Chapter 59

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The vivid and various aspects of people's livelihood can better reflect the people's sentiments of this era than the cold and cautious words on the memorial.

Zhu Yuanzhang came from a rough background, and Zhu Yunxi had a restless soul. The two of them wandered around the city and outside for a long time.

I will go to the grain store later to check the rice price. Through the rice price, I can know the real autumn harvest situation in the past two years. The price of rice in Beijing is a little more expensive. One stone of rice costs one Hongwu Tongbao, which is about 120 yuan. One stone of rice is about 120 yuan.

Ten kilograms, one kilogram at this time is twelve taels.

Considering today's prices, Zhu Yunxi thought that the price was pretty good. But Zhu Yuanzhang felt that the price was a bit cheap. The low price of grain hurt farmers, and the bumper harvest made the price cheaper, but it was of no benefit to the farmers.

I went to the cloth shop Silk and Satin Zhuangzi to look at it. I wanted to keep warm and be beautiful. After I had eaten and had some spare money in my pocket, I thought about how to dress. I chatted with the shopkeeper for a few words. In the past two years, there have been many people buying silk in the capital.

. However, most of them belong to rich and powerful families, and ordinary people can only bear the pain to buy some when they get married.

The shopkeeper of the Silk Shop, who was obviously a wealthy businessman but was wearing coarse clothes, was somewhat helpless in his words and said that if the imperial court allowed merchants to also wear silk, then the business would be better.

Zhu Yunxi was really afraid that the old man would have the silk merchant killed on the spot. Businessmen were not allowed to wear silk. This was a law set by the old man after the founding of the country.

Unexpectedly, the master was not angry. He just said in a nonchalant way, although the emperor said that you are not allowed to wear it, you profiteers like you wear it in private. People all over the world are suffering. Haha, you wear gold and silver. What do the people think?


Rich people can just hide it at home and know about it. What's the point of showing it to the world? If everyone in the world sees it and learns to do business, who the hell will farm the land?

Zhu Yunxi burst into laughter, the old man was cute. This old man was probably the emperor who paid the most attention to agriculture in history. He stubbornly believed in his heart that the occupation that was most beneficial to the country and that allowed the people to live a peaceful life was farming.

However, even though he was just out for a walk, he was knowledgeable about everything. The old man's words and deeds always reflected his rich experience in governing the country and his philosophy of life. Zhu Yunxi accompanied the old man like a good baby, carefully interpreting the old man's opinions and

Keep the truth in mind.

Remember the URL m.wxsy.

Zhu Yuanzhang saw his move and nodded secretly. Elderly people like obedient and eager-to-learn children, and only when their intelligence is used in the right place will they be happy.

Afterwards, the two of them walked around the city again, visiting all the lively places. The old man was in a good mood, but he looked a little unhappy in Widow Wang Street.

In the afternoon, those Goulan wine shops started to open for business, and from time to time, a few intellectuals, or businessmen who looked like they had a lot of money, would come and go.

The street is filled with the fragrance of rouge, which makes people's hearts itch. A young woman wearing a gauze, holding a round fan made of silk, is sitting lazily on the window sill on the second floor, half-covering her pretty face to the passers-by, but she is still shy about talking.


And those middle-aged ladies standing by the door had bold eyes, wiping the non-existent fragrant sweat on their heads with handkerchiefs, revealing half of their white arms as smooth as jade.

Yingtian City has been the ancient capital of the dynasty since ancient times, a land of smoke and powder. The singing, dancing and painting boats on the Qinhuai River shuttle day and night, and the lights are on. They are all famous actors, and ordinary people cannot easily go there. The women on the boat are entertained by poetry, calligraphy, music and paintings.

They are all elegant people.

The Widow Wang Xiejie is a bit more direct. The girls in the courtyard are all interested in sex, and are not outstanding in other arts. Occasionally they have some talents, but they are just playing the flute.

This ancient business will never end. Where there is a need, there is a market. As long as there are men in the world, this business will continue.

Mr. Zhu Yuanzhang cursed and cursed, saying that it was immoral and the world was in decline. The people who came here for entertainment were all full and had no idea how much they weighed.

Zhu Yunxi watched with great interest, his eyes fell on the window sill on the second floor of a red sleeve building, where the pretty woman was laughing.

