Chapter 17 Battle (1)

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In the early morning, what filled the earth was not the slightly moist morning mist, but gunpowder smoke that had not yet dissipated.

The gray-white smoke lingers in the sky and earth for a long time with a choking smell, and it is also mixed with the disgusting smell of blood.

The city is full of broken limbs, broken arms, masonry and rubble. Between the ruins and under the city wall, there are wounded soldiers who are still alive, howling heart-piercingly, helplessly working in vain among the dead.

They stretched out their hands, imagining that someone would give them a hand.

Beside the city wall of Pyongyang, the siege vehicles as tall as the sky still stand, but they are full of scars, and one of them is still burning with raging fire.

The determination of the Korean people to defend their homeland can be called strong. When the siege engines were set up at the top of the city, the Korean people directly used hidden backhands and fierce fire oil.

Facing the Korean surrender soldiers who rushed to the city, the defenders did not show mercy because they were compatriots. The elite soldiers stood at the front to block the impact of the Korean surrender soldiers. At the same time, the dead soldiers jumped on with fire oil cans.

They captured the Ming army's siege vehicles and ignited a raging fire.

In an instant, the exit of the siege vehicle turned into a sea of ​​fire, and more kerosene torches and hot golden dung water vented from the top of the city.

The soldiers who were burned by the fire kept rolling on the soil. Those soldiers who were drenched in excrement and water could grab their scalded flesh and blood with their hands, revealing the white bones of the forest people.

Until now, after a night, the smell of blood floating between heaven and earth is still mixed with stench and the smell of barbecue.

Zhu Yunxi took his personal guards and strolled around the military camp. Yesterday was a tentative attack, and those who charged were all Korean surrendered troops, which were used to consume the Korean defenders. If the city is to be attacked again today, the Ming army will have to attack.

Because more than 4,000 Korean troops surrendered, all of them were killed or injured.

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"How many of our people have died?"

At dawn, the soldiers in the camp stood up under the orders of the officers. Smoke from the breakfast was also floating in the camp. Zhu Yunxi stood next to an iron pot, stirring the thick hot porridge inside with a spoon, and asked.

"Back to Your Highness, in yesterday's battle, more than a hundred of our people died and more than 400 were injured!" Fu Rang replied respectfully from behind Zhu Yunxi.

Most of the people who died were hit by the arrows and rolling stones of the Goryeo defenders while supervising the battle under the city. War is about killing people. Although he knew this truth, Zhu Yunxi still frowned in distress.

"Your Highness, there is no one who won't die in a war!" Lan Yu looked at Zhu Yunxi's face and said carefully, "If I dare to say something and don't listen, the casualties of a hundred people are nothing!"

Zhu Yunxi raised his head and looked at the Goryeo city wall in the gunpowder smoke, with figures busy shaking. Those two walls were the key attack points of the Ming army yesterday. The walls were already in dilapidated condition. The Goryeo people stayed up all night last night and kept building.

"Take care of the corpses of the soldiers who died in the battle. It's hot now and we can't send them all back. Let's cremate them all!" Zhu Yunxi's eyes moved to the Ming Dynasty tigers in the camp and continued, "Remember all their names.

The ashes are packed and sent home. The pension will be doubled. Tell the Liaodong Dusi that more land should be given to the families of the sons who died in the war. They worked for the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty cannot let their families live without worries!"

"Your Highness loves the soldiers as much as his sons." Li Jinglong said from behind, "I believe that when the three armies are circulated, it shows His Majesty's compassion. All three armies will be even more effective!"

Zhu Yunxi squinted and glanced at Li Jinglong coldly. The latter's heart suddenly froze, and he immediately realized that he was flattering and slapped the horse on the leg. He lowered his head and stepped aside, not daring to say anything.

The veterans of the army, such as Fu Youde and others, looked at each other silently, knowing clearly that His Highness was leading the army for the first time, and his character had not yet been tempered to the point of being hard-hearted. For these veterans, not to mention that more than a hundred people had died.

Even if ten thousand people died, as long as there were military exploits, they would pretend they didn't see it.

It wasn't Zhu Yunxi's kindness as a woman, but the humanity in his heart, let alone his pretentiousness. After all, the more than 100 people who died were all soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

"Should we continue to attack the city today?" After a while, Fu Youde asked, "Your Highness, despite the fierceness of the Korean defense yesterday, they are actually at the end of their strength. If we attack the city today, I suggest attacking from three sides, first using artillery and trebuchets.

He waited for half a day, and then the heavy armored infantry boarded the city."

"As long as we stand at the top of the city, we can clear the outer city of Pyongyang in one day, and in another two days, we can clear the entire city of Pyongyang. With Pyongyang taken, the door of Korea will be wide open and the plains will be vast!"

"Don't worry about Pyongyang, it will be a matter of time before the city is destroyed." Zhu Yunxi looked at Pyongyang again, "What I am concerned about now is where are Goryeo's reinforcements?" He said with a slight smile, "Pyongyang is the bait for Goryeo's reinforcements, we

There’s no rush now.”

When encircling a point to call for reinforcements, the key is to encircle it. The city of Pyongyang is now frightened, so just encircle it.

"It stands to reason that there should be a letter from King Yan. If His Highness is not at ease, give me a cavalry and I will go there myself!" Lan Yu pondered and said, "Pyongyang is surrounded by our people, and Pingcheng, the commanding heights, is also in our hands.

