Chapter 4 Killing can't stop at all

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This wonderful second-level catch also caused a burst of cheers on the scene, and even the commentator applauded along with the excited audience!

"The blind monk predicted Victor's flash position. This second stage of Q is wonderful! I have to say that the performance of this jungler from HKUST has changed a lot compared to the first two games!"

Having said this, the commentator couldn't help but look at this jungler with a somewhat complicated expression, which made him almost think that his commentating career was going to end today. After all, in the first two games, he almost made him bald at a young age in order to help Chen Nan regain his respect.

"Can we make a bold guess that this player hid his true strength in the first two games? Of course, this game has just begun, and it is too early to draw a conclusion. I hope he can perform more brilliantly in the future

It has to be operated, let’s wait and see!”

"Damn it! Stealing my head again!" Cai Kun finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and cursed at Chen Nan.

"What else can you do besides being a dick?"

Chen Nan took a cold look at Enchantress, who had less than a third of her HP and her position where she was forced back by the soldiers, and controlled the blind monk to plunge into the wild area.

Do I steal people's heads?

What are you going to use to kill Victor? The fairy wand in your hand?

"This guy is so outrageous. He obviously went to the middle to catch a wave of people, but the time when he finished killing the wild monsters was almost the same as the opponent!" A student from the University of Science and Technology at the scene exclaimed.

Both junglers are focusing on the top lane.

Mundo was restrained by the opponent in terms of last-hitting in the early stage. After all, the hero he was facing was the Wings of Demacia with long hands, so it was expected that he would be suppressed.

After the first-level team got the assist, Mundo felt a lot more relaxed when he brought two extra health bottles on the line.

It's just not enough.

"You can kill this guy."

The jungler from Wuzhou University sneered. He was using a male gun.

The male gunman is a pure tough guy hero, holding a cigar in his mouth and rushing over with a big gun.

Mundo saw his jungler hiding in the grass behind the defense tower, and Chen Nan had given him the signal.

"You pull over first, and when the opponent starts to deal damage to you, we will fight back."

Quinn is not that easy to catch.

If you rush to catch this shooter with long hands, you will easily be jumped away by his skills. Besides, he also has a blinding skill.

In comparison, the male gunman is the one easier to catch.

The enchantress in the middle finally learned to be smart.

After clearing the army line in the middle lane, she had a clear view of the jungler's signal, and he was now moving closer to the top lane position.

"The support from Liucheng University of Science and Technology is very fast. Now the Enchantress has come over."

The students in the audience were already very excited.

Lee Sin's jungle rhythm is really good. After he enters the game, small-scale battles will break out wherever he goes.

The key is that he is always able to catch the opponent's backhand. Now if the Trickery Enchantress joins the team battle head-on, once his phantom chain hits any unit, they will most likely be able to kill the opponent.

Enchantress' W skill is particularly disgusting.

Even if the opponent wants to escape the pursuit of the chain by flashing, the Trickster Enchantress can still follow up through the phantom, and continue to exert the imprisonment effect.

Although Cai Kun said he has a bad temper, he still has basic operations.

Otherwise, he would not be able to represent the Liucheng University of Science and Technology team.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Cai Kun said excitedly, thinking that he should get a head this time.

"Mundo go up and sell it. I have a golden bell. I will give you a shield at the critical moment. You will not die!"

After hearing what the jungler said, the top laner of HKUST also nodded slowly at this moment.

If this guy had given orders in the previous two games, he would never have ignored the opponent.

But at the beginning of this game, the opponent seemed to be a different person. Now the jungler was playing very rhythmically, and he had to believe in the opponent's strength.

"Mundo is already out selling."

The host can clearly see the other party's intentions through God's perspective, and he is explaining slowly now.

"Haha! This Mundo actually dares to come out!"

The male gunman sneered, hiding in the grass, he was already ready to attack.

After Quinn clicked on Mundo, he took the initiative to walk back. He must not make his intentions too obvious, otherwise what if he scares away the opposing top laner?

The Zuan madman continued to walk forward, and at this moment, a smoke bomb fell from the sky!

"They're starting to take action!"

Mundo shouted. In fact, he wanted to give the jungler a signal to pay attention to his blood volume.

"The Fairy Trickster quickly went up and chained up the man's gun." When Chen Nan said this, the golden bell had already touched the body of Madman Zu'an.

"Why is their jungler hiding here too?"

The smile on Graves's face disappeared immediately. He did not expect that the other party's blind monk would also be here.

According to normal time, the opponent should have just finished killing wild monsters. After all, that guy went to the middle to support a wave of support.

Chen Nan's jungle brushing skills finally paid dividends.

It is not without reason that he is racing against time. If he wastes time playing in the wild, then he will not be able to help his top laner Mundo.

The male gunman felt a little frustrated. He knew that it was impossible to kill the Zaun madman.

But at this moment, the Fairy Trickster used a demonic chain to hit him.

"What? The opposite mid laner is here too!"

The male gunman was starting to get a little anxious now. He rushed to the front alone, but the three people on the opposite side leaned towards him in a triangle shape.

"No, I have to leave quickly."

The male gun didn't hesitate and handed over the flash, but the enchantress on the opposite side also used the W skill to move closer, and finally locked the male gun in place.

"The Enchantress's W skill is very clever."

"Yeah, this is a complete waste of the male gun's flash."

The male gunman was at a loss as to what to do. He knew that the other side would soon attack him like a storm.

"Tian Yin Bo!"

Chen Nan didn't hesitate, and his Q skill accurately hit Graves' body.


The blind man yelled and then followed him directly. The damage of the second stage of Tianyin wave hit the male spearman's body, and then he slapped him hard with a breaking muscle and bone!

"Why is it this guy's head again?"

Cai Kun's face was so angry that he was about to turn green. Why is this jungler always getting killed?

Chen Nan didn't want to explain to the other party that he now had the presence of the S-level card Xiaotian.

Rather than giving such resources to ordinary mid laners, it is better to give yourself more economy.

After all, the game at hand is still relatively important to HKUST. If the economy is tilted towards him, he can lead everyone to victory better.

After killing the male gunner, Chen Nan didn't even look at the Wings of Demacia on the opposite side. He planned to go home and replenish Tiamat's equipment.

With Tiamat, his efficiency in clearing the jungle will be greatly improved.
This chapter has been completed!
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