Chapter 27

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Under the clear blue sky, smoke and dust billowed. The entire city of Pyongyang was shrouded in the smoke of the Ming army's artillery fire.

With the roar of huge explosions, the city of Pyongyang, riddled with holes, was crumbling. Under the city wall, which was heavily bombarded by the Ming army, tens of thousands of Ming army soldiers were ready to go. Just waiting for the moment the city wall collapsed, they roared in.

Bang, there was another loud noise.

The city wall of Pyongyang shook violently twice, and then there was the sound of cracking masonry. Immediately afterwards, there was another surge like an earth dragon turning over, and the sky collapsed. The city wall of Pyongyang appeared visible to the naked eye.

A huge gap.

First, the green bricks of the outer wall fell off, and then the rammed earth inside fell into pieces. When the rising smoke dissipated, the collapsed city wall formed a messy slope directly at the gap in the Pyongyang city wall.

"The city is broken!"

Tens of thousands of Ming troops suddenly let out a shocking shout.

Cao Zhen, the Marquis of Jingchuan, stood in front of the army, raised his arms and shouted, "My sons, follow me and fight in! Kill!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of Ming troops outside the city began to charge toward the gap in Pyongyang's city wall like a torrent.

But after just a few steps, the person in front stopped in surprise.

Several white flags were hung from the gaps in the city wall. Several Goryeo officers, covered in dust and unsteady in the smoke, stood under the white flags and shouted.

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"Master Wang is on top, we are surrendering, we are surrendering!"

Then, the tightly closed Pyongyang City Gate slowly opened a gap. Many high-ranking officials from Korea knelt humbly outside the door, holding Pyongyang's household registration list and other items.

The Koreans surrendered!

"Your Highness has an order to stop the siege!"

The personal guards of the emperor's grandson immediately rode forward and shouted loudly at the attacking Ming army.

"Damn it!" Cao Zhen, the Marquis of Jingchuan, gritted his teeth in anger, looked coldly at the surrenderers kneeling outside the city gate, and cursed, "If you don't surrender sooner or later, I will attack the city as soon as possible."

Surrender! Damn you!"

Zhu Yunxi was a little surprised by the sudden surrender of the Koreans. However, if he thought about it carefully, surrendering at this time was in line with the temperament of the Koreans.

Unless you slap them in the face, you will never know the pain. It is such a kind of beating that you don’t remember to eat!

"Go and take the judge Yin and others from Pyongyang City to me!" Zhu Yunxi said.

Li Jinglong on the side agreed, and rode away with dozens of personal guards. After a while, like herding sheep, he escorted a group of officials who looked pampered to Zhu Yunxi in front of him.

"The emperor's grandson Yujia of the Ming Dynasty is here and he still doesn't kneel down!" Li Jinglong shouted angrily.

The officials in Pyongyang City were shaking like chaff, and they did not dare to look at Zhu Yunxi under the yellow umbrella. They knelt down in fear and kept shouting that His Highness was a thousand years old.

Zhu Yunxi was sitting under the umbrella, with no expression on his face, "Pyongyang Judge, please take a few steps forward!"

Pyongyang Judge Yin Puchang used his hands and feet, almost crawling to Zhu Yunxi's feet.

"Pu Chang, the guilty minister of the country, has met His Highness the Grandson of the Ming Dynasty! His Highness is a thousand years old!"

Zhu Yunxi crossed his legs and asked, "Why didn't you surrender earlier?"

"Your Highness!" Pu Changhao shouted in horror, "The guilty ministers and others have wanted to surrender for a long time. How could the small country of Goryeo dare to stand in the way of the Ming Dynasty's majestic army? But the guilty ministers and others are only officials, and the military power in the city lies with the Li family's confidants.

In the hands of Pang Guangda, the guilty ministers and others cannot be controlled at all!"

"Oh? What's the matter, is it suddenly possible again?" Zhu Yunxi asked jokingly.

"Back to Your Highness, His Highness led the Ming Dynasty King's army to conquer the Li family's unsubordinates. Pang Guangda overestimated his own capabilities and tried to block the chariot with his arms. People and gods were angry..."

At that moment, Park Chang recounted exactly what happened in Pyongyang.

Zhu Yunxi listened silently, with a bit of disgust on his face. These people were obviously greedy for life and afraid of death, but they could find many high-sounding reasons.

But these people are not bad for being used as dogs for Ming Dynasty!

At this time, Zhu Di, who was standing behind Zhu Yunxi, lowered his head and said in a cold voice, "Such despicable and shameless villains, why should Your Highness say anything to them! Kill them directly, leaving them in the world will be a disaster!"

