators who remain. However, the cultivator families are eventually eliminated and become ordinary mortals. Therefore, the cultivators left by these families

The classics that were written down became useless, and eventually they naturally became a kind of collection, being tossed around in private or public collections.

It's so magical. Due to changes in the environment, the cultivation techniques or classics that many cultivators flocked to in the past will eventually become a kind of collection, and their actual value will become dispensable. Let's say it is useful, in the West Wind Continent where there is no aura.

, it is basically nonsense to follow it; let’s say it is useless, in fact, it may be of some reference to the cultivators in Lingdu Continent. However, the cultivators in Lingdu Continent also have their own techniques, and no one can

You don't know how to go to the West Wind Continent to pick up other people's things. To put it bluntly, those are the things of the eliminated cultivator families. In the eyes of real cultivators, they may not be much better than garbage.

In fact, the same goes for the man. After spending a lot of time and money among these relatively expensive garbage, he finally found a few space-related Kung Fu books. Only after the man started to study, he discovered

, since he is already a demon, it is impossible for him to learn the skills of a cultivator. Now that his body contains a large amount of dark energy, it is impossible to perceive spatial spiritual power, and naturally it is impossible to master spatial abilities.


However, the man did not give up. He thought to himself that since the demons could use dark energy to display many incredible magical powers, then space power might be similar to dark energy. This was because the man's mind had a big problem.

Expansion, so, he thought, maybe the so-called dark energy is actually a kind of spiritual power, but it is quite different from traditional spiritual power, and the cultivator system does not have a deep understanding of it. Maybe, the so-called spiritual power of the cultivators

The force can be called clear spirit force, and there are many systems in the clear spirit force, which form different abilities. And dark energy must also have different systems, otherwise the demons would not have various abilities.

.Whether it is light or dark, there are some powers that should be in the middle, such as space and time, so these two abilities will appear more powerful and magical.

The man thought about the linkage between his magic pill and his body. Once the distance between the two exceeds a certain limit, the magic pill will break through the distance limit and immediately return to his side. This method and means is just like the spatial ability.

The same as teleportation, which shows that the demon's abilities should include space abilities and even time abilities. However, these abilities are not something he can master and can only be passively stimulated under certain conditions. The man has

After making speculations in this area, he began to study the methods and means used by the magic pill when it appeared around him, starting from the magic pill and his own induction. After countless experiments, he slowly teleported to the magic pill.

At this time, the energy fluctuations generated are perceived.

After strengthening this perception many times, he found that this energy fluctuation was very similar to the power in the sarcophagus, but there were still some differences between the two. So, he deliberately began to adjust it until he had this

After adjusting his perception to be exactly the same as the energy fluctuations of the sarcophagus, he was finally able to borrow the space power on the sarcophagus. The man discovered that the magic pill could use the power on the sarcophagus to build a different space, and once this different space was constructed, it would be the same as reality.

The world is both connected and independent, which is very magical.

So, after the man intentionally built a different space based on the research institute where he was hiding and relied on the power in the sarcophagus, he discovered that he could pull the minds of people in the real world within the scope of this different space into this space.

It can produce a dream state that is similar to dreaming, but not a dream. If used properly, it can produce very wonderful effects. Unfortunately, soon, the man did not dare to continue the experiment, because every time, other people's minds would be destroyed.

When he is pulled into this space, the magic pill will have the urge to devour it. If he hadn't had strong restraint, he might have fallen long ago.

At this stage, the man could finally open the sarcophagus. In addition to the skeleton of a monster, the man inside the sarcophagus was a space crack leading to a different space. The man didn't know who could fix the space crack in the sarcophagus.

It was too powerful, its strength was beyond his imagination.

The man thought for a long time and felt that this sarcophagus was not a power he could control at all. In addition, he had suffered from the backlash due to devouring too many souls. He felt that it was better for him to leave the West Wind Continent as soon as possible. If he wanted to harm the Lingdu Continent, he would also be harmed.

That's right. Of course, it's not easy to go to the Lingdu Continent. It's very difficult for him as a demon to pass the review. However, that was in the past. Now the man has a good way, which is to use his demon elixir.

Put it in the sarcophagus, and then, a magical thing happens. Maybe the sarcophagus contains powerful space power, which can actually isolate the connection between the magic pill and the body. Therefore, no matter how far the man goes, the magic pill will return.

not in his body.

The man felt that he was alive again. Without the magic pill, he looked like an ordinary person. And without the magic pill, he naturally could not use his magical powers. Except for his physical strength, which was still relatively strong, he was no different from ordinary people in all other aspects.

Unexpectedly. So, the man successfully passed the review and got on the passenger ship to Lingdu Continent.

Since the sarcophagus could not be placed in the storage space, it was impossible for the man to carry the coffin to Lingdu Continent, so he left the sarcophagus underground under the West Wind Continent Research Institute and hid it, while he set foot on the journey again alone.

During the journey to Lingdu Continent, perhaps because it was too far away from the magic pill, when the man passed through the immortal world, he suddenly discovered that he could sense the existence of spiritual power again.

returned to his body.

After all, the man once had outstanding talent and successfully advanced to the Nascent Soul stage. Therefore, when the feeling came back, he tried it for a while and found that not only could he practice again, but he could also practice very quickly. So, when he left

When he got off the passenger ship and set foot on the land of Lingdu Continent, he unexpectedly became a Nascent Soul stage cultivator again, and was only a hair away from the stage of transcending the tribulation. In fact, he could completely survive the tribulation on the passenger ship, but

, he was unwilling to do such a shocking thing, so he suppressed the urge to transcend the heavenly tribulation and planned to find a safe place to advance after getting off the ship.

Later, the man also thought about it and thought that the reason why he could become smooth sailing after re-cultivation may be related to the erosion of dark energy in his body. First, the strength of the outside of the body is very strong, so when going through the tribulation, lightning will

The damage to the body is not great. Secondly, because the inside of the body is eroded by dark energy, the inside is not as strong as the outside, so the meridians become much easier during the expansion of cultivation. Both of them

After adding up, the man's cultivation became easier and smoother than before. The only regret was that the force he chose to join back then was not very good in cultivation techniques. This is why he was so good in cultivation.

In a simple situation, he did not break through to the late stage of Mahayana, otherwise he should have ascended to the immortal world and become an immortal.
This chapter has been completed!
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