Chapter 338

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The game time came to five and a half minutes, and the solo laners and junglers of both sides were gradually upgraded to level six.

"Brother Nan, can you come to the middle to help?" It was Yu Li who spoke. Now he really couldn't stand it anymore. He was only half-health, the supplies on his body had been used up, and he didn't have much mana. He could maintain this state.

, even while giving up a lot of last hit.

Now he is already more than ten dollars behind! This is unacceptable for a mid laner.

"I can't come. I couldn't catch the snake girl without flashing. He brought Purification." Chen Nan rejected Yu Li's request.

Chen Nan has watched many of Faker's games and knows many famous scenes, including the one about Snake Girl. Faker is very proficient in Snake Girl, and he also has many skills that ordinary professional players don't know.

If you are not absolutely sure, don't try gank.

"Okay then." He had no choice but to force it, so he began to think about when to return to the city for supplies.

After Chen Nan's wine barrel got the blue buff, he rushed to the bottom lane again. This time his target was Lulu on the opposite side.

Although the specific position of Lulu cannot be seen now, Lulu must be in the grass, and should be kept on a horizontal line with Bang's big mouth. This is the basic operation of auxiliary.

After Chen Nan entered the grass, the girl started to find an angle.

At this moment, Shanglu Aguang began to ask for help: "Brother Nan, can you give Shanglu a little love?"

Chen Nan: "There is nothing we can do at the moment. We can't defeat two against two. The male gunman may be on the road to catch you again. Please be careful."

A Guang: "So disgusting? Why are you arresting me, Qinggangying?"

On the bottom lane, the girl has not yet found an angle to attack. If she directly inserts the ward, the opponent will definitely notice it immediately and run away.

But it always feels a bit rash to rely on feeling to draw the hook without inserting the ward. If you don't succeed, it will be a complete waste of time in the jungle.

Suddenly, Meikou came up with an idea!

I saw him turn around and first give the lantern to Chen Nan's wine barrel, and then throw a hook at the opposite back row of soldiers!

Immediately afterwards, Meikou used the movement of the soldiers to fly over and at the same time inserted an eye into the grass on the opposite side!

Chen Nan's wine barrel immediately picked up the lantern and flew over. After seeing Lulu's position, he chose to throw a Q skill first.

Just as Chen Nan thought, Lulu's immediate reaction was to turn around and move around, trying to avoid the wine barrel's ultimate move.

Unfortunately, what happened was a Q skill. This Q skill blocked Lulu's movement. Lulu could only accelerate herself and then go around. As a result, she was pushed back by Thresh's E skill, and the wine barrel followed.

Use your ultimate move to blast Lulu back.

Lucian stepped forward and dealt with the damage, and once again took Lulu's head.

Seeing this, Meikou said: "Should I give up my head to the jungler?"

Chen Nan: "It's okay. It's the same for everyone. I guess I can only rely on the bottom lane in this game."

Chen Nan was saying, there was a problem on the road.

At this time, Aguang's Qinggangying was resisting the pressure under the defense tower. To his surprise, he still had about two-thirds of his health, and the male gunman from the opposite side came on the road!

It looks like he is preparing to jump over the tower!

Peanut's male gun came out from behind the defense tower and approached the green steel shadow under the defense tower.

Raven approached from the front with his troops, forming a front and rear double team.

However, Aguang has flash, e-skills and ultimate moves, so he always feels like he can operate them.

After Raven got close, he chose to use his big move and then qa at the speed of light. The male gun fired a smoke bomb to make Qinggang Ying lose his sight.

Aguang's E skill hook-locked the wall. He originally wanted to move it, but was interrupted by Raven's W.

It's not over yet. Raven's male gun followed up with Q and took the big move. Raven flew over with his big move. Qinggangying's big move and flash were not dealt with and he was instantly killed!

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "It will explode on the road. There is no TP in this wave, and we will lose at least two waves of troops."

Miller: "And as we said before, there is no way for the two heroes Raven and Qinggang Shadow to develop peacefully in the line. If one side gets a clear advantage, the other side will not be able to play."

Miller said and looked at pdd, posing a difficult problem for pdd: "Teacher, in your opinion, how can Aguang's Qinggangying be reversed in this scene?"

Hearing this question, pdd was really stumped. As a person with high emotional intelligence, naturally he cannot say something too decisively, but he cannot open his eyes and tell lies.

So after a brief thought, pdd gave an answer: "This... it may depend on whether he can pick up kills in subsequent team battles, or his teammates can buy him time to develop and hold back skt head-on. But judging from the lineup, if

Delaying it to the later stage will also be detrimental to edg."

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage has exploded:

"Why do you want to play Qinggangying like this?"

"Ah Guang, just play with your big tree honestly."

"Aguang, can you please stop giving it away?"

"My grandma wasn't that miserable even if she was beaten."

Although many of them are dissatisfied fans, there are also fans who are really anxious.

Many fans' evaluations of players are the same from game to game. They criticize players if they perform well in one game and criticize them if they do not perform well in one game.

At the competition site, in the audience, Zhou Shuyi couldn't sit still when she saw that edg was so disadvantaged in the middle and upper ranks:

"Why do I feel like it's so difficult to win this game? There's a faker in the middle on the opposite side. Is it really okay to let him get such a big advantage?"

Dai Xiaomei reassured: "What's wrong with the opponent's mid laner being Faker? Our jungler is still Nan Shen. Nan Shen has no disadvantage now. He can definitely compete with Kerry."

After hearing this, Zhou Shuyi was doubtful but didn't say anything more.

The game time came to eight minutes. In the middle, Yu Li was already one level behind. He returned to the city once in the middle and missed a lot of experience.

Just after returning to the line, a few waves of troops were defeated again. At this time, Yu Li noticed that Chen Nan's flash was about to improve, and said:

"Can Nan Shen come to the middle and cause a wave? I can just flash."

After hearing this, Chen Nan hesitated for three seconds and then responded: "If you can see the position of the male gun, you can try it."

This wave is actually very risky, because Snake Girl has a great advantage, and Snake Girl has a very targeted purification, but Chen Nan still plans to try it. He is currently using Ning Wang’s character card to play.

Tends to be unrestrained.

Chen Nan chose to continue farming while observing the lane to determine which path the male gunner might appear on.

In the middle lane, after Yu Li learned that Chen Nan had the idea of ​​coming to the middle lane, he chose to start looking for opportunities to consume Snake Girl's blood volume.

Although he has to lose some money every time, by lowering the snake girl's HP, it will be easier for Chen Nan to gank in the middle.

However, just after Yu Li stepped forward to exchange a wave of health and retreated with his E skill, Faker's Snake Girl became murderous!

While Lissandra was finishing her attack, Snake moved back and forth to test her position, then suddenly handed over her r and flashed!

This chapter has been completed!
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