Chapter 289 Only ban one jungler?

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After the ten people from both sides were ready, the game began!

Entering the BP link, this time edg is on the red side and fw is on the blue side.

During the ban phase, FW really started to target the jungle position, banning the spider used by Chen Nan in the last game, but the remaining two ban positions were still banned in the bottom lane, banning Draven and Lucian.

Seeing this ban situation, Yu Wenbo joked: "It seems that the other side thinks you are not as Kaili as me. What should I do? Do you want to put on a show?"

Chen Nan smiled and said: "If you can win, why not do it?"

However, although Chen Nan said this, everyone interpreted the information from his tone as something different.

Everyone even had a shuddering feeling, this game must not be easy!

Starting to select people, fw chose to lock the jungler Lee Sin on the first floor.

Now Lee Sin is the jungler with the highest appearance rate. FW’s choice does make sense. At the same time, this is obviously also a confidence in the jungler!

The pressure came on Chen Nan, and since the other party was so direct, Chen Nan naturally had to respond.

So Chen Nan directly targeted Olaf on the second floor. Very few heroes could beat Olaf in a duel in the jungle. Needless to say, the blind monk was no match for Olaf.

Chen Nan is going to target the jungle this time!

The BP is still going on, and FW is also quite confident in this game, choosing heroes very quickly.

After a while, the lineups of both sides were determined:

Red square edg: top laner Galio, jungler Olaf, mid laner Rockbird, adcez, assist Zyra.

Blue side fw: top laner Rambo, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Syndra, adc Varus, support Tahm Kench.

After seeing the lineups of both sides, Su Xiaoyan explained: "This lineup of Edg reminds me of the finals of the LPL Spring Split. With this lineup, I feel that Edg is serious!"

Remember: "The hero Galio has now been transformed into a support hero, and the center rock bird is also a support hero. This game is obviously intended to be fought around the jungle. The collision in the jungle in the early stage will definitely be very fierce!"

Su Xiaoyan: "However, the fw lineup has a very high strength in the middle and top jungle. In the middle is Syndra, a line-dominating mid lane hero. Rambo is also an advantage in the top lane against Galio. It depends on how both sides deal with it."

Remember: "The only thing that is certain is that the early stage of this game should not have much to do with the bottom lane, unless one side can complete the lane kill."

Entering the game screen, Chen Nan started to direct before he even left the house: "I will open the red card myself, and I will directly grab the bottom lane at level three."

Upon hearing this, Meikou responded: "No problem."

Chen Nan planned to catch him off guard. If you look at the lineup purely, focusing on the bottom lane in the early stage is not a good choice.

It is relatively easier to grab the top lane, but the opponent must be more careful on the easy lane, and it is easier for the opposite jungler to counter-crouch.

On the contrary, it is difficult to grasp the path, and sometimes there will be unexpected results!

Soon, the first wave of wild monsters spawned, and Chen Nan chose to go red alone!

Although it looked hurt, everything was within Chen Nan's plan.

As a hero, Olaf, the lower the blood volume, the faster the attack speed, and the more obvious the blood-sucking effect is.

Therefore, Olaf needs to keep his blood volume low in the jungle to ensure the efficiency of jungle clearing.

Chen Nan brushed from top to bottom, preparing to quickly reach level three.

While farming, Chen Nan is also paying attention to the online situation.

On the road, Aguang was indeed a little uncomfortable. Because of his short hands, he was constantly being consumed by Rambo.

This fw top laner, mmd, has very average strength and is generally conservative in the lane. He chooses a tank to withstand the pressure.

I guess it's because I won against edg last time, so I was a little swollen. This time I started playing Rambo directly, and I was very active in the lane.

In the middle, Maple is trying to find a way to suppress Yuli. Yuli is a little uncomfortable, but the disadvantage is acceptable.

As for the bottom lane, neither side is a very hard combination. You can only q me, and I q you, using skills to fight and consume, and they are basically in a state of peaceful development.

Yu Wenbo was quite proactive, occasionally exchanging blood with the opponent, but he did not appear to be looking for opportunities, otherwise it would easily arouse the opponent's vigilance.

Soon, Chen Nan was promoted to level three, with two buffs in hand, and relying on the supplies on his body, his blood volume increased a lot, and he was ready to cause trouble!

However, before Chen Nan could reach the bottom lane, Tamu, the support player on the other side of the bottom lane, found an opportunity to walk towards the river. It seemed that he was going there to improve his vision.

In this way, Chen Nan cannot come directly from the river.

Meikou also immediately reminded: "They seem to have opened up their sights on the river."

Chen Nan chose to invade the opposite jungle area from the river below the middle lane, and then circled around to avoid the opposite side's view.

"Be careful on the road, the other side may catch you." Chen Nan didn't forget to remind A Guang while walking down the road.

Chen Nan touched the bottom lane triangle grass from the opposite jungle area, and then gave the bottom lane signal.

On the bottom lane, seeing Chen Nan already in place, Zyra, who was playing the game, was about to take action. When Tahm was not paying attention, she flashed out and used her e-skill to control Tahm!

With FW in the bottom lane, the first reaction was to fight back.

However, when they saw Chen Nan's Olaf coming from behind, they realized something was wrong and chose to retreat together.

Chen Nan's Olaf starts sprinting, and after getting close to Tahm, he uses the red buff to slow him down.

Tahm handed over his flash, and Chen Nan threw an ax at him, continuously slowing down Tahm.

Finally, kill Tahm in front of the defense tower and get first blood!

Su Xiaoyan explained: "Nan Shen passed the level 3 gank against the bottom lane and already got first blood. He perfectly avoided the river view, and the fw bottom lane was completely unaware of the jungle attack."

Remember: "At the same time, on FW's side, Casa's blind monk came to the top lane, and it seemed that he wanted to arrest someone, but Aguang's Galio was very wretched, and he stood at the back and didn't give him a chance."

On the top road, Aguang received the signal in advance, so he chose to give up some last-hitting shots and not give the opponent a chance to catch him.

Seeing this, Kassa could only choose to go back and continue farming and development.

The two sides entered a relatively gentle development rhythm, and the game time quickly came to five and a half minutes.

Chen Nan's Olaf has reached level six. After getting the red buff this time, Chen Nan changed his jungle route and chose to go directly to the blind monk's jungle area!

Kasa's blind monk is most likely to be red, so it will be refreshed from bottom to top. At this time, Kasa's upper half of the jungle should be refreshed, and Kasa is probably heading up.

Currently, Varus in the fw bottom lane has not reached level 6, so he does not have the ability to cooperate with the jungle.

In the middle, Yu Li adopts a quick line pushing method, and leaves immediately after pushing the line, so as not to get entangled with the opponent's mid laner.

There is no chance of ganking, so Kasana will definitely focus on growth.

This chapter has been completed!
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