Chapter 172

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The Forbidden City is already being decorated for the New Year. The eunuchs of the Twelve Eunuchs direct the palace people to decorate with lanterns and colors and clean the palace courtyard. Even the lowest-ranking eunuchs, Xiao Li and Gong E, are all wearing happy auspicious clothes.

Another year has passed, but another one is about to begin.

Saying farewell to the old and welcoming the new is exactly what it is.

In fact, New Year is just an ordinary day, but it has been given different commemorative meanings by generations of Chinese people.

Each of our festivals and traditions has its own origin. For these traditions and festivals, future generations will always be happy with three points of reverence and awe.

Thinking about future generations, all festivals seem to have changed. Except in the countryside where clans live together, men returning to their hometowns will pay New Year greetings, worship ancestors, etc. under the leadership of their elders. People in the city have regarded the New Year as wanton spending.


Some people are even not very enthusiastic about the festivals left by their ancestors, but are extremely obsessed with foreign festivals. And under the promotion of certain forces, these festivals have turned into shopping and carnival.

But little does he know, what is the meaning of such a festival!

In his previous life, when Zhu Yunxi was still a loser, he once said something like this in his circle of friends.

"Every festival is celebrated, and there is a mine at home!"

He made a joke, but was attacked as someone who doesn't understand life.

When he was a child, he once asked his cousin, the old man with a white beard and a foreign god who everyone followed to join in the fun, why he was called Santa Claus.

My cousin said, "The old man used to sell Dali Pills and perform a show of smashing a gun with a hammer. As a result, the gun was smashed and only the egg was left, so he was called the old man with left egg!"


Standing by the window of Lezhizhai, Zhu Yunxi looked at the scenery outside the window, his thoughts were a little random, and his eyes fell on the figures in the garden.

In the Imperial Garden, craftsmen were everywhere arranging winter plum blossoms. Some people were wrapping colored silk around the trunks of ancient pines and cypresses.

The old man held the heater and sat on a chair to watch with a smile. Jin led two eunuchs and ran around the garden, joining in the fun.

Behind Jin, a lively poodle appeared at some point. It was as round as a snowball. One person and one dog were very happy.

"Slow down!" The old man's voice was very cheerful, "Be careful not to sweat! It's no joke to catch wind if you sweat!"

After the old man finished speaking, Mei Liangliang and several eunuchs rushed up and nervously began to check.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness is not sweating!"

"If you're not sweating, keep playing for a while. If you're sweating, take it back!"

"Slaves obey the order!"

"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor!" Jin's face was red, holding a paper windmill in his hand, swinging his calves and running up to the old man, and threw himself directly into the old man's arms, his big eyes flickering, "Old Ancestor, Sun

I heard that during the Chinese New Year, people outside use the stage to sing operas. Can we sing in the palace?"

"Sing, if our Jin wants to listen to a play, there's no reason why he shouldn't sing!" The old man put Jin Fangfang on his knees, then covered him with a blanket, and said with a smile, "What kind of play do you want to listen to?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" Jin Da's eyes rolled around and he thought for a long time, "Last time I followed my mother to Chengenhou's house. They were singing a big opera, and the people on the stage were doing somersaults... whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh

, as if it could fly."

"Hahaha!" the old man laughed, "easy to handle! Mei Liangliang!"

"My slave is here!" Mei Liang held the poodle in her arms that refused to live in peace and kept struggling to get off the ground and run wildly.

"Let the people from the Internal Affairs Bureau take care of it, we want to watch a show!" The old man said with a smile, "Don't make any babbling things, how can it be lively?"

"My slave obeys the order!"

"Jin! You just said Chengenhou, do you know who Chengenhou is to you?" The old man continued to tease Jin and asked with a smile.

"He is my grandson's grandpa!" Jin tilted his head, suddenly grinned, clapped his hands and sang, "Pull a big saw, pull a big saw, perform a big show at grandma's house, pick up the girl, invite the son-in-law, and the grandson will come with you!"

"Hey! Look at this kid, how well he sings and how clear his voice is!" The old man laughed.

"Ancestor, our family is going to have a big show, so do we have to pick up the girl and ask for a son-in-law?" Jin suddenly asked seriously.

"This..." The old man's face suddenly froze, and then he gently touched Jin's head, "Good boy, it's so rare to be so humane!" As he said this, he said to the person next to him,

"Pu Bu Cheng!"

"The slave is here!"

"We are told that on the third day of the Lunar New Year this year, all the princesses who get married will bring their consorts and our grandchildren into the palace and let them return to their natal families!"

