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Chapter 48

King Zhu Fang of Qin was frightened and knelt down and said, "Your Highness, I was confused that day and started building a lot of construction projects. In the 24th year of Hongwu, my eldest brother came to Guanshan to inspect military affairs and scolded me once. I know I was wrong!"

The twenty-fourth year of Hongwu!

Zhu Yunxi clasped his hands and sighed, "My father returned to Beijing from Shaanxi and fell ill soon after. He passed away twenty-five years ago."

When Zhu Yunxi mentioned Zhu Biao, Zhu Chong burst into tears.

In fact, he is not a heartless person. He has always felt a little guilty for Zhu Biao's sudden death. Back then, if he had not made a mistake and made the old man angry, his eldest brother would not have come all the way from the capital.


That time, he felt a little uncomfortable because of his eldest brother's rebuke. But he never expected that not long after, his two brothers were separated forever.

If he didn't feel this guilt and went to the capital to celebrate the old man's birthday that day, he wouldn't defend Zhu Yunxi everywhere.

"Second uncle, my father values ​​you the most among all the imperial uncles. Otherwise, he would not help you again and again. Now that my father is gone, my nephew can help you if you make some small mistakes. But if you make a big mistake,

In the face of the national laws and regulations, what should I do?"

"You must know why I came here. Why I want to stay at Third Uncle's place is to save face for you. You have to behave yourself!"

Zhu Qing kowtowed and said, "I am deeply grateful for your highness's return of protection!"

"Get up!" Zhu Yunxi helped him up and walked towards the back house of the palace.

Remember https://m in one second.

A real man will inevitably have an unkind wife and an unfilial son. The old man is a hero all his life. No one in the world can deceive him, and no one dares to deal with him. But it happened to his own son, who was fooled and was furious.

In fact, Zhu Yunxi had a clear mind in his heart. Even though the old man was shouting about beating and killing, he would definitely not be able to do it if he really wanted to do it. After all, King Qin was the legitimate son of Queen Ma, and he was also the heart of the old man when he was young.

Top notch.

After entering the back house, passing through the exquisite corridor, and beside the garden of the back house, two women took the lead, leading a group of women and children, and knelt down in front of them.

Zhu Yunxi looked at the two women intently. One was dressed simply, with a pale face and a hint of illness. The other was extraordinarily gorgeous, with a rosy face, full of nobility in her gestures, and her head was decorated with emerald jewelry, which was exquisite.

Without thinking, Zhu Yunxi knew who the two women in front of him were. At that moment, there was a bit of anger on his face.

Zhu Feng's expression changed even more, and he scolded the woman in simple clothes, "Didn't I tell you that I want you to wear a formal dress? How dare you be so rude in front of His Highness?"

The woman was not afraid of the scolding. Instead, she straightened up and said, "Whatever I wore in the past, I will wear today. Is it enough to show His Highness Chitose? Besides, I married the prince that day, and she was so simple."

His temper. If it weren’t for this kind of temper, Empress Gao would not have pointed out the concubine to the prince!”

"You!" Zhu Xi was furious.

Zhu Yunxi said, "But Princess Qin's family?"

"My concubine, Mrs. Wang, I would like to express my gratitude to my grandson, who is a thousand years old!" Mrs. Wang's gestures were full of everyone's style, and her courtesy was meticulous, which made people feel good about her.

This woman can be called a virtuous concubine in history.

Although she was born into a noble family, she suffered all kinds of humiliation. And after her husband died, even though she could take sole control of the palace, she still died for her husband. Although he was a little pedantic and even stupid, he was really strong.

"Second Aunt, in private, our family ceremony is enough, no need for big gifts!" Zhu Yunxi said softly.

"There is no trivial matter in the Tian family, and the etiquette between monarch and minister cannot be abolished!" Mrs. Wang still said respectfully, "I would never take the title of second aunt, I am a concubine!"

"There is nothing I dare not be. My second aunt and my mother are both virtuous women personally selected by the imperial grandmother. I have a respectful heart. You deserve to be called second aunt!" After saying this, Wang's face turned red with emotion.

eye socket.

Zhu Yunxi's name as second aunt was the best affirmation of her identity. For a moment, all the sadness, joy and joy came to her heart.

Looking at her simple clothes, Zhu Yunxi continued, "Second Aunt, Grandpa Huang is full of praise for you on weekdays."

"Concubine!" Mrs. Wang sobbed, "Kowtow to thank God!"

This sentence is the best compliment to her!

At this time, Zhu Yunxi noticed that the gorgeously dressed woman next to him had a slightly jealous look on her face. This woman was plump and well-dressed, and she was really beautiful.

No need to ask, this must be Zhu Ping's favorite concubine, the Deng family who was the most influential person in the palace.

Because of what Lu had done in the past, Zhu Yunxi had no good impressions of these unruly concubines.

At that moment, without caring about the people around him, he said, "Who are you?"