, if Goryeo reinforcements come, Hinoki is the only way to go. There is no need to stop him, just send some scout horses, keep an eye on them from a distance, let them in, and then join forces with the King of Yan. It is best to send troops to both sides at the same time when they are marching.

, His Highness is in front, King Yan is on the side, blocking the middle and attacking..."

Jiang is still too old. Although the encirclement and reinforcements have been carefully considered by the veterans, there are few people who can't talk about the terrain of Goryeo like Lan Yu. And no one can accurately calculate the time difference of the war like him.


At this moment, suddenly a general, under the guidance of Zhu Yunxi's bodyguard, strode over.

"Your Majesty Zhang Yu, please see His Highness the Grand Sun!"

Those who came were Zhu Di's trusted generals, and they must have discovered traces of Goryeo reinforcements.

"But we met Koreans?" Zhu Yunxi asked anxiously.

"Returning to your highness, the Goryeo army marching north has passed Sui'an, and is only thirty miles away from Hinoki. There are about 4,000 cavalry and more than 50,000 infantry. They are under the banner of Goryeo King Jingxing Rebel Army. King Qiantui of Yan led the army to station in Changchang.

In Xingli, we can attack the flanks of the Goryeo army at any time."

(Looking at the map, Pingcheng, Changxingli and Hinoki are shaped like a triangle.)

"Okay!" Zhu Yunxi clapped his hands, "Destroy the reinforcements first, and then break through Pyongyang!" He said awe-inspiringly to the generals, "Fu Guogong continues to pose as if he wants to attack Pyongyang. The others will join me and join forces with King Yan!"

Zhang Yu said, "Go and reply to King Yan quickly and tell him to watch the Goryeo reinforcements to death. If the opponent notices something is wrong, he must bite him and not get away!"

"Here!" the generals agreed.

The Ming army's battle line of more than 100,000 troops extended from the high ground outside Pyongyang City to Pingyang City in the form of steps. When the Korean reinforcements arrived, the Ming army did not need to march long distances. It only needed the front army to cross the shallow Datong River.

The only way to reach the reinforcements of Goryeo is Hikcang.

The military situation was raging. Under Pyongyang City, the Ming army continued to assume the posture of attacking by force, accumulating earthen walls with great momentum. In fact, secretly, the large forces had turned their guns.


In the mountains and forests, King Zhu Di of Yan was hiding in secret, watching the Goryeo reinforcements marching at the foot of the mountain with some approval in his eyes. He was a vassal king who had fought hundreds of battles. Starting from the grassroots level, he paid the most attention to first-hand military intelligence. Even if

When fighting deep in Mobei, he often served as the vanguard for the expedition.

"You see, the march is rapid but not chaotic. The cavalry is in series with the head and tail, the archers are at the front, and the spearmen are outside. If you encounter an enemy, you can immediately form a formation on the spot!" Zhu Di whispered to the generals around him, "The leader of Goryeo,

He is a general who knows his troops well!"

Although he said it solemnly, the eyes of the proud soldiers under his command were still a bit contemptuous.

Qiu Fu, a general under Yan Fan, said, "Chitose, I have something unclear! Why did the Korean reinforcements not take the pine forest road and enter Pyongyang directly, but instead walked sideways? Didn't they come directly to the door?"

"You, you are used to fighting big battles, and your mind has not turned around!" Zhu Di said with a smile, "Koryeo is a small country, and the whole country's strength can only be more than a hundred thousand troops. The reinforcements have entered Pyongyang, which can certainly ensure that Pyongyang is not lost.

But it doesn’t do any good to the overall situation!”

"Goryeo's troops and horses are all hoarded in Pyongyang. If the Ming Dynasty sends another 200,000 troops to surround them, and then recruits another 100,000 troops to march straight into Seoul, how can he resist?"

"If we want to break the siege of Pyongyang, Goryeo must fight in the field. The only way to survive is to attack from the side. We, the Ming Dynasty, will encircle the flanks of Pyongyang's army, recapture the high ground of Kaesong, and form a horn with Pyongyang!"

Qiu Fu thought for a long time, seemed to understand, and said, "It's still a thousand-year-old sage, but a rough guy like me knows the wheel knife and can't think of these joints!"

"It's not what I thought!" Zhu Di smiled and sighed, "This battle was all the work of the emperor's grandson. From the beginning, what he wanted to fight was to destroy the Goryeo Sheji in one battle!" As he said,

Frowning slightly, "Such a battle is a big game of chess. At first, I thought it was the veterans of the army who gave him the idea, but later I found out that it was the veterans who persuaded them despite all opinions!"

As he spoke, he sighed, "You are truly a genius!"

"He?" Qiu Fu and others looked a bit contemptuous, "No matter how wise His Highness the Grand Sun is, he can't compare to Chitose who has experienced hundreds of battles. When it comes to fighting, no matter how well you think about it, it will be different in the fight."

At this moment, footsteps were heard in the dense forest behind everyone.

Everyone clenched their weapons and saw a scout coming over anxiously, "Is Chitose here?"

"What's wrong?" Zhu Di asked with a frown.

"Cavalry!" Tan Ma gasped, "Dingyuan Marquis Wang Bi came to report that the Korean cavalry was found in the direction of Sichuan. There are about 20,000 people. It seems that they are preparing to outflank our rear!"

This chapter has been completed!
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