Chapter 190 Equivalent Exchange

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Second floor of the library, Alchemy Classroom

This class is wonderful and interesting. It is not about teaching the imaginary magic of turning rocks into gold, nor is it about using colorful chemical substances to collide with each other to create brilliant new substances.

Instead, the teacher who teaches in class is drowsy, and the students who are listening in class are fast asleep.

When it comes to semi-illusory subjects like alchemy, many students are actually interested in it, especially freshmen.

Their initial imagination of alchemy was about the magic of turning stone into gold and the old witch with a hooked nose and messy hair in the Middle Ages.

He grabbed the wooden stick and kept stirring it in the crucible, mumbling in his mouth as he prepared various bubbling dark green poisons.

In fact, it is not the case. The main goal of alchemy is to transform base metals into precious metals, especially gold. Later, different research was developed, such as creating panaceas (such as Azote), finding the Philosopher's Stone, and creating artificial humans. Quite a bit.

At the origin of modern chemistry.

As for the attainments of alchemy, throughout Kassel Academy and even the world,

Nicholas Flamel, the night watchman, dared to be second, but no one dared to be first.

I don’t know what kind of evil wind he smokes.

He actually got rid of the temptation of fried chicken, French fries and beer, abandoned the bell tower where he had always lived, and ran to the principal's office to ask for a new class specially opened for him.

Angers and his old friend were colluding with each other, and despite the objections of all professors, they taught Flamel a class at the end of the semester.

When the shy old man wearing a patched brown cowboy hat covering his messy hair, a gray vest with white lining, and a big red and white plaid scarf stepped into this classroom, you could feel that the focus was on

The eager gaze in front of the door suddenly turned cold.

Just like a basin of cold water burning on red-hot charcoal, white smoke comes out and extinguishes the fantasies in many people's hearts.

Although in the Night Watch Forum, the freshmen already have a certain understanding of this mysterious vice-principal, before they actually meet him, people are willing to imagine the goal in a positive light.

For example, someone on the forum said that this old guy was lustful and shameless. He had provoked many beautiful women when he was young. When he was old, he would lie in the swimming pool all day long and peek at the butts and breasts of beautiful girls in bikinis. He was so obscene that he was dubbed an "old gangster."


At this moment,

Some people who were against the grain or who blindly worshiped this master in the history of alchemy stood up to defend him, saying that he was a young man who was uninhibited and unrestrained in his old age, and that he was a man of good temperament.

Some students posted on the forum, alluding to the fact that Professor Flamel is just an old fat guy who likes to eat junk fast food, but it attracted the contempt of many people. How could the supreme alchemist be so lacking in style?

In the eyes of those who blindly worship, the imaginary night watchman will wear a large red cloak like a mage in daily life, hold a crystal staff, walk into the glorious temple, look up to the gods, and think about the future destiny of mankind.

Walking towards him, he accidentally revealed his wise white hair and deep blue eyes.

Until a guy wearing a half-worn denim outfit walked into the classroom, patting his chubby belly, all the students who had been looking forward to it had already collapsed.

I thought that he was at least on the same level as Principal Angers, but I didn't expect that there was such a huge difference in image and temperament.

Of course, there are still many students who have a glimmer of hope. Behind the appearance of a backpacker looking like a gold digger in the West, there may be a hidden alchemist.

So while thinking about it like this, most of the students in the class fell over.

Among them, the one who was lying on the desk and asleep the most was Mr. Li Yongyuan. He didn't even raise his head before class.

And Flamel didn't care at all,

Even he himself was mediocre in class, except for asking beautiful girls to answer questions.


The old cowboy took the list of students on the table and pointed out the name of the girl at the bottom.

The goose yellow pleated skirt is very layered, and the high-waist design highlights the girl's delicate waistline. The blond girl stood up at a loss, with a little panic on her delicate and beautiful face.

Although she received psychological counseling from Professor Masashi Toyama, saw dragon scales, embryonic samples of red dragon cubs, and the ferocious and majestic oil painting, and learned the relevant historical information about dragons, Chris reluctantly accepted this.

A seemingly absurd new world.

Many times when she woke up from her dreams, she would mistakenly think that she had traveled to the weird world of "The Hobbit" or "Harry Potter", because this kind of world has all kinds of weird subjects and rich and colorful spirits.

, there are also dragons.

Even her roommate Susie comforted her, as if she was a wizard who was fostered in the Muggle world like Harry Potter and now returned to the magical world.

This statement actually made Chris lose a lot of her fear of the unknown and more actively accept her mixed-race identity.

But the old professor in front of him looked a little lewd. He couldn't be a bad guy who had sneaked into the academy, right? Just like a Death Eater.

"Tell me, what are the basic principles of alchemy?"

Flamel's eyes were all bright at this moment, and he looked at the girl like he was looking at a pure white lamb.


Chris couldn't help but cast her eyes on the sleeping boy next to her, as if she wanted to seek help.

It's a pity that Mr. Li slept deeply, with his head buried deeply under his arms.

He is tough-minded and never gives face to any professor in class, not even the vice principal.

During her time at school, she had heard the most about this legend, and she was also aware of Li Longyuan's status among the students in Kassel.

To use the words used to describe him in the Night Watch Forum, he is the man behind the President of the Student Council and the President of the Lion Heart Club, the ultimate boss hidden in the college, Megumi Hayashida in the hot-blooded high school. It sounds a bit middle-class and a bit weird.


"Exchange of equal value."

Before the girl could respond, Master Caesar raised his big fluffy hand high and said lazily to Flamel.

It’s a joke. As a successor trained by the Gattuso family since childhood, of course, subjects such as alchemy have never been involved. Because the elders of the Gattuso family know that Flamel is the last alchemist in the world.

The magician, and only he, could teach Caesar true alchemy.

As for the term equivalent exchange, he only saw it in "Fullmetal Alchemist".

Caesar has been reading Japanese comics this semester. Apparently he was stimulated after seeing Li Yongyuan chatting with the sales girl in Japan. He cannot tolerate similar things happening again the next time he travels to Japan.

"Classmate Caesar Gattuso, please wait and see, but don't get too deep into it. If you can roll out a spiral pill with your bare hands, let's talk about it separately."

Flamel frowned, seeing Caesar's background at a glance.

The blond nobleman still raised his hands proudly, with a stern look in his eyes as if to say that his answer was correct.

The old cowboy tipped his hat with his hand, turned around and wrote "Conservation of Matter" in Latin on the blackboard.

He waved his hand again, motioning the standing girl to sit down, and then said slowly.

"The ancient alchemists believed that the world is composed of the four basic elements of earth, water, wind, and fire, and that all matter is composed of at least two basic elements."

"But this four-element theory is outdated. Robert Boyle overturned it, and Mendeleev's periodic table of elements laid the foundation for modern chemistry."

Before he could continue, a student stood up and said loudly that when alchemy lifts the veil of mysterious metaphysics, its theory is completely untenable on the basis of the real world.

The other students were also filled with righteous indignation, as if they were looking at the old stubbornness of the old era through the eyes of revolutionaries of the new era, with the vigor to eliminate the old and usher in the new.

"That was overthrown in the world of ordinary people, but it did not include the world of mixed races."

The shy old cowboy suddenly raised his voice, and his originally cloudy and half-open eyes occasionally revealed a fascinating light.

Even though alchemy has gradually disappeared in the long flow of history, these young people don't know how it will help the entire dragon-slaying cause.

This chapter has been completed!
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