Chapter 13 Famous Officials, Famous Festivals, Famous Scholars, and Spirit

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"I've met Bachelor Liu and several masters!"

"I have met His Highness King Wu!"

At the entrance of the university hall, Zhu Yunxi, dressed in princely attire, respectfully greeted several teachers.

Several Founder scholars also responded with the courtesy of courtiers.

Outside the door is the courtesy of a minister, and when you enter the room where you study, it is the courtesy of a teacher.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang sounded reckless, he was very strict with the education of his children and grandchildren.

When Zhu Yunxi's father, Zhu Biao, was just a young man, Zhu Yuanzhang hired a famous Confucian scholar to teach him. His first famous teacher was Song Lian, a famous Confucian scholar in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty.

It is said that the old master Song didn't care about the identities of these princes at all, and just slapped them with a ruler when teaching. Some of Zhu Yunxi's uncles were more naughty, and they were slapped not only on the palms of their hands, but also on their faces.

At that time, several uncles were young, so they naturally wanted to talk to their father about their grievances after being whipped by the teacher. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuanzhang stripped off their pants and had them fried with bamboo shoots and meat.

Among them, the famous King of Yan, Zhu Di.

And it is said that among all Zhu Yuanzhang's children, Zhu Di was the most disobedient and received the most beatings.

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"His Royal Highness King Wu came early today!" Huang Zicheng, a Hanlin scholar, said with a slight smile.

Today, Zhu Yunxi was the first to arrive at the University Hall, so everyone was a little surprised.

Zhu Yunxi looked at the sun above his head and said with a smile, "The day's plan begins in the morning. In the past, I was not sensible and did not like to read and listen to lectures. I failed to live up to my years and my teacher's expectations. Now, my time is fleeting and I am just about to catch up."

Thinking about the past, I felt ashamed and ashamed of the teachings of several masters, but I won’t do it anymore!”

As he said this, he actually bent down and saluted solemnly under the surprised gazes of several Hanlin bachelors.

"I don't dare to accept this gift from the King of Wu!" Several Hanlin scholars hurriedly avoided it, not daring to accept this gift.

"Is this really King Wu?"

Liu Sanwu looked at Zhu Yunxi, feeling familiar yet unfamiliar, and at the same time a little relieved and delighted.

Acknowledging mistakes can greatly improve things. Since King Wu understands his past stubbornness and sincerely admits his mistakes, they, as ministers, will definitely teach them with all their heart.

The reason why he felt strange to Zhu Yunxi was that the king of Wu in front of him had changed his spirit from the inside out, becoming more energetic and vigorous.

Standing there, he was polite and spoke humbly. For a moment, Liu Sanwu was reminded of the prince who studied when he was young.

Thinking about it, this old minister felt a little sad.

After all, he was the prince's legitimate son. He was usually naughty, but once the prodigal son turned around, he was exactly the same as the wise and powerful prince.

After the sadness, there was joy. No wonder the emperor said that this grandson of the Zhu family was a thousand-mile horse.

At a young age, he is as polite and polite as adults, modest and gentle.

Liu Sanwu stroked his beard and smiled, and said to Zhu Yunxi, "His Royal Highness King Wu, this is Academician Fang who has just entered the capital!"

"Fang Xiaoru has met His Highness King Wu!"

"Sir, there is no need to be polite. When it comes to you and I, we are not outsiders!"

Although there are some Qingliu scholars who initially thought about this, and later persuaded Emperor Jian to cut down the vassals and lose the throne, at this moment, the fledgling Zhu Yunxi still needs to leave a good impression in their hearts.

The sentence "You and I are not outsiders" surprised everyone.

Zhu Yunxi continued to laugh and said, "Xueshi Fang studied under Master Song Lian. My father is also a student of Master Song. According to seniority, I will also call you uncle!"

After saying that, he really performed a disciple's ceremony.

Fang Xiaoru's square and rigid face showed a rare smile.

He responded with the courtesy of a courtier, "His Royal Highness, King Wu, has spoken seriously!"

Seeing this famous historical minister saluting him, Zhu Yunxi felt mixed emotions.

Compared with Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng, who encouraged Jian not to do serious work, Fang Xiaoru was not only famous all over the world for his knowledge, but also a famous official through the ages.

Fang Xiaoru's family was a great Confucian for generations. His father served as the magistrate of Jining. He protected the country and the people in the troubled times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and his wisdom was passed down to the world. In the fourth year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang personally wrote a letter to recruit Fang Xiaoru's father as an official.

Born into a Confucian family, Fang Xiaoru has the righteousness of a true scholar.

The scholars of this era, after experiencing more than a hundred years of oppression by the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties against Han scholars, took it as their own duty to benefit one side.

