130 Homecoming 3

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Cao Guogong's mansion and back house.

Li Jinglong's wife, Mrs. Deng, asked the maid and mother-in-law to go down quietly. She held a lamp and entered the house quietly.

On the bed, Li Jinglong lay face down on the mattress, snoring slightly.

On his back, the bandage covering the wound exuded a pungent smell of medicine.

Mrs. Deng put the light on the bedside and sat down carefully. Looking at the scars on her husband's body, she wanted to touch them, but she didn't dare to reach out. Her eye circles gradually turned red.

This is her husband, her man, her man!

In her early years, when she was still a girl and before she left the government, she had met Li Jinglong many times in private.

Among the children of a noble family, Li Jinglong was a talented person. He was good-looking, talented and well-educated, and was deeply loved by the emperor and the prince. Moreover, he did not have the violent temper inherited from his father as a child of a noble military family.

What's even more rare is that he speaks well and is humorous.

When she heard that the Li family proposed marriage to her family, she was extremely happy.

After she got married and lived with each other, she gradually discovered that her husband had hidden ambitions in his heart. But she also discovered that her husband, who grew up in a greenhouse, was a little too ambitious and mentally weak.

Maybe if he becomes an official, he will be like a fish in water.

But he wanted to be a military commander and follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, but he still lacked the spirit of his ancestors.

But men, they always have to think about proving themselves to the law throughout their lives.

Li Jinglong has been in the army these years. First he was attacked by surprise in Datong, and this time he stepped into the gate of hell again.

Mrs. Deng never wanted anything to happen to her husband. In her eyes, any hereditary title due to military merit was not as good as a healthy family.

Nothing is better than living a harmonious and beautiful life as a family.

Even if, even if her man is a frivolous man who likes to flirt with women, it is better than someone like this who makes people fearful.

She didn't dare to think about what would happen to this family without this man.

If everyone is gone, what use will the king have?

"Master!" Mrs. Deng called with tears in her eyes and gently touched Li Jinglong's forehead.

"Yeah!" Li Jinglong responded weakly.

"Master, do you want to freshen up and put on your satin clothes before going to bed?" Madam Deng asked softly, "I'll have someone bring you hot water... Hey...


Before she could finish her words, a big hand hugged her waist.

In her memory, that arm has never been so thick and powerful. (Hehe!)

I just screamed and didn't have time to say more.

Li Jinglong hugged his wife tightly and lowered his head.

"Master!" Deng closed her eyes and bit her lip.

The stubble on his face pricked her cheeks, making her feel hot and numb.

"Hoo! Hoo!" Li Jinglong gasped.

Suddenly, the light went out.

The curtains shook violently, and the maid outside blushed with embarrassment.

Bang! Bang!

Dong Dong Dong, Dong Dong Dong!


After experiencing life and death, there are only two things a man needs most, strong alcohol and tenderness.

Strong alcohol makes people numb.

Tenderness is as tolerant as water.

Mrs. Deng frowned and scratched her husband's back.

But, suddenly, it stopped.

"Master?" Deng called out and patted her husband's shoulder.

"Don't move!" Li Jinglong breathed out hot breath.

The heat lingered on Deng's earlobes, itching and itching!

Immediately, she felt warm and seemed to have liquid falling on her neck.

Those were Li Jinglong's tears.

"Master?" Deng was shocked, "You..."

From memory, her man was a very stubborn man. Not to mention crying, he never showed even a hint of weakness in front of her.

Mrs. Deng kept patting Li Jinglong on the shoulder, "Grandpa, why are you crying? It's just that it's faster, it's okay!"

"Poor..." Li Jinglong choked even more, "Poor my brothers, many of them have never touched a woman!"

As he spoke, Li Jinglong seemed to be crying uncontrollably, "The Emperor Taisun asked me to form the Ming Dynasty Musket Guards. I selected more than 20,000 people one by one, and I selected them all!"

Indeed, these people were all transferred by him, Li Jinglong.

Forming the Imperial Guard was an opportunity for Li Jinglong to prove himself, and it was also an opportunity for him to become a true military commander. He wanted to lead these people to make great achievements, and lead these people to surpass the achievements of his father and ancestors.

But now...

"I made great contributions, but they...all died!" Li Jinglong cried, "They all died in front of me. Their dying looks are as if they are engraved in my mind.

It can’t be erased!”

"Master!" Deng comforted softly, "It's not your fault, it's all fate!"

"Blame me, blame me!" Li Jinglong said, "If it weren't for me, they should still be alive and well, they are still alive! Woo hoo!"

Deng was speechless and could only press close to Li Jinglong and pat him gently.

"Otherwise, let's stop thinking about being noble and meritorious officials!" After a long time, Deng said softly, "This family is lacking in everything. There is no need for you to risk your life!"

