Chapter 98

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"It's not that this slave is too talkative. Your Highness should drink less wine!"

In the side hall of Jingren Palace, Miao Yun took a warm handkerchief and slowly wiped Zhu Yunxi's face.

There are quite a few people from the Chang family, and these people have inherited the fine tradition of Chang Yuchun. A group of people will drink with nothing but food and drink.

Chang Sheng's youngest son, Chang Jiye, was only fourteen years old. He actually felt that the golden cup in the palace was too small for drinking and it was not enjoyable for him to drink.

I heard that all the uncles from the Chang family came in standing, and were forced to lie down by their brothers-in-law. The family tradition of drinking in the Chang family is that lying down without drinking is not considered a good drink. On the first day after drinking, I vomited.

, I had to drink some more the next morning.

After the meal, even though Zhu Yunxi was of high status, they did not dare to persuade him to drink, but their faces were red and the smell of alcohol was rising.

However, Zhu Yunxi enjoyed this meal very happily. His uncles, cousins, and aunts all had their bones broken and their tendons attached. These people were not only loyal, but they also favored and disgraced him.

As for the relatives becoming bigger?

Since he can use them, Zhu Yunxi can also control them.

"Your Highness, stretch out your hand!"

After the words fell, Zhu Yunxi's hand was held by Miaoyun's jade hand, and the warm handkerchief carefully wiped every inch of the palm's texture.

Remember https://m in one second.

At this time, it was already dark and the palace was silent.

The red lanterns and ribbons seemed to be swaying gently in the faint wind. The bustling and bustling had faded away, and after all, this palace was still too deserted, too cold, and too quiet.

"Have you eaten?" Zhu Yunxi asked while letting the other party wipe it.

Miao Yun carefully wiped Zhu Yunxi's palm, her movements were very slow and gentle, and she said, "I have used it before." She said with a smile, "I heard others say that the Emperor and His Highness are surrounded by shady cooks.

I still don’t believe it, but I ate it today!” At this point, he stuck out his tongue playfully.

The old man's meals were arranged by Xu Xingzu, and they were not delicious, but the thick oily red sauce was salty enough. Most of Zhu Yunxi's meals were prepared by the imperial kitchen.

Don't think that the food in the imperial dining room is delicious. In fact, it is just a big pot of rice. Especially when Zhu Yunxi is studying every day, his meals must be ordered on time. The cooks in the imperial dining room, in order to avoid delaying his meal, prepare the meals in advance and put them in the pot.

It's hot inside.

And not only Zhu Yunxi ate, but also the meals of the bachelors of Zhan Shifu, the bodyguards, and the palace servants serving around him were all prepared in the imperial dining room.

Moreover, Zhu Yunxi is a frugal person. According to etiquette, his meal consists of at least twenty dishes, and various soup pots are available. But he is unwilling to waste, and each meal is only two meat, two vegetables and one soup, which is ordinary.

Just home-cooked food.

The imperial kitchen could neither stir-fry or cook fresh food, nor delicacies from the mountains and seas. Over time, it became a shady cook.

As for the concubines in the harem, each of them actually has a separate independent kitchen, and the carefully selected cooks can prepare meals that are far better than what the two of them eat.

However, Miaoyun's unintentional words made Zhu Yunxi fall into deep thought.

When Empress Ma was in the early days, she was in charge of the internal affairs of the palace, and there was no extravagance in the palace. But now, Concubine Hui in the harem is in charge of the affairs, and both the food and clothing have become increasingly exquisite.

Although the old man is simple, he is old and has no energy to worry about these things.

But in Zhu Yunxi's view, this is a big deal.

A few days ago, he saw the list of palace expenses submitted by the twelve eunuchs. The annual expenses in the palace are as high as more than 200,000 yuan. This is only the rouge and gouache for the concubines, the clothes for the palace residents in all seasons, and other living expenses.

Not counting the annual firewood, palace maintenance, garden nursery, their husband and wife's expenses, etc.

There are nearly 7,000 maids and tens of thousands of eunuchs in the palace. The cost of these people is much more than that of soldiers. In addition to these superficial data, there are many craftsmen who directly serve the two men in the 12th Prison of the Ministry of Works.

Up to tens of thousands of people.

Moreover, everything the two of them use is top quality, regardless of cost.

It is only the early years of the dynasty now, and in a few decades when luxury becomes more and more extravagant, even mountains of gold and silver will not be enough.

"It is necessary to review the expenses in the palace, clarify a strict purchasing system, and save what can be saved."

Zhu Yunxi secretly thought that it was not that he was stingy, but that in this era, all the people in the world supported his Zhu family. He had to change his clothes several times a day, and most of the clothes he changed were stored in the warehouse without being worn a second time, while ordinary people's homes,

I wish I could wear a piece of clothing for a lifetime.

This is not an era of abundant supplies, let alone an era of developed productivity. There is always nothing wrong with being frugal in running a household.

