Chapter 195 Intense Collision Between Nakano and Field

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BP came to edg again. edg got Verus and Kennen on the third and fourth floors. Now only Chen Nan's jungler was undecided. edg gave the counter position on the fifth floor to Chen Nan.

After Verus was selected, everyone realized that something was wrong. There was already a Lucian, but now why was there another Verus?

I saw Changmao explaining: "Isn't this Lucian going to the bottom lane? Is he going to the middle lane? Then our judgment at the beginning was wrong. I feel that rng may have been deceived."

Colonel Guan: "It doesn't matter. This little trick can't change the overall situation."

It was rng's turn to make a choice. rng got the auxiliary Lulu on the fourth floor, and then got the adc Big Mouth on the fifth floor.

Seeing rng's lineup, almost everyone subconsciously thought of four guarantees and one.

However, Xiaohu's Rock Bird also does damage and can be used as half a core to fight, so it is not a pure four-guarantee one.

Upon seeing this, Changmao explained: "Now only EDG's jungle hero has not been determined. What hero will he play in this game?"

On edg's side, Abu has already come behind Chen Nan, and he suggested: "There are not many jungle heroes now, Olaf? Or Rek'Sai."

Chen Nan made a choice: "Give me Rambo. This time we play the midfielder, Lucian and Rambo. These two heroes can hold up the mid-game and destroy the opponent directly in the mid-game."

Chen Nan switched to King Ning's character card and prepared for a fast-paced game.

After edg locked Rambo on the fifth floor, the lineups of both sides were completely determined:

red square edg:

Top laner Kennen, jungler Rambo, mid laner Lucian, adc Verus, and assistant Karma.

Blue square rng:

Top laner Titan, jungler Lion Dog, mid laner Rockbird, adc Big Mouth, and assistant Lulu.

Seeing the lineups of both sides, Changmao began to analyze: "In this game, EDG's lineup was full of strength in the mid-term, whether it was Kennen on the top lane, Lucian in the mid lane, or Rambo in the jungle, these three heroes

They are all mid-term teamfight heroes.”

"After seeing rng come up with a big late-game player like Big Mouth, edg chose to decide the winner in the mid-term, which was a wise choice."

The college manager disagreed: "rng is not a weak team like other teams. They are very resilient and cannot be defeated like this in the early and mid-term. So I think edg may have thought too much. I am not optimistic about their lineup."

"Especially the midfielder, Lucian and Rambo, how can we cooperate? There is no way to cooperate. As long as Xiaohu's rock bird wanders around, edg will collapse soon."

When Colonel Guan opened his mouth, he said that edg was going to lose, and Zhou Shuyi was not happy: "I think there must be a reason for edg to win like this, especially the jungler Rambo. Although he is a little unpopular, Nan Shen has already won it before.

I got a lot of unpopular heroes.”

"Every time the performance is perfect, so I don't think edg's midfielder will be a disadvantage."

Colonel Guan choked and said: "Why do I think you seem to be very biased towards EDG? As a commentator, you must stand on an impartial basis. I think this is the basic quality of a qualified commentator."

Zhou Shuyi is not a fuel-efficient person either. She said: "Then why do I feel that you have been targeting EDG? Is this a fair position?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Changmao quickly changed the subject: "Now the game has started. Both sides have come out from home. On the EDG side, jungler Rambo chooses Lan Kai."

On the playing field, on the EDG side, with the help of the duo, Chen Nan got the first blue buff.

While farming, Chen Nan is also observing the laning situation of other lanes.

On the top road, Aguang's Kennen starts to consume Titans at the first level.

However, this Titan has rough skin and thick flesh, and is quite durable.

As for the middle side, both sides were busy finishing up the damage at the first level, and there was no fight yet.

Lucian took advantage of Rock Bird's last hit and used his Q skill to rub it in, but there was no follow-up. Lucian, a hero, needs level three before he can start to exert his power.

Chen Nan started to farm in the direction of the top road, and soon got the red buff level and reached level three.

There is no chance on the top road for the time being. The Titan is relatively insignificant. Although it has lost a lot of health, it is not enough to jump over the tower.

On the middle side, Lucian, who had just reached level 3, took the initiative to use his E skill to attack. After getting close to the rock bird, he moved while dealing damage.

Yanque made a rock thrust with his backhand, trying to lift Yu Li back. Yu Li moved to twist away, and then retreated.

As a result, Yanque will be under pressure, and he will suffer a lot from this exchange of blood. Lucian uses Dolan Sword, and his blood will be restored as long as he lasts a last hit. If this continues, it will definitely become more and more difficult to fight.

So Xiaohu chose to ask Mala Xiangguo for help: "Can the jungler come to the middle? Lucian on the other side is quite fierce."

Mala Xiang Guo responded: "Okay, you wait for me, stay calm, I will be here soon."

The Lion Dog of Malaxiangguo started to move towards the middle. It is more difficult for the Hero Lion Dog to gank people, so it requires good cooperation from teammates.

Seeing the poodle in place, Xiaohu's rock bird stepped forward to seduce him. In his opinion, Yu Li was a newcomer and not very experienced in terms of experience, so he would probably seduce him.

Just as Xiaohu thought, this wave of remaining energy indeed handed over his e-skill and came forward to challenge him.

So Xiaohu held on to the W skill to avoid being moved out of the way.

The poodle had jumped out of the grass on the side and landed on Lucian.

Just then, Chen Nan's Rambo appeared!

"You can fight, let's chase." Chen Nan commanded.

rng side, saw Rambo appear, Mala Xiangguo did not chase, Lucian still flashed, if he chased, he might be manipulated.

However, what Mala Xiangguo didn’t expect was that when he didn’t intend to chase him, Chen Nan and Xiaohu turned around to chase him!

Lucian started to deal damage to the poodle, and Chen Nan's Rambo activated his W skill and rushed towards him.

Rambo slowed down the poodle with his E skill, and Lucian hit it with a set of small skills. The poodle couldn't withstand it!

The poodle showed flashes, but the spicy hot pot didn't rush to make love.

He actually wanted to fight back, but he was waiting for Lucian to get the upper hand.

After Lucian and Rambo finished a set, the Spicy Hot Pot Poodle was still alive with remaining health.

So Lucian handed over Flash and wanted to get the head. When he flashed, the poodle also turned back and flashed!

The two of them collided, and the poodle used Q and then Q, knocking Lucian down to his last HP. Lucian would then turn back and Q and then Q to cripple the poodle.

Xiao Hu's Rock Bird handed over Flash, and once Flash Q took Lucian's head, the poodle was killed by Chen Nan.

Chen Nan chased the opposite rock bird and beat him up violently, and then came back to clean up the army line.

Upon seeing this, Changmao explained: "The two sides had a two-on-two wave in the middle, and it was a one-for-one fight. If the jungler gets the kill, the tempo of edg's game should be faster."

Upon hearing this, Colonel Guan reflexively said: "It's useless. He is the most useless when he gets a head."

This chapter has been completed!
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