Chapter 270 Little Peanut's Taunt

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Chen Nan suddenly felt much better after seeing this information.

Although it's a pity that we couldn't win the MSI completely, it doesn't matter as long as we win the championship.

In life, there are some regrets.

The current situation is just like Dai Xiaomei said, if all teams cannot beat SKT, then the outcome of this game will actually have a very small impact on promotion.

Of course, the premise is that SKT doesn’t release water...

While Chen Nan was thinking about it, the door to the lounge was pushed open, and the first five EDG players walked in.

The person walking in the front was Yu Wenbo. At this time, Yu Wenbo had no expression on his face. After he came in, he found a chair and sat down.

Following Yu Wenbo was the factory director. The factory director frowned, as if he was not satisfied with his performance this time.

Then there are Mei Kou and A Guang. They seem to be relatively relaxed and seem to be more tolerant.

Yu Li, who was walking at the end, lowered his head, his eyes were a little dull, and it seemed that he hadn't recovered yet.

This is quite normal. After all, you are facing a faker, and then you are single-killed and crushed in all aspects. You will definitely suffer a huge blow.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone has worked hard, please find a seat first." Abu stepped forward and greeted.

After everyone sat down, Abramovich continued: "As I said before the game, it is normal not to win this game. Our goal now is to advance, whether it is first or fourth place, as long as we can win

There is actually no difference if you get promoted."

Although Abu tried his best to comfort him, everyone's mood did not improve.

At this time, the factory director stood up and said: "I didn't play well in this game. My problem is that this version of the jungle hero... I really don't know how to play."

Meikou said: "Actually, we don't need to worry too much. Our goal is just to beat gam and fw. Now we just lose to skt."

However, just when everyone in edg was comforting each other, suddenly, everyone looked at the screen!

At this time, on the screen, Little Peanut was being interviewed! And the person interviewing him was none other than Yu Shuang!

The smile on Yu Shuang's face was a little forced at this time, but as the host, she naturally couldn't keep a straight face and just said:

"Let us once again congratulate SKT for winning the championship. Now we have invited SKT's starting jungler, Peanut, to accept our interview and say hello to everyone."

Yu Shuang said and handed over the microphone, and Little Peanut began to say hello.

Everyone at EDG who was in the lounge could hear the cheers coming from the auditorium outside! Tens of thousands of spectators cheered for Little Peanut’s ID. You can already imagine the scene!

After the cheers subsided, Yu Shuang began to ask: "SKT won the opening game relatively easily. Can you share your feelings now?"

Little Peanut began to reply. After he finished speaking, the translator on the side translated his words again:

"Before the game started, I made a bet with Brother Xianghe that we could win this game within twenty-five minutes. Brother Xianghe told me that it might take thirty minutes, but in the end, it only took us twenty.

Three minutes, which should be easier than our most optimistic estimate."

Everyone sitting in the EDG lounge became a little ugly when they heard this.

Although what Little Peanut said is true, this kind of thing is very provocative in an interview.

Yu Shuang, who was in charge of the interview, also smiled awkwardly, and then continued to ask:

"It can be seen now that SKT is in very good shape. Is there any team that you are very concerned about or paying attention to in this MSI?"

Little Peanut laughed directly when he heard this question, and his smile was a little frivolous. Just looking at his smile, everyone already knew the answer.

Little Peanut replied: "There don't seem to be any teams that I care about. I think they are all about the same. The only team that can really put pressure on us is the lck team. Although this sentence may be a bit unpleasant, it is also true."

"This guy is so arrogant." Aguang suddenly said in the lounge.

"There is no way, they have the strength and the capital to be arrogant. Unless you can beat him, otherwise you can only watch him be arrogant." Abu said helplessly.

"Alas." Aguang sighed and glanced at Chen Nan subconsciously.

Chen Nan could guess what Abu was thinking, but now that it was like this, he could only take one step at a time.

Soon, the interview ended. Yu Shuang didn't seem to want to ask little peanut any more questions. The interview was very brief.

After a short break, the game between fw and g2 began!

Everyone at edg is ready, everyone is very serious, as if they are playing a game.

Both g2 and fw are edg's opponents on the way to promotion. These two companies are obviously stronger than gam, so they both have hope of promotion.

After the two sides appeared on the stage, they came to their respective positions and then entered the BP stage.

Chen Nan noticed that Abramovich directly took out a notebook, and as the team members of the two teams began to write down something in the notebook with a pen.

The BP of each competition area is different, mainly because of the different understanding of the version, so this is also a good learning opportunity.

After the bp of both sides is completed, enter the game screen.

The lineup of g2 in this game is obviously more conservative, mainly based on the classic play style of double c.

FW, on the other hand, pursues the early and mid-term rhythm more and has a fast-paced lineup.

So in the early stage of the game, FW attacked like crazy and was always looking for rhythm. In contrast, G2 played in a leisurely manner. There must be no rush. After developing, the jungler only saw very good opportunities.

Take action or go wild.

FW relied on its lineup advantage to achieve a head advantage in the early stage.

Upon seeing this, Yu Li muttered: "This fw feels like it has something to offer. It can actually gain an early advantage against g2."

A Guang: "When they fought with us, they seemed to be pretty good. They were crushed the whole time."

Meikou said: "The main difference is the jungle difference. The jungler of G2 cannot compare with Chen Nan."

"Although they are ahead in terms of numbers, the economy has not improved, and the lineup is not as good as g2 in the later stage. It is difficult to say that fw has an advantage now." Chen Nan suddenly said.

At this time, everyone discovered that this was really the case. Although they were ahead in terms of numbers, fw's economy was almost the same as g2's, with only a gap of two to three hundred!

Moreover, g2's rhythm has always been quite steady, and they know exactly what they are going to do. Even if they are caught to death, there is no sign of panic at all.

So, relying on this steady rhythm, g2 dragged the game to thirty minutes.

Although fw has an economic lead of 2,000 at this time, at this time, this economic lead can be ignored.

The two sides began to team up, and after entering the team battle, g2's advantages became highlighted, not only the advantages of the lineup, but also the advantages of personal operation and teamwork.

This chapter has been completed!
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