121 Chapter 121 Abandoning Favors (1)

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"Hurry, the little masters are here, crazy!"

When King Zhu Di of Yan was in front of Yingtian Mansion's residence, housekeeper Liu Er saw the team of the three Zhu brothers from a distance and hurriedly urged people to open the middle door and stand on the street to greet them respectfully.

Zhu Gaoxu was a skilled horseman and rode to the door first.

"Second Master!" Liu Er said happily, "I will kowtow to you now!"

Although he is not an eunuch, he is a registered slave in the family of King Zhu Di of Yan, so he calls himself a slave. However, such a slave has the highest status among the servants, because he and the master of the family are dependent on each other for life and death, and they are the most loyal.

"Yeah!" Zhu Gaoxu nodded, jumped off his horse and handed the reins to his soldiers, then shivered, "Damn it, I always feel that winter in the south is colder than in the north!"

"It's cold and cold here, the sun doesn't shine all day long, and the weather is humid and steamy!" Liu Er quickly smiled and said, "The room has prepared hot water for you, go and wash up quickly."

"Please prepare more charcoal basins in your house. Change the mattress to a wolfskin one. Do you have any clam oil ready?" Zhu Gaosui jumped down from the carriage, rubbed his hands and came over and said, "Look at my hands, they are fucking chapped."


"It's ready, it's ready!" Liu Er said quickly, "This slave will take the letter and have it ready."

"Well!" Zhu Gaosui nodded arrogantly, "Second brother, let's go into the house!"

"Hurry, wait!" Liu Er turned to scold the servant next to him, "Hurry, the luggage, parcels and boxes on the carriage are all moved in. They are all things that the three masters will use, so be careful not to bump them.


At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu slowly climbed out of the carriage and said, "Liu Er!"

"Uncle!" Liu Er hurriedly came over and held him with both hands.

"Long time no see. How are you?" Zhu Gaoxu said with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern, uncle, and thanks to the masters, my slave is doing well!" Liu Er said with a smile.

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said, "Hey, this house in the capital is also in need of a proper person like you to take care of it. Otherwise, when we three brothers come here, it will be a cold kang and a cold stove."

"Every slave deserves his fair share!"

"There are two cans of jasmine tea from our Beiping Prefecture in the car." Zhu Gaoxu said as he walked, "I will have someone take it to your house later. This year's new tea, Yiyuanhao. Although it is not worth much, it is something from our hometown."

"Uncle, you are really..."

In front of all the servants, Liu Er felt happy and proud, "Which tablet is this slave on? How dare you worry about it?"

"Although you are a slave, you are also our family. You have watched me grow up. We have different relationships between master and servant!" Zhu Gaoxu smiled and patted the other person's hand and stepped up the steps, "Oh, this journey is very tiring.

It broke me."

"My slave, it seems that you are rich again, sir?" Liu Er said with a smile.

"Isn't it? You tell me that I'm confused. I haven't eaten anything, so why do I always gain weight?"

Zhu Gaoxu wandered into the backyard with a smile and gossip.

His room has been renovated a long time ago, and all the appliances in it are new. The geothermal heat in the room is very hot, and you can feel a heat wave when you enter the door.

There is a large wooden basin behind the screen in the room, and two slim girls with double braids next to it are pouring water into it.

Zhu Gaochi paused in his steps and allowed the servants behind him to help him pull off his fur cloak. He stared at the two girls without turning his eyes, from his neck to his waist, to the silk-covered embroidered shoes.

Liu Er saw this and laughed in a low voice, "Uncle, the next letter you want to come to the capital is the girl that I asked someone to find in Yangzhou." He continued to laugh and said, "They are all from innocent families, clean and respectable.

Know what’s appropriate.”

"I'm interested!" Zhu Gaochi smiled, sitting on the Arhat's bed like Miller, squinting.

When he looked at them like this, the two girls instantly blushed from their cheeks to their ears.

Zhu Gaochi was at the age where he could taste the marrow and know its taste, so he couldn't move his eyes away when he saw this.

"Sir, please rest while I go to see if the soup and rice are ready!" With that, he left silently.

There is a sound of rushing water, two jade arms are swaying in the water, and the rising heat is white and rosy, which is so beautiful.

