Thirteen, here it goes

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In the imperial garden, several gardeners were busy silently.

Flowers must be carefully managed before they can bloom to a pleasing appearance. Although wild flowers placed on the roadside can withstand wind and rain, they cannot be elegant.

Because the weather is getting hotter, Zhu Yunxi's office moved from Jingren Hall to Lezhi Zhai on the west side of the Imperial Garden. This Zhai faces the garden and leans on the lake on one side, making it quiet and refreshing.

On the second floor, Zhu Yunxi was sitting by the window, silently reviewing the memorials and looking at the memorials from various places.

There have been no major wars at the border in the past two years, and the national treasury is suddenly full. Not only is the national treasury abundant, but the burden on the people of the world is also much less. Especially the people in the north do not have to bear the burden of military food, raising horses and other errands, and finally have a peaceful life.

Picking up another memorial, Zhejiang Chief Secretary Zhang Shan read it.

"Western Zhejiang provides the imperial court with 4.5 million shi of grain every year. However, in the past few years, there have been more and more weaving and spinning, and silkworms have dominated the fields, while rice grains have become less and less. Therefore, I have requested that the local gentry and common people be given cotton, money, and silk.

etc., in lieu of collecting grain!”

At this time, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas were a huge financial source for the Ming Dynasty, because they were the place where cotton cloth was produced in the world. Therefore, commerce was prosperous, but agriculture gradually declined. The people were not stupid. The output of growing food in the fields and growing silkworms must have been

, it is simply not easy to say.

Moreover, in order to maintain the source of silkworms, major textile workshops pay farmers in advance every year, lest the farmers will not sell them raw materials.

As a result, there were fewer and fewer places to grow food. In addition, workshops required a large number of manpower, so many people simply sublet the few fields they had to others and worked in workshops to make a living.

From a commercial point of view, this is a good thing, but on the other hand, it also increases some hidden dangers, such as food shortages. Remember in one second https://m.


"I heard that the price of rice in western Zhejiang has increased by 15% this year. This is because the local farmland is dwindling and rice needs to be transported from other places for sale. It is good that business is prosperous, but if the local farmland is not enough for food and clothing, there will be natural disasters the next day. Rice

If there is a shortage of food, the price of food will rise or there will be a fear of famine!"

"When you are in Zhejiang, you should think carefully and consider tomorrow's worries. Silkworms and other products are also found in Jiangxi, Fujian and other places. Merchants circulate and sell goods, and the goods can reach all directions. The fields under your rule cannot just be mulberry fields. Otherwise, the mulberry fields will

The worry of silkworms eating people is not far away!”

It may seem like flowers are blooming, but in fact there are hidden worries everywhere. Especially in the Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty now implements a free economy, and the government never interferes in anything. However, if the free economy develops too rapidly and the industry is too large, a crisis will occur.

Once this kind of crisis occurs, it will have a chain reaction. For example, nowadays, silkworm farming is everywhere, while traditional agriculture is ignored. In the future, when a crisis occurs, the businessmen in the workshops will make less money at most, while the people will have no food.


The road to strengthening a country and enriching its people is long and arduous. Only when you have reached this position can you understand what it means to govern a big country like cooking small dishes, and you don't dare to be careless at all.

At this time, the bastard slowly came in with a bowl of hot tea, put it in Zhu Yunxi's hand, replaced the already cold tea, and said softly, "Your Highness, the prince's office has sent the message to the imperial doctor several times!"

"Oh?" Zhu Yunxi put down his pen and asked, "Who is sick?"

"Say he's the crown prince of King Yan!" Bastard whispered in a low voice, "I'm dizzy and have vomiting and diarrhea!"

Zhu Yunxi pondered for a moment, "Does the old man know?"

"You should know!" Bastard said shamefully, "General Manager Park went to see it himself this morning!"

Zhu Yunxi thought about it and said, "Let's go and take Gu Gu over there to have a look!"

Not far from Lezhizhai to the west, there is the prince's residence where the princes who have not yet joined the domain live. Each one has a separate small courtyard, and each is served by a group of slaves.

Just after passing the archway gate, I heard the laughter of young people coming from the small courtyard at the front, and vaguely saw a few kites flying high in the courtyard.

The princes of Weijun were together all day long, and their relationship was very good. Presumably because of the excitement here, the place where Zhu Gaochi and the three brothers lived was particularly deserted.

