Chapter 199 I'm a girl, not a boy

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There were only two options before Daoran. Either the scandal of being pulled out from under his sister's skirt spread all over the world, and he would not be able to become a monk even if he wanted to.

Or, cooperate well and become a pawn in the hands of the officials who are about to take down the world's monks. Otherwise, there is no other way to go.

To be more cruel, he would be imprisoned by Jin Yiwei and charged with being a member of Hu Weiyong's party. By then, even if he wanted to die, it would be a luxury.

He has the status of a seventh-grade monk official and is nominally in charge of all temples and monks in the capital. The ministers are Zhu Yunxi's knives against the monk class, and Daoran is the knife in the hands of the ministers.

Daoran was taken away. His huge bald head was particularly dazzling and reflective under the lights of the Qinhuai River. The boat was still noisy and chaotic. The guards would never let go of this opportunity to show off their power and continued to interrogate the guests loudly.


There are also those warblers and swallows, crying and pear blossoms in the rain, messing up their makeup.

Zhu Yunxi was watching with interest when he suddenly saw the head of the team whispering something to Li Jinglong. The expression on the latter's face was particularly exciting.

"Let him come over and ask!" Zhu Yunxi said.

Later, Li Jinglong came over and whispered, "Your Highness, those guests are..."

"Who is there?" Zhu Yunxi lowered his face and said, "Is there an official in the imperial court?"

"A court official from the Ministry of Revenue and two men from the Ministry of Works!" Li Jinglong whispered, "According to the sister on the boat, she is a frequent visitor here!"

Remember https://m in one second.

"Tsk, tsk, you only have that little salary for a year, and you still have spare money to come to this place?" Zhu Yunxi sneered several times, "Write down your name and report it to the Inspectorate later!"

As he said that, he glanced at Li Jinglong and said, "In the future, you should never come to a place like this. You are a majestic prince, but what kind of woman do you have at home? Do you insist on coming here? Even the old madam has recognized you, and you say it's embarrassing.

Not ashamed?"

Li Jinglong's face turned red and he said sarcastically, "I...I just want to have a taste of something new!"

"Is it still new? You're almost making a living out of this!" Zhu Yunxi slapped Li Jinglong's arm with his fan, "That's you, how would you deal with it if it were someone else?"

"Your Highness is so kind to me, I am so frightened!" Li Jinglong immediately smiled and said, "My lord, I will definitely change it in the future!"

"Don't be so playful! Next time you let me know, I will send someone to tell your wife directly!" Zhu Yunxi laughed and scolded, "Your wife is the legitimate daughter of King Ninghe, right? I heard she is very shrewd?" (King Ninghe,

Posthumous title after Deng Yu's death)

Suddenly, Li Jinglong's scalp went numb. He couldn't mess with the tigress at home. He usually avoided her if he wanted to get close to the maid. If she found out, no one would be able to stop the fire in the back house.

At this time, I heard Zhu Yunxi say again, "Okay, it's almost done. We've arrested those who should be arrested, and let the people from Yingtian Mansion evacuate! Let's talk to He Guangyi later, and let Ling Butang and Fang Xueshi do the interrogation.

They're listening in!"

"Yes!" Li Jinglong replied.

After watching the excitement, it was time for Zhu Yunxi to return to the palace. When he went out to play, he still knew what to do with some things. However, he still glanced at the girls with pear blossoms and rain with some nostalgia.

None of the women in the palace were so lively, except for Miaoyun, who all looked like puppets. A few days ago, the old man rewarded some beauties from Goryeo as tribute, but after just one glance, he felt lifeless.

No wonder men in this era like these romantic places. The wives at home are polite and respectful to each other. For them, it is not as interesting as drinking and talking with these girls and getting to know them in depth.

When Li Jinglong saw that Zhu Yunxi was not pursuing him, he felt his heart in his stomach. With his head held high, he walked to the deck and shouted to the officers who were still running around in various rooms, "Take it! Take it!"

Then, looking at the old madam and the thugs who were still lying on the ground, I suddenly felt angry and said, "You should take these guys back to Tianfu and dare to stop the officials. How brave you are!"

