Chapter 124 Exotic Country 2

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As the strategist and think tank of the Yamana clan, the clan’s elder, Yamana Shigemura, slowly took a sip of tea.

"I also find it strange! More than ten years ago, when Japan was not yet unified, that guy Ashikaga Yoshimitsu paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty and tried to retain the Ming Dynasty's trade monopoly. However, he was rejected and reprimanded by Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty.

The country said that Ashikaga was no more than the ministers of the Japanese state, but at that time Prince Huairiang of the Southern Dynasty paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty and was canonized as the King of Japan!"

Yamana Tokihi nodded, "In the hearts of the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, the royal line cannot be messed up! No matter how powerful Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is, he is still a minister, and he cannot overstep his authority!"

"However, later, because of the pirate incident, there was bad blood between Prince Huairiang and the Ming Dynasty, which even caused Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty to almost send troops to attack and cut off all trade with us. Then Ashikaga Yoshimitsu unified the north and the south and once again reunited

The Ming Dynasty agreed and gave him the title of king!"

Yamaname Shixi shook his head and said, "This is the great thing about the Ming Kingdom. They are a superior country, and their names are orthodox!"

"However, the trade monopoly over the Ming Kingdom has always been under the control of Ouchi Hiroyoshi!" Yamana Shigemura added, "It can be seen that the Ming Kingdom is not completely reassured by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. It gave him the title of king and recognized it.

His status is only for the sake of diplomatic relations between the two countries."

"Uncle said this, and the envoy from the Ming Dynasty this time...?"

"One of the envoys from the Ming Dynasty was guided by Sanichiro Sanichiro, a retainer of the Yamame family. On the day he landed, I summoned him privately!" Yamana Shigemura lowered his voice, "The envoy from the Ming Dynasty is here this time.

We, the Japanese nation, want to reprimand that guy Ashikaga Yoshimitsu!"

"Oh?" Yamaname Shixi was greatly surprised, "Uncle, what you said is true, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but after questioning Sanichiro for several days, I found out some clues!" Yamana Shigemura said, "The reason why he became the guide of the Ming Dynasty was because our merchant ship was seized by the Ming Dynasty as a pirate.

As a captured pirate, he was dedicated to His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!"

"What a lucky guy! I can actually meet the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!" Tokiyoshi Yamana, another guardian of the Yamana family, sighed.

"The emperor of the Ming Dynasty hated pirates deeply. He met with Sanichiro in person and heard that he was not a pirate but a person sent by the Yamana clan. After that, he personally asked why the Yamana clan didn't trade directly with the Ming Dynasty?"

"And among the goods we traded, there were contraband from the Ming Dynasty. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty asked why we wanted to buy Ming Dynasty's ordnance!"

"Sanichiro told the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu of Japan now has no respect for the emperor at the top and disrespect for the ministers at the bottom. The sky is angry and the people are complaining that the system is constantly falling apart. I, the Yamana clan, are always ready to raise troops to clear the emperor's side, so I came to the Ming Dynasty to buy military supplies!"

Yamashita Tokihi said, "That guy really knows how to talk!"

"Master!" Yamana Shigemura said, "You also know that the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was the direct grandson of the Emperor Hongwu. For Emperor Hongwu and the current Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the orthodox principles should not be confused. They heard that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu forced the Emperor to accept

When his wife became his godmother, Long Yan was furious! He shouted, "It's not Dong Zhuo!"

"Hiss!" Yamana Tokihi took a breath, "Dong Zhuo! He is also a Han thief! Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is the Dong Zhuo of our Japanese country!"

However, he pondered for a moment and pondered, "But the Emperor of Ming Dynasty just sent envoys to reprimand Ashikaga Yoshimitsu based on his hatred for Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Isn't it a little too arrogant?"

"The two countries have a natural barrier between the straits. Even if Ashikaga Yoshimitsu doesn't declare his vassalship, what can he do? And as a superior country, isn't it a bit rude to interfere in the national affairs of a subordinate country like this?"

Yamana Shigemura smiled, "The more discord there is between the Ming Kingdom and the Ashikaga Shogunate, the better it will be for us, the Yamana clan!" He said, paused, "Master, think about the fact that the envoys of the Ming Kingdom are aloof, and think that Ashikaga has disloyal intentions.

.That guy Ashikaga Yoshimitsu will also hate Mingguo!"

"So, has our chance come?"

When the mountain was named, Shi Xi's face became solemn and he listened attentively.

"When Ashikaga Yoshimitsu shows his disrespect for the Ming Dynasty, I, the Yamana clan, will write to the Ming Dynasty. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who has lost his face, will naturally support us with all his strength. At that time, not only will the Ming Dynasty's trade monopoly be given to us, but we will also need powerful offensive crossbows.

Ironware, cloth, etc. will also be sent in a steady stream!"

"Search the temple!" Yamana Tokihi suddenly realized, "My uncle has seen clearly. When the relationship between Ming Dynasty and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is bad, it is an opportunity for our Yamana family to strengthen ourselves." As he said this, he seemed to have figured it out, "Then

Did the Ming Kingdom deliberately pass through our territory with the intention of supporting us?"

