Chapter 256: A Scholar in the Literary Circle

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Lu Mingfei could see carefully that his uncle's hand holding the wine cup trembled slightly after hearing these words. The clear wine continued to ripple in the narrow rim of the cup, but then, his uncle clicked the wine cup.

There was a slap on the table, the sound was so loud that even my aunt jumped.

"Well, our ancestors in the Lu family were also very wealthy."

The man's blushing face showed a wanton smile, and his unshaven and slightly rough appearance was tinged with pride at some point.

"Why do you say that? My great-grandfather, your great-grandfather, was a fifth-grade military attache in the Qing Dynasty. He wore an official uniform with a bear pattern on the back, and his crown was decorated with small sapphires and was inlaid with crystal stones.

The auspicious crown is made of crystal stone."

The uncle sat splayed on the chair, trying his best to imitate the demeanor of a high-ranking official sitting in a sedan chair, all square and steady, showing off his authority. He was as proud as a peacock with its wings spread. Even Lu Mingfei couldn't help but be slightly surprised. It turned out that he was really her.

My mother is a daughter of an official.

It's a pity that he didn't understand that in that turbulent and separatist era when there were as many people as dogs and red hats everywhere, a fifth-grade military attache could only be regarded as an extremely embarrassing and unremarkable existence. What's more, it is almost a century old now.

"Have you studied the Meiji Restoration in history and understood the Westernization Movement? Your great ancestor was one of the first people to study abroad with government funding after the Westernization Movement."

The uncle picked up a chopstick of fish meat, picked out the bones and chewed it carefully. He looked proud and proud, as if he no longer paid attention to the tigress sitting next to him.

"So awesome?"

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but want to go back to his room, take out his history textbook, and find his ancestors from the old photos taken abroad to commemorate.

"Isn't that right? It's a pity that my great-grandfather was sent abroad on a secret mission at that time, so he didn't leave any photos to commemorate him."

Lu Gucheng couldn't help but feel regret on his face. After all, those who could appear in that photo were all big shots in various fields such as Zhan Tianyou, Tang Shaoyi, Cai Shaoji, etc. Even now, they are still good.

It also gave his Lao Lu family some bragging rights.

"What happened next?"

Lu Mingfei suddenly thought of his family's situation, and as soon as he slapped his thigh, he noticed something was wrong. After all, their ancestors of the old Lu family had some capable people, so why are they like this now?

Raising the flag to rebel? No, even if the situation was turbulent at that time, with bullying from foreign powers and the Taiping Rebellion at home, the Qing government's dominance was still quite strong. Besides, if he was caught, his whole family would be beheaded, implicating the nine ethnic groups.

"The world of flowers is so charming. At that time, Li Hongzhang went to the United States for inspection. Wasn't he impressed by their steel buildings and steamships? Besides, the social atmosphere was already very open at that time. Marilyn Monroe's white dress could not be covered with his hands.

Can’t cover up the white thighs.”

When Lu Mingfei was scratching his head, Lu Gucheng curled his lips and poured himself another glass of wine.

In that era, not everyone went to study abroad with the firm belief of caring about the country and the people. Many people went there with the mentality of seeking refuge and enjoying happiness. It was inevitable to be corrupted by capitalist sentiment.

Even though his uncle's words were vague, Lu Mingfei finally understood that his ancestor, the Lu family, actually had a speculator who was bribed by Americans' sugar-coated bullets.

"I heard from people who returned from studying abroad that he later stayed at Roush College in Chicago as a lecturer or professor. Anyway, he never came back, not even a letter."

The uncle sighed sadly and continued to drink and eat.

No wonder Lu Mingfei didn't ask before, and he never boasted about it in front of his children and nephews. Although a fifth-grade official is good, someone who abandons his wife and children to enjoy happiness overseas will inevitably do bad things to his descendants.


"But my parents seem to have been abroad for more than ten years, right?"

Lu Mingfei thought about it, and his originally angry expression became a little dim. He looked at the ordinary middle-aged man who was drunk in front of him, sipping his drink. It turned out that his old Lu family abandoned his wife, oh no, abandoning his son has a fine tradition.

, a man like his uncle who has sharp ears and cares about his family has a fucking genetic mutation.

"Mingfei, you can't learn from your great ancestor in the future. What's so good about America? What's so nostalgic about those blond and blue-eyed beauties in bikinis? Beauty Pass is the Tomb of Heroes!"

The men all sighed and patted the boy on the shoulder.

"I want to learn more from your uncle. My uncle was also known as a beautiful young man in Yushu Linfeng, an honest and reliable young man. A large number of little girls liked me, but I rejected them all outright."

"Uncle, I have seen all the DVDs you collected back then. I was beaten by my aunt when I stared at the thighs of pretty girls when I was on the street. I also secretly wrote love letters to my next-door neighbor Xiaofang when I was in elementary school. I

I also found it in the old cabinet in the storage room..."

Lu Mingfei muttered disdainfully in his heart. He felt that his uncle's ability to keep such a peaceful mind was due to two reasons.

First, you have a thief's heart but not your courage. A man cannot lose power for a day, and a husband cannot lose money for a day. If you have neither of these, but you are still ordinary-looking, even if you go to the United States, you will still be washing dishes.

Second, if there is a shrew in the family, what should be done? What can be done?

"You won't be allowed to do this when you go to the United States."

The uncle muttered drunkenly, like a warning or an exhortation.

"Don't worry, we have watched this child Mingfei grow up. He is honest and family-oriented, just like you were back then."

Auntie rarely smiled in agreement.

"Don't talk about the relationship between uncle and nephew. If you two stand together, no one will question whether you are father and son."

The aunt complained in her heart, but because of this, she was not too wary of Lu Mingfei. If he was really as smart and wise as his brother-in-law, she would be even more afraid that Lu Mingze would be bullied.


The little fat man was swallowing his food with sadness at the moment, and the sound of fireworks exploding outside the window was like a wedding salute at sunset, hammering into his heart.

In his mind, the two of them seemed to have become Romeo and Juliet, Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan, no, they were a couple like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. However, due to the obstruction of the evil family forces, the two could not get along.


In fact, my aunt was still wrong. There is still something different between this boy Lu Mingfei and his uncle. Just like Lu Gucheng was the best brag in his life. He found a teahouse with his friends and could scold Fang Qiu and swallow thousands of miles with anger.

Like a tiger, and then chatted all afternoon.

Lu Mingfei is a little embarrassed. If you ask him to brag in front of everyone, he may not dare. But if you ask him to put on a vest and speak on the Internet, Lu Mingfei will immediately cheer up and hate everything.

Born eight hundred years later, he dared to say who his rivals were in the world's heroes.

With this kind of personality, a high EQ would be called a scholar in the world of literary chat, but a hard worker in the chat world. A low EQ would be a keyboard warrior. What kind of keys are there! The top of the immortals, proud of the world, with my keyboard there will be heaven! What else?

I have a key to open the gate of heaven, and I have a key to kill the immortal.

This chapter has been completed!
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