Chapter 221 Fighter

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The vast grassland stretches as far as the eye can see, with only endless green between heaven and earth. The grass in the grassland is as tall as half a person.

The sky is blue, the fields are vast, the wind blows and the grass is low...there are no cattle or sheep.

Not to mention the cattle and sheep, there was no wind. The unobstructed scorching sun in the sky vented its scorching heat on the grassland, and even the weeds were scalded.

Swish, swish.

Groups of cavalry trudged hard through the weeds. Whenever the horses waded through the weeds, mist-like mosquitoes followed them.

These cavalry seemed to have been trekking for a long time. Their burly bodies were a little thin, their spirits were a little listless, and their eyes were red. In order to protect themselves from the scorching sun, their iron armor was replaced by simple cotton armor. The dust on the cotton armor had obscured its original appearance.

The color looks dusty.


Standing on the horse, Li Jinglong slapped his face hard, then rubbed the dead mosquitoes into dirt.

At this time, Li Jinglong, Duke of Cao, no longer looked as majestic as before. He wore loose cotton armor, an iron helmet on his back, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his hair was messy.

It has been many days since he led the team around the Ulanqab grassland in search of the tribes in the rear of the Beiyuan Army. He was so high-spirited when he first set out, but now he is exhausted physically and mentally. Along the way, not even a ghost was seen, let alone the Beiyuan tribe.

No. The scorching sun during the day and the mosquito bites everywhere at night made him miserable.

Mosquitoes in the grassland are larger than the original reptiles. Three mosquitoes can cook a dish. One bite will make your whole body itchy and swollen.

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"Master, please have a drink of water!" The veteran servant next to him handed Li Jinglong a kettle.

Li Jinglong licked his dry lips, grabbed it and was about to pour it into his mouth, but his hand suddenly stopped.

"Send the order, let the brothers save some water!" Li Jinglong threw the kettle back and looked up at the blue sky, "Damn it, this hellish place is hotter than Jiangnan!" After saying that, he looked at the morale.

The depressed team whispered, "Are we going the right way? Don't go the wrong way!"

A confidant of the Li family took out the compass from his bag, checked it carefully and said, "My master is right, this is the road to Ulanqab!"

Damn it, why are you trying to be a hero?

Looking at the vast grassland, Li Jinglong wished he could give himself a mouthful. If he didn't stay in Datong City, why would he go to the grassland to feed mosquitoes? But he came and issued a military order before setting off. He couldn't even regret it and go back now!

It's easier said than done. Everything is easier said than done. Growing up, Cao Guogong was full of ink, but where has he ever suffered like this?

"Hey!" Li Jinglong sighed helplessly on his horse. Just as he was about to move his body, he felt a burning pain on the inside of his thigh.

After a few random twists on the horse, this burning feeling quickly spread throughout the body, reaching the seams in the bones.

I have been running around on horseback for several days, and my skin has long been worn away by the saddle. These days, my body is covered with armor. I am bitten by mosquitoes every day, sweat again, and my body is sticky. Just a handful of it.

A dark mass.

He is still doing well, with soldiers secretly cleaning him up every night. The three thousand cavalry following him still don't look like a wise man at all!

As we walked, the sun became stronger and stronger, making people feel sleepy and without any energy or energy.

"Stop!" Li Jinglong couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Send the order, dismount and rest!"

Among the soldiers around him, some were busy waving flags, some were helping Li Jinglong dismount, and some were drawing knives to cut out a place for people to rest in the grass half a man high.

"Oops!" Li Jinglong grinned and sat on the grass, constantly pulling his pants with his hands.

The itching was unbearable, and my heart was full of fire. I took off my armor in twos and twos and grabbed it randomly. The dense and tall weeds around me blocked most of the sunlight, so I felt comfortable without the burning feeling.

"Why don't you leave?"

Following Li Jinglong were all elite cavalry, and they followed orders and prohibited them. After a while, they all dismounted and took a rest.

Lieutenant General Qu Neng rode up from the front and said with a frown, "General, you can't rest. My brothers are already out of energy. It's easier to dismount than to dismount!"

"Then leave at night!" Li Jinglong was scratching his back and said angrily.

After saying that, an idea came to his mind and he continued, "After walking for so many days, we should be almost there. The grassland belongs to the people of Beiyuan. In order to avoid striking grass and alarming snakes, we stay in bed during the day and go out at night!"

