Chapter 449 Mind and tolerance

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Chapter 449

Professor Lu’s academic fraud scandal has finally come to an end.

This grievance eventually came to light.

The culprits He Zhengming and Lu Yuan have been detained by the police, and the next step will be to pursue their legal responsibility.

Lu Yiming was eventually cleared.

This incident also became the most influential Internet incident in 2004.

Everyone who participated in slandering Lu Yiming did not escape. They were picked out by netizens and settled accounts.

Netizens who insisted on the truth were the first to stand up and apologize to Lu Yiming. They said that they had been misled by the Internet and had wronged Professor Lu. They sincerely apologized here.

With him taking the lead, some people who had fought on the wrong team also apologized.

Of course, there are also some die-hard elements who have withdrawn from the Internet and cut off power, but refuse to take a stand.

For example, Shi Tao, the president of the Japan-China Association, an expert from Hebei Province, and those colleagues who have slandered Lu Yiming.

Netizens are not used to this group of people and are determined to give Professor Lu Yiming justice.

They won't let anyone who stepped on Professor Lu now have access to the Internet again.

The netizen who insists on the truth once again stood up. Under his leadership, netizens swarmed forward and began to uncover dirt on these people.


The dirty information about these people was uncovered.

Every item, every item, has a name and a surname.

Especially Shi Tao.

The things this guy has done are simply too numerous to describe.

A proper traitor and traitor?

Netizens were angry.

It’s already 2004, and there are still such hard-core daily nerds.

Fuck him!

As a result, netizens gathered together, rushed into the Japan-China Friendship Association, and smashed the association site.

The whole place was in a sensation.

After people understood the ins and outs, they joined in the smashing.

Hitting someone is wrong!

But doing daily chores?

Nothing wrong!

Shi Tao was so frightened that he fled back to his small life overnight, and the Japan-China Association was soon banned.

His fall involved many people.

Because many experts and professors have benefited from him.

These people immediately became the targets of netizens' venting.

He was fired from his workplace and was criticized a lot on the Internet. He became like a rat crossing the street, not daring to run away with his tail between his legs.

Massive social death!

When things got to this point, the culprit was brought to justice, Shi Tao also escaped, and all the experts and professors who had close dealings with him became street rats.

But netizens were still unwilling to give in and called on those technical organizations and groups to let them come out and take a walk.

As soon as Lu Yiming's incident came out, these technical organizations and groups immediately cut ties with Lu Yiming.

Now Lu Yiming has proven his innocence.

Isn’t it time for organizations like you to take a stand?

Seeing that the netizens came with bad intentions and fearing to get angry, these organizations immediately issued a statement, recognizing Lu Yiming's identity and apologizing for the previous incidents.

As a result, Lu Yiming's reputation has reached a higher level.

These days, not many people can pass the test.

Many organizations and groups have extended an olive branch to Lu Yiming and invited him to come to them to give lectures and exchanges.

Now, the academic fraud issue has finally come to an end.

"Congratulations to Professor Lu, Chen Yuan's snow!"

Chen Yang said respectfully.

After the matter was resolved, he returned to Qiaocheng immediately to celebrate Professor Lu.

"Xiao Chen, thank you, really thank you."

Professor Lu was so excited that he was speechless.

This matter has troubled him for a long time, and now it has finally come to light.

On the day of Zhaoxue, Professor Lu felt light all over. A thousand pounds of heavy burden had been lifted by this method, and he felt comfortable all over.

A leopard leaves his skin when he dies, and a man leaves his name when he dies.

Although Professor Lu is not a person who values ​​utilitarianism very much, he also cares about his reputation.

He also didn't want to leave a stigma.

"Professor, you don't need to thank him. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have been attacked. You were just implicated by Neptune."

Liu Yutong told the truth.


Chen Yang also laughed.

In fact, this makes sense.

Lu Yiming is a pure scholar who has never recruited or offended anyone.

The reason why he was shocked was because he joined Neptune and became Neptune's chief research expert.

The target was not him, but Neptune.

"You can't say that! These are all Xiao Chen's contributions. Without his means, I would probably be buried with this stigma."

Lu Yiming shook his head.

"Professor, you are serious! You are a research expert on Neptune. Anyone who targets you is an enemy of Neptune. Naturally, I will not let them go."

Chen Yang explained hurriedly.

He suddenly heard a negative note from Lu Yiming's mouth.

This is a miss!

