Chapter 45 Conflict of Ideas

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"We also want to build roads, but where will the money come from?"

People don’t know that firewood and rice are expensive, and things have to be prioritized. The country needs money everywhere now, and some things can only be put on hold for the time being.

"Actually, my grandson thinks that it may not cost much to build roads!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "We can organize businessmen to raise funds to build roads. Once the roads are built, it will be good for them! The gentry in Jiangnan have money, and they can use it as much as they want.

, section by section. After the road was built, they not only gained a good reputation, but the people also benefited."

People of this era place great importance on reputation. For example, the Shili Bridge outside the capital city was built with money from the merchants and gentry of the Song Dynasty. The name of the person who contributed the money was engraved on the bridge head, but it has not been legible for hundreds of years. For the sake of good folklore, the name of the person who funded the bridge is not legible.

His descendants are also quite proud and regard him as their ancestor's good deeds.

"Absolutely not!" Before Zhu Yuanzhang could speak, the Minister of Rites of the Palace said, "It is a good deed among the people to build bridges and pave roads, but that is because local merchants and large merchants repay the hometown, benefit the village, and leave a good name. Besides, the imperial court

How can we reach out to the people and ask for money?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Revenue also said, "This hole cannot be opened. The people are eager to serve, and the country cannot ask for it. Your Highness, be on guard against the danger. If this hole is opened, it will be difficult to close it! To support the people is to be generous and benevolent. If this hole is opened, it will be difficult to close it!"

Kouzi, now the people are raising funds to build roads. The imperial court has tasted the benefits. If there is a war in the future and the construction of the Great Wall consumes money and food, will it also have to raise funds from the private sector? In this way, wouldn't our Ming Dynasty..."

"The old man's words to seek the country!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said, "This hole cannot be opened. The Ming Dynasty cannot reach out to the people to ask for money. This trend cannot rise!"

This is a conflict of ideas. The country does not have money for infrastructure construction. It is not a big problem to introduce some private funds. If the infrastructure construction is done well, it will be of great benefit to people's livelihood.

However, Zhu Yunxi also understood the worries of the old man and Fu You, the Minister of Household Affairs. This was an era when power was unrestricted. If the court saw that money came easily, good things would turn into bad things in the future.

Some things just can't be rushed.

"My grandson has another idea!" Zhu Yunxi pondered and spoke again, "Building roads will help people's livelihood. This is an indisputable fact. However, road construction is a pure expenditure and the court will not get anything in return. The finances are tight, so it is naturally impossible.

It has been built for years, not to mention the daily maintenance of the official road."

Remember the URL m.wxsy.

Zhu Yunxi paused and continued, "But if the official road is smoothed, the goods can move quickly and at high speed, and there are people to clear it no matter the wind, snow or heavy rain, so that business travelers no longer have to trek. Sun'er wonders if it is possible to set up a crossing on the official road.

Tolls are collected according to the weight of the vehicle and cargo. The funds collected are used for the construction and maintenance of official roads, and are earmarked for special use..."

"It's nonsense!" Zhu Yuanzhang said seriously, "The people support the country, and the country supports the people in return, just like a father and his son. Roads are the roads of the world. The imperial court is building roads for people to walk on, so how can there be any reason to charge money? If the people have to walk

What has happened to our Ming Dynasty by collecting money? Then we will build a few huts on the roadside in the future, and people will have to pay for pooping and peeing?"

"Building roads and people's livelihood are the responsibilities of the imperial court. If it cannot do it, it means the imperial court is incompetent. After building some roads, but still asking for money from the people, what will the people of the world think?"

"Dasun, you are good in every way, but sometimes you are too narrow-minded. Remember, it is our duty to seek the welfare of the people. We cannot pass this on to the people just because the court is unable to take care of it and is in financial difficulty.

Above. We know the principle of taking from the people and using it for the people, but this is not taking from the people, it is asking for money!"

Zhu Yunxi quickly stood up, leaned over and saluted, "What the emperor said is that the grandson made a mistake for a moment, so don't blame the emperor."

In fact, Zhu Yunxi has a big blueprint in his heart.

The prosperity of the country's commerce is accompanied by developed transportation and postal service. This is a circular economy. Although some things cannot be seen, it is indeed of great benefit to the country's economy and people's livelihood.

Moreover, now that there is a postal service, the volume of goods and the types of goods of past merchants and firms can be clearly registered, which will play a very important role in collecting commercial taxes in the future.

Commercial tax is the country's supporting tax. It is much better to collect commercial tax based on registered goods than to collect no tax or less tax now. I dare not say that there are more, but only the annual silk tax and cloth tax in Jiangsu and Zhejiang

, is an astronomical number.

Once the roads are well built, there will be no fear of merchants evading taxes. Complete tax settlement bills will be issued at each post station and issued at checkpoints along the way, so that traffic can go smoothly.