Let's make a good start here, and save hundreds of thousands of silver every year, which can be used to build warships, cannons, immigrants, and reclaim wasteland.

If he doesn't make a good start here, future generations will not be able to take back simplicity even if they want to.

In the original time and space, the Ming Dynasty court after Yongle is an example. Every year, the rouge and gouache for the concubines in the palace alone cost more than 400,000 silver, gold and silver as much as 900,000, more than 14 million catties of firewood, and one million catties of charcoal.


There were more than 9,000 maids and nearly 100,000 eunuchs.

This huge expenditure is always a huge burden on the national finance.

There is a saying that the old man was a good emperor, but his descendants were too dissatisfied to live up to their expectations, and they were as prodigal as they were prodigal. Otherwise, the Ming Dynasty, which was thousands of miles rich, would not have ended up in such a miserable state.

To be honest, even in the Qing Dynasty, which was spurned and reviled by others, except for Cixi, the other emperors were relatively restrained in spending money. The palace expenses were lower than those of the Ming Dynasty, and there were not so many eunuchs and maids.

Of course, the money Uncle Kang and Qian Xiaosi spent on going to Jiangnan and building a garden are another matter.

However, in Zhu Yunxi's opinion, palace expenses should be saved as much as possible.

"Think of a way to talk to the old man and find something to do yourself!"

Zhu Yunxi thought to himself that now that he is not fighting for power and gain, his life is a bit dull.

Just like those readers of Thieves of Time who are handsome and fierce, they think the chapter is bland and has no points.

This is how life goes, and the emperor also lives it. However, you have to look at the hidden dangers in ordinary life.

"Your Highness, my servant is here to serve you, drink tea! Be careful with the water, it's a bit hot!"

At this time, Miaoyun held a cup of tea and spoke softly.

Zhu Yunxi was thinking about something in his mind and subconsciously raised his hand. Unexpectedly, at this time, Miao Yun held a tea cup and bowed slightly.

Bang, Zhu Yunxi's raised hand knocked over the tea cup in Miao Yun's hand.

Miaoyun couldn't dodge, and a cup of tea was thrown in front of her.

"Are you OK!"

"This slave deserves to die, did you burn His Highness?"

The two voices sounded at the same time. Zhu Yunxi's body was slightly wet, while Miao Yun's body was wet.

"This slave deserves to die!" Miaoyun repeatedly apologized and was horrified.

"It's okay, Gu!" Zhu Yunxi looked at Miao Yun's neck, which was burnt red by the tea, and picked up the towel from the side, "It was Gu who knocked it over, what's your crime?"

As he spoke, he began to gently wipe the tea from the other person's body.

Miaoyun's face instantly turned red and her head almost buried in the ditch.

Zhu Yunxi didn't have any bad intentions. He just acted subconsciously. But with a little force on his hand, he could only feel where his fingers touched.






Before I knew it, the handkerchief slipped off my hand, leaving only my fingers.

Seeing this, the eunuch who stood solemnly at the door lowered his head and slowly retreated. There were only two of them in the palace.

"Your Highness" Miaoyun's face was so red that he could bleed.

Zhu Yunxi moved his fingers slightly, feeling softer and tenderer. That area was as trembling as tofu.

Miaoyun, on the other hand, felt weak and could hardly stand any longer.

Gulu, I don’t know whether it was because his mouth was dry after drinking, or it was due to other reasons that made Zhu Yunxi’s mouth dry.

Subconsciously, he wrapped his arms around him and hugged Miaoyun again.

"Your Highness!" Miaoyun's voice sounded like a mosquito.

"Don't move, just hold me for a while!" Zhu Yunxi murmured, "Keep warm, warm, a little cold!"

The wind seemed to be blowing in through the cracks in the window, and the lights in the room danced faintly, blooming with two dazzling sparks.

"I'm drunk!" Zhu Yunxi continued in a low voice, "A drunk person can be forgiven for doing something rude, right?"

Miaoyun breathed heavily and her eyelashes flickered.

Zhu Yunxi's fingers touched the skirt of the palace dress behind the other party, and gently pulled...

Then, follow the gap and move your fingers.

"Your Highness!"

"Be good, don't move!"

"There seems to be someone outside!" Miaoyun whispered.

Zhu Yunxi felt the warm, delicate and smooth area, and felt that it seemed to be getting hot because of his fingers.

"Is there anyone outside? Haven't all the eunuchs gone down?"

After saying that, he raised his head and smiled, "Whoever dares to talk too much or have too many eyes, I will kill him alone!"

Miao Yun pursed her lips and smiled shyly, and Zhu Yunxi followed suit.

The mouth becomes drier and drier.

But suddenly, he lost his mind.

"Dasun! How was your drink today?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a creak and the door was pushed open.

Pu Wuyong followed the man with a pale face, looking like he would rather die than die.

"Grandpa Huang!" Zhu Yunxi pushed Miaoyun away instantly, "Why are you here?"

~~Served at the third update.

This chapter has been completed!
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