Neptune's R&D department still needs to count on Lu Yiming.


Lu Yiming suddenly sighed.

It was a good thing to have his reputation restored, but when he found out that the mastermind behind the scenes was actually from the Lu family, he suddenly became discouraged.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the Lu family still refused to let him go.

The people who hurt you are often the people closest to you.

This made Lu Yiming a little sad.

"Okay, okay, the matter has been resolved, what else do you have to lament? Why don't you thank Xiao Chen properly? Without him, how long would this nonsense be sorted out?"

Professor Jiang on the side complained.

When his wife said this, Professor Lu also raised his glass with a smile.

"Xiao Chen's contribution cannot be solved with a simple thank you. Xiao Chen, come on, don't say anything. I'll toast you."

He said and drank it all in one gulp.

He was not very good at drinking, and he immediately started coughing after one drink.

Chen Yang also drank a drink.

"Chen Yang, what method did you use to get the poster to confess?"

Liu Yutong was a little curious.

Things on the Internet are all true and false. Even if you call the police, it is nonsense.

It's really strange that Chen Yang could actually let the poster take the initiative to report the matter to the police.


Chen Yang smiled but said nothing.

In this matter, he also used some dishonorable means.

Because the rat is a hacker.

He had hacked into the poster's computer, extracted important evidence, and then remotely controlled the poster's account, started posting online, and brought the matter to light.

The poster was kept in the dark about all this.

Of course, these methods are all dishonorable and shady, but the results are surprisingly good.

However, it is not convenient for him to say more now.

Pretend to be a ghost!

Liu Yutong felt a little unhappy when she saw Chen Yang didn't say anything.

"Professor Lu, what's the grudge between you and Lu Yuan? Why is he staring at you?"

Chen Yang changed the topic.

Although Lu Yuan has been punished, Chen Yang doesn't know if this matter has anything to do with the Lu family. If the Lu family is also involved, then Neptune will have to pay attention to it in the future.

When this was mentioned, Lu Yiming put down his wine glass and hesitated a little.

But he looked at his wife and Liu Yutong, both of whom looked attentive and obviously interested in his past.

"Forget it, it's not something that can't be said. Since you want to know, I'll tell you."

Lu Yiming picked up the wine bottle, poured a glass of wine for Chen Yang, and then filled it for himself.

"Jin Medicine has a long history and is a time-honored pharmaceutical company in China. In the Qing Dynasty, it was one of the four time-honored brands together with Wen Jia's Renhe Tang, Guangyao's Chen Li Ji, and Hu Qing Yu Tang. Counting from the generation of the founder, there are still

More than four hundred years of history.”

"Jin Yao has its own system, which is also learned from the management system of Shanxi merchants. At that time, the four major time-honored brands had their own management systems. This system was very strict and hierarchical. It seems that Renhetang still retains this system, and other

The company now... I'm afraid it has long existed in name only."

"In this system, medicine, medicine, and management are separated. They are led by the palm, medicine, and shopkeeper respectively. Our branch is all pharmaceutical, so it is managed by the medicine branch."

"In the past, Zhangmai Zhangyao and the shopkeeper were on equal terms. Sanmai jointly ran the family business. But as time went by, the main operator emerged and became the actual controller of Jinyao. Zhangmai and Zhangmai two

He stopped working, and the three families often had conflicts. Later, the three families discussed and introduced a new management system. The Lu family was no longer divided into three branches, but was trained in a unified way, and those who were suitable for what they did were assigned to which branch. So.

Once this happened, young people no longer wanted to learn medicine and medical skills, so they all joined the line of shopkeepers."

"As a result, the line of shopkeepers is getting bigger and bigger, while the two lines of pharmaceutical and medical skills are getting more and more declining. The Lu family and Jin Yao gradually focus on business rather than medical skills and pharmaceuticals. At the beginning, there were still some

The foundation can support it, but big problems will arise over time.”

"Not everyone in the Lu family sees something wrong, but they don't dare to say it, and they don't want to say it. Because many people are obsessed with business, and have abandoned their skills early, so that one line of business is dominated by one family."

"My father is a real person. He suggested at a family meeting that we must pay attention to the two channels of medicine, otherwise Jin Medicine will stop developing and eventually become a third-rate pharmaceutical company. He requested that the previous system of taking turns in charge of the three channels should be restored."

