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Chapter 66 Examination Questions

There is no system that is always perfect, only a system that suits the times.

The same is true for the imperial examination.

There are always so-called intellectuals in later generations who describe the imperial examination as worthless, unbearable, and heinous. They say that it imprisoned the minds of scholars, restricted their prospects, etc. These words, in the eyes of Zhu Yunxi today, are simply sensationalism.

Even a little conscience-stricken!

The imperial examination was popularized in the Sui, Tang, Zhao and Song dynasties, and in the Ming Dynasty, it was eagerly awaited by countless poor students. Because the imperial examination is not only the country's way of selecting scholars, but also the only way for ordinary people to be fair and just. As long as they work hard,

There is hope for an upward path.

It is not absolutely fair, but it is relatively fair to the greatest extent.

When Westerners were still governing the country with nobles and priests, our empire had begun to absorb outstanding talents from the people, listen to the people's opinions, and give the people opportunities to participate in the governance of the empire.

As soon as Zhu Yunxi stepped into the hall, several academicians from the Hanlin Academy and others rushed up to him.

"I'm waiting to see you, Your Majesty!"

"No need!" Zhu Yunxi smiled and supported him, then sat down on the throne and said, "Has the question for the imperial examination come out?"

"Go back to the emperor!" said Liu Sanwu, a member of the Zhongshushe, "I have been discussing for a few days and selected a few test questions, and asked the emperor to make a decision!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about it!"

Liu Sanwu stood at the head of all the civil servants and said slowly, "The first thing to be tested in the imperial examination is three historical essays."

"In the first article, Zhou and Tang Dynasties emphasized external emphasis and internal emphasis, while Qin and Wei Dynasties each have their own opinions!" After finishing speaking, Liu Sanwu looked at Zhu Yunxi's face slightly.

Zhu Yunxi had just taken the hot tea from the bastard's hand, and immediately paused when he heard this.

He thought to himself, "The first question smells like gunpowder?"

The Zhou and Tang Dynasties mentioned in this question refer to the Zhou Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, and the Qin and Wei Dynasties refer to the Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Emphasizing external importance and neglecting internal affairs refers to the fact that the Zhou Dynasty implemented a system of enfeoffment among princes, which eventually resulted in the princes becoming larger and the Emperor of Zhou stepping aside.

The Tang Dynasty implemented the vassal system, which resulted in the expansion of the vassal towns and the formation of a de facto separatist regime of vassal towns. The emphasis on external affairs and internal emphasis means that although the power of the Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty was concentrated in the hands of the emperor, the effect of centralization was no better than that of the feudal system and the vassal system.


"This is an allusion to the relationship between the imperial court and the vassal kings, but it also seems to want to limit the imperial power!"

Zhu Yunxi thought to himself again, "The exam questions in front of me must have been approved by the bachelors from the Ministry of Rites and the Hanlin Academy."

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at the bachelors in front of him, "Who came up with this question?"

"Yes, I am!" Zheng Yi, the Minister of Rites, said.

"This is a good question!" Zhu Yunxi said in approval.

The issue of vassal towns in this question is the first. The following sentence about Qin and Wei is that each has its own merits. If power is concentrated in the hands of the emperor, is it necessarily beneficial to the world?

Although the Ming Dynasty was not like the Zhao and Song Dynasties where the king and the scholar-bureaucrats shared the world, at this time, insightful people had already noticed the faint signs of a cabinet system.

"What about the second question?" Zhu Yunxi asked again.

"The second question is that Zhuge Liang used his skills without the intention to promote Shang, while Wang Anshi used his true intentions to promote Shang but concealed his theory." Liu Sanwu continued.

"This question is also interesting!" Zhu Yunxi pondered secretly.

The Shen Shang in the title refers to Shen Buhai of South Korea and Shang Yang of Qin during the Warring States Period. These two were not only famous reformers in history, but also the ultimate loyal followers of Legalism, who carried out the law to the letter.


Legalism talks about governing the country by criminal law, and the enforcers even need to be ruthless and unscrupulous.

The meaning of this question is that Zhuge Liang was not as ruthless as the two of them but wanted to rule the country through punishment, so the Kingdom of Shu eventually perished.

Wang Anshi formulated very strict regulations for reforms, but in order not to bear a bad reputation, he did not admit that he was using Legalist scholarship, and did not use its name but the reality.

This question discusses whether the country should be governed by virtue or by law.

Immediately, Zhu Yunxi asked again, "Who came from this?"

"Your Majesty!" Fang Xiaoru, a scholar of Hanlin Academy, said softly, "This is what I did!" After saying that, he paused and said, "Although I am a Confucian scholar, I also know how to govern a country. We cannot just blindly follow benevolence, righteousness and morality. We must not just listen to what one family says.

How to use it with virtue, how to use it with law, we should open up the road of speech!"

"Okay!" Zhu Yunxi smiled and nodded in approval.

It is commendable that loyal followers of Confucianism can put aside their own opinions and choose appropriate methods and systems from the perspective of governing the country.

"The third question!" Liu Sanwu said again, "It asks about the emperor's politics and the emperor's heart!" After saying that, he paused and said, "This question was asked by me!"

Emperor's Government and Emperor's Heart, this is not a test paper for candidates to praise their virtues, but for candidates to start from the perspective of a minister and speak frankly about how the emperor should govern the world and what kind of thoughts he should have.

At the same time, criticize the current situation!

"Yes!" Zhu Yunxi nodded, "The country's selection of scholars is to select people with true talents, moral character, and thoughtful ideas. We cannot recruit a group of kowtow-headed worms." He said with a smile, "I am the most unlucky person in the court.

What’s missing is the kowtowing bug!”

Hearing this, all the officials laughed.

After a while, Zhu Yunxi continued, "I was thinking about adding another question?"

For a moment, the ministers were in a dilemma. Because the time, topics, and ceremony regulations for the palace examination were all stipulated, how could they participate rashly?

Zhu Yunxi said directly, "My question is very simple. It discusses the sources and harms of land annexation!"

Suddenly, all the ministers understood.

The emperor's question is about explaining the harm of land annexation, a problem that has been unavoidable in all dynasties. Not only the harm, but also the candidates are required to point out the root causes of land annexation in the article.

The source of land annexation?

The new policy that has been implemented in the past two years of dividing the land into an equal share and paying the grain to both officials and gentry?

The two seemingly unrelated things are inextricably linked.

The ministers in the palace pondered silently, and no one said anything. They all knew the root cause of the land annexation. But knowing it is one thing, but letting everyone in the world know it and talk about it is another thing.

Zhu Yunxi looked at them and said with a smile, "How?"

Fang Xiaoru said loudly, "I think it's okay!" As he said that, he looked at his colleagues around him, "Land annexation is a chronic disease of all dynasties, and it even damages the country's foundation! Your Majesty has a far-sighted view on this issue and should use it to make decisions!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Other ministers also said.

"It's just a question, what's so sage about it!" Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "In this palace examination, Zheng Yi, the Minister of Rites, and Liu Sanwu, the member of the Zhongshushe, are the examiners." He said, emphasizing his tone, "This is me, taking the throne.

This is the first imperial examination since then, so you must not make any mistakes!"

"I obey the order!"

The person who is not the most talented, knowledgeable and moral person in the country cannot be the examiner of the palace examination. Liu Sanwu is already eighty years old and is the leader of the world's literati. He deserves to be the examiner.

This chapter has been completed!
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