"Our family is so harmonious and harmonious. When we are tired of living in the city, we will go to the village in the countryside. No one can care about you. You don't have to flatter anyone for fear of someone saying something bad. You don't care about the false reputation!"

After saying that, Mrs. Deng laughed, "If you feel that the house is not lively enough, then choose a few good-looking girls to take over the house for you! But, for the sake of ugliness, the foxy girls will not do it!"

"Being a powerful minister may not necessarily mean you are lucky, but leisurely clouds and wild cranes are the ones who are truly at ease..."

As he spoke, Deng stopped talking.

"Snort! Snort!"

Li Jinglong had already snored heavily and fell asleep.

"Hey!" Mrs. Deng sighed, pushed Li Jinglong away, covered him with a quilt, and tapped his nose, "You men, you forget when you cry, you have no memory at all, hum! You only think about being competitive, fame and wealth.


As he said this, he suddenly burst out laughing, "If you go up in a hurry, you will come down quickly!"


In the early morning, the sun fills the courtyard.

In the side courtyard of Cao Guogong Li's mansion, Li Laowai and his family had already gotten up.

Although it is a side courtyard, it is also a courtyard that can be entered by ordinary people. Strictly speaking, the accommodation is better than that of some ordinary Beijing officials.

Although Li Laowai and his son were private servants of the Li family, they were also served by their own servants and women in their own house.

The feudal hierarchy is just like this.

"Where is my son?" Mr. Li sat cross-legged at the kang table, eating a steamed bun in his mouth, and asked his mother-in-law sideways.

"I woke up early and said I was going out!" The mother-in-law served the tofu puffs and placed them in front of the master. "Dad, why do I feel like our son seems to be a different person!"

"You have to walk between life and death, you are a man!" Mr. Li crookedly put down his chopsticks and sucked the tofu brain, "From now on, I can stand upright!"

"What a shame!" The mother-in-law rolled her eyes at Mr. Li angrily, "You still have the nerve to say that your son almost died with you in Liaodong. It's okay if you die. How old is your son? You know he is an honest child, but

Take him to join the army!"

Li Laowai was startled, and then said angrily, "Prodigal women, how dare you speak against me?" He cursed, threw the bun directly into the tofu brain, and cursed, "Why don't you join the army? I have been following the old man since my father.

, I followed the master and became the head of the family now!"

"Two generations of Lao Li's family have been fighting with their heads in their belts, so they can live a good life today! If he doesn't use swords and guns, what will he eat, drink, and support his family in the future? You have long hair and short knowledge, when you eat

Come and block my heart, believe it or not!"

The mother-in-law was scolded so much that she did not dare to speak loudly, so she could only lower her head and wipe her tears.

"I can live a life without fighting. My family has land in the countryside. If not, I will go farming with my son and starve to death? It's better than being worried. I'm the only son I have!"

"Farming? You can't eat meat even once a year by digging in the soil. This generation can't go hungry, but what about the next generation?"

At this moment, Li Xiaowai came in from outside and said, "It's noisy... in the morning..."

"Son, sit down!" The mother-in-law made way and said, "Mom, I will bring you a hot meal!"


"Why should I thank my mother, you are a heretic!"

Li Laowai looked at his son and asked sideways, "You are so well-dressed, what are you doing?"


"Don't be careless!" Li Laowai scolded, "When you were fifteen years old, I went out of my way to get you the title of general banner from the family master. After this battle, the family master took care of us old subordinates and gave you

You share the military merit of a Tatar’s head.”

"Logically speaking, this is a feat in the field, and it belongs to the Tatars. If it works well, it can have a thousand households, or at worst, a hundred households!"

"You guys have to work hard. Your father is too old to kill him. This family will depend on you from now on!"

"First a hundred households, then a thousand households, guerrillas, and the generals will sit on them all the way. Old Li's family will be honored and the ancestors will be honored. Do you understand?"

The root of Junshantou's idea lies in this. The general must be able to promote his cronies and train them into professional generals.

The nobles of Huaixi all did this, and whenever they were in the army, their disciples and old friends were wiped out.

Although there are no high-ranking generals, there are a lot of lower-level generals.

"We belong to the Imperial Guard of the Ming Dynasty. Listen to how impressive this man is. The emperor's grandson's personal army is equivalent to the emperor's personal army, and the future is limitless. Your grandfather and I have never been famous for killing people in our lives. Come to you.

In this life, if you are promising and can stand in the army, our family will be able to stand on its own, and by then I will be able to be called an old man with a reputation for integrity!"

After listening to his father's words, Li Xiaowai lowered his head, "I...don't..." He said, looking at his father, "I don't want to be a soldier anymore!"

"What?" Li Laowai was stunned, and then shouted, "What are you talking about, little bastard?"

"I...I won't be a soldier anymore..." Li Xiaowai looked at his father, "I want...to get a wife..."


This chapter has been completed!
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