They were younger and had a lower status, so they had to bow to everyone they met. Life in this palace was not a happy one.

Zhu Yunxi stepped into the hospital and saw several imperial doctors carrying medicine boxes in and out. When they saw the emperor's grandson, they all knelt down and saluted.

"How is Prince Yan?"

An imperial doctor replied, "His Royal Highness has a headache, which is caused by worry. Worry hurts the body, even hurts the intestines and stomach, causing vomiting and diarrhea!"

At this moment, a weak voice suddenly came from the room, "Is your Highness coming? Help me up quickly!"

Then, someone else said, "Brother, you should just lie down quietly. The imperial doctor said, don't get up casually, you have to rest!"

Listening to the voices, they are Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaosui.

Zhu Yunxi continued to walk forward, and as soon as he opened the door curtain, he smelled a strong smell of medicine. Zhu Gaochi was lying on the bed in the east room, his face was sallow and full of sweat, and he seemed to have lost weight.

"Your Highness!" Zhu Gaochi struggled on the bed and saluted with difficulty, "I'm sorry, I can't get up."

"Just lie down when you're sick, no need to be polite!" Zhu Yunxi walked over and looked at the other person with a smile, "It's only been a few days, why have you lost so much weight?"

"I've been exhausted from eating and vomiting in the past few days!" Zhu Gaochi said weakly.

Zhu Yunxi sat not far from the other party, looked at the other party again, and suddenly smiled, "How did you do that?"

Zhu Gaochi rolled his eyes, "You're sick!"

"Everything was fine a few days ago, but this disease came too quickly!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

It's not that he is suspicious, it's just that Zhu Gaochi's appearance is too scary. He used to have a ball-like body, but now he is a deflated ball.

"Could it be that what he said that day frightened him?" Zhu Yunxi thought to himself.

Zhu Gaochi smiled bitterly, "Sickness comes like a mountain, and I don't want to get sick like this. I am guilty, and your Highness has to worry about it!"

Zhu Gaosui said from the side, "Your Highness, my eldest brother has not been in good health. We brothers have grown up in Peiping since we were young. It is inevitable that we will not be accustomed to the climate when we go to the south. We are also homesick. It happened to be my mother's birthday a few days ago. We, as sons, cannot

Be filial by your side."

"Thinking of my mother, my eldest brother cried a lot that day, and then he fell ill!"

"Third brother!" Zhu Gaochi gasped, "Don't make it public about my illness. Go tell the imperial doctor and don't tell the emperor's grandfather. And don't send a message home and let your parents worry about it! We are out and they are already there.

I can’t let go of it in my heart. If I find out that I’m sick again, I’ll be extremely anxious!”

At this point, the little fat man's eyes filled with tears, "My son has traveled thousands of miles, and my mother is worried. She is at home, and she might miss us more!"

"But if you don't tell your mother and father, when you return home in the future, your two elders will definitely punish your brother and say that he didn't take good care of you!" Zhu Gaosui said with red eyes.

The show is over!

Zhu Yunxi snickered in his heart, these brothers have overacted!

Apart from anything else, when did the relationship between their brothers become so good? Besides, how could they not tell the old man that the emperor's grandson was ill? What's more, Pu Bucheng had been here in the morning. These words clearly belong to the two brothers.

Singing and harmonizing, I deliberately told Zhu Yunxi to listen.

"It's rare that you have such filial piety!"

Suddenly there was a sound outside. Zhu Yunxi quickly got up and saw that the old man was here.

The old man came in slowly with his hands behind his back, like an old man walking in the park in later generations.

"My grandson has met Grandpa Huang!" Zhu Yunxi saluted.

"Grandfather, why are you here?" Zhu Gaochi turned over on the bed and choked, "My grandson is unfilial, even you are alarmed!"

After all, he was his grandson. Seeing that his face was sallow due to illness, the old man also showed a bit of unbearability on his face.

"Why did you suddenly become so ill?" The old man sighed, "You are the same. Since you have been feeling uncomfortable for a long time, why didn't you tell the imperial doctor earlier?"

"Grandfather, I have concerns!" Zhu Gaosui said from the side.

The old man raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you worried about?"


"Third brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhu Yunxi snickered in his heart, look, it's happening again.

This chapter has been completed!
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