Chapter 640 Master and Disciple Meeting

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The briquettes did fly in.

Yan Laoer and Mr. Xue Qi had just entered the county government office. They didn't take two steps before they came face-to-face with the government officials from Zaoban.

The people on both sides were looking at each other with big eyes, and they heard two "bah" sounds from outside the wall.

A bag containing briquettes was thrown in against the wall.

There were two more sounds of "呲呲".

Another bag.

"呲呲" "呲呲"...

The rules are very easy to summarize.

Speaking of which, the people who delivered briquettes to the county government were not outsiders, but some of the errands at the quarry.

They were also county government officials and were not surrounded because they were on duty at the quarry.

People in the county government office couldn't get out, and coal for heating and cooking stoves consumed a lot of coal. The delivery was too little to last for a few days. Besides, we couldn't take the border troops surrounding the county government office as dry food, so they rushed to deliver food in the middle of the night, more than once.

Send some.

"Yan..." The yamen servant reacted too quickly. He swallowed back half of the words and said excitedly: "You're back!"

The fastest one slipped to the backyard to deliver a message to the eldest man.

The remaining few gathered around Yan Laoer, as if they had endless things to say.

They dare not speak too loudly yet.

Mr. Xue Qi was excluded and followed behind. He couldn't hear what these people were saying at all. He saw a group of big men talking nonsense around Yan Lao Er.

"Teacher!" As soon as Yan Laoer saw Mr. Tian, ​​he rushed over and knelt down to hug him.

She hugged his waist and was about to speak. She savored the feel of the hand and swallowed the words "You have lost weight" with difficulty.

It is really impossible to say such unconscionable words.

He raised his head affectionately and said, "You are haggard!"

Who feels refreshed after being pulled out of bed in the middle of the night?

"It's fine as a teacher, it's great, but you, why are you back?" Mr. Tian really couldn't get enough of his students.

"I heard that the county government was under siege, and I'm worried about you."

"My teacher is an official of the imperial court. The man surnamed Wei can only surround me and not dare to do anything. The government office is protected by the prince, but people can't get out. Everything else is as usual." Mr. Tian looked at it for a while.

His student became darker and thinner, had a white circle around his mouth, and a red bubble under his nose. He felt sour in his heart: "God bless you, you have suffered."

He took Yan Laoer's hands and took a closer look. They were rough as if they had been ground with sandpaper.

I couldn't help but feel distressed, and turned my head away, tears staining my clothes.

Mr. Tian ordered someone to fetch hot water, took Yan Laoer, washed his hands and wiped his face, without using other people's hands.

Yan Laoer's old face turned red.

His teacher held him tightly. The old man's hands were not trembling too obviously, but his whole body was obviously tense, especially his eyes filled with tears, which made him feel uncomfortable all over, and he felt as if he was soaking in a hot pot.

Goo goo goo, cook him thoroughly from the outside to the inside, making it numb and warm.

"If you want to give up your writing and join the army, my master can't stop you." Mr. Tian daubed ointment on Yan Laoer's face and hands.

Thick coating.

Yan Laoer is honest and honest.

"Remember, the hardships you endure now are the steps you will take to achieve success in the future. God bless you. Once you have made up your mind, don't look back. Keep moving forward. The road ahead will be at your feet."

"Teacher, I didn't suffer much outside. Really, everyone took good care of me. General Xue Qi also discussed with me. The remnants of Beirong were beaten until we howled..."

There are two masters and disciples, one talks about the various things done outside, and the other talks about the daily life of being fed in the county government.

Yan Laoer drifted off to sleep as he talked.

Mr. Tian adjusted his sleeping position, blew out the candles, and returned the room to darkness.

early morning.

When Yan Laoer got up, it was already bright.

He put on his clothes, washed up, and rushed to the kitchen immediately.

I saw his teacher waiting there, waiting for the newly cooked millet porridge to be put into bowls and put into food boxes.

Seeing him coming, Mr. Tian smiled and wrinkled the lines at the corners of his eyes.

"Teacher, I'll get it." Yan Laoer stepped forward to greet him.

Master Tian grunted, and the food box that no one else could touch changed hands.

Seeing that there was still some pickled vegetables at home, Yan Laoer poured out a plate, and the master and apprentice ate the millet porridge deliciously.

Suddenly, Mr. Tian took out an egg and knocked it on the table. It rolled around in circles. Then he carefully removed the broken shell and put the white and tender hard-boiled egg into Yan Laoer's porridge bowl.

Looking at him with a smile: "Eat more, there is not enough porridge."

"Teacher, why don't you eat it?" Yan Laoer reacted, "Just one egg?"

"Chickens are all sent by the palace. They are not easy to come by at this time of year. Your Majesty is considerate. I will eat one chicken a day as a teacher. What's the point of missing a day?"

Yan Laoer thought for a while and swallowed it in one gulp.

This is not an egg, this is the teacher's deep love for him.

"General Xue Qi went to see the Crown Prince. It's no longer necessary for you to be vague about your affairs. After dinner, I will accompany you there," Mr. Tian said.

"Teacher, it's better not to go. Lao Xue and I both agreed. He said to the prince, "Go, after all, he is the prince's cousin. Close the door and we will be a family. We have something to say."

If the prince doesn't ask about our affairs outside, teacher, don't even mention it, and pretend you don't know anything about it."

Although the waiter's letter made it very clear that his elder brother had figured it out, the county government had not been able to relieve the siege for a day, so we could not take it lightly.

Mr. Tian pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Teacher, I'm relieved that your place is safe. I have one more thing to do when I come back this time. I don't know where the things I asked you to help place are. I don't know where they are. Is there an account? I want to clear some of them and distribute them to the brothers in the militia.

Points." Yan Laoer said.

These so-called things are cattle and sheep skins and other items, which are the trophies of the border army and militia of General Xue Banner.

Mr. Tian: "Is that the settling-in allowance you mentioned?"

"Yes." Yan Laoer nodded and said: "Beirong won the battle, but it was of no benefit to us, Huju. Most of it was taken by others.

The remaining ones are enough for us to make up for the holes we prepared for the war before."

Yan Laoer said to himself that his brother could no longer be a fairy and could not make money. The current situation in Huju was still not optimistic, and he had never taken off the big label of two words - lack of money.

"Our teacher knows the situation best in Huju. Many people have eaten up their crops and have no seeds. What will they plant in the spring? If we don't know how to adapt and miss the spring planting, how will the harvest be this year?!"

In just six months, he has experienced so much, and Mr. Tian is no longer the same Mr. Tian.

He barely hesitated and said, "Take out the account you kept and let's compare it."

Yan Laoer took out his account book.

It was pure straw paper with small charcoal characters written on both sides. Each piece was folded neatly. He opened it one by one and spread half of the kang.

Yan Laoer took the accounts recorded by Hu Ju and compared them one by one with what he had recorded.

The cattle and sheep that were transported were slightly damaged. After all, I was not a professional. It was normal for me to lose a few of them because I didn’t expect them during the journey.

Nothing went wrong, and even though the people in the government office couldn't get out, they still did the work they needed to do.

People in the city were temporarily recruited to guard the city gates, patrol the streets, do night watch, etc.

Huju did not stop because the government office was surrounded.

It’s just like Mr. Tian said: everything is as usual. If you like the book-traveling life of the Xianyu family, please bookmark it: ( The book-traveling life of the Xianyu family is the fastest updated on the Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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