Chapter 704 Our Border Army

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The village will pay for these houses.

Anyone who wants to live in the house can be given rent money or work points.

They had already calculated it with the waiter, and after collecting the rent for a few years, the cost of building the house would be recovered.

They didn't lose even if they were given points for their work. Except for the work that they put in a lot of effort, these adults got points for everything else.

The waiter also said that renting a house in this village does not require too much construction, and it would be the best place for the generals to live there.

The adults who committed the crime looked poor on the surface, but in fact they hid a lot of money secretly. They were just careful not to reveal their wealth. After they survived the years of exile, they either returned to their hometowns or settled in Guanzhou.

The latter will definitely be able to scrape together enough money to build a house.

The village elders think that the waiter is right. These prisoners are full of knowledge. Let's talk about the pictures they drew, the lists of materials they calculated, and the things they did together to study various jobs...

As long as the waiter says it can be used, he will be given a maximum of work points. When the village is built according to the plan, with high walls and tunnels, the adults don't have to pay a fortune themselves. They can use the saved work points to exchange for the village's help.

They built a complete house.

Various projects in Xiaoan Village are in full swing, changing every day.

When it comes to financial rewards, Long Xing and Feng Ming are very active.

"Just because I saved the prince when he was attacked, I should get the first share!"

Bazi hurriedly said: "You said something against me, villain. You failed in your errand. It was Daqi who spoke for you and begged for mercy. You can just call you Dabazi. Don't treat me like eldest brother."

No comments?!

Ding Zhensi straightened his expression and walked into the city gate with a solemn expression.

What's wrong with the civil servants? Civil servants are equal to strong civil servants. Our officials in Yongning are both civil and military officers and they are very tough, especially when they are competing for money.

"Alas! Uncle Yan! You have the badge of Mr. Wang. If you were alone, you would have someone take you away. But you have so few people and you still have A, so you can only pass to the inner courtyard and wait.

I believe it."

It would be even worse if it was the prince's private treasury that was withdrawn.

"Why are they the same? They are all border troops!"

"As I said at the time, we are all on our own, and there are too many of us. The meat rots outside our own small pot and goes inside."

It makes my heart tingle, it really doesn’t feel good at all!

God Bless is of course a man who is always well-versed in human relations. Even the boy Da Qi is sensible and knows etiquette. The gift of fish is of great significance.

Destroying Beirong is a small achievement!

But is it a merit just for that one time? Is it a merit for resisting the enemy in the past years? Is it a merit for coordinating the front line? Is it a merit for us working hard to deduct money everywhere to support the army?

But now that the ready-made ones are at home, there is no reason to borrow them.

If the reward from the imperial court comes from the treasury, it will have to go through the hands of a few city officials. God is better at dealing with human feelings than I am.

Is it useful? Is this stupid?

The sound was so loud that it blew along with the wind and reached Ding Zhensi's ears, which made him sound very bad.

The city guard guarding the city gate in Guanzhou saw the little red flag fluttering in the wind from a distance, and smiled and shouted: "The tiger-crouched Yan-character flag is here again!"

After reading several letters written by his colleagues, Mr. Tian felt ashamed.

Those who fight in the rear should be rewarded, and those who stabilize the front should be rewarded as well!

Yan Laoer has been running to Yongning these two days.

Besides, I really don't have any ideas.

Fucheng also announced the war. It was the crown prince who would personally lead a battle to decide the outcome, and he also wanted to take a share of the pie.

It's finally confirmed.

General Fengming, who had a bad experience in Fangzhi County, also came over.

I went into the city yesterday to get some news.

The new army battalion led by Tianyou has the militia as its backbone. As long as the prince thinks a little of the feeling of saving lives that day, and the righteousness of the tiger militia and the villagers who worked hard to rescue, the tiger's share will be more!

After saying that, the door slammed shut.

"Brother, how can we retreat? We can do it?" Long Xing asked after being convinced.

Yes, give us time for the border troops.

"Have you seen this flag? Yan Ziqi is so young!" Brother Menzi rolled his eyes: "They are also asking about who the new Yan Ziqi is in Huju!"

"Huju doesn't have that capable person, so he had to come out on top in that reward!"

This is because there is really nothing left to do.

In the first sentence, my voice was always low.

"Hahaha! Brother, what you said is so clear!"

It wasn't Yan Laoer's turn to come forward for this kind of thing.

Mr. Tian thought about it over and over again and felt that it would be more appropriate to let Tianyou step in on my behalf.

The Longxing border army inside asked vaguely who Yan Laoer was, and became very angry.

The Yan under that banner was the one who helped us sell leather and cattle and sheep in exchange for carts of grain!

"Here, the eldest son, we have gotten to know each other now. Don't call him a villain. If you are weird, call him uncle."

General Yan also had a cover, holding up Yan Lao'er and leading his fully armed brothers straight to the front door of the palace.

Yesterday, Ding Zhensi saw with his own eyes that one of Fengming's generals was made red-faced by the villain from Ding Zhen County. He faltered and knew where to respond, so he went in silently.

There are no gifts included in the letter, no specialties from my hometown, no food, no poetry...

Before going home, I got together with my bestie.

Really, Mr. Yan was just relying on connections.

The reward is in the palace.

Yan Zongqi felt that he had really succeeded.

It's time for my teacher to step down.

Rewards based on merit!

In the words of my bestie, I have to put on the airs of General Yan!

Mr. Yan: "You know the rules, we are busy, we will wait."

I didn't mean for these civil servants to listen.

As usual, it was time to enter the palace treasury. Officials from the palace city took turns to guard the palace of the British prince. Those of us who were fighting in the battle all squeezed past us.

A group of people inside the door all looked at Mr. Yan.

The disciples looked me up and down and said, "They are like dragons and we are like tigers. How can they be the same?"

"It's Brother Bazi, I guess. I heard Daqi mention it at home that he always takes care of me." Mr. Yan said with a cold smile.


"This is it, then let's fight for it!"

He sighed with emotion: "That Yan Ziqi is really a capable man. At the gate of the palace, all these villains are waiting. I have seen you a few times. Please retreat. Yan Ziqi of our border army has retreated."


"Don't be afraid, brother, our military achievements are real and we are clear with these civil servants, but our prince is very clear-sighted and will fool us."

Before the group of people all retreated, the door was about to close again.

The rewards given to Guanzhou by the imperial court have arrived, and Hu Ju's share is extremely anticipated.

He knocked on the door, called someone, brushed his face, and secretly flashed my uncle Wang's steward badge.

Look at the brothers around me. They are wearing heavy armor and they are complaining. They are riding on the horse with their backs straight. Qi Xiao is holding my Yan Laoer, and he is also tired. He has put this arm on when he changed hands...

The front door is slightly open.

I borrowed my Uncle Wang's badge to use.

But Mr. Tian did some self-reflection. During the years when he was an official in Yongning, he had almost no communication with colleagues. Since he lost his student Yan Qi, for the first time, he actually received private messages from his colleagues in Fucheng!

"Then if Brother Xue retreats first, he will be weaker than these people retreating first."

This chapter has been completed!
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