"The master of the family is wise!" Yamana Shigemura said, "The people of the Ming Dynasty also have such thoughts!" He said with a smile, "But what they want is to get close to them and obey their political power!"

"Gah!" Yamashita Tokiyuki suddenly said angrily, "Although our Japanese country is a vassal, it is not like Goryeo..."

"Auntie, shut up!" Yamashita Shixi said angrily, "You have to understand that between countries, interests always come first! A qualified head of the family cannot be swayed by emotions!"

"Private Marseille!" Shi Xing kowtowed at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, the voice of a warrior came from not far away, "The envoy from the Celestial Empire has arrived!"


"I've met the envoys of the Celestial Dynasty!"

"No need to be polite!"

After another period of etiquette that gave He Guangyi a headache, the two parties took their seats respectively.

The head of the Yamashita family, Tokihiro Yamashita, and He Guangyi are on the left and the other on the right. Similarly, the retainers of the Yamana family and He Guangyi's subordinates are also on the left and right. They all have black hair and black eyes. They look somewhat similar, but they are distinct.


"The master of the house is really elegant, admiring the flowers and drinking tea early in the morning?" Looking at the frothy green tea soup in front of him, He Guangyi complained in his heart, but smiled on his face.

"Damn it, what did you and the Celestial Dynasty learn? Learn etiquette? Damn it, kowtow is like pounding garlic, your waist is almost broken! Tea ceremony? Is this the tea you drink?"

He Guangyi's confidants accused him of not knowing, and Yamashita Tokihichi even smiled and said, "You don't know, my ancestors studied Han classics with eminent monks from the Tang Dynasty in the East. There are also these cherry blossoms in the courtyards of famous people in our mountains.

The trees are all modeled after the Tang Dynasty!"

As he spoke, Yamana Tokihi's face was full of intoxication, "As a descendant of the Yamana family, every time I sit here, my mind will be reminded of the ancestors of our family sitting and discussing the Tao thousands of years ago, imagining the grand occasion of the Kingdom of Heaven!"

He Guangyi said with a smile, "I have heard for a long time that among the feudal lords of the Japanese country, the famous mountain masters are the most important in etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and trust. It turns out that it is because our ancestors are devoted to Chinese studies!"

"Not only are we devoted to Sinology! We are also devoted to Confucian etiquette!" Yamashita Tokihiro said, "The famous mountain masters may not be worth mentioning in the eyes of angels, but we always abide by the righteousness of ministers, serve the Lord loyally and dare not overstep!"

"This is exactly what I admire!" He Guangyi knew that there was something in the other person's words, so he followed the other person's words and said, "I heard that in the past few years, the Ashikaga shogunate dominated the Japanese country and forced the emperor to recognize his wife as his mother.

As silent as cicadas, only the famous mountain masters upheld their loyalty and resisted, and Kangcheng was heroic!"

As he spoke, He Guangyi raised his hands to the sky and said, "Your Majesty, upon learning of this, is also moved by the loyalty of the Shan Ming family!"

"I'm so ashamed that His Majesty the Ming Dynasty found out about it!" Yamaname Shixi said, "It's a pity that in that battle, our mountain master was defeated miserably, our strength was greatly damaged, and we were unable to recover. Now we are not as good as before?"

"Oh?" He Guangyi said, "Shan Mingjia is a powerful vassal of the Japanese country, how could it be defeated miserably?"

Yamana Tokihi shook his head and said nothing, and his son Yamana Tokiyuki said, "Please allow me to tell you about it for Your Majesty the Angel!"

"Please!" He Guangyi smiled on his face, but cursed in his heart.

"What are these generations? My name is Shi Xi and my son is Shi Xing. Are you both from the same generation?"

"On that day, the famous clan of our mountain fought against Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and the princes in the world were divided into two factions. One side supported my family, and the other side supported the Ashikaga Shogunate. The other prince, Ouchi Hiroshi, originally wanted to join forces with us, but he didn't want to turn around and stood there

On the side of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the opponent's military strength is several times that of mine!"

"The two armies fought several times in the field, with no outcome in sight. The previous generation of family leaders and family elders divided their forces into two groups and led thousands of troops to attack Kyoto!"

"We met the main force of the shogunate outside Kyoto. Two thousand cavalry of our army attacked the Ashikaga camp. Ouchi Hiroshi and the Akamatsu family could not resist and retreated steadily. But who would have thought that this was Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's strategy to lure the enemy!"

"When our main force is exhausted, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu joins the battlefield with two new forces. Our army is already exhausted and can only be defeated without a fight!"

He said, squinting his eyes, "However, the samurai of our mountain master are still unparalleled in their bravery. They killed two hundred samurai under Ashikaga Yoshimitsu?"

"What?" He Guangyi was stunned.

"You've been talking for a long time, but you've only gotten less than three hundred?" Thinking to himself, He Guangyi asked, "Then, how many of your family members died in the battle?"

Yamaname Tokiyuki was heartbroken, "More than a hundred people!"

"Let's play with that!" He Guangyi thought to himself, "I've been talking about such a huge formation for a long time, but it's still not as good as the fighting between two villages in Guangdong and Guangxi!"

As I thought to myself, the question arose again, "Am I overestimating the Japanese?"



This chapter has been completed!
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