Deng was stunned for a moment when she was called out. She looked at Zhu Xi timidly, and then she knelt down and said with tears in her eyes, full of grievance, "My concubine, Deng, the concubine of King Qin, please see...


"How can it be that a side concubine's attire is far more beautiful than the main concubine?" Zhu Yunxi said angrily, "A side concubine is like a concubine. Today she entered the Prince of Qin's palace alone. You, a side concubine, were not summoned. Who allowed you to be here?

Furthermore, when you enter the house alone, you are accompanied by Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang. You are a woman wearing heavy makeup, don’t you know the etiquette?"

With the dignity of the emperor's grandson saying this, Zhu Yunxi's disgust for Deng's family was beyond words.

"Your Majesty!" Deng sobbed, hugged Zhu Xi's thigh, and cried, "I don't know what I did wrong to make His Highness tired. I am punished by death! Your Majesty, you...

..Save me, my concubine!”

Zhu Xi obviously loved this concubine to the point of his bones. When Deng cried like this, his bones were numb and his heart was numb.

He opened his mouth to Zhu Yunxi and said anxiously, "Your Highness, do you really not want to save my face?"

"Who are you questioning? If I don't save you face, I won't enter your palace!" Zhu Yunxi snorted coldly.

This King of Qin was simply carried away by beauty. It is said that if a man has a good wife, no evil will happen to him. Zhu Feng, the King of Qin, is simply confused now. Fortunately, at the birthday banquet in the capital that day, Zhu Yunxi still treated this second son

Uncle, I have a good impression of him and give him high hopes.

How can you expect such a person?

No wonder King Yan looked down upon this second brother with disdain.

Zhu Yunxi continued angrily, "You know why I'm here? You know what the emperor means. Not only do you not know how to restrain yourself, but you also let this woman show up grandly, side by side with the imperial concubine. She is also dressed in gorgeous clothes and has a head full of purple emeralds. Look at her.

The clothes on her body are embroidered with dragons and phoenixes. This is her identity, can she wear it?"

Dragon cannot be used by non-princes and grandsons. Phoenix cannot be used by non-emperors and concubines. Deng is just a concubine, so it is transgression. Not to mention such a rigid person as the old man, Zhu Yunxi can't stand it.

In his heart, even because of this Deng, he thought of that snake and scorpion woman, Lu.

And when he thought that Zhu Xiang had told the old man that he wanted to make the concubine born of his concubine the crown prince, he felt as sick as a fly.

In Zhu Yunxi's rage, everyone around him, male and female, master and servant, fell to their knees.

At this time, Wang suddenly spoke, "Your Highness, Your Highness, a gentleman cannot say anything evil. Your Highness is the crown prince of a country, so why bother with women!" After saying that, he kowtowed and said, "I know that Your Highness is angry, but please give me some advice.

My prince, please save some face!"

Zhu Yunxi suppressed the anger in his heart. Strangely enough, since he entered Xi'an Mansion, his heart was full of karma.

"This is a good wife. When Gu is so angry, she dares to speak out to defend you!" Zhu Yunxi looked at Zhu Ming, brushed his sleeves and said, "The others retreat, King Qin and the princess came with Gu to ask questions!"

Afterwards, Zhu Yunxi stepped into an elegant hall of the palace and stood in the center.

King Qin and his wife followed in.

"Kneel down!" Zhu Yunxi said coldly, "King Qin, Grandpa Huang has something to ask you!"

Zhu Xiang looked embarrassed, knelt down and said, "My dear minister, listen to the holy teachings!"

"Grandpa Huang asked, you spoil your concubines and destroy your wives. You regard Deng's family as a treasure, but you regard your married wife as chaff. You are imprisoned in the inner courtyard of the palace, where you eat vulgar food, pay harsh expenses, and often shout and scold. Is this something special?"

This was the emperor's grandson asking the emperor to question him, and cold sweat broke out on Zhu Ping's forehead.

Although he didn't like the Wang family and regarded Deng family as his son, he didn't mean to deliberately humiliate his wife, but because Wang family repeatedly advised him firmly not to do arrogant things for Deng family and make him angry.

It was also Deng's intention to separate the Wang family to live alone. Although the Wang family suffered some grievances, he did not take it to heart.

"My son...my son..." Zhu Xiang was speechless.

He knew his father's temperament. In his father's heart, only the wife he married was his wife, and other women were just tools for reproduction. If he accepted it, he would probably have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

Just when he was panicking, he suddenly felt someone caressing his heart, and turned around to see his wife winking at him.

Wang rushed to speak and said, "It's not that the prince has locked up my concubine. I like to be quiet by nature and don't like to make noise, so I live in a side courtyard to keep it clean. As for food and other things, although I come from a noble family, I still don't like it."

I have been taught Han etiquette since I was a child, regarding simplicity as beauty and not liking extravagance!"

Zhu Xixin let out a sigh of relief.