"Master, the water is ready!" One of the girls bravely lowered her head and said, and then the two of them knelt obediently in front of Zhu Gaochi, each holding one foot and slowly taking off their boots.

Then there are the white cotton socks, and then the jade hands upward...

"Well!" Zhu Gaochi closed his eyes comfortably, slowly stepped into the wooden basin, and said in a large font, "Comfortable!"

The two girls gently poured water on him, "Master, is the water suitable for cold or hot water?"

"It's suitable!" Zhu Gaochi grabbed the other person's little hand, rubbed it gently, closed his eyes and said with a smile, "It's suitable, but this basin is too big, and I'm so empty when I soak it alone!"

The two girls, their cheeks red as if they were dripping with blood, walked around with their backs on their backs, and soon entered the basin.

"Hmm!" Zhu Gaochi's tentacles felt smooth and tender, and all the fatigue from the long journey disappeared at this moment.

The reason for this is that his state of mind when he came to Beijing this time was completely different from the last time. Last time, he was really worried for fear of his life, but this time, he was focused on nothing else, just coming to celebrate the old man's birthday.

The three brothers went ahead. After King Yan inspected the border fortress, he went to Daning to meet King Ning and then came quickly.

"It's a great birthday for the old man!"

Zhu Gaochi closed his eyes and muttered in his mind, "Basically all the vassal princes, emperors and grandsons have to come here to perform their filial piety. The old man is so old, this scene happens once and less."

"It's not that it happened once or less, but it won't happen again at all. As soon as the old man leaves, the good days of Uncle Wang will come to an end."

"Now that dad is the oldest among the vassal kings, the emperor may give him some face. But for the others, hehe."

Thinking about it, a question suddenly arose in his mind, "Why does Dad have to go to Daning to be with Prince Ning?"

"Well, King Ning now has the strongest troops and horses among the fortress kings. If the emperor wants to take action against the vassal kings, he must first consider the issue of the frontier fortress. Dad was ordered by the emperor to go there. Once the emperor takes action in the future, dad will control the troops and horses.


Suddenly, Zhu Gaochi opened his eyes and said in his heart, "The emperor is thinking that when he takes action in the future, he will ask his father, the eldest brother among the vassal kings, to come forward!"

"Your Majesty's skills are so good!"

At this moment, the two girls pressed against him one after the other and whispered, "Slaves, please wipe my back!"

After that, apply the soap locust gently and rub it gently.



"Boss, boss!"

"Can you tell me what to do with the things I brought?"

"My uncle is in Yunnan. Should we go to my uncle's house?"

"Did you lie down just after you came back?"

Suddenly, the voices of Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui came from outside, accompanied by rapid footsteps.

Zhu Gaochi grabbed a piece of clothing and said, "Don't...don't let them in. I, I, I, I..."

"Why don't you come in? Why are you doing something shameful..."

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and brothers Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui walked in with their heads held high.


Then, the two brothers were instantly petrified.

"Oh, my eyes!" Zhu Gaosui shouted.

Zhu Gaoxu immediately turned his head and said, "Boss, are you doing this so early in the morning?"

"You've just entered the capital, and you're doing this? And you're carrying us two brothers behind your back?" Zhu Gaosui covered his eyes, and then exposed a gap with his fingers.

"I...I'm taking a shower!" Zhu Gaochi said angrily, "Do you two know the rules and just barge in like this?"

"Hehe!" Zhu Gaosui smirked, "Take a bath? I'll tell my sister-in-law when I get back!"

"Third brother, why are you like this?" Zhu Gaochi looked embarrassed, "I'm your eldest brother!"

"Are you talking about you?" Zhu Gaoxu hated iron and said, "If I ask you to ride a horse, you won't be able to get on it. If I ask you to walk, you will be out of breath. You are more diligent than anyone else in doing this!" As he said this, he looked at the two men hiding behind him.

The girl in the basin said angrily, "Why is there not one in my house?"

"Me neither!" Zhu Gaosui shouted.

"Why not? Don't shout!" Zhu Gaochi stood up in the basin.

"Oops!" The two brothers took three steps back and covered their eyes at the same time, "Boss, put on your clothes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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