Chapter 169 Tropical Past

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Li Yongyuan put his hands on the pillow and lay on his back on the principal's favorite Bermuda lawn, looking at the stars and the moon and listening to the insects chirping at night.

Occasionally, students passed by the cobblestone path, but they just looked at them with respect and did not come forward to disturb them.

After coming to Kassel College, Li Longyuan rarely had such leisurely time to watch the starry sky at night.

Hold the silvery river of stars in your hands.

Schneider was almost like a strong man, grabbing an S-class student and jerking him off. Every time, he would arrange all the matters before and after the task, and he was so considerate that Li Yongyuan, a wage earner working for the capitalists, couldn't find any fault, so he laughed.

Count money for others.

But he also knew who made his grandfather sign a three-year contract with Angers? Rather than coming to Kassel to go to school, it would be more appropriate to say that he went to work in the execution department.


Li Longyuan, who was lying quietly, suddenly thought of the man he met in Japan.

A girl with a naive and weird behavior, wearing a red and white witch costume.

There was an agreement between them about the future.

The boy took out his mobile phone, and in the chat channel connected to the Street Fighter game software, the message box of the contact Eriyi's psn had a red dot.

It can be roughly summed up in one sentence, "Fengjun, are you coming?"

Haha, don’t think wrongly, it’s just the number.

Li Yongyuan is busy carrying out the tasks of the department these days, so naturally he has no time to play games.

However, Brother Fingel called the number and called for help, but would not send a message to respond. Although the girl would soon notice the abnormality due to her poor technology, Keli Riyi did not show any anger.

In the words that my senior brother later relayed, it is very rare to have the opportunity to abuse Fengjun, so you must seize it well.

In fact, Eri Yi is like a princess trapped in a small crystal ball, and it is difficult to get close to outsiders. Li Yongyuan is one of her few friends.

Maybe it's the only one,

Therefore, even if he behaves perfunctory in the game, or even finds someone to replace him, it would be difficult for Eri to be angry with him.

Only by truly understanding this girl can you discover how lonely she is in her heart and how much she yearns for bright freedom.

The green grass was condensed with dew and frost, and the dark clouds covered the stars and jade rabbits. The young man in a casual sweatshirt lay on his back on the spacious lawn and watched the starry sky all night.

There is a kind of heroism in which the sky is the quilt, the earth is the bed, and the vast territory is free to roam.

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of golden morning light passed through the white oak shutters, it shone into the principal's office filled with nanmu bookshelves and books and classics.

"What, you said that some students destroyed my favorite Bermuda lawn and spent the whole night?"

Angers slapped the desk, his expression as ferocious as an angry lion. Everyone knew that what he admired most since he became the principal was the green lawn.

So much so that no one in the college dared to step on the lawn. Even the student leader Caesar, whose family background and pedigree were excellent enough, damaged the lawn during the Freedom Day.

I was also specifically asked to repair it.

Professor Manstein, the director of the Discipline Committee, solemnly adjusted the frame of his glasses.

"Principal, compared to your Bermuda lawn, students sleeping outside is a problem that affects school rules and discipline. Is that a place to sleep? What if it gets cold?"

"Tell me the guy's name. He must be given a warning."

Angre rolled up his sleeves angrily, wishing he could personally catch the guy who destroyed his lawn.

"Lee Yongyuan."

The bald middle-aged man spoke righteously.

"Invite him over for tea."

Upon hearing this name, Angers slowly closed his cuffs, and the expression on his face became gentle and elegant.


Manstein withdrew, Zhang Er scratching his head.

"Dong dong dong!"

Just after a cup of tea, there was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in."

Angers held a quill in his hand and wore silver-chain reading glasses, looking like he was carefully correcting official documents.

He didn't even raise his head when he said this.

"Oh, Li Yongyuan, my favorite student."

I saw a young man with a lazy and handsome face, as if he had just woken up from sleep, with some grass clippings in his black hair.

Angers showed a surprised and enthusiastic expression and placed the quill in his hand.

"Principal, why did you call me here?"

He stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and hit Hachi.

"I heard that you slept on the lawn outside last night. Are you worried about something?"

Angers looked like a familiar old principal, ready to use his past experience to help the young people solve their problems.

"Are you falling out of love? At your age, you will indeed worry about gains and losses."

Before Li Yongyuan could answer, Ange opened the drawer next to him and took out the tea can inside. He said while making tea.