"According to the order!"

Hearing this, Zhu Yunxi upstairs laughed.

This year's Spring Festival is destined to be very lively. The vassal princes from all over the country who are going to Beijing to celebrate the New Year have already left, plus the married princesses, the Zhu family will have a big reunion this year.

"Your Highness!" A voice came from behind Zhu Yunxi. It was Deng Ping, who was newly elected to the palace as his personal bodyguard.

Now that Fu Rang's family is in mourning, he cannot go to the palace to be on duty. Besides, he will go down to lead troops in the future, so he cannot always be by Zhu Yunxi's side as before.

Therefore, now Deng Ping has replaced the previous responsibilities of Fu Rang and others.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yunxi asked without turning around.

"The King of Liao is almost at the capital! The cavalry of King Liao Chitose have already sent the news first!" Deng Ping said in a low voice.

He and Fu Rang were of the same temperament, both young and mature. They would never say a word more, but they would never say a word less.

"So fast?" Zhu Yunxi was slightly surprised. The King of Liao was far away in Liaodong, and he was actually the fastest among the kings.

"The newspaper said that after receiving the decree, King Chitose of Liao only brought a few guards with him, one man and two horses, and rushed towards the capital day and night!" Deng Ping said.

"I know!" Zhu Yunxi thought about it, "You pass the order and ask the Yulin Guards to send some people to welcome the King of Liao. Tell him not to hurry and don't get exhausted from sleeping in the open!"

Among all the kings, the one whom Zhu Yunxi had the most favorable impression of was the King of Liao, Zhu Zhi.


Suddenly, two barking sounds were heard downstairs, as well as an exclamation from eunuch Mei Liangliang.

Zhu Yunxi looked over and saw Mei Liangliang, who was hugging the dog, shrieking and dodging. The poodle at his feet was also biting his calf for some unknown reason.

"Why did you offend the hairball?" Jin was still asking loudly.

"Slave, I didn't... oops... didn't mess with... oops!"

Mei Liang's feet bounced back and forth as if dancing.

The poodle seemed to be getting more and more fierce, and it tore off Mei Liang's boots with one swoop.

"Haha, haha!" Jin clapped his hands in the old man's hands, "That's a good bite! The fur ball works hard! Work hard!"

"This unlucky boy!" Zhu Yunxi, who was upstairs, had a gloomy face.

Such a young child only enjoys watching dogs bite eunuchs. If they don't take care of them, they will pay for themselves in the future!

Just as he was about to go downstairs, he heard the old man laughing, "Mei Liang, don't hide, what's the point of one bite from such a small puppy? We like to see it bite you, so just let him bite you!"

"Hey!" Zhu Yunxi stood by the window and sighed slightly, the old man is here, who dares to deal with that little ancestor!

Go back and talk to his mother, and you must be strict with him.

At this moment, Deng Ping came up from behind and whispered, "Your Highness, Crown Prince Yan, has entered the capital and has already arrived at the city gate!"


Outside the magnificent Daming Gate, the carriage slowly stopped.

Zhu Gaochi opened the curtain of the carriage, looked at the pavilions and pavilions in his sight, and sighed slightly.

"Beijing, I, Zhu Gaochi, am here again!"

Then, two heads appeared on either side of him, one on the left and one on the right, both looking outside.

"Brother, why are you here again? You're not here alone!" Zhu Gaosui, the third child, looked outside and immediately retracted his head when the cold wind struck him.

The owner of the other head, Zhu Gaoxu, had endless stubbornness and a hint of impatience in his eyes.

"Yingtian Mansion is far worse than our Peiping. There isn't even a place for hunting. It's boring!"

"Second brother, third child!" Zhu Gaochi looked at his two younger brothers and said seriously, "This visit to the capital is different from the past. The three of us brothers really have to live under someone else's roof. Do you understand?"

Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui looked at each other, then shook their heads and nodded.

"Hey!" Zhu Gaochi smiled bitterly, "Anyway, you two have to remember and listen to the elder brother. We must be careful and cautious. The elder brother will not harm you!"

"Why are you here? I've been thinking about it all this time. Wouldn't it be better for us to be at home?" Zhu Gaoxu muttered, "Wouldn't it be better for us to celebrate the New Year with my father and mother as a family?"

As he said that, he continued to mutter, "If we have to come to the capital to celebrate the New Year, this is not our home!"

"We are celebrating the New Year in the capital now so that we can be members of the League every year in the future!" Zhu Gaochi said sternly, "Otherwise, if we want to be a member of the League, others may not allow it!"