It is completely different from those Donglin Party members in the late Ming Dynasty who talked about morality and righteousness, secretly engaged in male thieves and female prostitutes, and talked about the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers. In fact, they were both bad at shooting and could not do shit, so they would fight in the nest.

Scholars like Fang Xiaoru are staunch practitioners who set their minds for heaven and earth, set their destiny for the people, inherit their unique knowledge for the past saints, and create peace for all generations.

He is not a simple person, but a scholar-official who has strict demands on himself.

Later, Emperor Yongle Zhu Di was in trouble and conquered Nanjing, but Jian disappeared.

Zhu Di issued a list of traitorous ministers, and Fang Xiaoru was named on the list.

Fang Xiaoru was arrested first, but it was Zhu Di himself who arrested him like a polite corporal.

Long before Zhu Di invaded Nanjing, Zhu Di's adviser, the famous civilian prime minister Yao Guangxiao, aimed at the emperor and gave numerous instructions.

You must not kill Fang Xiaoru, he is the leader of the world's scholars.

If Fang Xiaoru dies, all the seeds of learning in the world will be gone!

If people like Fang Xiaoru cannot recognize you, then in the hearts of scholars, you, Emperor Yongle, will always usurp the throne!

In the main hall of the Forbidden City, Zhu Di begged Fang Xiaoru to draft an edict for enthronement.

Fang Xiaoru, dressed in mourning clothes, wore mourning for Emperor Jian, and angrily rebuked Zhu Di.

Among all Zhu Yuanzhang's sons, Zhu Di's character is most like Zhu Yuanzhang's. If you can't be used by me, I will kill him.

But when facing Fang Xiaoru, Zhu Di was patient and tried to persuade him gently.

Finally, he said that his mouth was dry and he did not utter any evil words. He just said, Sir, this is my family matter. Please draft an edict for me.

However, Fang Xiaoru only wrote a few big words for him: "Death means death, and the edict must not be ignored."

Zhu Di suppressed his anger and asked him, "Aren't you afraid of death? Aren't you afraid of killing the nine tribes?"

Therefore, the saying that everyone in the world is familiar with later came up, what's the harm in killing my ten tribes?

Zhu Di couldn't bear it anymore. The Zhu family were all bad-tempered.

Zhu Di executed the ten clans of Fang Xiaoru.

In front of Fang Xiaoru, all his relatives, disciples, and old friends were killed.

Fang Xiaoru cried silently all the time, and the pen and paper placed in front of him to draft Zhu Di's enthronement edict remained untouched.

After killing 847 (some say 873) people for seven days, Fang Xiaoru died generously.

According to the views of later generations, while lamenting his tenacity and loyalty, we should also say that he was stupid.

For the sake of the righteousness of the emperor and his ministers, is it worth it to implicate more than a hundred people?

But in this era, a true scholar and a true scholar-bureaucrat are worth it!

You can say this behavior is stupid, but you must admire it.

This spirit is exactly the spirit of the scholar-bureaucrats that our nation has inherited for thousands of years.

It is precisely because of this spirit that our inheritance has not been cut off even when foreign enemies invaded countless times and ravaged the land of China.

It is precisely because of this spirit that when the north moves south again and again, our country and nation will face the killings and resolutely resist.

This spirit may not be understood by people, but it cannot be missing, and it will not be missing. It has been permeated into our innate genes and blood for thousands of years.

From celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties to their clothes and clothes traveling south, from the elegance of the Tang Dynasty to the unparalleled style of the Song Dynasty.

This spirit is that of Tianxiang who left his loyalty to history, and of Lu Xiufu who jumped into the sea with the young emperor on his back.

It was the 100,000 soldiers and civilians from Yashan who threw themselves into the sea and died.

It was Yu Qian who stood firm in Beijing, Hai Rui who was upright, and Yan Yingyuan who had no history of surrender in the Ming Dynasty.

They are people from Jiangyin, Yangzhou and Jiading.

This is Shi Kefa and the illiterate Li Dingguo.

They are countless people with lofty ideals who suffered under the iron heel of the Japanese invaders in later generations.

He was a warrior who died for his country, but even his name was lost in the long river of history.

This kind of spirit is called festival.

This kind of spirit is called righteousness.

This kind of spirit is called unyielding.

Even in the vast history, there are countless scum in history, such as those shameless people from the Donglin Party who knelt outside Nanjing to welcome the Qing Dynasty.

However, great scholars with this spirit are like the vast sea of ​​stars in the Milky Way, continuously shining on the world we grow up in and love.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Zhu Yunxi's mind.

The contempt for Confucians and scholars in his mind turned into solemnity on his face.

He solemnly adjusted his clothes and took off the prince's hat on his head.

Bow your head and salute with the most humble disciple's etiquette.

"Hey, I'm so lucky to have the teachings from my husband!"

"It's an honor to be my disciple, Xi!"

This chapter has been completed!
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