"As soon as these words came out, they were strongly opposed by the shopkeepers. They said that he was retrospecting and going down the old road. Because the new management system has taken shape, many people have become beneficiaries. The two lines of medicine have been reduced to

Their money-making tool. They will never be allowed to go back to the previous management system."

"In this way, my father was resisted by the entire clan. It happened to be during that period that my father was given various names by them and eventually died a violent death."

At this point, Lu Yiming was already in tears.

"It turns turns out...your past was so miserable!"

Professor Jiang also feels the same way.

No wonder my husband never mentioned the past or talked about his past.

Liu Yutong and Chen Yang also knew about Lu Yiming's life experience for the first time, and they couldn't help but sigh.

"After my father died, our family also became a marginalized figure in the Lu family. No one thought highly of us, and no one had mercy on us. It was not until the end of those years that I was admitted to a key local high school with excellent results. People from the Lu family

Only then did we start to pay more attention to our family."

"After graduating from high school, I was admitted to the Imperial Chinese Medical University with excellent results. At this time, the people of the Lu family paid more attention to it. The head of the family came to my house in person and promised that after I completed my studies, I would be put to good use when I returned home. But I always remember

Following my father’s teachings, if the Lu family does not reform, Jin Medicine will become history.”

"So, I boldly told my father's suggestion to the head of the family, and the head of the house agreed. He said that as long as I am willing to come back, everything can be discussed."

"After I graduated from university, I officially joined Jin Yao and became a researcher in a pharmaceutical factory. At this time, Jin Yao still had the previous system. I found the owner again and suggested that he reform the management system. The owner was also very supportive, and he immediately

Promote me to leader of the reform team."

"When I was in school, I took the initiative to learn management and learned from the advanced experience of Western companies. After I became the leader of the reform team, I immediately carried out drastic reforms in the company and eliminated the old disadvantages. Of course, when encountering

When faced with resistance, I was very stubborn. But with the support of the family head, I still carried out the new management forcefully."

"After two years of hard work, Jin Yao has taken on a completely new look. I thought I had succeeded and fulfilled my father's last wish, but little did I know that I had secretly offended a lot of people. These people were more or less damaged because of the reform.

profit, so he hates me deeply."

"Another year has passed, and the reform of Jin Yao has been basically completed. Just when I was full of confidence to introduce a third-party management team and lead Jin Yao to glory, an accident happened."

Having said this, a wry smile flashed across Lu Yiming's lips.

Someone reported in real name that Lu Yiming accepted bribes when he served on the reform team.

This was originally nonsense.

But the owner of the house took it seriously and immediately sent people to investigate and found 100,000 yuan in cash from his house.

In the 1980s and 1990s, one hundred thousand yuan was a huge sum of money.

According to the laws at the time, it was enough to sentence Lu Yiming to jail.

But the head of the family stepped aside and asked him to resign and leave the Lu family.

Lu Yiming had no choice but to do as he was told.

In this way, Lu Yiming was kicked off the altar and left the Lu family sadly.

From then on, he had no contact with the Lu family.

After hearing what Lu Yiming said, Chen Yang also suddenly realized.

"Professor Lu, I understand. You were taken advantage of by the head of the Lu family. He also wanted to reform the Lu family, but he was afraid of offending others, so he pushed you to the front. If my guess is correct, I reported it in the first place.

He also arranged your people, right?"

Lu Yiming smiled bitterly and nodded, saying: "I was stupid and didn't understand it before. But as I grow older, I gradually understand this matter. Yes, it was Lu Yuan who reported me at the beginning, and now I think about it too.

Are you afraid of my revenge?"

By now, everything has come to light.

The reason why Lu Yuan targeted Lu Yiming was not because he was jealous of him, but because he was afraid that Lu Yiming would take revenge on him.

After all, it was Lu Yiming who reported him in the first place.

"Professor Lu, do you have any grudges against the Lu family?"

Chen Yang asked tentatively.

If Lu Yiming still has resentment towards the Lu family, he can help.

Anyway, this person from the Lu family doesn't sound like a good person.

Lu Yiming shook his head.

As for resentment, he still had it before, but now, he has almost forgotten it.

"Forget it, after all, this is the place where I was born and raised. I have no hatred in my heart for a long time. What I want most now is to do some research, make some contributions to society, and carry forward the things left by my ancestors. This life will be enough."

That’s it.”

Lu Yiming said calmly.

Hearing this, Chen Yang was also in awe.

This is the mind, this is the magnanimity.

If it were him, he really wouldn't be able to do it.

This chapter has been completed!
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