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard outside.

Several cavalrymen from the Yulin Guards of the Forbidden City stepped forward, "Is this the Crown Prince of Yan in front of you?"


Zhu Gaochi said something, straightened his collar and said loudly, "Exactly! Who is in front of you?"

"I'm here to greet you, the Crown Prince!" Yu Linwei stood up and dismounted, saluted and said, "According to the oral instructions of His Highness the Emperor Taisun, the Crown Prince of Yan has come to the palace to pay an audience!"

Zhu Gaochi sat firmly in the carriage and opened the curtain again with his fat hands, "My lord, I obey the order!"


"You... haven't seen me for a long time, haven't you lost any weight?"

In the Chunhe Hall of the East Palace, Zhu Yunxi was sitting on the throne, smiling at Zhu Gaochi who was sitting next to him.

This Chunhe Hall was originally the place where Prince Zhu Biao held his office and received his ministers.

Zhu Gaochi, the third brother, each sat behind a square table with dishes. The eldest brother, Zhu Gaochi, had a smile on his face, while the second brother, Zhu Gaoxu, looked around. The third brother, Zhu Gaojiu, had his head slightly retracted between his shoulders, trying his best to block the silhouettes of the two brothers beside him.

His profile.

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not afraid of His Highness's jokes. I don't know what's wrong with my body. Even if I drink cold water, I'm fat!" He continued to laugh, "It stands to reason that someone who came here so fast and slept in the open should lose weight. I won't hide it from you.

He said that after walking all the way, not only did he not lose weight, his waistband actually got fatter!"

He is really fat, and the fat on his chin trembles when he talks. Looking towards that seat, there is nothing else but his head and belly.

"It's not good to be too fat!" Zhu Yunxi said as if he was talking about everyday things. "The imperial doctors all said that if a person is fat, his blood vessels will not flow smoothly. The blood vessels in the first layer of the human body will not flow smoothly. If they are clogged, his life will be in danger!


"You are still young, so while you still have the strength, you should move more and lose weight! Otherwise, when you get older, you won't be able to lose weight even if you want to."

"Shut up and open your legs..."

"It would be weird if my boss could keep his mouth shut!" Zhu Gaoxu, the second child, suddenly said, "When I set off, I brought three kilograms of cheese, which is not enough for my boss to chew in one day..."

"Second brother!" Zhu Gaochi frowned and scolded, "Did His Highness ask you to speak? Why did you interrupt?"

"Me?" Zhu Gaoxu was a little aggrieved after being said a few words in public.

"It doesn't matter!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "Compared to your stable temperament, I prefer your second son's free and unrestrained temperament!"

As he said that, he looked at Zhu Gaoxu and said, "During the war in Liaodong, I only saw the memorials reporting military exploits. You are the son of King Yan, but it is really rare that you can lead the charge and fight."

"The son of the puppet king of Yuan and Liao was killed in a formation. He was seriously injured and almost heroic!"

"As expected of a good man from my Zhu family, tell me what you want, and I will reward you!"

Even though Zhu Yunxi and Zhu Gaoxu were talking pleasantly, they actually didn't have any good ideas in mind.

The purpose of the third visit to Beijing by the Zhu family brothers this time was to celebrate the New Year, but to find out the truth. In addition, Zhu Di also meant to bow to Zhu Yunxi.

Of the three brothers of the Yanwang family, the eldest raped the second and made the third stupid.

Zhu Yunxi deliberately praised the second child, just to make the second child raise his tail and go back to trouble his brother.

He thought so, but he didn't know that these three brothers were no longer the three brothers before.

Since the Liaodong War, there have been some invisible differences between the two brothers. Although they still continue to cause trouble in private, in front of outsiders, they really have a deep brotherhood.

Moreover, Zhu Gaoxu has been on the verge of life and death several times and has always become more mature.

"Tell me, what do you want me to reward you for?" Zhu Yunxi asked with a smile.

"I don't want anything. It is the duty of the son of the Zhu family to kill enemies for the country!" Zhu Gaoxu said, "However, if His Highness really cares about my merits, I would like your permission for something!"

"Say it!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

"I heard that Lan Shuai is in Beijing, and I want to go to Lan Shuai's place more often!" As he said that, Zhu Gaoxu grinned, "I came from Peiping and brought Lan Shuai a lot of new year's goods from Peking!"


Two chapters in one, I’ll check it out tonight if I have time, if so, I’ll add a chapter.

This chapter has been completed!
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