618 physical lottery!

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618 is coming soon, and Zhaizhai is preparing to provide a batch of benefits to everyone.

First, it is to celebrate the birth of our second child. It is not easy. A few months in the book is a year smaller in reality... I almost turned her into a little Nezha o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Second, the first time the platform was launched was June 18. Let’s commemorate it~

Third, I would like to sincerely thank you all. Zhai has a broken body and is always in trouble. Last month, he was the worst because of his illness. Zhai Zhai was very moved. Everyone did not abandon Zhai Zhai. Most book friends continued to read.

Love you~

Zhai Zhai has not yet achieved financial freedom, so this physical lottery is based on one's ability.

Participation requirements: All orders are made! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)oJoin the Q group and send screenshots. After passing the verification, wait for the draw in the group!

Event time: From the time of posting today on June 15, 2023, to 0:00 on June 19, joining the group during this time is valid. If you missed it, please wait for the next time~

Lottery time: The draw starts at 0:00 on June 19~

The physical prizes provided by ZhaiZhai are as follows:

Prize No. 1: 0 coated iron pan, 2 places.

Prize No. 2: Seven-piece knife set, 2 places.

Prize No. 3: Five-piece spatula set, 1 place.

Prize No. 4: A beautiful book, B5, a set of 4 books, 4 places.

Prize No. 5: Keigo Higashino? Ma Boyong? ... If you like it, you can choose any one from the bookshelf of Zhai Zhai. I just bought a few more books recently and haven’t finished them yet~ (1 quota! That’s it.


(The above, yes, that’s right, the real objects provided by Zhai Zhai are so down-to-earth. Baozi, who won the prize No. 1.2.3, can proudly tell his parents that the author I spent money to read gave me a pot and a knife.

, shovel... My uncle and aunt must have been so happy that they laughed so hard that they lost their eyes, hahahaha~! (*^▽^*) Let’s see what it looks like when you go in, otherwise it will be suspected of advertising~)

Number of winners: 10 (tentative)

How to join the group: There is a Q group under each chapter. If you can’t see it, it means you don’t have enough fans and you haven’t subscribed to all of them~

PS: This event is purely for welfare, so if you don’t like it, you can transfer it or give it up, but you can’t let me give you a discount.

PS: If old fans of Zhai Zhai win the lottery, extra gifts will be given! (Only for old fans of Xianfu, updates will be interrupted all the time. Sorry everyone, 90° bow!)

All rights of interpretation of this event belong to Zhaizhai o(*////▽////*)q If you like the book life of the Xianyu family, please save it: (www.sodu777.net) The book life of the Xianyu family

The update speed of Life Search Novel Network is the fastest on the entire network.

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