Chapter 236 Serious illness requires strong medicine

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Yan Laoer stood dumbly on the spot after receiving the money.

"More... much, much better." He stuttered.

Yan Huaiwen explained patiently: "Here is not only the money to buy medicine, but also part of the masks you sent before. The big boss is also considered a government official, and a pair of them is two-liter."

The expenses you and Qi Si spent on the trip to Longxing this time are also included.

Also, the eldest master wants you to continue to help with purchasing."

Yan Laoer was a little unsure. He looked around carefully and whispered: "Brother, there is no need to calculate too much. Really, we will get our capital back. You, please don't make mistakes for us..."

"What are you thinking about!" If it weren't for the wooden fence blocking him, Yan Huaiwen would have wanted to hit him on the head to wake him up.

"It was approved by the great master."

He wanted to say that from now on you can hold it as the store writes, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them again.

That's all, at worst, I have to go to Mr. Tian every time to complain.

My Tianyou has a pure heart, so why do we walk at night in brocade clothes!

Yan Laoer felt relieved and his smile gradually grew bigger.

"Can you trust me, sir? Give me so much money?"

The money advanced for the purchase this time was fully twice as much as last time.

They are all official silver poured from the same mold. Put them together, no matter how cute they look.

Yan Huaiwen nodded with a smile.

Looking at Tianyou wearing a cloth, touching this and that.

He looked like he had never seen the world.

He coughed slightly and said: "This time is different from the last time. You can slow down on the road. There is a lot of medicine delivered today, which will be enough for a while."

Yan Laoer hurriedly asked: "Is the sick person feeling better?"

"It's getting better." Yan Huaiwen said, "Dr. An you invited has very good medical skills."

He has read the prescription, but it is not very accurate to say that it is clever. Compared with other doctors, Dr. An is stronger than him in daring to use medicine.

Severe cases require strong medication.

Many doctors understand this principle, but very few dare to do it.

Just because it is a medicine with three parts poison, a large amount of medicine has a quick effect, and it can save people from water and fire, but it also damages the foundation.

But compared to life, damaging the foundation is nothing.

Doctors need to weigh the pros and cons by themselves.

How many people are stuck here.

If you have a bodhisattva heart, you must also have thunderous means.

"Brother, I think about going to Changping this time, well, it's actually Linhai Prefecture. Not only do I want to buy medicine, but people in the village think that the price of food may rise. We won't be able to harvest the food we grow until next fall.

It’s not enough, we want to stock up on more food.”

Yan Huaiwen: "The waiter mentioned this to me yesterday. If you want to buy food, it would be appropriate to go to Linhai Mansion, but... this way you have to pass through Gufeng and Changping. Changping will return it. Gufeng is now

The situation is not good."

He thought of Dr. An's reaction after asking about Gu Feng's situation.

And... once the epidemic becomes difficult to contain, the government may adopt cold and hard measures.

"We plan to take the water route. The upper reaches of the river in our village is Longxing, and its source seems to be Fengming. It passes through Gufeng and Changping all the way down. If we can make it, we can avoid Gufeng... But brother, there is one thing...


He told the people in the village who wanted to visit their relatives.

"...There may be people here who will follow us to Guanzhou. If they take the official route, they will probably end up in Gufeng." Yan Laoer said with some worry.

"Huju regularly asks the garrison to help deliver letters to Yongning, and also delivers official documents to Gufeng. I will try to find someone to help ask if there is anyone from Qishan Mansion." Yan Huaiwen said again: "If I send a mission to Qishan in the future,

, please ask me. It is not difficult to ask whether there has been any change in the household registration.

If you want to take the water route, you might as well ask an experienced boatman first, it might be possible..."

Liang Manshan walked quickly.

"Brother Huai'an, it's a good thing you didn't leave." He was very happy to see Yan Laoer still outside the wooden fence.

"Please take these home for me and give them to my father." He handed over a baggage.

Yan Laoer curiously touched it through the cloth.

"Manshan, what are you talking about? Like...paper?"

Yan Huaiwen coughed lightly with disapproval in his eyes.

Liang Manshan blushed slightly, but he felt that he was close to Yan Laoer, so he was only a little embarrassed.

He smiled and said: "This is a reward from the great master. I won't use so much. I sent it home. I will need it for my calligraphy and composition writing during the harvest years."

Yan Laoer didn't mean to laugh at him at all, and sighed with emotion: "Manshan, you are really fatherly."

After he finished speaking, he blinked and looked at Lao Yan.

Don’t you have anything to express?

Yan Huaiwen handed over the inconspicuous baggage behind his back with a nonchalant expression.

"There's my handwriting inside. You can see it when you get home."

Yan Laoer touched it again and smiled.

He raised a big smile and said, "Brother, you think this is a coincidence, I also bought you paper, thinking that if you want to write official documents, you can't put down your knowledge, I will definitely use it."

He happily handed over the bundle he had prepared.

Yan Huaiwen smiled slightly, and his exposed eyes revealed a bit of tenderness.

Liang Manshan on the side was dumbfounded.

What are you brothers doing?

Change paper?

Yan Laoer started talking about family affairs in the village again.

Why does our village need to buy a stone mill for the grain farm?

I need to buy some furniture at home.

Last night, money for collecting herbs was distributed to the villagers, and everyone was very happy.

Longxing is a completely different big city from Huju. It doesn’t feel as good or close to us as Huju...

Finally, Yan Laoer remembered his daughter's entrustment.

"The waiter said he wanted to buy some small sickles and hoes. It will be easier for the children to go into the mountains to collect herbs. Also, every family in our village needs to buy some big vats. I'm afraid there won't be enough in the town. Brother, Huju sells them in the city.

too much?"

Liang Manshan said: "Everyone in the city is closed now. The shops are all boarded up. There is no business. They are not happy with the business we bring to their doorsteps. I will handle this matter."

Yan Laoer was even more happy: "Manshan, you set a time and we will have someone come over and pull you over."

Liang Manshan thought for a moment and said, "Give them two days to prepare the goods. It's more than enough. Let's get people from the village the day after tomorrow."

"It's just sickles and hoes... It involves iron tools, and there are a lot of them. I'm afraid I'll have to give my nod." He looked at Yan Huaiwen.

Both are household clerks, so they each have their own division of labor.

Liang Manshan mainly works in the city, checking the population, counting supplies... and dealing with the residents in the city.

Yan Huaiwen's work was mainly concentrated outside the city, including the resettlement of disaster victims and the deployment of food, medicine and various supplies. Because of his outstanding writing skills, he provided official documents to and from various cities, as well as records of various offices in the government office.

Announcements...all participated.

It can be said that he gained power in one day and became Mr. Tian's right-hand man, whom he relied on very much.

"I've made a note of it and will mention it to the great master," Yan Huaiwen said.

"Brother, can you call Dr. An over again? I want to ask him if I should buy the medicine according to the prescription prescribed last time?" Yan Laoer was careful and serious in his work.

Especially when the eldest master rewarded him with so much money, he trusted him so much!

Why don't you take this matter more seriously?

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