Chapter 143 I am not only poor but miserable

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Yan Huaiwen said: "We can't take any chances. These traitors must know our identity and our plan to go to Guanzhou. They have horses and move quickly. If we don't change our route, we may be overtaken again. .”

By then, I'm afraid there won't be more than a hundred people.

There will only be more.

"Dad, why don't you go back to the Leshan government office and expose them!" Yan Xiangheng said.

Yan Laoer shook his head and said: "My eldest nephew, I'm afraid it won't work. They said that they are soldiers of Leshan Prefecture. Who knows if there is any connection. This group of people can move freely in Leshan, even though it is far away from the prefecture and is remote and uninhabited. , but after all, it is still within the territory of Leshan Prefecture, there is still an official road, and there is a post station thirty miles away. Didn’t Leshan Prefecture notice it at all?

Is it really not discovered, or is someone covering it up?!"

Yan Huaiwen coughed lightly and said in a low voice: "There are some things you should keep in your heart and don't need to be said out loud."

Yan Laoer asked stupidly: "Which ones are they?"

"Dad! It's a shield." Yan Yu pointed out helpfully.

Yan Laoer stared: "Why can't you say it? There are no outsiders here."

Yan Huaiwen smiled slightly and said: "It is one of the possibilities, but Leshan Mansion is different from other big mansions.

Rather than covering up, it’s better to say that I can’t control it and can’t do anything about it.”

The three of them were dumbfounded. How could they say this?

Yan Huaiwen took the badge and started drawing it on the ground.

While drawing, he explained: "This is Leshan Prefecture." He wrote the word "Leshan" and circled it.

"North to the east is Guanzhou.

Directly to the northwest is Xizhou.

Southwest of Leshan is our Qishan Prefecture.

If there are no mountains blocking it, Linhaifu is to the east.

South of Linhai is the capital city.

Leshan seems to be in the middle and connected to each other, but if the area occupied by the mountains within the territory is removed, the actual area under its jurisdiction is very small. Where these mountains are located, it has become a place where government orders are blocked, bandits are rampant, and there are many bandits.

Furthermore, because there are two important military and defensive areas in Guanzhou and Xizhou on both sides, the capital of Leshan Prefecture has been reduced by half. The land is vast and mountainous, and the manpower is insufficient. Most of the land in the mountains is abandoned. "

I understand, it’s all mountains, and the officials can’t control it.

That's why I say it's not necessarily a cover-up, it may be a case of letting go and allowing anyone to do whatever it takes to move the mountain away.

People who live in the mountains are either bandits or mountain people.

The latter evaded taxes, while the former not only evaded taxes but also committed chaos.

How can the government care about their life and death?

They went to Leshan Prefecture to file a complaint. If they really sent people out to look for the thieves, they wouldn't be able to kill them at knifepoint.

Look at people, they can pull out hundreds of people and even ride horses.

Yes, the regular army can't even afford horses. It's really pitiful.

Yan Laoer: "It's not easy for Leshan Prefecture, so I won't cause any trouble to them."

Yan Huaiwen was silent for a while and said, "Let's think about how to avoid the pursuing soldiers."

Yan Yu looked at it very carefully, comparing it one by one with the mileage map in his mind.

She pointed to the location of the capital and asked, "Uncle, is it far from Leshan Prefecture to the capital?"

"Between the two, there is a waterway, which the previous dynasty spent nearly twenty years digging." Yan Huaiwen drew a not-so-straight line between Leshan Prefecture and the capital.

"Can't we just take the water route?" Yan Yu asked, tilting her head.

In fact, she was no stranger to this waterway, and it was marked on the mileage map.

What she considered was that taking a boat would definitely cost money, and they were very poor before, so they probably couldn't afford it, so she wondered if her uncle did not choose the capital for this reason, but took the overland route from Leshan to Guanzhou.

But it’s different now!

They robbed the bandits, and although the money was not much, the money they collected was quite a lot. It should be enough to take a boat. The direct waterway from Leshan to the capital is not very good.

"Trade between our north and south is not extensive. This canal will be closed every time the water level drops in summer and the river is blocked, making it difficult for ships to move."

Yan Yu couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

She didn't need to ask why it was not dredged. Her uncle had said before that my family was very poor. Since there was not much trade between the north and the south and the profits were not enough, who would spend time and money to dredge the river?

There is no hope in the capital, and we cannot go back...

"What about Linhai Mansion? Is the mountain in between high? Can we climb over?"

"Linhai..." Yan Huaiwen fell into memories and said slowly: "There are constant winds and floods along the coast, so it's not a good place to be."

Yan Yu:……

Yan Laoer:......

what's the situation?

"Uncle." Yan Yu asked cautiously: "What is wind and flood?"

Oh my god! Don't be like what she thinks.

The waist card in Yan Huaiwen's hand traces an arc from Linhai down to the south.

“In a coastal city, there are always several months of continuous rain a year, with strong winds and tidal waves pushing waves ashore...

Submerged fertile fields are difficult to plow again.

The seawater pours back and pours like a rainbow.

Very few people survive being swept into the water.

Wind disasters are particularly severe and can overturn houses, making trees, humans and animals invincible."

The father and daughter looked at each other, and at the same time they saw four big words in each other's eyes: life without love.

It turns out there was a reason why they were hit by the platform.

It turns out that the world in this book is so dangerous!!!

I really want to ask the author of this book, why did you write about such a harsh living environment?

Should ‘my dynasty’ be so miserable?

Is highlighting the protagonist’s merit in governance?

Judging from the introduction, this is clearly a book about upgrading officialdom!

Does it have anything to do with natural disasters?

No wonder! No wonder!

Uncle Punk is right!

They are just a group of unlucky people, described truthfully, without exaggeration...

Unlucky guy Yan Yu was numb.

She felt that she was in a really good state of mind.

Maybe it’s because I’ve seen it on the platform and accepted it quickly.

Well, based on this comparison, Guanzhou, which has a cold climate, becomes the best place to go...

Uncle is wise!

Yan Laoer said: "I talked to Manshan, but Xizhou can't go either. Like Leshan Prefecture, you have to do mining corvee. It's hard work. Besides, there are many mines in Xizhou Mountain in Leshan, so I might buy someone to go there."

The leaders of the mining rebellion are in these two places."

Yan Huaiwen looked up at him and thought to himself: Tianyou was really right.

Yan Yu glanced at her father, and Yan Laoer blinked, not understanding what he meant.

Her daughter looked at the picture on the ground, her little eyebrows twitching.

Yan Laoer: This is a great test of spiritual communication.

He thought for a while and said: "Brother, this is the path we are taking now."

He picked up a handful of weeds, picked them up in his hands, selected a few, and laid them out in a line.

The short section from Qishan Mansion overlaps with the official road, and then it goes straight towards Guanzhou.

"This is the official road, not far from us. If we change the road, we can only go from the other side and go around from the east.

The east side is far away from official roads. If, as big brother, you said, Leshan Prefecture can't control that side, we are still likely to be overtaken..."

No difference.
This chapter has been completed!
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