Chapter 423 Zhong Jianshi

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Sensoji Temple, also called Asakusa Kaminarimon Kannon Temple, is the oldest temple in Tokyo.

It is said that in 628 AD, a pair of brothers who made a living by fishing discovered a 5.5-centimeter-high statue of Guanyin in the Sumida River, thinking it was "the appearance of Guanyin." Therefore, people built temples locally to worship Guanyin.

During the Edo period, Tokugawa Ieyasu designated Sensoji Temple as a place of worship for the Tokugawa shogunate, and the Sensoji Temple area gradually prospered.

Now it has become an iconic attraction for tourists traveling to and from Tokyo.

In front of the wooden temple with a vermilion frame is the main entrance with a big red lantern hanging in the middle. On the lantern is written "Thunder Gate" with a black background and white edges, also known as the Gate of Good Weather.

Because there are two generals, the God of Thunder and the God of Wind, guarding the main entrance of Sensoji Temple. One has raised eyebrows and raised eyes, tightly closed lips, and is mighty and strong. The other is powerful and majestic, commanding evil. People come here to pray for good weather and a good harvest in the coming year.

After entering the Toraimon Gate, you can reach the Hohomon Gate through a straight stone road, and behind the Hohomon Gate is the main hall of the main hall.

There is an endless stream of people. The approximately 300-meter-long shrine leading from Kaminarimon Gate to Hohomon Gate is home to more than 90 shops. A wide variety of goods and delicacies attract tourists.

This commercial street is called Nakamise and is one of the oldest commercial streets in Japan.

"Boss, let's order some tamagoyaki."

Behind the handicraft stall, the middle-aged boss poked his head out and saw two lovers standing there wearing red fox masks, clearly a man and a woman.

"Please put it away."

There are many tourists who come to Sensoji Temple every year to pay homage and ring the bell, but the boss doesn’t pay much attention to it. After collecting the money, he hands over the freshly baked Tamagoyaki.

Tamagoyaki is made with a mixture of eggs, milk, salt, mirin, and Japanese bonito soy sauce. It tastes soft and smooth.

The girl took the paper bag, then stretched out her white hands, took out a piece, then raised her head and handed it to her boyfriend.

The other party reluctantly bent down slightly, lifted the fox mask on his face, and gently bit the Tamagoyaki.

"What a loving scene!"

The boss, who had no business for the time being, couldn't help but sigh. Especially when he saw the boy's exposed half of his face, he felt that he looked like the male protagonist in a youth drama.

"Let's go to the next house."

The boy stroked the girl's head skillfully, and then the two of them mingled in front of other shops selling snacks while eating tamagoyaki.

The girl in the witch costume would occasionally take out the notebook she carried with her and write and draw in it. If she looked carefully, it looked like a simple travel route, with things they had done marked under each stop.

Mount Fuji, ate with Fengjun.

In Disneyland, Fengjun is very good at playing with bumper cars.

Sensoji Temple, the tamagoyaki that Fengjun bought was delicious. (?o?o?)

There is also a series of place names and scenic spots painted on the back, which is currently in an unfinished state.

But Eriki didn't feel anxious. These place names were places she had seen in various anime and were places where young men and women would go.

But if she was allowed to come alone, Eryi would not feel happy, without the joy and hope at the moment.

Li Longyuan only planned to take Huiliyi for a stroll today, leaving all matters to Si Yao and the others.

The two of them walked very slowly, the pink petals on the cherry trees gently swayed down, and the sun shone on them, stretching the shadows along the ancient road.

Gradually, the girl naturally stretched out her free hand, which was held by the boy.

Eriyi raised her head and looked at Li Yongyuan, who had lifted half of his fox mask to reveal his outline. A bright look suddenly appeared in his dull eyes.

In Eriki's little mind, she felt that the feeling of holding hands this time was very different, but she couldn't tell how different it was.

"The feeling of being held by Mr. Feng is the best!"

Eriyi held the tamagoyaki and was held by Li Longyuan. She couldn't spare time for the time being, so she wrote down her mood at the moment in her notebook.

I had to repeat it over and over in my mind.

Eri felt that she seemed to be very forgetful, but every day she spent with Li Yongyuan, it was like a engraved video tape playing in a loop in her mind.

In front of the bright claw machine, the young couple held their breaths and looked at the yellow Pikachu doll behind the glass. After some adjustments and positioning, the boy clicked the button before the countdown ended.

The mechanical claw was put down dully, and three fingers tightly grasped the lightning-shaped tail of Pikachu, and slowly lifted the doll up.

In the girl's expectant eyes, the mechanical claw that reached the top shook violently, and the doll fell down innocently.

"What, Ryota, your skills are really bad."

The girl in the black dress who was excitedly patting her boyfriend on the shoulder just now curled her lips and said.

The young man named Ryota could only scratch his head in embarrassment. He searched his trouser pockets and couldn't find any extra coins, so he could only say, "Aiko, please wait for me. I'll change some more."

After saying that, the boy ran away, leaving Aiko alone in front of the claw machine, staring at the dolls in the machine in a daze.

Then she saw a couple coming. They were wearing matching kimonos and had red fox masks on their heads. Even if their faces were not exposed, they were already very eye-catching.

The girl and the boy held hands naturally, holding delicious snacks in their arms, with bright eyes, and they looked very happy.

Aiko unconsciously smiled like an aunt.

"Wait... don't go to that machine."

She suddenly saw the two of them stopping in front of a claw machine with a Pikachu doll, and she felt nervous.

Even though Ryota, an idiot, had invested a lot of coins and still hadn't caught the doll, Aiko had already regarded Pikachu as the one they would try their best to capture next.

As if they heard her voice, they walked straight to the claw machine next door without stopping.

Li Yongyuan turned around and looked at Eriyi, who nodded obediently, pointed at the ugly Godzilla doll inside, and made a roaring sound.

Mr. Li was also amused by this guy's actions and couldn't help but pinch the soft flesh of Hui Liyi's cheek, but the other party just puffed his face cutely and did not stop him from bullying others.

"Ahhh! The sugar content is too high."

Aiko watched from the sidelines as the corners of the young boy's mouth gradually turned into a fond smile, and then the girl slowly moved closer to him. The two of them stared closely at the Godzilla doll in the window, looking eager to try it.

"Is it coming?"

When he saw the boy taking the snack from the girl, the girl in a miko costume put in the coin, controlled the steering rod to move the mechanical claw, and then firmly grasped the ugly gray Godzilla doll and lifted it up.

But it seems that the unscrupulous merchant here has set up a claw-loosening function, and the doll fell down for no reason at the last second.

"Oh." Aiko felt sorry for her.

This girl is very good at catching dolls. Ryota is not even half as good as her, but even so, is it still a failure?

Wait, someone has changed.

When Aiko saw it, the girl let go of her hand and made an encouraging gesture. Then the boy nodded and solemnly came to the claw machine.

What! The technology just now was impeccable, it was entirely a machine problem.

Aiko has discovered that unscrupulous merchants don't want anyone to take away the dolls in the claw machine, so their hope of getting Godzilla is almost zero.

Even if someone is replaced, how is it possible...

Then Aiko's eyes widened as she saw the opponent punch the claw machine, followed by a punch that shattered the window glass.

"No shackles can be broken."

Standing among the debris, Aiko saw the boy take out the doll and hand it to the girl who was smiling and clapping her hands, and then said seriously.

Aiko wiped her eyes. At a certain moment, she felt that the world was crazy.

This chapter has been completed!
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