Chapter 353 Faker's unique skill of pressing the box

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Little Peanut gritted his teeth. If he was just scolded, he could accept it, but now he was said to be inferior to Chen Nan. Even if it was said by Komma, Little Peanut couldn't accept it.

However, if you can't accept it, you can only hold it in. You can leave the team in the future, but it still doesn't dare to contradict him face to face.

komma continued: "I hope you can perform well in the next game. Don't let me down again, little peanut."

Little Peanut chose to remain silent.

At the game site, in the commentary box, Wawa, Miller and pdd are back.

I saw the baby commentator saying: "Welcome back, after a short break, the third game between the two sides will begin soon. In the previous two games, edg won without any danger, and now there is not much time left for skt."

too much!"

Miller: "Originally, after the first game, I thought SKT would make relatively big adjustments, but it seems that they haven't so far. It's the third game now, and it may be the last one. There should always be something to come up with.

It’s something.”

pdd said: "I think a team like SKT must have a lot of tactical reserves. It just depends on what circumstances they will use them. EDG must be prepared."

As the three of them were talking, everyone from EDG appeared!

"edg! edg! edg!" The edg fans at the scene were very enthusiastic and energetic, which was in sharp contrast to the beginning of the first game.

"skt! skt! skt!" There were fans cheering for skt when everyone came on stage, but the momentum was much lower than before.

After everyone in edg appeared on the stage, they came to their respective positions.

The BP of the third game begins!

In this game, edg returned to the red side, while skt was on the blue side.

Entering the banning phase, edg chose to ban the Sword Lady, and then the Enchantress and Snake Girl in the mid lane.

SKT chose to target Chen Nan and banned Blind Sin, Wine Barrel, and Qinggang Shadow.

In this way, Yu Wenbo's Draven is released!

"Can I play Draven?" Yu Wenbo was already eager to try.

Upon seeing this, Abu responded: "It depends on the situation. If the situation is suitable, you can take it out."

Entering the selection stage, skt chose to lock the male jungler on the first floor, bp came to edg, and edg got Clockwork and Galio on the first and second floors.

The worst-case scenario did not happen. Originally, Yu Li was worried that if his Clockwork was gone, it would be difficult to fight in the lane. Fortunately, SKT did not attack Clockwork, so they would definitely have to grab it as soon as possible.

skt got Jhin and Rambo on the second and third floors. Seeing Jhin being taken out, Chen Nan muttered: "The lineup on the opposite side is different, so be careful."

EDG locked the prince and Thresh on the third and fourth floors, and gave Kang Te's position to the fifth floor.

Yu Wenbo naturally wanted to play Draven, so let him choose the fifth floor to avoid being countered by the opponent.

skt took out the murloc and Nami on the fourth and fifth floors!

Seeing that the little fish man was selected, the SKT audience at the scene suddenly became excited.

Murloc is one of the few assassin heroes available in this version, and assassin heroes are better to watch than other heroes, so the audience is naturally happy to see this hero selected.

Seeing the little murloc, Abu asked: "Do we still want to play Draven in the bottom lane? How about we choose an adc with strong self-protection ability."

Yu Wenbo shook his head: "It's not necessary. I only need to chop him three times."

"Oh, so domineering!" Yu Li praised.

A Guang: "Mighty!"

So I locked a hand of Draven on the fifth floor, and the lineups of both sides were determined:

Red side edg: top laner Galio, jungler Prince, mid laner Clockwork, adc Draven, assist Thresh.

Blue side skt: top laner Rambo, jungler gunner, mid laner Murloc, adc Jhin, assist Nami.

Seeing the lineups of both sides, Wawa analyzed:

"I can't see any advantages or disadvantages from the lineup in this game. I feel like I can play well. EDG's side is a more traditional lineup that guarantees double C, while SKT's side is more unrestrained, whether it's Rambo or Xiaoyu.

People must be in the back row."

Miller: "In team battles, it basically depends on whether SKT can cut through the back row, or whether EDG can protect the back row. In the early and mid-term rhythm, I feel that SKT should be more aggressive. The murloc must be the main roamer.

, but Clockwork doesn’t have any roaming support capabilities.”

pdd: "But Nan Shen is here, so it's not a big problem. Nan Shen has perfectly suppressed Little Peanut in the previous two games. I think there is no reason why he can't beat him in this game."

As the three of them were talking, the game officially started.

Chen Nan chose to use Canyon's character card in this game. After level 1 came out, he went straight to the red buff, preparing for a solo red draw.

In this match, the opponent's middle lane and top lane definitely have lane rights, and the jungler is a male gun who clears the jungle quickly, so the opponent can directly counter the jungle.

Chen Nan must avoid the male gunner, at least in the early stage, he cannot confront the male gunman head-on.

Soon, the first wave of wild monsters spawned, and Chen Nan started to fight the red buff alone. Fighting alone requires a little skill. Dragging the red buff back and forth, although it will be slower in time, can save a lot of blood.

There are very few junglers for the Prince in the current version. The most critical reason is that the jungle monsters are too damaged.

After taking the red buff, Chen Nan was about to walk in the direction of f6, but Faker's little mermaid disappeared in the middle lane and walked up the middle lane. Then, Chen Nan came face to face with the little murloc.

This little murloc put a field of view in front of f6, and Chen Nan's movements were discovered. SKT also knew that f6 was still there.

Not only that, after the little fish man saw Chen Nan's position, he didn't leave immediately, but walked around in circles, seeming to have other ideas.

"I'm here, Brother Nan." Yu Li quickly came over to support.

"No need, he is bluffing, the male gunner is definitely still farming." Chen Nan knew that faker was playing psychological tactics.

faker obviously wants to interfere with his jungle farming and help the male gunner gain the advantage in the jungle.

Chen Nan ignored the little fish man and fired two shots of eq directly at f6, hitting him in front of the little fish man.

The little fish man is very close to f6 at this time, and he can come up and grab it from this distance.

faker feels like he has been challenged. He is indeed bluffing. The male gun is still clearing the jungle and it is impossible to come over in a short time.

The prince was so disrespectful that he simply ignored him.

In the end, after some hesitation, Faker chose to return to the middle. He knew that he would definitely be flanked by the prince and Clockwork in this wave, and even if he wasn't, it would be very hurt, so there was no need.

Chen Nan went to the lower half of the wild area to farm while paying attention to the situation in the bottom lane.

The top laner on the bottom lane is playing against the other side's bottom lane, which seems to be quite advantageous.

The bottom lane has an advantage, which means that there is no danger for Chen Nan to go to the lower half of the wild area to farm, and the male gun does not dare to counterattack. This is also the reason why Chen Nan opens red. He brushes from top to bottom, and it does not matter even if SKT finds out.

If there is a fight in the lower half of the jungle, the team with lane rights will definitely come over first, and then skt will explode.

This chapter has been completed!
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