Hearing this, Pu Changhao was so horrified that he almost fainted on the spot, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"I don't like these people, but if I kill them with one sword, it won't be justified. After all, they are loyal to the Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Yunxi smiled slightly and continued, "Where is the Cao Canjun who planned to kill Pang Guangda? Come forward and let me know.

Take a look alone!"

After the voice fell, the Goryeo surrender minister, a man in his thirties, also prostrated at the feet of Zhu Yunxi, "I am a sinner of the country, Cui Minzhe, please come to see His Highness the Grandson of the Ming Dynasty Emperor!"

Zhu Yunxi took a few glances and found that this man was quite handsome and his face was quite calm.

"Cui, is a famous surname in Goryeo!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

"Back to Your Highness, the ancestors of guilty ministers are the Cui family of Shandong. They moved to Goryeo due to wars during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period." Cui Minzhe kowtowed again and said with a serious face, "I am a remnant of Hua, and I am absolutely different from the Cui family of Goryeo.

.The ancestral teachings of the family and the Chinese bloodline will never be forgotten from generation to generation!"

The Cui family in Shandong can be traced back to Jiang Taigong. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it was also one of the most aristocratic families.

"It turns out she is the queen of a famous family!" Zhu Yunxi asked with a slightly gentler attitude, "I want to ask you, Pyongyang has surrendered the city, how should we deal with the aftermath?"

"The guilty minister thought that it was enough to let the officials in the city perform their duties and stabilize the place!" Cui Minzhe said without thinking, "The people actually don't care whether the Li family is the King of Goryeo. What they care about is just their own little life!

"As he spoke, he paused and then spoke with some hesitation, "If your Highness wants Pyongyang to have long-term peace and stability, you must treat the Korean gentry kindly, restrain the military discipline of the Chinese army, and not kill innocent people indiscriminately..."

"Presumptuous!" Li Jinglong scolded loudly, "How can you preach in front of His Highness? Come on, pull it down..."

Zhu Yunxi waved his hand, and Li Jinglong fell silent.

"You're right!" Zhu Yunxi looked at Cui Minzhe and smiled a little, "However, you also said some things wrong. What I want is not long-term peace and stability, but to return Pyongyang to the territory of China."

"Pyongyang was originally the capital of Jizi Korea, (uncle of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty) and then belonged to Weiman Korea. (Weiman, a native of Yan State in the Warring States Period) By the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the country destroyed Weiman and established four Han counties, and Pyongyang was


"This place has been the land of Hua since ancient times. I just wanted to return the complete jade from Lelang County to Zhao and recognize my ancestors!"

"Your Highness is a saint, and our ancestors committed crimes. That's why we moved here because this is the old land of China!" Cui Minzhe immediately understood Zhu Yunxi's intention and said, "The small country of Goryeo must be punished for stealing the old land of China!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled, pointed at Pyongyang, which had opened its gates to the Ming army, and said loudly, "In the future, there will be no Pyongyang City, only Beichang Prefecture of the Ming Dynasty."

Beichang means prosperity in the north.

After saying that, Zhu Yunxi looked at Cui Minzhe and said, "I will let you be the envoy of Beichang Prefecture until the war in Goryeo is over. I will ask the officials to grant you the Ming Dynasty official seal, robes and other things!"

Cui Minzhe was overjoyed and kowtowed, "My lord, bring peace... One hundred thousand people of Beichang Prefecture, thank you for the name given by Your Highness!" As he said this, he cried loudly, "Beichang has been stolen by Goryeo for thousands of years.

, now that we have returned to Chinese territory, we and the remaining Chinese people will die without regrets."

"Your Highness, the Eternal Saint King, will be praised by the people of the North for eternity!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled faintly, stood up and said, "Enter the city!"

At this time, several war horses came galloping not far away.

"Your Highness, there is a military report!" Li Jinglong reminded from the side.

Afterwards, several experienced knights strode forward. The leader was none other than Zhang Fu, who was fighting with the cavalry in Dingyuan Marquis Wang Bi's army.

Zhang Fu arrived in front of Zhu Yunxi, knelt down and kowtowed, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Yan Wang Zhu Di behind Zhu Yunxi, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"But Marquis Dingyuan has military intelligence?" Zhu Yunxi asked.

"Back to Your Highness, Marquis Dingyuan led 4,000 cavalry and has been pestering the 20,000 Korean cavalry." Zhang Fu said, "The two sides fought several times with each winning or losing. When the Korean cavalry arrived at Anzhou City, they wanted to intercept us.

There was a food route, but it was all in vain."

"The Koreans became so angry that they chased Marquis Dingyuan and refused to let go. Now they are heading towards Pyongyang!"

"Well done!" Zhu Yunxi smiled, "I don't have to go looking for them anymore. Send the order to annihilate all 20,000 cavalry!"

This chapter has been completed!
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