Chapter 246 Leopard Girl and Lacus Sleep With You

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After this match, Chen Nan continued to queue and said at the same time: "Wenbo, keep going, maybe you can queue opposite me again."

Yu Wenbo had already started ranking, but when he heard this, he immediately canceled the ranking and said at the same time: "I felt uncomfortable in my stomach, so I got up and walked directly to the bathroom."

Seeing this scene, Yu Li smiled and said: "Wenbo, you are trying to be a deserter, but that's right. If you really line up opposite him, you will probably lose points again. Nan Shen is as fierce as a beast."

"What does it mean to be as fierce as an animal? Is this how your primary school Chinese teacher taught you to describe it?" Chen Nan was unhappy upon hearing this.

"Slip of the tongue, it's as fierce as a wild beast." Yu Li quickly corrected himself.

A few days passed quickly, and everyone at EDG was preparing to leave for the MSI. This time the MSI was abroad, so they had to go there in advance to adapt to the environment and adjust to the time difference.

This time, the management of EDG attaches great importance to the performance of MSI. Of course, the original management did not expect that EDG could enter MSI after the reorganization.

The perfect performance in the playoffs gave the management hope, and they started to take this MSI seriously.

Participating in the competition is at one's own expense, and these expenses are naturally paid by the club. In order to allow the players to better adapt to the environment, the management chose to let everyone from edg go there a week in advance!

The earlier you come, the better prepared you will be, and of course, the more money you will spend.

As the organizer, we only guarantee accommodation, and other things need to be prepared by the club itself.

Before departure, edg also held a departure ceremony to inform fans of the departure time.

So when Chen Nan and his party arrived at the airport to prepare for departure, they saw thousands of fans coming to see them off!

Everyone holds a support sign with edg written on it, and some have their favorite fans written on it.

Meikou probably has the most fans. After all, he is the old man in the team and has accumulated a lot of fans during this season.

Then there is Chen Nan. Chen Nan saw 20 to 30% of his fans here!

Suddenly, Chen Nan found two familiar faces in the crowd!

y, one of them is cos Leopard Girl, and the other is cos Lux.

The cosplay of these two people is quite interesting. Leopard Girl's wildness and Lux's cuteness are perfectly presented.

But taking a closer look, Chen Nan discovered that these two people were Dai Xiaomei and Zhou Shuyi, weren't they?

As the two anchors, there are many people who know them. It seems that they chose to play cosplay to hide their eyes from others. The effect seems to be quite good. Others around them did not recognize them.

At this time, Abramovich stepped forward and said to the fans: "Thank you for your support, thank you. We have about half an hour for everyone now. If you want autographs or photos, hurry up."

For fans to come to this expedition ceremony, it is natural to arrange benefits, so autographs and photos are naturally indispensable.

Fans are also very enthusiastic and rush to their favorite players.

Everyone in edg was also prepared in advance, each keeping a distance to deal with their own fans.

Chen Nan took a quick look and saw that there were at least one hundred or two hundred fans walking towards him.

Moreover, the number of female fans is even less than that of male fans.

One of them was quite good-looking, and Chen Nan could notice it at a glance. At the same time, Chen Nan also discovered that Zhou Shuyi, a silly girl, did not choose to come up to him, but was watching from behind.

Chen Nan felt like she was being watched when she saw this, and she didn't dare to take photos too closely with other female fans, otherwise she would feel like she was committing a crime.

Time passes by minute by second, but fortunately the fans are more disciplined. If you take a photo, it can usually be done in ten seconds, so although there are many people, the process is quite fast.

Soon, Chen Nan finished taking photos with these two hundred fans, and instantly felt that all her smiles for a year had been lost.

At this moment, Chen Nan saw Narax and Leopard Girl walking up.

The silly little girl cosplaying with Leopard Girl walked in front, and after getting closer, she said, "Nan Shen, I heard that the girls over there are hot and open-minded. You don't know how to mess around."

Chen Nan felt ashamed after hearing this. Chen Nan had heard about the promiscuous affairs of professional players before traveling through time, including those who went for massages and those who found mistresses.

Of course, the income of professional players in this world is higher, and there are more gossips in this area. Chen Nan, an insider, will know more, and most of them have not been exposed.

Mainly because the club suppressed the matter for the sake of the team's reputation.

The power of e-sports clubs in this world is very strong, so it is relatively easy to suppress this kind of news.

Dai Xiaomei and Zhou Shuyi are also considered insiders. They naturally know many things that ordinary people don't know. It is understandable to have such concerns.

Chen Nan responded: "What do you think of me? Do I look like the kind of person who can mess around?"

"No matter what it looks like, you are!" The speaker was Lux and Zhou Shuyi.

Zhou Shuyi wears Lux's standard ponytail. Not to mention, it's quite cute and matches her original style very well.

At this time, Dai Xiaomei said again: "If you can stay safe, how about letting Leopard Girl and Lux ​​sleep with you when you come back?"

The silly little girl said and pointed at Zhou Shuyi and then at herself.

Chen Nan followed the hand of Dai Xiaomei and saw a ravine. Although Dai Xiaomei usually likes to play with colors, she is more conservative in dressing, so Chen Nan only now discovered that Dai Xiaomei is so talented.

Coupled with the silly words of the little girl and the alluring figure, as a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, Chen Nan naturally couldn't stand it anymore. Suddenly he felt that the blood in his brain was being drained, so he had to bend down slightly.

Prevent embarrassing scenes from happening.

"Don't make such a joke. If others hear it, it will have a bad impact." Chen Nan said and looked around. Fortunately, no one else noticed this, otherwise something would have gone wrong.

Those who didn't know thought that Chen Nan had already done something bad. If he had really done it and was found out, that would actually be okay. What he was most afraid of was that he had already been stigmatized even though he had done nothing.

The three of them were having a lively chat when Abu, who was not far away, suddenly said: "It's almost time, we are going to wait for the flight."

Chen Nan then said: "I'm me if you have any questions."

"Yeah, keep it up, we're waiting for you to win the championship." Dai Xiaomei said and winked.

Chen Nan bent down a little more.

Zhou Shuyi said: "Take good care of your health."

It was originally a good sentence, but the little girl added another sentence: "Otherwise, two pairs of leopard girls and Lux ​​at the same time will be too much."

The words suddenly changed. Chen Nan trotted towards Abu. If he continued to listen, he probably wouldn't be able to solve it by bending down.

This chapter has been completed!
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