Chapter 79

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Zhu Yunxi was thinking about Xie Jin's life, and heard Zhu Yuanzhang calling him softly, so he turned his head and listened carefully.

"This man is a talented person. He not only knows some useless music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also has profound insights into national affairs. But he is also a fool." Zhu Yuanzhang whispered, "This man is proud of his talent and looks polite.

, In fact, the eyes are on the top of the head. And he is a bit stubborn, and even a few cows can't get him back from what he believes in."

"There are so many capable ministers in the imperial court, but he is a thorn in the side. Not only is he always straightforward, but he is also nosy. We originally wanted him to go back to his hometown and train for ten years before using him, but you have no one around you now, and

I'll be a good person to you, he is a young talent, and you are a young grandson, so he may not be able to achieve something great!"

Jie Jin stood on the ground, watching the old man and the young man talking in low voices. The young King Wu kept looking at himself with interesting eyes, feeling uneasy and a little uncomfortable at the same time.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty received me at the Fengtian Palace. It is a major matter for the king and his ministers. Why didn't you talk to the minister? Instead, you whispered to the King of Wu?"

Zhu Yunxi suddenly became happy, he was really a stupid young man. Although it is not the Qing Dynasty in the later generations, the ministers would kneel down and talk when they saw the emperor, but no one in the imperial court dared to talk to the emperor like this.

It's just that if I neglect you for a while, you will remind me verbally. If you really become a fool, wouldn't you be pointed at your nose and scolded?

People who are arrogant about their talents have one characteristic, that is, they are absolutely confident, absolutely direct, can't get rid of the sand in their eyes, and don't know how to adapt. Occasionally, being arrogant and arrogant will make people feel a little cute, but if it is always the case, it will make people disgusted.

Xie Jin came from a well-known family. After becoming a Jinshi, he quickly gained the favor of Zhu Yuanzhang. His first appearance was in the 23rd year of Hongwu. Last year, Li Shanchang was involved in the rebellion case of Hu Weiyong.

Li Shanchang was the leader of the Huaixi faction in the Ming Dynasty. He was the founding official who had the most significant merits and was granted the title of Duke of South Korea. His son Princess Shang was the consort of the Ming Dynasty.

The initial website is https://m.

When Zhu Yuanzhang first rose to prominence in the Youyi Army, Li Shanchang brought his tribe to join him. He worked hard and uncomplainingly for decades through ups and downs. He was Zhu Yuanzhang's great steward during his entrepreneurial period and the first prime minister in the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

This is also what Zhu Yuanzhang is most criticized for, killing heroes, generals and prime ministers. First, he killed Hu Weiyong, the second prime minister of the Ming Dynasty, on the charge of rebellion. Then he killed Li Shanchang on the charge of clinging to the Hu Party, and both

The whole family was executed, except Li Shanchang's son who was the consort.

Moreover, these two cases were no less than a landslide for the Ming Dynasty officialdom, with nearly 50,000 officials and scholars involved. There is no right or wrong in political struggles, only victory. Although Zhu Yuanzhang was a kind grandfather to Zhu Yunxi, he treated what he considered to be

Those who threatened were waving butcher knives and their heads were rolling.

The heads of the two prime ministers established Zhu Yuanzhang's absolute authority in the Ming Empire, and the imperial power of the country reached its peak in the first emperor of the Ming Empire. (The imperial power of the Qing Dynasty was more powerful than that of the Ming Dynasty, so I won't go into details here)

No one in the world dared to speak. They knew clearly that Li Shanchang seemed a little unjust, and even if he died, it would not be such a miserable death. However, no one dared to speak.

But at this time, a certain Hubu Lang Guoyong stood up and said that Li Shanchang was wronged. His words were fierce and went straight to Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

The general meaning is that in addition to being the Duke of the Ming Dynasty, Li Shanchang is also a relative of the emperor. He is one with His Majesty. If he wants to rebel, why should he cling to Hu Weiyong? Besides, Hu Weiyong was promoted by him. If Hu Weiyong succeeds in his rebellion, he will be nothing more than a rebel.

What good can a minister do?