"Leaving at night?" Qu Neng used to be a commander in the Sichuan Guard and was also a veteran in the army. He said anxiously, "General, it is a taboo for the army to march at night. On the vast grassland, the soldiers will not even know if they are lost! This wilderness

If you are alone, it will be a dead end!"

"You don't know how to light a torch?" Li Jinglong glared at him angrily, "The sun is shining during the day, so how can the brothers have the strength to go on the road? They were already half-dead from the sun, and they were bitten by bugs at night and couldn't sleep a wink all night. If this continues, we won't be able to wait until

This is a place where brothers can’t even carry a knife! How can we fight?”

Qu Neng then thought about it, and it was right!

"Send out the secret sentry, keep it far away, and pay attention to our scouting horses!" Li Jinglong took off his clothes, exposed his body, and kept wiping it with a wet towel as he said.

"Here!" Qu Neng agreed and turned his horse's head.

However, just as he was about to ride his horse, he saw several war horses galloping towards him on the grassland ahead.

"Our scout is back!"



Several scouts with sunburned faces and cracked lips dismounted and ran to Li Jinglong. When they spoke, their voices were as hoarse as rubbing stones.

"Don't talk yet!" Li Jinglong reached for a water bag, threw it over and said, "Moisten your throat!"

Gulu gulu, several scouts were drinking like cows, and a water bag deflated in an instant, waiting for the last drop of water to enter their stomachs. The scout wiped his lips and whispered, "We found the felt bag of the Bei Yuan Army in front of us, the pasture!"

"Really?" Li Jinglong was shocked. He grabbed the scout's collar and asked repeatedly, "Really? Did you read that right? How many people are there?"

"General, you read that right!" the cavalry scout, who was an elite member of the elite, said, "The felt bag stretches for several miles, and there are probably tens of thousands of people there. And not all of them are young or old. The general has been watching there for a whole day, and he can shoot arrows on horseback.

There are hundreds of soldiers, if not a thousand!"

"In my opinion, this is not an ordinary tribe. That place is the home base of the Northern Yuan Army. It contains countless grain, grass, cattle and sheep, and there are also nobles from the Northern Yuan Dynasty sitting there!"

"Seriously?" Li Jinglong asked tremblingly.

"Seriously, the last general saw the great banner of the noble man of Beiyuan!"

纛, a flag!

In the military formations of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, only nobles like Zong Wang and Taiwei had the power to use them.

It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all to get it!

Li Jinglong gasped silently, his thoughts constantly changing.

Not counting the old and young, there are a thousand enemies over there, but there are three thousand elites on our side who can fight. Three thousand against one thousand, and it's a surprise. This battle can be fought with some.

If we really win and seize the great banner of the Northern Yuan nobleman, or capture some little prince, Captain Bird, then...

Thinking of this, the picture in Li Jinglong's mind suddenly came alive.

With such military exploits, Li Jinglong is a famous general of his generation. Maybe in the future, the title of county prince given to his father and ancestors will also fall on his head.

He has long been accustomed to glory, wealth, high positions and generous salaries. But as a man, as the head of a family with a distinguished military commander, he regrets not having military merit in his life!

Now, military glory is coming!

"General! How to fight?" Lieutenant General Qu Neng asked anxiously.

Li Jinglong came back to his senses and asked the scout again, "How far away are we? Did the enemy not find you? Where are their stables? Is the wind outlet over the camp?"

The scout hurriedly came one by one, took out a picture he had drawn in advance, and began to explain.

"Since the enemy didn't notice us and didn't know we were coming, let's fight at night!" Li Jinglong summoned the generals, sat around him, and whispered, "Let's fight in the middle of the night, which is the worst time for people to sleep!"

"This side is the wind outlet. Let's rush in from here. After entering, one team will go straight to where the big banner is. A small team will go straight to the stable to prevent them from getting on their horses. The other people will go in through the wind outlet and set fire along the way!"

"Both the horses must trample the entire camp, and the entire camp must be set on fire!" Li Jinglong looked at the generals, "Brothers, men, it is now time to serve the country with loyalty and meritorious deeds! It is now the time to revive the merits of the Han champions!"

"If you win this battle, I, Li Jinglong, will be with the Emperor and His Highness to thank you for your merits!"

"Tell my brothers again that there are countless gold and silver treasures in Beiyuan's big tent. After this battle is won, let the brothers take it as long as they want!"

"Here!" The generals of the army agreed with red eyes.

"In that case, go to sleep first! When you wake up, go kill people with me!" Li Jinglong said with a ferocious smile.


This chapter has been completed!
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