Chapter 692 There is an old man in the family

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"Herding?" Li Xuemei asked, "Do you want to leave the quarantine?"

Yan Yu nodded and shook his head.

"From the current point of view, the pastures outside the pass are better. We have defeated Beirong. It should be quiet in the past few years. There is no need to go out to graze. In the long run, we should plant some pasture to deal with various natural disasters."

She counted on her fingers: "Horse riding must be popularized, starting from childhood. From now on, every person in our Xiao'an village must know how to ride a horse and drive a cart."

"It would be a pity not to make use of those people in the quarry. My uncle once said that they are all knowledgeable people. They are really the kind of bookworms who just concentrate on studying in books. They will not cause trouble and will not be exiled. They will have to

It doesn't matter if someone catches some loopholes so that they can be convicted. There are no dull people there, and they have more brains. It doesn't matter what the reason for the crime is, as long as it is good for our village, use it and reuse it!"

Look at her Uncle Kang, her father is with him to help him.

"No matter how busy we are during the spring plowing period, we can't lose sight of people on the Arrow Tower."

Defenses can not do without.

The military camp next to the village is currently empty, so she can't rely on her father's help to patrol it, so she has to do it herself.

"I'll hold a meeting for them later and get to know their bottom." Yan Yu said seriously.

The Yan family was excited.

Yan Xiangheng did not take any action to correct it.

"Master, hurry up and don't stumble."

Then Qian stood up hurriedly, put on a coat, pushed the door open and went out.

The eldest two then got out of bed.

If Yan Xiangheng comes alone, he will stay in Wang Gonggong's house.

One old and the other, drinking until the outside of the stomach was warm, and her eyelids started to fight.

I closed my eyes, turned over, and quietly moved my feet out.

Yue Nafa was still young, so she was naturally convinced by her father-in-law, the general manager, and spoke ill of her. Moreover, considering the layout of Yan Yu's room, Yue Nafa and Yan Qianchu both lived in the east room. The seven-person room was separated by a wall, but they were far away from the seventh brother.

Very close.

Yan Yu's house is cramped for her family to live in, but for guests, especially distinguished guests who can sleep on a small kang together, it is cramped but it is not enough for them.

Grandma Rong thought about it for a moment and said, "His father is seasick, but I can't get away from it." All kinds of busy things, a lot of things.

Aunt Rong shook her head, holding Babao's reins with one hand and Yue Na with the other, and walked home.

Yue Nafa stood aside with a smile and whispered:

"If dad wants to go, let dad go. If dad wants to go, it depends on who from our village can adapt to life under the boat. Whoever can do it will go."

I know how long I slept.

But suddenly the eldest son was missing, and Yue Na was in trouble.

Whoever vomits will win the opportunity to go on a business trip at public expense.

"Shi Yunmian!" You turned your head and shouted, waving cheerfully.

When she looked at it, there were beads of sweat on her head and face. You wiped it with the handkerchief on your sleeve, then put it back and smiled angrily at the mother and the boy.

Babao waggled its tail and walked over quickly. When it reached her, it stood high on the bull's head and mooed twice, as if asking if she wanted to ride it home?

I was so happy that no one was using it, so I crawled off the kang using my hands and feet.

The Yan family chuckled, with a sly look in their eyes: "Just leave, but that means I don't have you yet."

When he was young, the sound of the older child's heavy breathing could be heard.

Shi Yunmian nodded, indicating that it was not finished yet.

Yue Nafa stopped what she was doing and walked slowly over, panting.

The child is very happy!

"Master, come sit down and have a rest. I will wipe your face with my big hands. I will wait for you to finish drinking the bowl of goat's milk. Master, please close your eyes and squint for a while."

The bad thing is that Li Xuemei came forward to solve the problem.

He successfully squeezed out the people serving around Wang Deshan and temporarily stayed in Yue Nafa's room.

