Chapter 201 A Land of Ten Deaths and No Life

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The Night Watch forum exploded because a hunter with the ID "Prince" on the bounty hunter website posted again after ten years.

The content is roughly about the orthodox family head Li Chengqian, and one of the four legendary monarchs, the powerful Fire King Constantine.

There has never been anything like this in the hybrid world, and the news of the Dragon King spread like an explosion after being promoted on the Internet.

Even a newcomer who has just learned about hybrids can have access to such confidential things.

After the shock of this news, it aroused even more greed among the secretly ambitious people. No one can refuse the noble power brought by the King's Dragon Bone Cross.

So countless red bounties were posted, and countless crazy rolling figures were not worth mentioning in the eyes of the mixed-race chaebols who were good at amassing money. They were like wolves smelling the smell of blood, with their green eyes open, even if they knew that they were on the other side.

Even a male lion that dominates the grassland dares to attack and tear off a piece of flesh.

Groups of bounty hunters flew to the coast. Among them were some who were good at using various firearms and had extraordinary skills that were comparable to ordinary people, and some were hybrids who had fought and crawled on the battlefields of the Middle East.

Even the Kassel Academy, which was established by various secret party families in Europe, was invaded by unknown organizations on the campus some time ago, leaving it disgraced and in a state of disarray.

This is the confidence of these bounty hunters. The ants will bite the elephant to death. No matter how mysterious and powerful this organization called Orthodox is in disguise, without a real performance deterrent, it can only be torn to pieces by greedy hybrids.

After receiving the news, the directors of Kassel College quickly convened a school board meeting. Li Chengqian's trick of changing the day was very clever. If it hadn't been for this "prince"'s post, all of them would still have been manipulated by him and applauded.

The Kuimen Project has also become a complete joke.

"Why didn't the people from the Executive Department send people to Binhai as soon as possible? You must understand that slaying the dragon has always been the highest task of our Kassel Academy."

Frost, the acting head of the Gattuso family, stood in front of the round table and asked Schneider loudly.

"The orthodox prime minister sent a message warning us not to interfere."

The middle-aged white man wearing an oxygen mask responded coldly. The collar of his long black windbreaker was turned up, making him look particularly gloomy.

"Just a warning makes us cringe?"

The man's eyes widened.

"Don't forget the meeting of elders held in Portofino not long ago. They didn't spare any respect for your Gattuso family, Frost."

Angers tapped the table, as if there were lions hidden in his eyes.

Although that incident has been blocked by the Gattuso family, it cannot erase the memories of all participants.


The man's face instantly became distorted and he snorted dissatisfiedly.

Thinking of those terrifying figures wearing golden armor, carrying wings and holding swords, Frost's mood was mixed with anger and fear.

"We also have those monsters hiding under the ice sea..."

The man still said reluctantly.

"That's enough, Frost, haven't I made it clear enough? If you want to gain more benefits for the Gattuso family, please send the family guards there."

The words came to an abrupt end amid Angers roar.

All the school directors who attended the meeting looked over in shock. They seemed to have forgotten that this old man who usually hides himself under an elegant and wise image is actually an out-and-out tyrant!

"No one has a stronger desire to slay the dragon than me, and no one wants to kill the King of Bronze and Fire more than I do. But if you can't stab his chest with your own hands and soak in the blood, then let someone do it for you and listen carefully.

His wails and news of death are not unacceptable."

The old man's tone gradually slowed down, but his stance never changed.

It can be said that after Angers firmly stated his views, the results of this meeting were already clear.

No one dared to go against his opinion in person.

"Since Orthodoxy is speaking, don't interfere, so just wait and watch."

Angers' words basically ended the possible discussions at this meeting. No matter what the outcome was, all Kassel could do was wait.

"But what if Constantine didn't die?"

A school director asked.

"Then I will go to China personally and kill Him."

Angers glanced at the school director who was speaking. Behind his rimless glass glasses, his eyes were as fierce as poisonous scythes, making people look away.

But how could the noble first-generation species be slaughtered by the despicable mixed-race species?


In the dark Internet cafe, the computer's LCD screen displayed brilliant images, and the faint fluorescence reflected the excited and excited expressions of the two people facing each other.

Densely packed units and units were fighting fiercely in a limited grid space, and Lu Mingfei's ship-based guns were slowly charging up, threatening to turn the Zerg nest in Old Tang's camp into a pool of blood.

Someone fell from a high-rise building in the night, like a bird with broken wings, and hit an ordinary black Honda car on the roadside with a low, booming sound. The roof and skin of the car were also smashed with huge dents, and the car was bloody and bloody.

Its anti-theft system was turned on at some point, and all kinds of red and yellow alarm lights lit up around the car body, and the siren blared randomly.

Apart from that, there was no sound at all, including screams and wails.

"Hey, my car!"

The night shift worker who was standing in front of the convenience store enjoying a puff of smoke turned around and saw that his car was almost deformed and scrapped, and he immediately howled in grief.

He was completely unaware that a man in black wearing a peaked cap and shining golden eyes was approaching.

With a close blow from the hand, the night shifter slowly fainted and fell to the ground.

The man in black who sneaked up on him easily pushed him close to the shelf of the small supermarket next to him, while his eyes glanced upward along the glass window.

In a city where ordinary people live everywhere, it is understandably difficult for Orthodoxy to deal with all the intruders and clean up the traces of the aftermath.

But Li Chengqian still firmly chose to go to war, which shows that this is an action regardless of the consequences and costs.

Since many bounty hunters had their traces checked by the Prime Minister as soon as they entered the country, the purge operation was relatively smooth. Occasionally they encountered resistance from hybrids, but they were generally quickly defeated under the siege of the bad guys' squads.

After all, orthodox training has trained them since childhood, including basic education in swordsmanship, physical skills, speech and spiritual skills, and they can be called an army among mixed races.

I would like to ask, how can such a disciplined and organized mixed-race army be resisted by a ragtag group of people?

The thick glass curtain walls of many high-rise buildings were kicked to pieces. The broken lenses scattered in the air reflected the ancient swords with dense ancient patterns in the corridors, the streets, and the narrow and deep gaps in the city.

The sight of scarlet blood flying from the necks of the golden-eyed hybrids.

This coastal city has completely transformed into a primeval forest tonight, and the cruel natural law of the jungle is vividly reflected. The world-renowned bounty hunters have now become panicked prey, escaping in panic in the steel buildings.

, were brutally massacred in horrifying silence.

The criss-crossing helicopters made no secret of the publicity of this operation. They opened powerful searchlights like ship's gas lights and strafed back and forth over the night city. From time to time, a team wearing wing suits would jump out of the cabin and launch a bat-like attack.

The wide membrane wings chased the fleeing target directly on the ground.

The entire urban area was cut open efficiently and completely by the orthodox organization, like a constantly tightening fishing net. Water flowed out of the net bit by bit, but the swimming fish was tightly entangled in the rope, bleeding out scarlet blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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