Now that Li Shanchang is dead, a dead person cannot be resurrected. Now everyone in the world says that Li Shanchang has made such a great contribution, and he will be killed at will. What do we people mean in the eyes of His Majesty?

I hope that Your Majesty will take this as a warning and not let the world's scholars feel cold again.

Zhu Yuanzhang read this memorial twice. When others thought that the kingdom was doomed, Zhu Yuanzhang did not deal with him, but promoted him to an official.

However, it was Xie Jin who drafted this memorial for the kingdom.

Zhu Yuanzhang called Xie Jin over and asked, why are you helping the kingdom draft a memorial to avenge Li Shanchang?

Xie Jin said, I know that disaster will follow if I speak out, but it is a shame to stand in the Holy Dynasty and have no one to remonstrate.

What he meant was simple. I knew there was a risk of beheading, but I didn't care, and I looked down on those Manchu military officials who didn't dare to tell the truth.

Zhu Yuanzhang likes people who are courageous, and he even prefers people who are courageous and knowledgeable.

Therefore, he was promoted to a Hanlin bachelor's degree, but this also showed that Xie Jin's emotional intelligence was not very high. His words about looking down on the ministers who dared not tell the truth offended many people.

People are like this. I can be despicable, cowardly, even a little indifferent, and live a sinister life. I can even regard these as the rules of life. I can do this, but you can't expose me. If you expose me, you have offended me.

It can be seen from this that Jin is a sword in people. After getting Zhu Yuanzhang's approval, he became even more public.

At the beginning of this year, he presented another memorial, Ten Strategies for Peace.

The so-called Ten Strategies of the Balance are the ten strategies that can make the world peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment. He was just an Hanlin, and he said things that even the ministers and imperial officials of the entire dynasty did not dare to say.

Not to mention his strategy, there was one item in his book that directly angered Zhu Yuanzhang.

He said that the Ming Dynasty's enfeoffment of vassal kings was the beginning of disaster for the world.

In other words, if Zhu Yuanzhang divides the kings now, he will definitely have endless troubles in the future.

His prophecy was correct. In the years to come, not only would Jing Nan usurp the throne, but the huge dragon sons and grandsons would also become a moth in the country.

He was ambitious, outspoken, courageous, far-sighted, and visionary. But he underestimated the extent of Zhu Yuanzhang's favoritism towards his family.

Historically, it was because of this sentence that he was not only sent home to continue his studies, but also suffered repeated setbacks in his career.

His frustration stems more from himself, not understanding the rules of officialdom, not knowing how to bend and stretch, not knowing how to bow his head, and not knowing the hidden rules.

After Jian ascended the throne, he came to the capital again to seek office for his own political and ideological ambitions. The people he offended back then gave him a fatal blow.

At that time, Xie Jin's mother passed away and his father was over ninety years old. It is simply unfaithful and unfilial for a scholar like you to not be at home to take care of your father and to come here to ask for an official position.

The highest level of blow to a person is moral bondage and condemnation. Even in the future generation of information explosion, standing on the moral high ground and accusing others with ulterior motives is the only way to ruin a person's reputation.

Xie Jin's official career was over, and he became an insignificant figure in the Ming Dynasty's officialdom, even looked down upon.

But then, after hard work, Jie Jin reached the peak of his life. Zhu Di led his army into the city. After the scholars headed by Fang Xiaoru refused to cooperate, Zhu Di urgently needed a reputable person to help him.

Xie Jin took refuge with Zhu Di. It is said that he used his gorgeous pen to help Zhu Di draft the imperial edict. Moreover, he was Zhu Di's first secretary for a long time, and all major documents and edicts in the early years of Yongle were from

His handwriting.

In just five years, he went from a marginalized person who was deliberately ignored to becoming Zhu Di's favorite. Such important tasks as compiling the Yongle Dadian also fell on his shoulders, and he also became the Minister of Propaganda and Minister of Culture of the Ming Empire at that time.