With unified and clear taxation and tax settlement notes issued by the government, businessmen are not afraid of exploitation by local officials.

Even if the business tax is not collected now, the money passed by the merchants will not be less. After the court collects the tax, it will naturally make the decision for them.

In the long run, this is a good thing. Including Zhu Yunxi's intention to learn from the highways of later generations, it is also good for the national finance.

"Actually, what the emperor's grandson said has happened in ancient times!" Liu Sanwu, a scholar in the Hanlin Academy, said, "It's nothing more than setting up Kalili gold. This matter is not tyranny, and it is used properly..."

"You don't have to speak for your student!" Zhu Yuanzhang said, "We all understand what you are saying. We did this in Jiangnan when the world was uncertain, but now it is time to unify the world and support the people."

"Roads are walked by people. People who walk on them are not just businessmen. Do people need to be paid to go on the road? If they don't pay, they won't be allowed to go? It's a big joke in the world! Besides, Shu's good scriptures will be recited to you wrongly when you get there.

That’s it. When the local officials see where the money is coming from, they will take advantage of it, and the people will be the ones who suffer!”

The old man was cute and stubborn, always accepting death. But in fact, what he said made some sense.

"It's not as good as this. The local government builds roads, recruits civilians, and those who serve as corvees can be exempted from certain taxes." Zhu Yunxi said again, "The people don't have to pay for food, and they can work to pay for it. The people are probably willing!"

"This is a good idea!" Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it, "However, the matter must be done bit by bit. First, select a few prefectures and counties with poor roads to try it out, and let the government post notices and convey them to the people. Remember, we must

The people are voluntary, and we must not recruit people at will or abuse the power of the people."

"I am waiting for you to receive the order!" The Ministers of the Ministry of Revenue, Ministry of Works and others possessed themselves to receive the order.

Afterwards, the court meeting went on for a long time, and the Ministry of War reported the rewards to the soldiers of the Nine Borders at the end of the year, war horses, armor, and weapons replacement reserves for each town. These are all things that require money, and it makes people's heads hurt.

The two of them and a group of courtiers talked for several hours before the small court meeting dispersed.

After the ministers left, the old man rubbed his temples on the dragon chair and looked at Zhu Yunxi, "Are you tired?"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "Not bad!"

"It's okay, but I'm tired! Sitting here for a few hours makes a person tired!" Zhu Yuanzhang said, "But how can I not be tired when running a country?"

As he said that, the old man walked to the desk and threw over a memorial, "Look at this!"

Seeing the old man's solemn expression, it seemed like something big was going on.

Zhu Yunxi opened it and his pupils suddenly tightened.

"The king of Yan, Zhu Di, for the centenary plan of Liaodong, petitioned the Holy Emperor for permission to recruit the Hu tribes of Liaodong to enrich the border army and use it for the Ming Dynasty."

"Zhu Di is trying to expand his own strength by recruiting barbarians!"

Now there are 50,000 troops directly under King Yan in Beiping, which is already a powerful vassal in the world. If those Jurchens from Liaodong are recruited, the strength of the various Mongolian tribes will probably snowball.

"You tell me whether we agree or not!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Yunxi again, sat down and said.

"If you don't agree, my fourth uncle will also look for you secretly!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "If the Hu tribe is willing to submit, it is better than having to spend all the effort to annihilate them."

"However, my grandson feels that we cannot let our fourth uncle use his name to recruit!"

"Whose should we use?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"Of course it's the Ming Dynasty, let those barbarian tribes understand that they are working for our Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "Furthermore, recruiting the Hu tribe outside the Great Wall is an official matter of the Ministry of Rites, so it may not be appropriate for Fourth Uncle to come forward. Since he has

Sun'er feels that it is better to let the Chief Secretary and the Chief Secretary Yamen in Peiping handle this proposal."

"Ha!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed, "You kid, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp!" He said, standing up, "You can take care of your children and grandchildren! We are old and don't want to worry about this!"

Then, he turned around and said, "Pack up your things and go to the military camp. Lan Yu and the others are waiting for you, the emperor's grandson, to come in person!"

"Yes!" Zhu Yunxi stood up and said with a smile, "My grandson will go now, and we must let the soldiers of the three armies bathe in the grace of the emperor!"


Sorry everyone, there are only two updates left. The book on the external station is coming to an end, and I really have limited energy.

Originally, I didn’t want the book to end so soon. After all, with more than 4,000 subscriptions, I can earn more than 20,000 yuan a month. I can continue to work for two or three months and get tens of thousands more royalties. Isn’t that great?

But being a human being requires making choices. Now that the story over there has been told, there is no need to use the word "water" to cheat money.

Moreover, my focus is now on tomatoes, and you should also be the main focus.

I love you silently.

This chapter has been completed!
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