Chapter 494: New Version, New Understanding

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Now the only remaining mid laner has not been selected. After thinking for a while, he made a choice: "Get me a... clockwork, I..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, Chen Nan interrupted: "What are you playing with? You have played it too many times. This hero does not need to be practiced. So, you choose Malzahar. This version is quite strong."

, the functionality is good.”

"Malzahar... I've never played it." Yu Li was a little confused.

"Assuming you haven't played before, this is a training match, what are you worried about?" It was Abu who spoke.

This was Yu Li's first time participating in an S competition, and he instantly turned into a novice who didn't understand anything. The main reason was that he was too nervous.

After edg locked Malzahar on the fifth floor, it was tsm's turn to make a choice on the fifth floor.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone in EDG, TSM locked the robot on the fifth floor!

The lineups of both sides are determined:

Blue square edg: top laner Big Bug, jungler ez, mid laner Malzahar, adc mouse, and assistant Feng Nu.

Red square tsm: top laner Big Tree, fighting wild boar girl, mid laner Rock Bird, ADC small cannon, auxiliary robot.

Seeing that this robot was selected, Meikou sighed: "It's really starting to get better. Don't tell me, this robot is quite annoying. No matter who is dragged by it, it will be very uncomfortable."

Yu Wenbo: "This game will test our positioning. We don't seem to have any position at all. We are just a hero with positioning."

A Guang: "Don't mention it, I'm the worst offender. I use my ultimate move to eat minions and heroes, which will make me bigger. With a model as big as mine, if a robot hooks me, unless I flash, it will definitely hit."

Hearing this, Yu Li smiled and said: "We will hide behind you during the fight, Brother Guang."

A Guang: "There is no way. I am the only one in the front row here. If I don't go to hell, who will?"

Entering the game screen, Chen Nan started to direct after going out: "I haven't played ez jungle much before, so the rhythm of this game may not be so good."

Yu Li: "It's okay. I'll develop my skills in the middle, and I'll cooperate with you when I reach level six with my ultimate move."

Aguang: "I feel like I don't have enough time on the road, I can't get results, and I feel like the damage isn't enough."

Meikou: "The bottom lane is a bit difficult to help. We need to consider your level in this game, Chen Nan."

Abu affirmed: "It is indeed a big challenge for the jungler. Although the middle lane looks easy to catch, the opponent's jungler also knows this, and the opponent's robots will roam more diligently, so in fact, the middle lane is not so easy to capture.


Chen Nan: "Well, I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work, I'll drag them to the wild area to fight."

The first wave of buffs was refreshed. Chen Nan got the first red buff with the help of his teammates, and then started to brush the jungle in the upper half of the jungle.

The hero ez has high requirements for the ability to pull out the jungle, so Chen Nan needs to keep moving.

Now he is using Canyon character cards, which are surprisingly easy to use.

Canyon seems to have studied ez junglers. Chen Nan did the math. S7 happened to be when Canyon was emerging in the secondary league, and he was already very strong at this time.

Naturally, he also has to adapt to the version and practice version heroes.

Moreover, ez’s jungler Kerry is very capable, so it’s quite suitable for him.

On the line, in the middle, Malzahar's proficiency is not high, but because the laning idea is relatively simple, there is no big problem. After going online, he keeps pushing the line and uses the line of troops to put pressure on the opponent.

However, the hero Yanjai's push speed is not slow, and Bilson's idea seems to be the same. Just push the lane and it's over. The middle lane is basically evenly matched and is developing peacefully.

After Chen Nan finished the first round of jungle, he chose to go up the road first, hoping to counterattack the pig girls on the opposite side.

While clearing the jungle, Chen Nan was also observing the situation on the road. The big trees on the opposite side did not allow him to get a view, so Chen Nan chose to go directly to the river grass.

On the top lane, the top laners of both sides are merging, and it looks lively, but obviously there is no result.

Chen Nan was stewing rice when suddenly something happened on the lower road.

While Yu Wenbo was finishing his blows, the robot on the opposite side suddenly turned on W and accelerated towards him.

Meikou's Feng Nu was prepared in advance and used her Q skill to cover the mouse's retreat.

However, the moment the wind blew over, the machine immediately handed over the mouse, which flashed close to it.

The mouse surrenders the healing speed, keeping it out of reach of the robot.

The opponent's small cannon also handed over treatment, and the robot also gained acceleration, but it was still a bit behind.

Suddenly, Pig Girl came from the direction of the river!

The pig girl approaches the EDG duo, then the Q knot flashes, and then the W skill slows down!

In this way, the mouse was caught up. When the robot started its hand, the mouse surrendered and flashed.

But the robot's E skill has already been used. One shot of the E skill knocks the mouse away, the mechanical flying claw catches the mouse, and the small cannon's W skill jumps in the face, and cooperates with the pig girl to complete the kill!

"I'll go, is it so disgusting? At the third level, he grabs the bottom lane, and he brushes it from top to bottom." Yu Wenbo muttered.

Chen Nan: "Nosuke on the opposite side didn't even show up, right?"

Meikou: “All gone.”

At this time, Chen Nan had already reached the upper half of the wild area on the red side and counterattacked. He took down Zhu Mei's Stone Beetle, which could be regarded as recovering some losses.

As for ganking on the road, it was just a waste of time, and Chen Nan didn't even look at it.

After taking down the stone beetle on the opposite side, Chen Nan chose to return to the city where he was, and then walked to the lower half of the wild area to continue the development of the wild area.

At this moment, the opposite pig girl appeared in the middle, seeming to want to cooperate with the Yanque gank, but she only used her spare power to flash out.

"The pig girl on the other side ganks a little too frequently. I thought you wouldn't do it until you were at least level 6 if you gank the bottom lane." Yu Li suddenly said.

"I feel it's because ez's jungler is too weak in front, so this pig girl wants to do more things. Anyway, there is no risk." Chen Nan analyzed.

Abu stood behind Yu Li and Chen Nan, holding a notebook and pen in his hand. After hearing Chen Nan's words, he chose to record them.

These records are issues that should be discussed during the review.

The game time came to six minutes, and Chen Nan's ez was already at level six. He got the second red buff, which was considered to be the beginning of combat effectiveness.

The middle lane is a little awkward now. I don't have enough energy to flash to the other side. I just need to keep a good distance and don't get into the distance that Malzahar's ultimate move can reach.

Now Chen Nan wants to go to the middle to help, but he can't.

As for the bottom lane, it is even more difficult. In the past, Chen Nan could only counter-crouch, and the support was a wind girl who had no ability to initiate.

This was the first time that Chen Nan felt a little confused and didn't know what to do. He suddenly remembered that when he won the summer competition, he got a system reward and could get a character card. He just had to designate it himself.

Then you have to find someone with a strong ez jungler. ez jungler is still relatively strong in this version, so you definitely can't give up.

But this is not about this game, it will have to wait until the next one.

In any case, there is no problem with Canyon's operation, but my understanding of ez jungle may not be very good, and it is not completely unplayable now.

This chapter has been completed!
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