Chapter 340 Inspiration

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"Huai'an, look, this is what I, Huju, have harvested this year!"

On an elevated stone platform with pine boards on the floor, bags of grain were re-weighed, sealed, and stacked on both sides.

There were only a few people guarding the barn outside.

But he didn't want to know what was going on inside. In addition to the civilian workers who were working, there were also several teams of patrolling guards, eyeing the workers and the food with eager eyes.

When they saw the big master coming, these full-backs seemed not to notice, and did whatever they were supposed to do, without paying any attention to him.

Yan Laoer, on the other hand, was cut several times by their sharp gazes...

"These are the elite soldiers and generals under General Xue Qi. Haha, it's not because I am so proud that I can't borrow them!" Mr. Tian was quite proud of himself.

Yan Laoer didn't see it that way.

He went to the countryside with Liang Manshan to collect grain. He didn't just think about how to buy grain and transport it every day. Occasionally, he also talked about the mountains.

As far as he knew, the grain in several border town barns could also be regarded as reserve warehouses for the border army.

If food was in short supply during a war, the border troops would transfer food from the government barn.

Therefore, this has nothing to do with the great master's face. It is purely because food is important and cannot be lost.

"How much food do you think there is here?" Mr. Tian smiled broadly. It seemed that he was in a good mood since he entered the barn, and the smile on his face never stopped.

Yan Laoer counted from top to bottom, and then from right to left. The two sides were very symmetrical. Then multiplied by two, a bag of rice should be a standard one hundred kilograms, then...

He quickly reported a number.

Mr. Tian:......

Yan Laoer asked humbly: "Am I right?"

If the situation in front of him was not wrong, the warehouse men behind him would have wanted to give him a slap, and they would shout excitedly and novelly: Brother, you can do it! Tell me how you guessed it!

The number of pounds reported by Yan Laoer was exactly the amount of grain they had prepared to deliver to Fucheng.

These are the ones that are actually bagged.

Mr. Tian would not be deceived by him and said with a smile: "It seems that Huai'an did not miss a single subject of arithmetic."

A little joke.

Mr. Tian then started talking about business: "At this time of year, I am both happy and worried.

I am happy that my people in the tiger camp have finally reaped the rewards after a year of hard work. What I am worried about is that we also need to send food to the city, and the central level is almost the same as that of farmers paying taxes..."

Yan Laoer was very happy: "Is there someone in Fucheng who checks and weighs the weight?"

Mr. Tian looked at him approvingly, nodded and said: "Yes, it's just the same, even worse."

Yan Laoer:......

Understand, it's just an onion, peel it layer by layer.

Yamen servants went to the countryside to collect grain, bringing scales and buckets with them.

When you encounter someone who is going to do something wrong, if they answer the question correctly, be happy and put it on the scale.

If the quality of the grain is not good and they find something wrong with it, or if they feel unhappy, they will fight.

Yan Laoer has only seen him twice. Wan Tou from Zaoban specially changed his shoes with thick soles and kicked them four times. The grain that stood out fell down visibly to the naked eye and was scattered all around.


Every time he was kicked, the faces of the villagers became uglier, and they almost cried in the end.

His daughter couldn't bear to see it, so she picked up the fallen grains one by one, blew them clean, put them away, and secretly sent them back to the family.

In other words, relying on their sweet words and young age, those Wan Tou people gave the Yan family a piece of thin noodles.

I heard from the old man in the village that in previous years, the quick shift to collect grain would only require three kicks at most. That's what they did. Three kicks are more severe than these four kicks.

The old man looked sad and muttered over and over again: I didn't have these shoes last year, I didn't have these shoes last year...

He then learned again that there was something special about these shoes.

I think the soap class business was a bit rusty last year, but it has improved this year.

It’s really a good job and a good job!

Unfortunately, this is not a good thing for farmers.

Unexpectedly, the great master now told him that these methods used on others would turn around and fall on them again.

Yan Laoer really didn't know how to feel for a moment.

So complicated!

"Will Fucheng still transport it to the capital? Will it be tested?" Yan Laoer asked quickly.

Mr. Tian laughed and said, "I forgot about Huai'an. Guanzhou is a fiefdom of the King of England. I'll wait until the grain tax is delivered to the capital."

Yes, Fucheng is their heaven, reaching the top.

"In previous years, each city had to compete for the first place. The one that arrived first would pay the least." Mr. Tian said slowly: "Gu Feng is in such a situation and he doesn't want to fall behind. That's why."

"I'm going to deliver food to Fucheng this year. I'm not in a hurry to compete with them." Mr. Tian gave up and asked with a smile: "Why do you think so?"

Yan Laoer: How could I know...

The expression on his face was so straightforward that Mr. Tian smiled even more happily: "It was also inspired by Huai'an that I came up with a good idea!"

Yan Laoer was confused.

What did I inspire me? Why don’t I know it?

Master Lu's accounts are messy and messy, making it difficult to calculate.

But this doesn't bother Yan Yu, it just takes some more time.

Her father said that Master Lu might leave early and asked him to make preparations first, so she took the time to settle the accounts, so as not to make her look unprofessional when someone came to do the calculations.

After a busy day, Xiaoan Village turned all the bamboos into bamboo crossbows.

Everyone worked hard in one place, and the speed was really super fast.

The torches lit up in the center of the village, illuminating the whole area brightly.

Everyone in the village, men, women, old and young, wanted to watch the fun.

Without those vain speeches, the village elders were very simple and unpretentious. When the target was ready, they just shouted to start.

Yan Yu is like a general who dispatches troops and generals, making decisions in the middle, deciding who will end up according to different opponents.

There is discussion within the Boy Scouts that the bamboo crossbows they receive will not be attributed to individuals, but will be distributed uniformly.

Yan Yu also revealed early on that in the future, the task of standing on the arrow tower and watching and guarding would belong to his boy scouts.

Therefore, despite their small size, the children are very powerful.

Take a look at the arrow tower and imagine yourself standing on a high place majesticly looking down at the whole village. The children are full of fighting spirit!

The men in the village were very enthusiastic at the beginning of the competition, but after losing several games in a row, they gradually calmed down.

Only then did I finally realize that these children were really capable.

As the situation grew colder, Yan Yu took action at the right time, and finally kept the outcome at 50-50.

Several village elders discussed it and decided to distribute it according to this ratio.

When this decision reached everyone's ears.

The children's cheers followed one after another.

The firelight imprinted on each of their faces, making their black pupils shine like stars.

Early the next morning, Master Lu came over.

He was also kind-hearted and did not want to abandon the work he had taken on and give up halfway. He also really missed his family, so he told Yan Yu that he would first withdraw part of his wages and send it home, and then come back to work after he had given instructions to his family.

Yan Yu gave him silver.

Master Lu borrowed the Qi family's mule cart to take one of his brothers home.

Before leaving, he told her that if the five arrow towers in the village were left to dry for one day, they would be ready for people to stand on them.

However, it is better not to have too many people at the beginning, maybe two or three for adults, and more for children, maybe seven or eight.

Double the last day~

Monthly ticketMonthly ticketMonthly ticket~(#^.^#)~

PS: Dear friends, if you are using an Apple phone, please don’t tip me.

I think it's right to divide it half and half, because the website promotes various benefits and bonuses, and Zhai is quite willing~

But why does Apple still charge 30%!!! It’s more than a housewife, I feel so unbalanced, hum, don’t let it earn our hard-earned money ~ Remember, there is no (`) comparison

This chapter has been completed!
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