Just as he was enjoying watching it, a pair of big hands suddenly covered his eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang covered his eyes while pulling him forward, mumbling, "Grandson, you can't watch it. These vixens are not good things. When you get married later, grandpa will choose some delicate beauties for you."

, better than this!”

"The girls sent from Korea are also very good. Before you get married, grandpa will give you a few."

It wasn't until he walked out of this street that Zhu Yuanzhang opened his eyes.

Zhu Yunxi was curious, "Grandpa, since you don't like these fireworks in Willow Lane, can't you just issue a decree to ban them?"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "When you are an emperor, you can't control everything. You don't care about heaven and earth, but also other people. How can a man not steal something? If this thing is banned, how many people will call you grandpa?"

In fact, there is one thing that the old man did not mention. The Qinhuai River in Yingtianfu, the fireworks places in Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places all pay a large amount of cash tax to the government every year, which is not a small amount of money.

For example, for an ordinary painting boat on the Qinhuai River, the license fee for a year is as high as fifty taels of silver, and for a courtyard, it is as high as one hundred taels. If it is for those famous actors, there are also higher-level private clubs...

...No, it's a teahouse, and the license fee is more.

This is not just a matter of taxation. In the eyes of the officials of the Ming Dynasty, it is also an industry related to people's livelihood. Every night the Qinhuai River is brightly lit and there is an endless stream of passing ships. The entertainment industry can often drive local employment.

The merchants and peddlers carried their burdens to sell food, daily necessities, and rouge and gouache. The farmers carried their own fresh vegetables, the fishermen's fish and shrimps, the laborers who carried the sedan chairs, and the bosses who drove the carriages all had income and income.

If it were really a rough cut, not to mention the girls at Qinhuaihe and Goulan Restaurants, the customers would be left unaccounted for. Even other industries that rely on these people to make a living would plummet.

Moreover, this thing cannot be cut cleanly. If this kind of business goes underground, it will not only cause tax losses to the local government, but it will also be inconvenient to manage, and the security will not be cheap. (bianyi)

Therefore, modern people have no right to laugh at the ancients, because everything today is based on the wisdom and experience of the ancients.

But the old man's smile suddenly solidified on the next street, and even became a little ferocious.

In Yandai Alley next to Widow Wang Xiejie, in front of a seemingly ordinary house, there are many burly men looking around, some of them looking like they are watching the wind.

Men of all kinds kept coming in happily. But there were also people who kept coming out dejected. Some even squatted in the corner and cried after going out.

To these people, the men on lookout gave them kind words and then either helped them off or sent them to the carriages and sedans parked at the street. They gave money and let the dejected people sit and leave.

Zhu Yunxi, who drove an online ride-hailing car in his previous life, is naturally familiar with this kind of place.

"Dasun, do you know where this place is?" Zhu Yuanzhang's words were filled with murderous intent.

Zhu Yunxi whispered, "Gambling house!"

"Come here!" Zhu Yuanzhang waved, and Liao Ming immediately stepped forward, "Old man, what are your orders?"

"Check, in the capital of the capital, whoever dares to drive this thing after eating a leopard, tell us!" Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth and said, "You dare to do business that is harmful to people, you are really not afraid of death!"

"It's over, someone wants his head to fall to the ground!" Zhu Yunxi thought to himself.

The old man can still tolerate and understand Fireworks and Willow Lane. But it seems that he hates this gambling house deeply.

Liao Ming nodded in agreement, turned around and gave a few instructions to a warrior, and the man left quickly.

Zhu Yuanzhang kept a gloomy face and seemed to have no intention of continuing to stroll.

"Grandpa, calm down." Zhu Yunxi advised, "You have said that the emperor cannot control heaven and earth. The world is too big, and there are always things that cannot be controlled. The world is too big, and there are always people who are not afraid of death. You said so?


"But you can't ignore it just because the world is too big to handle it." Zhu Yuanzhang said seriously, "It's like, it's like..."

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "It's just like your grandson studying. Master Confucius, don't do good deeds because they are small!"

"That's it!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and said, "Our eldest grandson is good at studying!" As he said that, his nose suddenly moved, "What does it smell like?"


The typo detection of tomato is a bit ridiculous! How come there are still such typos after detecting it? (Wow, there are a few more words, hehe)

This chapter has been completed!
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