Chapter 219 Parliament, Doomsday

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"Some scholars speculate that Black King Nidhogg's original intention was to forge eight alchemical swords, but Norton secretly hid the one that could kill it. Of course, some people said that Norton wanted to protect Constantine, so

The sword was not forged based on its weakness."

Li Chengqian had his hands behind his back and his eyes were dark.

"What's your opinion?"

Li Yongyuan knew his grandfather's temperament very well, and he always liked to hide his words when speaking, or save his own opinions for the end. The speculations of scholars and professors may not be more reliable than the authentic records in orthodox books.

"It's because of the Dragon Clan Council."

The rickety old man turned half around and looked at the upright young man in front of him, his power not declining. His voice was very low. It seemed that this word had a different kind of magic power. Even in the heavenly palace above the clouds, it would attract mysterious people in the dark.

Peep and be aware.

"Dragon Clan...Parliament?"

This was the first time Li Longyuan had heard of this thing in the world of hybrids. It was not common even in the numerous books he had read.

Of course, Li Yongyuan is very clear about the parliamentary system. Its embryonic stage has already emerged since BC. The citizens' assembly of Sparta and the national tribes of democratic federalism are still in their embryonic form. The most representative and mature one is probably the British Parliament.

The parliamentarians entered the imperial court without any bloodshed and obtained legislative and financial powers from the emperor, thereby breaking up the monarch's supremacy. If we really talk about it carefully, the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty also had the appearance of a parliament.

It's just that something like the Dragon Clan Council is too unbelievable.

Perhaps seeing the shock in the eyes of the young man who lowered his head and said nothing, Li Chengqian continued.

"Don't underestimate creatures like dragons. They are far superior to ordinary humans in terms of intelligence and body. A king must have subjects and a race, even if Nidhogg is a rare cruel king, the one who destroys the world.

The dragon, the self-centered one, will eventually have subordinates, and there will be a so-called parliament that determines the fate of the species."

"You haven't heard of them because they are hidden under the shadow of the fame of the Black King, White King and the Four Great Monarchs. They stand on the back and side of the curtain of history, and their faces have never been revealed to the public."

Li Chengqian's reply answered some of Li Longyuan's doubts, and he continued.

"But it is undeniable that in the era when the dragons ruled, the black emperor ruled the dragons as the ancestor, and then separated the white king to assist the priests. It was called "two kings co-ruling" in history, and even the violent dragons did not dare to provoke it easily

War. According to record 11 of "Ice Sea Fragments", after the White King led a rebellion as a priest, and the Black King Nidhogg used bloody and brutal methods to suppress the largest rebellion war in the history of the Dragon Clan, the Black Emperor took the White King's flesh and blood

It sank into the volcano on the bottom of the sea together with the copper pillar of the ice and sea, and then turned it into ashes to regain the power it once gave it."

"The Black King devoured the White Queen. He once flew into the sky with a roar of pain, and then fell into the deepest part of the sea ice. He repeated this repeatedly without caring about it. This also left a long period of power vacuum, and during this period,

This is the beginning of the dragon parliament system. Seven powerful and prestigious dragon lords were elected as members of the parliament to form the dragon parliament, and a new power structure was born under the ancestor Nidhogg."

The old man in the black robe and jade hairpin revealed that it was a hidden existence in the history of dragons. This was something Li Longyuan had never understood, because even if it was orthodox, there was no ancient book that was old enough and authoritative enough to record such a secret and magnificent thing.

s story.

They are often only taught by the elders and passed down from generation to generation, and only the future orthodox successors will know about them.

"When the Black Emperor returned, he angrily discovered that the Dragon Tribe Council was a constraint on his dictatorship, so he used his own flesh and blood to separate the four monarchs in order to seize power, and even secretly ordered the King of Bronze and Fire to create the Seven Deadly Sins in order to completely kill him

Those seven dragon councilors."

The old man's voice was slow and gentle, revealing a glimpse of the huge war of blood and fire hidden in the sands of history.

Li Longyuan accepted this information silently. It seemed that no matter what time or race, power and power were always the most tempting poisonous wine, which made people enjoy it as much as they could.

"Then what is the final outcome of this parliament? According to your understanding of the Black Emperor, he is not a wise monarch willing to give up power. The answer to this can be found even from China's thousand-year feudal monarchy. The majestic monarchy cannot be tolerated.

Those who are provoked by any system, even prime ministers and eunuchs, and even virtuous monarchs and benevolent rulers, will not give in."

The young man who was holding his chin in thought suddenly lit up his eyes and asked.

"The later Dragon Tribe Council gradually dimmed under the high-pressure rule of the Black King, their power was reduced, and their figures disappeared in the long river of history."

Sure enough, even the seven most outstanding people in the group cannot shake the supreme existence.


Li Chengqian's conversation suddenly changed.

"Later, the black emperor was joined by rebellious dragons and hybrids. They held iron awls and axes and nailed his huge body and bone wings to the iceberg. Blood flowed from the top to the bottom of the mountain.

Layers of blood rained down on each rebel, blurring their vision. They raised their weapons and cheered, calling this day a new era."

"But how could the Black King die so easily? Legend has it that when he was thrown into the abyss of extreme cold by the rebels, he let out a shrill roar, and the sound echoed endlessly on the glacier, and that dragon language was later translated into human language to mean...


"On the day I return to the world, all my rebellious ministers shall die."

The cold black membrane wings spread out, blocking the dark and thin sky. The milky white nameless animal bones hung in the gaps between the ribs of the branches. When the wind blew, a shrill howl sounded, and the empty eye sockets burned with golden fire.

, the Black Emperor is issuing the cruelest order to the entire wilderness glacier and even the world.

This is the scene Li Yongyuan imagined in his mind. He inexplicably thought of the oil painting he saw on the cc100 train, the scene of a tiny figure standing in the vast wilderness, and the black dragon roaring and slamming into his body.

Listening to Li Chengqian's explanation, the young man seemed to be able to empathize with the situation. However, it was not cheering for the victory of the mixed race and the human alliance, but a kind of anger mixed with a different emotion.

Contrary... minister!

Li Longyuan seemed to be able to feel that in a dark corner of his body, there was also a voice emitting such a majestic and low roar.

"The executive department of Kassel College has been searching for traces of resurrected dragons all over the world, not just because of the four monarchs, but also because they are afraid that the legendary Black Emperor will return from the other side."

Li Chengqian didn't seem to notice anything unusual about his grandson, and just continued talking.

"There is a prophecy that when black wings covered with skulls cover the sky, the most prosperous and gorgeous city in the world will also turn into a rotten and humid bone burial wasteland. Only the howl of the cold wind blows through the night, and the dying survivors

Lying under the ruins and looking up at the sky with eyes wide open, fear and sorrow on the face, when the moon rises to its highest point, the apocalypse filled with despair will collapse."

The old man's voice was hoarse and heavy as he narrated ancient fables in the empty hall.

This chapter has been completed!
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