Even when Zhu Di was hesitant about whether he should be crown prince or Zhu Gaoxu, he said one sentence himself: "Look at the holy grandson." (It is said that Zhu Di liked Zhu Gaoxu a little at that time, and then Xie Jin told Zhu Di that the prince was not only virtuous, but his son was also


This incident once again showed his low emotional intelligence. Since ancient times, how could a minister interfere with the emperor's family affairs? Not only did he interfere in the emperor's family affairs, he also wanted to be the emperor's grandson. He was the ruthless person of the later generation who took his uncle Zhu Gaoxu away.

The teacher of Ming Xuanzong who was a steamer of steamed buns.

Later, he got involved between the prince and Zhu Gaoxu, and was severely sued by the latter. He was then deprived of his official status and imprisoned in Jinyiwei's prison.

Then, Ji Gang, commanded by the Jin Yiwei, understood the emperor's intention and froze him to death.

(The above is all water, but many young readers may not know much about this character, so I am water!)

"If you use this person well, he will be a sword in your hand. But I estimate that when you use him, you will have to endure his low emotional intelligence and pride."

After Zhu Yunxi thought about it for a while, he understood Zhu Yuanzhang's intention. Xie Jin, a stupid young man, was the whetstone for Zhu Yunxi's character. A mature and good emperor would have to endure, tolerate, and even reuse these stupid young people who dare to speak out.

"Xie Dashen!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "Grandpa Huang just told me that you are a stupid young man and asked me to be patient with you, but you are impatient now?" (Zi Dashen)

When King Wu named him "Leng Tou Qing", Xie Jin's face immediately turned red and he defended loudly, "Your Highness, I just love to speak out, so why am I a Leng Tou Qing? Besides, Your Majesty and Your Highness privately said that I am a Leng Tou Qing.

, it is unbenevolent." After saying that, he turned his head proudly, as if he had been wronged.

This can also show the character of the people in the early Ming Dynasty from the side. If it were in the Qing Dynasty, I am afraid that the ministers would shout long live and thank their master for the praise.

In fact, it also proves how tolerant Zhu Yuanzhang is towards these young talents.

"If you weren't a Deng Touqing, we wouldn't have had a Deng Touqing in the Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Yuanzhang snorted, "Xie Jin, you were originally a Hanlin bachelor of Pin, but you have repeatedly offended your fellow officials and do not understand the way of being an official.

The last time I reprimanded you for your arrogant words, I wanted you to go home and study."

"But we have a love for talents. King Wu is young and needs a secretary to remember good things. You should be the one!"

Sure enough, Zhu Yunxi saw an unhappy expression on Xie Jin's face.

Hanlin bachelors were originally close ministers of the emperor, equivalent to a member of the emperor's secretariat. Being a secretary to the vassal king was equivalent to falling down a few levels. Xie Jin was a man obsessed with officials, so it was strange to be happy.

"What?" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "Are you not happy?"

"Chen..." Xie Jin was about to say that he was not happy, but when he saw Zhu Yuanzhang's sharp eyes, he immediately swallowed the rest of his words. He just had low emotional intelligence, but he was not stupid.

"My lord, it's not that I'm unhappy, it's that I'm a member of the Imperial Academy..."

"Do you think you are overqualified for your talents?" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "Yes, it is indeed a bit aggrieved for someone who dares to speak out for Li Shanchang to be placed next to Gu!"

If someone else had said this, Zhu Yuanzhang would have been furious, but Sun Tzu said that the old man seemed not to have heard. Instead, he looked at Xie Jin with interest to see how the other party would respond.

"It is my duty to submit a letter to the Korean prince to redress his grievances. It is nothing!"

Zhu Yunxi's words made Xie Jin feel uncomfortable again, and he said, "I dare you, has your Highness read the memorial? Is what I said wrong?"

"Xie Jin, don't you know what's good and what's good?" Zhu Yuanzhang shouted loudly.

Zhu Yunxi walked to Xie Jin's side and said with a faint smile, "You are right, but not entirely." After saying that, Zhu Yunxi restrained himself, "You only saw Li Shanchang's grievances, not Grandpa Huang's grievances!"


There will be another celebrity appearing later. Guess who it is. These are the future think tanks of our mistress.

This chapter has been completed!
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