"My lord, you can't kill without nodding your head. You have captured the person, and you have messed up the business. If you want to arrest someone, it will be the slave family. It has nothing to do with these brothers!" Niu Niu stood up, gave a slight blessing, and smiled sweetly.

On other occasions, based on this little lady's charming appearance, Li Jinglong might have lifted her up high and put it down gently. But when he thought of the emperor's grandson watching behind him, Li Jinglong's heart was filled with anger.

"You know my identity, but you dare to show it to me!" Li Jinglong laughed angrily, grabbing the chest of the years, "I'm just an old bustard, but I really think I'm rich... Eh!"

Saying that, it doesn't feel right.

Then, he pulled the collar of the years hard twice.

" did you calm down?" Li Jinglong asked in shock.

Niu Niu struggled to push away Li Jinglong's big hand, covered his collar, and said with a sneer, "Master, although the Nu family is a romantic family, they also pay attention to their integrity, even in such a public place!"

"Shut up!" Li Jinglong's heart trembled. He suddenly grabbed the collar of Sui Yue with one hand and his neck with the other. He looked up and down and was stunned.

"Adam's apple? You have an Adam's apple? Are you..."

"Young master, you only found out today?" Niu Niang didn't resist, and smiled softly, "Isn't this some kind of secret on the Qinhuai River? You, a veteran of Fengyue, didn't realize it!"

Not far away, Zhu Yunxi looked at Li Jinglong who seemed to be causing trouble again, and said displeasedly, "What's wrong?"

Li Jinglong ran back, "Your Highness, that old madam... is... a man!"


Zhu Yunxi looked intently and saw that on the bow of the boat in the river breeze, there was a graceful and pitiful figure with years of age. There was no look of a man.

Could it be that there are also...women's clothing bosses in this era?

"Bring me here and have a look!" Zhu Yunxi said out of curiosity.

In an instant, Nianyuan was pulled in front of Zhu Yunxi by several guards, "Kneel down!"

"Ouch!" Lady Suiyu exclaimed as her body hurt, and she raised her head full of resentment, "It can't be easier. The slave family has not committed any capital crime. I have no mercy at all for provoking you!"

Zhu Yunxi looked up and down, left and right, and looked carefully for a long time. What he saw was a fair-skinned and charming woman. How could he tell that she was a man?

"Are you a man?" Zhu Yunxi asked curiously.

"Our master is asking you a question!" Fu Rang shouted, "Tell the truth, don't do those ugly things!"

Sui Niang smiled, some people are more delicate than flowers, then he lifted his hair, his beautiful eyes moved and said softly, "I said slaves are men, slaves are men, but in slaves' hearts!" After saying that, he lowered his head and smiled softly.

, "I am originally a daughter-in-law, not a son-in-law, but I was born into the wrong child. If you want to blame me, blame God! It's ridiculous!"

"Hey!" Zhu Yunxi felt sick, took half a step back, and said to Li Jinglong, "Pull it down, quickly!"

Li Jinglong's hair stood up all over his body, and when he thought of the past... he felt even more painful. He endured the discomfort in his heart and decided to take action.

"Master, please be gentle, I won't suffer any pain!" Sui Sui said with a smile, "Last time you came here, you were very gentle when you were making love with me!"

"What is a leather cup?" Zhu Yunxi turned around and asked.

The guards looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and each of them asked questions without knowing anything.

Jie Jin shook his fan and whispered, "Just...mouth to mouth...drinking!"

"Ah?" Zhu Yunxi almost exclaimed, pointing at Li Jinglong, "You, Pi Gu, and him?"

Li Jinglong's smile was uglier than his tears. Whenever a generous benefactor came, the madam would treat him attentively. That time, he felt numb and confused, and lingered for a moment in the leather cup.

When I think about it now, I just feel nauseous, as if I'm seasick.

"I'm so careless!" Li Jinglong said sadly.


This chapter is ridiculous, Bo Jun laughed.

This chapter has been completed!
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