Chapter 154 The Spicy Hot Pot Was Beaten Again

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This was a good opportunity for Chen Nan, so he commanded:

"Wait for the opponent to come in, go ahead and kill the opponent's auxiliary Thresh first!"

This Thresh did not flash, Chen Nan remembered it clearly.

So after the troops came over, Yu Wenbo's ez pretended to retreat, giving the opponent an illusion.

Just as Chen Nan thought, Nosuke on the opposite side walked directly towards his face from the grass on the opposite side, one after the other.

When Xiao Ming's Thresh was about to enter the grass, it was suddenly slowed down by Lulu's Q skill, and then got the Sheep Transformation, unable to give the skill immediately.

While taking action, Lulu threw the acceleration to ez.

Yu Wenbo's ez came over by accelerating and began to output Thresh on the opposite side.

Thresh's health dropped very quickly, but he was not instantly killed. After landing, he used a hook with his backhand to control Lulu.

"Lulu, Lulu, he didn't flash." On rng's side, Uzi's Verus was struggling to deal Lulu.

Being beaten first, Thresh is at a disadvantage in this aspect, but Thresh is much meatier than Lulu.

In this way, the auxiliaries of both sides died almost at the same time, and the adcs on both sides got the kills.

"Pull first, don't worry." Chen Nan commanded, covering Yu Wenbo while fighting and retreating.

Now that Verus's passive has been triggered, ez will definitely not be an opponent if he stands up, but if he distances himself, ez will have a hand length advantage.

"You can fight! You can fight! Kill them all!" On rng's side, Uzi is already red-eyed. The last game made him very frustrated, and he will definitely regain all the ground in this game.

ez had already distanced himself, and Uzi couldn't reach him, so he chose to chase Reksai for output.

Rek'Sai couldn't withstand Varus' output, and his health dropped quickly.

However, while Verus was outputting Rek'Sai, he also took advantage of ez's skills.

Upon seeing this, Mala Xiangguo reminded: "Be careful, don't force yourself to eat and cause harm."

Seeing that Rek'Sai's health was running low, Uzi could still control his emotions.

However, what he didn't know was that Chen Nan was just seducing him!

In fact, Chen Nan could have used digging tunnels to distance himself from the beginning, but he never did so and was beaten in vain.

Seeing that his health was running low, Rek'Sai went underground, then dug a tunnel and retreated.

Verus fired a Q skill, which was passive, but Chen Nan was still not dead!

When Rensai enters the burrowing state, he will automatically use his anger to restore health, causing a problem with Uzi's damage calculation.

With no other choice, Uzi could only choose to flash up, follow up with two flat a shots, and forcibly kill Rek'Sai.

"You are too anxious, there is no need to hand over this flash." Mala Xiangguo saw that Uzi had handed over the flash and realized that he had lost money.

At this time, Verus didn't have much HP. He was being dealt damage by ez, and the soldiers were coming. Spicy Hotpot couldn't help him yet. If he tried to help, he would probably die, because the soldiers would use all his skills.

Block it.

In the end, Verus's head was taken by ez, and the two sides played two for two.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "In this wave, both junglers were counter-crouching, but Reksai was obviously more skilled, and finally got the opportunity to take the lead. Although it was two for two in the end, I feel that edg made the profit.


Miller: "Yes, the big head of Verus was taken down by ez. Now the EDG side of the bottom lane has almost no disadvantages. Moreover, ez's equipment is cheap and can be formed much faster than Verus."

"Under the same economic conditions, ez's combat effectiveness will be stronger in the mid-term."

On the competition field, on rng's side, Mala Xiangguo suddenly felt something was wrong.

After the last game, his impression of Chen Nan was that Chen Nan's playing style was similar to his, and even more reckless than him.

So he adopted the anti-crouching strategy, which was quite successful in the previous wave, but from the top wave to now, he found that Chen Nan's playing style suddenly changed!

Not that kind of subtle change, but a 180-degree transformation! If it weren't for a game, he would even suspect that the opponent had made a substitution!

Normally, this kind of change is impossible, because a player's habits and common playing styles have been spent a lot of time practicing. If you ask him to change this style of play, he may not be able to play the game anymore.

As for edg, through these two waves, Chen Nan realized that he had found the real way to use this system!

In the future, you can completely change the character cards at any time based on the lineup, opponent style, and the situation on the field, so that you can make full use of the characteristics of each character card.

The game time came to six minutes, and Chen Nan got the second red buff.

Now the situation in the bottom lane has been stabilized. Although there is still no power restriction, the opponent cannot suppress it without thinking and can develop peacefully. This is enough for ez.

Chen Nan doesn't need to worry about setting the pace. What he should be anxious about now is the spicy hot pot.

Although Rek'Sai and Spider are both difficult to perform in a team fight, Rek'Sai is more useful than Spider anyway.

At least Rek'Sai can produce meat and take damage from the front, but the spider cannot do that. In many cases, it can only be controlled from the side, or the vision is blocked to take the lead. It is almost impossible to play a real head-on battle.

Now that both sides have reached level 6 in the middle, Chen Nan chooses to counter squat in the middle.

According to Chen Nan's speculation, Malaxiangguo may first come to help the middle lane, and then take Ryze, the little tiger in the middle lane, to the bottom lane to cause trouble.

If it was just Spider alone, it would be really hard to catch the bottom lane now.

Xiaohu’s Ryze has flash and can easily cooperate with the jungler’s gank.

"Is the other side coming to the middle to cause trouble?" Yu Li asked curiously when he saw Chen Nan squatting next to him.

"It's possible, you push down the lane. If the opponent's jungler can't come, you go to the bottom lane with me." Chen Nan directed.

"Okay." So Yu Li used his Q skill to quickly push the lane and prepared to roam with Chen Nan.

As a result, before he finished using his Q skill, he suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with the opponent's Xiaohu's positioning!

Xiaohu's Ryze actually took the initiative to carry Yanque's Q skill and came forward!

At the same time, a spider appears on the side!

Xiaohu's Ryze flashed over, and e followed w to control the rock bird.

The spicy hotpot spider stepped forward to form a cocoon.

However, as soon as the cocoon hit, Mala Xiangguo saw Chen Nan's Reksai!

"The jungler is also on the opposite side, be careful." Spicy Hot Pot reminded.

Although he saw Rek'Sai, Malaxiangguo still chose to pounce on him, wanting to kill the rock bird first.

Now he actually has no way out. If he retreats and Xiaohu's Ryze doesn't flash, he will definitely die, so I will fight you to the end.

On the EDG side, Chen Nan's Rek'Sai chose to dig a tunnel first and knock the spider away, without giving the spider a chance to attack the rock bird.

The rock bird took the opportunity to lift Ryze back with a W skill, and then followed up with the e and then the q. The rock bird exploded in a set, and Ryze couldn't handle it at all. In terms of burst, the rock bird was much higher than Ryze.

This chapter has been completed!
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