Chapter 425 Thrift

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Yan Laoer took the trousers and weighed them one by one.

"Teacher, here are eighty taels."

Mr. Tian's heart was heavy, and he sighed. His writing was a bit awkward, so he simply put down the pen.

Sighed deeply.

Yan Laoer was very natural: "Teacher, I will take this money and put it into my account."

The money borrowed from Fucheng had been dealt with in this way before. He planned to come with it and hand it over to the household later.

"Wait a minute!" Mr. Tian hesitated: "God bless, do you think I should accept this money as my teacher?"

"You didn't even come to borrow it. Magistrate Cheng Tong asked his youngest son to bring it all the way. How sincere, why can't you accept it? Teacher, look at these. There are a lot of broken silver and few silver ingots. This must be a big deal.

I saved up little by little, alas! No wonder I am a close friend with you, both of us are as clean as water and have the breeze on our sleeves!

We are in need of money now. My brother left and took away more than half of the house's money. Another person came from Xizhou. They said they were polite, but in other words they just wanted food and grass.

Not even silver.

It’s no wonder that people are not accommodating. On this day of the year, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the food supply is going to increase...

Mr. Cheng, this is a timely gift! Thank you very much.

Teacher, don't be embarrassed, we borrow and repay. When we get through this winter and have enough money, I will go to the city for you and pay back the money and pay off the IOUs to the adults one by one."

Yan Laoer has always had this matter in mind. The old man has a strong character, but he is bent down by the reality. He is holding back his strength and wants to fill the hole.

"Brother Cheng didn't ask to borrow it, so he just asked Le Zhou to bring it to him." Mr. Tian's heart was filled with excitement. He looked at the half-written letter in front of him and became dissatisfied. He slowly folded the paper and put it in a basket on the side.

Here are all the papers he used to write on. Tianyou stared at this basket all day long, then took it away when it was half full, saying he would take it home to make paper.

Every mission room in the government office has one of these baskets.

Others rely on the teacher to do things for the officials, but when they come to Tianyou, the biggest benefit is that no one competes with him for these waste papers...

From time to time, I would bring him some food from home to improve his food, or make friends with various government officials.

Now his food, clothing, housing and transportation are all taken care of by God. When it comes to apprenticeship, he, the teacher, is the one who takes advantage.

Yan Laoer let out an oh, and suddenly realized: "So this is what you are struggling with! Mr. Cheng is very righteous. You don't want to borrow, but want to give, don't you? That can't be done, we are doing public and private affairs, and public and private cannot be confused. Mr. Cheng, how can we get along with each other?

You have the same problem. You have to borrow this money. If you don’t borrow it, we can’t collect it.”

He thought that the government office was short of money and would lose Master Cheng's favor by sending it back, so he suggested: "Why don't the teacher write an IOU to Master Cheng, and we will accept the money? What do you think?"

Mr. Tian hesitated and said: "You don't know his temperament. Brother Cheng... lives an extremely frugal life. He doesn't want to part with even a copper coin that he thinks shouldn't be spent. The year before last, his family planned to buy a house in Fucheng, but he really should spend it.

I will still consider it again.

It's not easy to send these eighty taels from your family's wealth... It's not easy. He thinks that this money is for the people's use, so it is not a let-down. Wouldn't it be disrespectful to pay him an IOU as a teacher?"

Yan Laoer listened carefully, slowly cleared up his thoughts, and said: "Teacher, can you please speak clearly? Don't write so few words, write more. Your ready-made example, salary and salary silver is salary and salary silver, how can you

Spend as much money as you used to?

Privately, you can subsidize whoever you want, but you can't subsidize it directly to the government office. I don't know how the house was paid into the account in the past. My brother said that he didn't see any extra money after checking the previous account books.

The account is even, but your money is gone? Where did the money go? Who spent it, I have no idea...

This is a stupid account, we can't do this anymore.

Your food, clothing, housing and transportation are all taken care of by the imperial court. You don’t need to spend any money. You should have enough left over from your monthly salary. I’ll give it to you. For seven shi and a half of rice a month, you can directly convert it to 3 liang, 7 fen or 5 fen in silver.

That's forty-five taels a year, and pens and ink are also distributed. If you can't use up the rest, you'll still get a few coins after a year.

Also, you should be equipped with four Chai Xin Zao Li and one horse driver. The court also provided this money, but you can’t find one. When you use it, let the government servants do it. Chai Xin Zao Li is twenty taels a year.

, the groom earns forty taels a year, and these five people earn one hundred and twenty taels a year..."

The more Yan Laoer talked, the more excited he became. He looked at Mr. Tian and said speechlessly: "Do you think you are helping the imperial court to help Guanzhou save money?

If you feel uncomfortable using more of the people below, use your own salary to post it...

I...forget it, I've had to talk to you about this matter once too many times, you must make up for these people, and we can't fall behind the grand master's status."

Master Tian was left speechless.

He is not deliberately saving money, he is just following his old friend. Although these people are paid by the court, there are inevitably some rewards on weekdays, which is also an expense. If you follow him, the great master, if you have bad conduct

, doing something in his name can easily lead to trouble.

Usually, relatives who knew him well were brought to the post. He had trouble with his family because of his adopted heir, so he didn't look for anyone in the countryside.

After arriving in Guanzhou, his wife bought several servants with him, and the city was destroyed by tigers, leaving only one...

It was his students who supported the things around him and took good care of him.


Mr. Tian immediately said: "What Tianyou said is true. I will explain it carefully to Brother Cheng."

He spread out another piece of paper and held the pen upright.

He said with a kind expression: "Didn't Tianyou say that the waiter will come today and take Xiang Heng out with her? Look at the time, it's time for Xiang Heng to finish class. You go quickly. By the way, you pass by the school and ask Le Zhou

Call me, my master and his father haven't seen each other for a long time, so we happened to have lunch together and ask him about his current situation."

When it comes to study, Mr. Tian has the final say.

But in life, it is Yan Laoer who takes charge of the overall situation.

Including teachers, eldest brothers, eldest nephews, and occasionally brothers Manshan and Fengnian nephews, they are all the ones he worries about.

"Teacher, you can eat it yourself. He came all the way here, and I will help you as a landlord. You don't know yet, but he came here on my waiter's sledge..." Yan Laoer took the carriage rented by Cheng Lezhou.

The bad thing was that he didn't tell about the thirty-cent bargaining episode, but he didn't know about it.

Yan Yu and her father hadn't seen each other for a while, and she had too much to say. She thought Mr. Cheng's affairs were not as important as her own, so she casually said: Mr. Cheng's car broke down on the road.

She was taken along to the city.

"Okay, please get closer to each other. Lezhou will also end up in February next year. He has studied hard for many years and has a solid foundation. He has a gentle and honest temperament, but there are some unusual things..."

Gaga~ I haven’t clicked on the points, and there are still some points that I haven’t finished yet~

It will be almost done in half an hour~

I’ll correct the typo first and then~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o~

This chapter has been completed!
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