Chapter 726: The rear army eats meat and we drink soup

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"General, I hope the city of Xiangxiang will burst into flames!"

Ding Jiao squinted his eyes and looked far away in the direction of Xiangcheng.

"That's it, let's go!"

After five thousand fine cavalry galloped for two hours, another spy came to report.

"General, Zhuyuan City is bursting with smoke!"

Ding Jiao reined in his horse and stopped, frowning tightly.

"Bring me the map!"

Someone immediately got off his horse and took out the leather roll on his back. The two of them cooperated and quickly unfolded it.

"General, we are here."

The lieutenant pointed to the map, showing their current position.

That's when I took over the task of being kind.

The main task of the civilian workers is not to transport the copper and iron ore.

I feel from the bottom of my heart that Yan Laoer has a lot to learn from Qian Jun.

I went back to a guard post in the far distance of Wangxiang City to rotate back to the city. I found out that I was the right one, so I immediately returned to the guard post and lit up the smoke.

The damp smell in the air makes people feel slightly cold.

This young man from Wangxiangcheng is sitting next to me, and I don’t have the arrogance to do it.

At this time, Wangxiang City has become silent. There are no pedestrians on the street. Only a few drops of water left before the rain fell from the eaves to the stone road, making a crisp sound.

There was chaos outside the city.

Guanzhou Jun is very sensible and nods his head like garlic.

This feeling of worry and worry overflowed on his face.

It doesn’t mean just do something.

The whole Wangxiang City was buzzing with noise, which was completely different from the atmosphere in Zhuyuan City that day.

It’s still my younger brother, who is in charge of the county government office and has an extremely high aura.

Because there were few people and things wanting to return to Jiaju, Shi Yunyan temporarily changed his retreat route and chose to take a detour through Guanli instead of returning from the original route.

Ding Jiao looked at it for a moment and said coldly: "I only saw the smoke rising, but no news came back. The worst-case scenario is that both cities will be captured by the Guanzhou Army."

I know, my brother is still pointing me to lead the way.

The first is to continue to guard the city gate to prevent anyone from leaving the city to report the news.

Everyone who is in Jiangji will be taken away.

The stone lions on the city wall still look majestic and solemn. After the baptism of wind and rain, they still stand low.

Bad guy, it was really easy back then.

"Qi Xiao, did you say that we are short of time, so we have to unload it." Guanzhou Jun looked helpless, and I said, why did I just meet the eight brothers of the Qi family, and those three were doing the same job?

The few that were broken were the main force, and it turned out that they were going to unload the bed crossbows under the city wall.

Those who stayed outside the city came here to fill their stomachs slowly.

At this time, Wangxiang City had just been conquered, so there was time to bundle up the living, collect the dead, and load things into trucks.

Because of his brother's weak sense of direction, Yan Huaiwen told him several times to chase him down early and not to delay.

Therefore, this wolf smoke was not lit by Zhuyuan City, but spread by the Xirong Guards one by one...

Seventh, light the beacon tower at the appointed time.

The battle in Wangxiangcheng was not as smooth as in Zhuyuan City, but we finally succeeded.

Being a transporter means that you have to let people bring their own transportation tools. It doesn't mean that you have to bring your own oxen, donkeys, mules and carts. If you have one, just a pole and two baskets...

In my brother's words, even if it seems real because of the rain, it is necessary to take a gamble and be fully prepared to be safe.

Fortunately, my younger brother made a decisive decision and urged the prince to divide his troops and attack the various defense posts.

The small army hurriedly left the city and dispersed to attack the guards.

By the time the prince came back from the defense camp, the city was in chaos.

Anyone who has not been found to have privately made copper utensils among the people cannot be arrested directly and beaten first before being charged with a crime.

He pointed to a place on the map and continued: "This place is the place that must be passed back to Guanzhou. Once it is confirmed that the people attacking the city are the Guanzhou army led by Yun Yan, I will lead my troops to drive them here.

Meet up everywhere.”

The clerical assistant of the county government took the register and went to look for the person.

There should be no copper mines in Xizhou, but the King of Qi didn't keep it a secret. What if he didn't have any money? He could just guard a copper mine and live there for the rest of his life.

There were no iron mines far away from Wangxiang City, or just one. The former army only found iron and a small amount of copper!

"Slow down, move slower!"

I, I, I, weakly recruit people from the villages and towns to be transporters, but I still write the announcement seriously and stamp it with the seal of the young master.

The first thing I discovered was that I still had to pick up the remnants of other people’s former troops.

The reason why Jia Juzhu was able to grab the job was because we, Jia Juzhu, were inexperienced in walking in the customs. We had been out of the customs several times and had never lost our way.

There are no interludes in between.

Those peaceful sounds of raindrops were instantly disrupted by the sounds of hurried and slow running.

And my former brother did something very explosive.

The Guanzhou Army dispersed the troops to check for deficiencies and make up for them.

Before I beheaded two yamen servants who were both obedient and treacherous, the county yamen clerk instantly became my brother's close friend, doing whatever I asked him to do.

"The former soldiers ate meat and we drank soup. As for the pre-response work, it was difficult for you to get it. Don't let them relax. They brought back everything they could this time. They picked the useless ones and the expensive ones. Do you understand?

Expensive!" Guanzhou Jun shouted while pulling his neck.

"General, these two border cities are so high and strong, how could they be conquered by the Guanzhou Army?" the deputy general expressed puzzlement.

He forced the government servants in Wangxiang City to work, collect corpses, appease the people, and cook in small pots.

Qi Xiaohanhan scratched his head and said loudly: "Is he curious? It took us a lot of effort to dismantle it, no, no... Daxin asked us to break the pole."

"If the prince falls into the hands of Guanzhou and threatens him, it will be easy to break open the city gate." He focused his eyes on the map and ordered in a deep voice: "Vice General Zhou, you lead three thousand troops to cast the Yuan. Vice General Cao, you

Lead 4,000 people to visit the countryside, and the remaining 3,000 people will go here with me."

The former army did not have enough time, so they emptied the two barns of the military camp and the county government office, the armament depot, the gunpowder depot... and also confiscated the residences of several officials, including the young master of Wangxiang City, who had a poor family background.

So thick!

After this incident, the Guanzhou Army discovered that the former army was not more aggressive than the bandits. I am afraid that we did not perform well in Zhuyuan City. We are familiar with each other once and seven times. In Wangxiang City, we can be considered to be more relaxed and get started.

Really neat.

What happened to the lack of copper in the imperial court? The price of copper is low or high.

Ding Jiao thought for a moment, and his expression became even more condensed.

This is copper!

My brother is good at everything. It’s not that his sense of direction is very different. It’s just that I’m shy and never let others know. If the prince still maintains an attitude of being open-minded and asking for advice in everything, it’s very unlikely that my little brother will guide Xiaojun.

To the outside of the ditch...

We, Yan Laoer, were assigned some tasks, so we walked around casually.

As my younger brother's biological brother, Guanzhou Jun enjoys the privilege of fighting against others...yes, a fake...yes, oops, in short, it's not the same treatment.

The gold and silver were packed in boxes, and the gold and silver jewelry under the men's houses outside the house was bald. The damaged fabrics in the south were all carelessly thrown under the car in the rain, and so on.

Just tie it up with a small raincloth and cover it, and you know what it will look like when you transport it back.

This chapter has been completed!
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