Li Longyuan's eyes suddenly became confused.

"It's nothing. During puberty, both boys and girls will have some yearning and admiration for the opposite sex. This is normal."

When Li Yongyuan didn't reply, Ange looked confused.

"I have always emphasized that our university education should not constrain students' minds and bodies, allowing them to live a boring study life like ascetics and nuns. It should liberate their natures and yearn for freedom."

The old man reached for the handle of the pot and scalded the tea cup with boiling water. Obviously, he was also particular about drinking tea.

"From what the principal said, it sounds like he has a lot of experience. Do you have any experience in this area?"

The confusion on Li Yongyuan's face instantly turned into curiosity. It was rare for him to be so leisurely and relaxed. Maybe he could find out some special gossip.

Angers smiled and shook his head, leaning on the office chair and waiting for the tea to brew.

"Of course, don't you have an old saying in China that it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty? No matter in which era, wealth and women are eternal topics."

"Let me think about where to start this story."

Angers pressed his temples with his hands, looking like he was remembering seriously.

"That must have been 1895. I was born in Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. My parents died young and I worked for a farmer to make a living."

"Didn't you just come back from London? What do you think of it there?"

Li Longyuan sat upright opposite Ange, pricking up his ears and listening carefully to the principal's love history, ah, what a lesson.

It's a pity that he just made a start and then threw the problem to himself again.

"There are tall and dense Gothic buildings everywhere, steel ferries are blaring their whistles and racing through the canals. The fog is very thick and dense, and there is almost no sunlight. But the city is very prosperous, and there are many people on the streets."

Li Yongyuan gave his most intuitive feelings.

"In fact, Britain at the end of the 19th century was as majestic and prosperous as it is now. Walking on the streets were all decent gentlemen and sailors who had made a fortune at sea."

"After all, it was known as the empire on which the sun never sets."

Li Longyuan continued, but there was no so-called respect or yearning in his eyes.

"But at that time, I was just a poor boy who couldn't even afford to go to school. I could only make a living by doing some maid work for Mrs. Grisa, the largest farmer near the village. On weekdays, I only held holiday parties at the host's house.

When I was there, I could barely make enough to eat.

If it weren't for the dragon's blood flowing in my body, I would have died of old age many years ago in that wheat field filled with smoke."

There was a look of nostalgia on Ange's wrinkled face. It spanned a hundred years, and even with the memory of a mixed race, it would be difficult to cover everything.

Unless there is something that must not be forgotten, or a smile serves as the key to unlocking dusty memories.

"Mrs. Grisha's daughter, Miss Ruth, who is the heir to the farm of more than 300 acres, is a rare person who is willing to grant me favors. Her smile is like a blooming rose flower, holy and charming. Every time she finishes the pasture,

After putting the goat's milk in it, she would carry her family on her back and leave a small bowl for me."

"It seems to be a script for the heroine of the novel."

Li Yongyuan put his hand on his chin and said seriously. What follows should be an inspirational story about a poor boy who rises to power and lives up to the benevolence of a beautiful woman.

"and after?"

Young people can't help but become involved in the content of the story.

"My attitude towards Miss Ruth has always been one of gratitude and I dare not blaspheme. After all, for a poor boy who often doesn't have enough to eat and is often whipped by his guards, marrying a girl like her is simply a shame.

wishful thinking."

"Until one day, when I followed Mrs. Grisha in a carriage, bringing freshly grown wheat, oats, and potatoes to the city market, I met a luxuriously dressed and polite young man. His appearance changed.

Got me."

Angers described it calmly.

"You also know his name. The founder of the Lionheart Club and the founder of this college, Menike Kassel. He was both a mentor and a friend on my path of slaying dragons. But in my eyes at that time

Here, he is just a dandy showing off his family background."

The old man's tone seemed to be filled with anger when he said these words. It seems that to this day, he still has a grudge against Menieke Cassel's original actions.

"The handsome young man wearing a top hat, a well-tailored black tuxedo, and holding an expensive cane captured Mrs. Grisa's heart as soon as he appeared. In addition, the guy was eloquent, and soon she let her

She repeatedly invited her to sit on her farm and meet her daughter."

Li Longyuan seemed to have imagined that scene. The young lady he regarded as an angel was about to be verbally promised by her mother to a young man who had never been masked in such a short period of time. How disgusting Anger must be.

