Chapter 151: Sadness (2)

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In fact, the exact date of the old man's death has been recorded in history books very vaguely, and it can even be said that it was deliberately concealed. So much so that there is a sentence in "Mingshu" that many other books do not dare to mention, and it is doubtful.

Why should we doubt the death date of a founding hero?

What is certain is that the old man was buried in May, but there are different opinions on the exact date. Three of them are the most credible. The fifth day of May, the ninth day of May, and the sixteenth day of May. But these three dates are not

It is recorded in historical books, but it is estimated by later generations based on clues in historical books.

According to Ming history, Xin Mao ascended the throne as emperor, and Emperor Gao was buried in Xiaoling on the same day.

From the two characters "Xin Mao" we can conclude that the day the old man was buried was May 16th. Most emperors of the Ming Dynasty stayed in coffins for seven days. Going forward, the number calculated is May 9th.

But is it really the ninth day of May?

Zhu Di clearly pointed out in his Jingnan appeal that those who thought it was too fast would be wrong.

This statement is equivalent to telling the world directly that Zhu Yunwen, who came to the throne, did not follow the ancestral rules and kept the old man's coffin for seven days and buried it hastily.

Why is it said to be hasty? Because all the old man’s sons didn’t have time to come to see the old man for the last time, and the old man’s coffin was placed in the underground palace. This is obviously very abnormal and not in line with human nature.

No matter how unfilial Zhu Di is, there is no way he will be able to write a statement that will be seen by the world and will be recorded in history. Then his father's death lies will attract people's attention.

There are too many mysteries in history that cannot be understood clearly, and there are too many secrets that cannot be revealed to the world even after thousands of years.


"No amount of fertilizer can keep up with the manure and silt!" The old man's hearty laughter came from the field, bringing Zhu Yunxi back to reality.

However, these are all primitive things in history. Zhu Yunxi's butterfly wings have changed countless processes that should have happened, and also changed the fate of many people.

But the old man is old after all. Whenever he thinks of the old man's lifespan, Zhu Yunxi feels a thorn in his heart and a faint pain.

"If God is kind, let the old man live longer. Even if I add my time to the old man, let him live a few more years!" Zhu Yunxi thought to himself.

He was a little afraid, afraid that he was about to face the most painful parting of life and death in the world.

He has become accustomed to having the sky above him and the mountain behind him. He is really afraid that the person who loves him most in the world will suddenly leave him one day, and then he will really be alone.

No one can escape death, so it is the last thing in this world that people want to face.

Li Jinglong was standing by and saw that Zhu Yunxi's face was full of sadness. He thought for a while and whispered, "Your Majesty didn't sleep well last night. I look at you and you don't look right!"

"It doesn't matter!" Zhu Yunxi sighed, "I just thought of something!"

As he said that, he suddenly turned to look at Li Jinglong and asked, "Between us, the monarch and his ministers, we cannot say a word that will reach the ears of a third person."

Li Jinglong perked up and listened attentively.

"The old man is getting older!" Zhu Yunxi whispered, "What if one day...?"

Li Jinglong instantly understood why the emperor's expression was so deep. He thought for a while and said, "I lost my father when I was a young man. What is my father like these years? In fact, sometimes I don't think so clearly!"

Speaking, Li Jinglong also sighed, "Every time I think of my father these years, I don't feel much sadness in my heart, but I regret that I didn't show more filial piety when my father was here. I always think, if I had more

Stay with your father and show your filial piety. Even if you pour him a glass of wine and toast him with a bowl of tea, that's fine."

"I...I have lived under the blessing of my father all my life, but I have never given him a bite of food, never given him any clothes, and never given him any medicine!"

As he said this, Li Jinglong's eyes filled with tears, "I want to support my family without waiting. Whenever I think of this these years, I wish I could give myself a slap in the face. If I could live my life again, I would not do anything but guard my father. Where would he go?"

Wherever I go, be filial to him."

"In the last one or two years of my grandfather's life, my father didn't go anywhere. He just stayed in the capital, served me decoctions, and talked with my grandfather all day long. He also said that he would take my grandfather to his hometown to worship his ancestors and see his tomb.

...At that time, I was young and didn’t understand anything, but now that I think about it, it’s really unfilial for me to compare myself to my father!”

Zhu Yunxi understood what he said.

Don't think about what will happen after death while you are still alive. As for your parents, as long as they are alive, you must fulfill your duties as children and grandchildren. Don't let the elderly have regrets, let alone leave regrets for yourself.

"I know!" Zhu Yunxi patted the other party's shoulder and sighed, "No one can predict life, old age, illness, or death, but filial piety should be done sooner rather than later!" He said, "This is how the world is, this is how it is!"