Zhu Yunxi paused and continued to ask, "Grandpa Huang asked you, I heard that in order to please the Deng family, you built pavilions and waterside pavilions in the palace and sang songs for fun every day. Deng family was domineering, and if anyone in the palace was not satisfied, he would kill them.

,Is it something special?"

After it was over, Zhu Xi felt panic again.

How come all these things at home have reached the ears of the old man?

Deng is the daughter of a duke. She has been arrogant since she was a child. She is favored by the King of Qin and is even more domineering. She holds the power of life and death in the palace.

Wang spoke again, "Your Highness, it is possible to watch operas and listen to music. If the servants are disobedient, they will naturally be punished. I, the concubine of the King of Qin, have not fulfilled her duty of admonition and are willing to be punished for the prince!"

Zhu Xi looked at the concubine gratefully, and suddenly realized that the concubine Wang was so considerate. The reason why he disliked Wang was firstly because she was not beautiful, and secondly because Wang kept her identity and acted coldly.

, I don’t know how to cater to him.

He is the direct son of Empress Ma. Although Empress Ma has been a virtuous queen for thousands of years, she is also straight-minded. Sometimes she even quarrels with the old man, and she dares to compare the soles of his shoes. When speaking on weekdays, she does not give much face to her husband.

He had seen a lot of her when he was a child, so when he grew up, he would naturally not want to marry a woman like that again.

The same is true for the Wang family, so the tender and charming Deng family is regarded as a treasure by him.

"Second Aunt, this is no small matter! National etiquette and secular principles, how can you help him cover it up!"

After saying that, Zhu Yunxi continued to ask, "King Qin, Grandpa Huang asks you, have you sent people to places like Suzhou and Hangzhou along the coast to buy gold, jade and jewelry for the Deng family to please him?"

As he spoke, his tone suddenly became more serious, "Someone reported to the Emperor that you made the Queen's clothes for Deng. In private, Deng wears the Queen's robe and the Queen's beaded crown!"

"My lord...my lord..."

Zhu Xi was horrified, and his eyes couldn't help but drift towards Wang.

The latter also looked at him with disbelief.

This is a serious crime of transgression! Only ministers can do it!

"Don't admit it!?" Zhu Yunxi sneered, "I just saw it, Deng's clothes were embroidered with phoenix!"

"She dares to wear the queen's clothes. Do you wear a five-clawed golden dragon robe in private?"

After repeated questioning, Zhu Xi was already dripping with cold sweat and his face was pale. Because everything Zhu Yunxi asked was indeed true.

"This is just a family matter, I didn't even ask about official matters!"

"You are in the government, good at killing slaves, you are an official, and you collect gold and silver from the people for your own squandering!" Zhu Yunxi said heartbrokenly, "Second uncle, where did the young and heroic prince Ma Ma go? It's only been a few years, how can you do this?

Has it become like this?"

"Your Majesty, I have failed to fulfill the divine grace!" Zhu Ping said anxiously, "Your Highness, for the sake of..."

"If you hadn't looked at your father's face, if you hadn't thought that you were Gu's second uncle, do you think Gu would have talked to you like this! If you hadn't thought about the past, Gu summoned Shanxi's governor, Dusi, inspection censor, and Chasi

Hey, where can I put this face of yours?"

As he spoke, Zhu Yunxi gritted his teeth and said, "I have a sacred mission to come here this time!"

"Grandpa Huang said that Deng and others should be hanged together!"


A few words about water.

The college entrance examination has passed and the young children have grown up.

Some people say that the college entrance examination is a watershed in life. The college entrance examination is a farewell to the difficulties of the past. There is no need to study hard at the office, hang on the bed, or get up early.

In fact, from my perspective, as someone who has experienced it, the college entrance examination is the gateway to the adult world.

It’s okay to enter campus, and you still have a few years of youth to squander. Find a girlfriend, have sex, eat some kebabs, hahahaha.

If you enter society early, there will be a lot of pressure.

You are about to enter the adult world and experience the various conditions of the world, the harsh conditions of the world, and the beginning of the sinister nature of people's hearts.

Gradually, your responsibilities will become heavier and heavier, and you will see all the cruelties in this world. And, sometimes, you will feel powerless.

Life is short and not brilliant.

Only when we move forward confidently and proudly despite all hardships can we be called good men.

But life is also beautiful, and the adult world is also exciting.

There are opportunities, challenges, achievements, and wealth.

The college entrance examination is another beginning of life, not the end.

May all young people be able to ride the wind and waves and sail far away with their swords.


A few more words.

This book has one million words. If you are not careful, you will lose a million words.

Thank you to all my friends who have supported me along the way.

Really, a word of encouragement from you can make me excited.

At the same time, if you say anything disgusting, I will wilt.

Thief will continue to work hard and present a good work to everyone.

I love you so much.

Oh yeah!

This chapter has been completed!
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