"Did he agree?"

The young man asked curiously, this is a huge piece of information. If it is sold to Fingel, I wonder how much reward it can be exchanged for and how many pages of school news headlines it can make.

"Surprise! The founder of Kassel College and the current president of Kassel are actually love rivals."

"The mysterious past of 1895 will give you a glimpse into the life of Hilbert Jean Angers, the greatest dragon slayer in the world, before he became famous."

"of course not."

Just when Li Yongyuan was changing countless sensational news headlines in his heart, this possibility was rejected by Angers.

"He just spent 50% more than the market price in pounds to buy all the goods that Mrs. Grisha used for the market. The condition is that he needs to talk to me alone for a period of time."

"I still remember the jealousy and pity in Mrs. Grisa's eyes when she led the carriage to the side. It was obvious that she had misunderstood."

"Meinek came to me because of my S-class excellent bloodline and my potential to become an excellent dragon slayer.

He tried hard with his words and thoughts to persuade me to go with him. But at that time, I was just a country boy with low self-esteem and never had contact with the outside world. I didn’t even know how big the world was."

Angers spoke passionately about the most embarrassing and true version of himself at that time. He did not have a good background and received a good education, so he had no ability to distinguish right from wrong. He only knew how to instinctively resist everything outside and force himself to accept the status quo.

"So you rejected him?"

Li Yongyuan asked.

"No, I agreed."

Angers winked at him and smiled, seemingly saying: "If I didn't agree, why would I be sitting in front of you now?"

"Because Meineke saw the reason for my refusal at a glance. He said, boy, you have a girl you like, so you are reluctant to leave this place." Seeing through, I lowered my head in embarrassment, not daring to reveal more.

More information."

"But he continued to say that she was the daughter of the rich lady just now, Miss Ruth.

I remember looking up at him in shock and wondering how he knew."

"But the guy just smiled and said, boy, if you want to marry a girl from such a family, you have no chance of staying in this remote country and wasting your time. Time waits for no one, and you can also see that the wife is eager to get her daughter married.


"I also knew at that time that Miss Ruth was indeed approaching the age of marriage. Of course, before that, I couldn't think of any extra thoughts except silently wishing her to find a good family. But for some reason, I saw

Looking into Meineke's eyes and listening to his highly inflammatory words, I inexplicably developed an ambition that I had never had before."

"So I boldly asked the guy if I could marry Miss Ruth if I went with him. He smiled with his extremely three-dimensional and handsome features, but did not give a definite answer. He only said that he would not let you

I'm sorry, boy."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "In the end, I did not go back with Mrs. Grisha, but went directly to the United States on a cruise ship with Meineke. Before leaving, Mrs. Grisha told me something that I had never heard of before.

I heard a considerate tone and told me to come back and visit after I became successful. Later I found out that Meineke paid her 1,000 pounds as a reward for taking me away, which is equivalent to half the farm's income."

At this point, the tea has been brewed, and the fragrance of the tea is overflowing.

"It's over?"

Li Yongyuan looked like he was still unfinished.

"Where are you and Miss Ruth?"

He couldn't help but ask.

"I never went back or inquired about him after that. Now, the tombstone has probably been erected."

Angers drank the scalding tea. This was an unexpected ending, but it was the most realistic.

After witnessing the danger and cruelty of the mixed-race world, and watching his close friend Master Yan die at the hands of the Dragon King, he could no longer turn back and lead an ordinary life.

Perhaps it was because of my most sincere love when I was young that I was able to avoid disturbing her for so many years. After all, this way, I would not disturb her life.

"Tell me about you. Why haven't you told me why you don't sleep in the dormitory yet? Which girl made you uneasy?"

Before Li Longyuan could sigh, Ange asked.

"Fingel was snoring too loudly, so I came out."

The young man nodded seriously and asked Fengo to take the blame. However, this is probably the case, but subjective and passive are different.

"Do you need me to handle the withdrawal procedures for him?"

The silver-haired old man handed a cup of freshly brewed hot tea to the boy and asked through the mist.

Angers thought that he told a past incident that could arouse the sympathy of this guy. But it seems that he was wrong from the starting point. He was wrong. Of course, he needed to find someone to vent his anger.

Hiss, so cruel.

Fingel, who was still in his dream, didn't know that he was already like a pig on the chopping board, waiting for the butcher's knife to fall.

This chapter has been completed!
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