At this moment, another cry from Liujin came from the distant field, "Ancestor, there are small fish in the river!"

"The fish in the river lay eggs, haha!" The old man laughed, "Let's catch some fish and make soup in the iron pot! Let's have a few sips at noon!"

Pu Bucheng followed the old man and reminded with a smile, "Old man, don't drink too much..."

"Get out of here!" the old man yelled, "at our age, if we don't drink, we're waiting to die, and if we drink, we're waiting to die. We're already fucking dying, why don't you let us have fun?"

"Your Majesty is right!" Guo Ying said with a smile, "Life is all about happiness!"


"Let's go, let's go too!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and waved his hand, leading Li Jinglong forward.

After walking a few steps, I discovered that one of the old man's group did not go to the river to fish, but was walking towards Zhu Yunxi.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yunxi asked with a smile.

Cao Zhen glanced at the old man furtively, and then whispered, "Your Majesty, I heard that the Burmese gave gold sand as a gift?"

"How do you know?" Zhu Yunxi asked with a smile.

"Lian Zining is so poor!" Cao Zhen curled his lips and said, "I got the gold sand from you, and the whole world is shouting, for fear that others don't know, it is really a poor man who suddenly shows off his wealth!"

With that said, he came close to Zhu Yunxi and whispered, "Your Majesty, there is not only gold sand but also teak in Myanmar!"

Looking at his appearance, Zhu Yunxi knew that this old killer had no good intentions.

"What else is there in Myanmar?" Zhu Yunxi asked with a smile.

"That's a lot!" Cao Zhen said, continuing to move forward, and then pulled Li Jinglong away, "You go away, you are in the way!"

As he said that, he smiled at Zhu Yunxi and said, "There are also large gems over there!"

Then he stretched out his hand and pulled it from the collar. A gold chain as thick as a finger was exposed in the collar. At the bottom of the gold chain, hung a green gem that looked like Guanyin.

"Hey, good stuff!" Li Jinglong's eyes lit up.

The color of this gem is extremely good, and it looks like a puddle of clear water. The Li family may not have many gems of this quality, but perhaps his father-in-law may have a few hidden in his family's warehouse.

"Look!" Cao Zhen said to Zhu Yunxi, "Burma is rich in this kind of jadeite and all kinds of jade, and the quality is much better than our Ming Dynasty."

"How do you know so clearly?" Zhu Yunxi asked with a smile.

"I also went to Yunnan at that time, and this jade Guanyin was snatched from the house of Prince Yuanliang..." Cao Zhen immediately changed his mind, "The slaves in the palace of Prince Yuanliang who were captured at that time said that these gems came from Burma.

, the gem mine over there is gone!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "Well, what's the matter? Could it be that it has become a few gems, and my Ming Dynasty sent troops to attack them?"

"Hehe!" Cao Zhen put the Jade Guanyin in his neck and said with a smile, "I heard that the imperial court wants a waterway to transport timber to Burma." After saying that, he came closer and said, "Those who transport timber are not allowed to build a wall there.

?No guards allowed?"

This group of veteran killers who have been fighting for their whole lives, although they don't recognize any of them, their eyes are really poisonous. They can immediately see Zhu Yunxi's true intention and strategic advantage.

"So what?" Zhu Yunxi deliberately teased him.

"The son of the minister's family..."

Li Jinglong interrupted, "Master Hou, didn't your son just replace Datong as the chief military officer?"

"I have so many sons, what's wrong?" Cao Zhen glared at Li Jinglong, then licked his face and smiled at Zhu Yunxi, "Look, I have a poor family background, but I still have many sons. I may close my eyes one day, so I can't

Are you seeing that your sons’ futures are in doubt?”

"I know that the future will definitely not be as simple as going to Burma to transport teak. My son followed me. He was a bit stupid. But the victory is real..."

Zhu Yunxi laughed in his heart after hearing this, "If you were honest, there would be no treacherous people in the world, old man!"

"They can't do anything else, but open the way for the army, right? Find out the enemy's situation, right! Haha, after all, they are to share the emperor's worries and contribute to the Ming Dynasty!" Cao Zhen continued to smile, "Look, just give it to me, veteran

It is a grace to let the old minister’s second son and third son go with the fleet to Burma, and also let them gain a lot of experience!”

"Is Myanmar getting retribution for not doing any good deeds in the past life?" Li Jinglong thought to himself, "On land, we are next to Zhu Gaochi's tiger, and on the water, we have to meet those stupid young men of the Cao family! Haha, can things be better in the future?"

This chapter has been completed!
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