"That goat is raised by Da Qi's family. The goat's milk that was just squeezed this morning is very fresh. You see, the skin of the milk is not thick and it is very sweet. You drink a bowl, and I will drink a bowl too. Enjoy it."

Enjoy the blessings of our good grandson!"

"Also, the prince wants to send someone south to deliver gifts to the Crown Princess's family. I have inquired about it, and they said they need to take a waterway and take a big boat." Yan Yu's eyes flashed: "This is a rare opportunity, we'd better take a boat and go south.

One trip.”

Those who run boats have been trained for many years. You want to suffer this fate.

"Is this side of yours the same as your father's? The word "Yan" is the same small, and there are no two big characters "7" on it? Is it obvious? Is it visible from a distance? "

Yan Xianghengzhen gave the eldest son a sip and then took a sip himself.

Yan Xiangheng slowly woke up.

Let me stay in Yan Huaiwen's room?

Walking further away, he calmly gave instructions to the people working outside the yard: "Clean up the kitchen for others. In the past, don't point to anyone to prepare food for them. At this time of year, everyone is busy. Bring them out."

, is also a blessing, there is no work outside the eyes, be smart, and don’t look at the places where you can help them, that is our good grandson’s family, it will be a hindrance to the food and use of my family, but it is so useful to others

Serve them, we'll talk about it later, if they were naughty or sensible during the time we lived in Yuena, let's see how our family handles them!"

Before I successfully got off the kang, I usually had no sense of accomplishment. I used my big feet to measure the small kang, which was still a little hot for my feet, even though I was young or old. I walked first, then ran, back and forth, and it was frustrating to go around on my own.

Aunt Rong took a serious look at it and praised it in her heart. The bionic technology is really amazing. We mean, who can tell that Shi Yunmian is a real person?

"Come on, mother, let's go home and help the cart carry the soil!" You shouted to Babao who was munching grass leisurely: "Babao, come home!"

"Old slave, let me help you change your clothes. The hot kang is so cold that it will be comfortable if you sweat."

One sentence: The old slave is worried about the young master. During the period of living in Yanyu, let the old slave take care of him closely.

He also followed Yue Nafa's example and ate all the milk skin.

As soon as he said it was something from Da Qi's brother's house, it was as if a switch was turned on. Wang Deshan acted or made trouble, and An Ansheng drank a whole bowl like Li Xuemei.

The baby has already left the palace, so there is nothing wrong with loosening the rules.

Yue Nafa opened her eyes and saw that the eldest son was sleeping soundly, as if he had been sleeping coldly. His two big feet stretched out from the quilt and were drying in it.

There is no need to ask her father for detailed accounts. You don’t know how much Huju can give in exchange for food. The difference is a difference. It seems to be quite small, but in fact it is a detailed account. From now until autumn, the food can be harvested. Then

During the bad months, it is your style to sit back and live in vain.

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" Yue Na laughed sadly.

Don't mention it, Yue Na's kang is so cold!

"You are going." The Yan family has been on a boat. It is quite refreshing to come here every once in a while. A few people can stand floating underwater for a long time.

"Does he want to go with you?" Auntie Rong hasn't gotten used to it yet, haha, she doesn't have a boyfriend who likes to run around.

Li Xuemei also changed into thinner home clothes.

Get off the kang and spread the two blankets neatly.

To be honest, whether it was the Yan family or Grandma Rong, there was no way they would dare to make such an arrangement.

I glanced at the eldest son first, and saw that the eldest son's sleeping posture was more bold and bold, and I narrowed my eyes with a smile.

Sleeping in this position is in line with the rules.

"Shi Yunmian, did he help you make the flag? You asked Si Xiao to take pictures of her, with the word "Yan" embroidered on the bottom." There was a bit of excitement in the Yan family's voice.

They took male officer Mu and placed him in the Yan family's house, while the Yan family moved to the young lady's house.

Yue Nafa made a very obvious gesture: the same style, the same size, the same character "Yan", only the big seven flag was missing two big characters, which is eye-catching.

This chapter has been completed!
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